
Satans champion across the multiverse

Kyosuke Kagayama. He died and is now the devil’s champion No harem ever. MC will be OP MC won’t be heroic I’m making this up as I go, so if things get weird...idk. There will be updates, but this is in correlation with my other two fanfics. I just started late so if he gets OP fast it’s because he’s usually my name and because his power needs to catch up to my other two protagonists.

Kyosuke_Uchiha · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Grinding away

My nap was short lived as a wave of memories hit my brand like a tsunami. I winced a bit and rubbed my temple as I sat up from my chibi form. I got memories from my clone and to my surprise I learned something ground breaking for me.

Since I absorb energy from the crystals it in turns make me stronger and the bigger the crystal the more energy I get. So the higher up I go the stronger I get.

That means I can infinitely get stronger the more Flores I go up to if I grind in some upper floors. With that in my I got up and left my room.

[It pretty convenient that you chose this world. Even Satan didn't anticipate you to be able to grow infinitely in the dungeon]

'It's crazy for me too. Can you show me my status? It should have changed now.'

Name: Kyosuke Kagayama

Age: 12


DP: 76,521/76,521

Titles: [Satans Champion] [Power freak] [Grinder] [Pseudo Uchiha]

Items: [Clothes] [Mirror] [Gold] [Ninjatō(advanced)] [Shrunken] [Kunai]

Skills: [Quick Slash] [Hundred Slashes] [Demonic Ball] [Full Focus] [Scan] [Lightning whip] [Energy Reinforcement] [Purging Flames] [Lightning Reinforcements] [Thunder Storm] [Lightning Bolt] [Lightning Stream] [Lightning Blade] [Poker Face] [Conceal] [Acting]

Magic: [Earth] [Wood] [Lightning]

SP: 764

Demonic Rank: S+

I looked at my status in joy. There wasn't a lot of change, but Justine fact my HP and DP increased so much is crazy. I had a gleam in my eyes and sped up towards the dungeon.

This was crazy and I was going to exploit it as much as possible.

Going into the dungeon I received some looks, but kept walking and when I was out of sight by a few people I bursted into a sprint.

The lower floors had nothing to offer so I skipped them immediately and whenever a mister stepped up to me I just ran right through it. I was going to go to just run through the floors till I found a challenge.

I then stopped in my tracks when a sudden idea popped in my head.

'First I'll find a spot that gives me a good amount of energy from the crystals and when those crystals stop giving a good amount I'll go to the next area.'

I went to room 17 and walked around with my sword sheathed. I saw my clone dispel Itself, so I don't know what floor he stopped on, but it doesn't really matter anyways.

I'm in the 17th floor were it looks like a cave with everything being bedrock. I had to lean back a bit to dodge a slash that came from my right and immediately I kicked it in the chest.

It was a hell hound and the second my leg made contact with its chest it was flung up into the ceiling and turned to black smoke.

The crystal dropped right into my open hand and the energy was drained into me. I got that o so recognizable feeling again. It was the want for power.

I stayed calm on the outside, but my eyes had a gleam in them showing my eagerness for more power. I leaned back into a one handed hand stand and kicked the bell hound that jumped at me from the left.

It turned to smoke and I landed on my feet, but the second I did I had to jump into a backflip, over another bell hound. While I'm in the air I unsheathe my ninjatō and cut its head off in a clean motion.

My sword had no resistance as it slid through its neck like shooting a bullet at nothing. It too turned to black smoke then a crystal.

I picked up both crystals and absorbed the power. The walls trembled and noises were heard across the entire floor. Lamia Mormos, Hell hounds, Minotaurs, and Lyger fangs.

Grounds upon grounds came from around corners, the ground and the walls. It was like an army that was pre-made specifically for me. A smirk came on my face as I was surrounded by these monsters.

The amount that there is would overwhelm adventurers immediately, but not me. It was good that they surrounded me, because I wanted to unleash some pint up frustration about my nap anyway.

I gripped the hilt of my sword and and dashed straight ahead. A Minotaur swung its club at me horizontally, but I ducked under it. I used [Quick Slash] and his body along with a few hundred that were behind him was cut in half.

At that point all the monsters rushed me, s I jumped into the air and twisted my body till my body is upside down.

[Lightning bolt]


I made a huge lightning bolt come down from seemingly nowhere and threw it right into the middle of the monsters. There was a huge puff of black smoke, so I landed into it and sheathed my sword.

My arms started cracking with red lightning raging around them. The lightning gathered in my hands and extended to the ground forming whips.

The smoke had already disappeared when my whips were done forming and I immediately started attacking. I lassoed a Lamia around the neck and it burst into smoke immediately.

Then I started a monster slaughter that ended with the dungeon floor being filled with crystals on ground.


<Five hours later>

"This floor doesn't have much to offer anymore. Well, on to the next."

[Do you know how many adventurers would die to be in your position.]

'How could they be in my position if they're dead?'

[You get the point]

"So fussy."


A huge wall was kicked down and a monster that was seven meters tall. It had grey skin. It's body was like a humans, but it was huge and hunched over. It had long white hair as well.

I looked at it with a smirk and put my sword over my shoulder.

"Ugly bastard better give me a good amount of power." I said.

It looked at me and shot a punch to the ground where I was.

'So slow.' I thought. What the hell was this? For it to be a lvl four it's slow as hell. It's also weak. I moved over right next to the fist when it hit the ground and used [Quick Slash].


It roared out in pain as blood flew everywhere and it's hand fell off right at the wrist. It started slowly regenerating and I jumped up to the are and started running on it.

I got up to its head and jumped up dodging the fist making it hit its self in the face. It staggered back and I landed on its hand. I raised my hand up and the ground beneath us turned into a hand holding his body in place.

I walked leisurely up its arm and hoped on its shoulder. It struggled and yelled, but it couldn't budge even a bit,



It roared at me loudly and I was starting to get annoyed at this point. In the moment it roared I used [Demonic Ball] and dropped it right in his mouth. It was the size of a basketball and went down his throat easily.

It was quite for a while then the body was absorbed in a brilliant light. I jumped away from it as the ground was peeled up and the air was converging on the ball as it spun around the Goliath.

The energy burst out and nothing, but the huge crystal was there. I sighed at how easy this was, but took the energy anyway.

The boost was significant and I started feeling it get pulled into my solar plexus. All of my Demonic Energy was being condensed into a small ball, like a pill.

It started to hurt and I got on one knee and started panting while holding my chest.


[your Demonic Energy hit an evolution state. It's being condensed and multiplied.]

"Is it safe to do it here?"

[With how much energy is in the dungeon it is for the best outcome, but there will be a huge wave of energy that might alert some gods.]


I used conceal to hide all of my energy, but I could feel it trying to push out from my body. My chest started burning and...