
Satria and Destiny

Being blamed for the death of a mother while giving birth is the deepest wound for a child. Then, the arrival of Mother and a new sibling who was numbered by the father, really disappointed him and made him choose live alone with a bandage of disappointment mixed with wounds from his father. Can Satria wake up from a nightmare that made him regret ever being in this world? Meanwhile, wherever he went, the world seemed to not support him far from the source of the wound that made him gape even more when they met face to face.

hsniatljannah · Urban
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10 Chs

Chapter 9

In her room, how could Andira sleep well so fast if her mind was preoccupied here and there. The girl could only take a deep breath after throwing herself onto the bed with a sky blue bad cover, her favorite color.

"Huhh.... daddy isn't really cool, isn't it so I won't be going to the night market with Satria tonight. Even though I made an appointment."

Yesterday when they were taken home, they made an appointment to meet and go to the night market, that was at Andira's request. It's very simple isn't it, the desire of a child of a rich man who can occupy herself enough to live a simple life.

However, the image of her playing a lot of games there with her lover had to be immediately removed from Andira's brain because the reality is not as beautiful as imagined after the father called that they were already on their way home.

Tonight Andira also can't exchange news from her cell phone with her boyfriend because he has a lot of work to do. The last exchange of news was five hours ago, when it was still afternoon to be precise.

"Forgive Dira, yes, Dear. Because Dira's father didn't let us date, we have to go back street like this," she groaned as she threw her body onto the bed, not forgetting to pull the pillow over her lap.

"Huhhh, it's real, it's not really good when you're dating secretly like this, but what can I do? Daddy must have a thousand reasons to talk to me."

As a child who previously lived freely but under control in her grandmother's village, Andira feels very constrained by the rules her father made. Actually it wasn't hard for Andira, if she had never been in a relationship before, because from the start her father did not allow him to date if not with the person they chose as parents who certainly felt they knew what was best for their children.

Meanwhile, in a room on the first floor, a woman lies facing the middle-aged man who married her years ago. The man who was fast asleep had no idea that he was being watched.

The wrinkles on his forehead that had begun to appear did not cover his handsome face, which had always been dazzling since he was a teenager.

"I don't know why you can be this hard on Dira, Dad. Even though we both started from scratch, but you strictly forbid Dira to follow in our footsteps with a man who clearly loves our daughter."

Only the mind speaks with undistracted eyes.The company left by their parents that they managed had experienced big problems so that it was closed. Of course funding is the source of the main problem. Then, after marrying Imelda, Hartanto managed to rebuild the company with the passion he got from the woman he loved.

Imelda's gaze and her thoughts had not moved when slowly the eyelashes moved. Imelda quickly closed her eyes and made herself feel as if she had fallen into a deep sleep. To be honest she was reluctant to discuss the matter with her husband who would not want to be outdone. Just praying is what Imelda usually does so that happiness will always be on her daughter's side.

"Hopefully there is the best way out for you, Dira. Mommy can't help much because after all daddy is mom's husband who you have to fully respect. Mommy is sure Dira can get through all of this with Satria," thought the woman with her eyes closed.

The movements beside her were ignored, even when the man's strong arms wrapped around her body she remained in a position pretending to be asleep. Until a deep voice near her ear was heard.

"Have you talked to Dira, have you?" he asked while gently stroking Imelda's shoulder.

There was no response from Imelda, but the voice was heard again, "Come on, Mom, don't bother, Daddy knows what's best for Dira," he whispered and then rubbed his wife's shoulder again.


In the morning breakfast is ready on the table. Many side dishes are cooked by the household assistant.

"Dir, why are you eating bread instead?" Hartanto reprimanded his daughter.

"Dira has an appointment with a client at the boutique, Daddy, Dira is afraid of being late."

"But you later..."

"Then Dira will just eat there. Dira is leaving, okay? Assalamualaikum."

Andira kissed the back of her father's hand before walking away carrying the bread that she had smeared with chocolate and also the milk box that had been prepared for her.

"Wa'alaikumsalam," Hartanto replied and could only shake his head while watching his only daughter leave.

"Huhh, Andira, Andira. I hope she really becomes a hardworking girl in business so that later she will also take care of our company."

A sweet smile appeared on the man's lips when he imagined that his daughter wanted to join and be able to develop the company, even though all this time he knew that Andira always refused if he was invited to the office.

Andira ingin bekerja, tapi tidak pada keluarganya. Gadis itu ingin mencari pengalamannya sendiri, hanya saja dia tak bisa membantah kala butik milik sang ibu diserahkan kepadanya.

Andira wants to work, but not for her family. The girl wanted to find her own experience, but she couldn't deny it when her mother's boutique was handed over to her.

Andira left the house accompanied by her family's personal driver. She was indeed not given permission to bring his own car by her father for the safety of the girl on the trip. Since the car in which Andira was traveling left the driveway, no one noticed that another car behind was following where they were going.

Andira is completely unaware that there are other people who make themselves fertile fields to earn money.

"Miss Andira, do you have a boyfriend?"


Andira, who was looking at Satria's photo on her cellphone, gasped when she heard the driver's question.

"Why you ask that, sir?" She asked back and actually did not like if too much interfered with.

"It's okay, hmm, it's just...."


"There's a car behind us that followed earlier, I thought it was your boyfriend."

Andira suddenly turned around to see who would be following. The black car was still behind the car.

"Who is it?" she asked in bewilderment.

The driver also looked in the rearview mirror several times, the car was still following them.

"Miss Dira knows that car?" he asked to make sure.

"Sir, we'd better find another way. I don't know that car. I think we're being followed by bad people."

"F-all right, Miss."

Hearing Andira's guess, of course the driver was afraid. He was afraid of his employer's daughter for what would happen later. The driver prays before stepping on the gas, overtaking other vehicles quickly in order to find another alternative path that would not be known by those following, and of course for that he had to make himself disappear from the sight of the owner of the black cfrom

It worked, even though it made my heart beat a little faster, the driver managed to take Andira through another road without the black car following him again.

"Alhamdulillah...." both of them said happily after feeling safe.

Meanwhile, in a black car, someone was swearing at having lost track.