
Sasukes Twin (Naruto)

The Journey of Sasukes twin. How will he manage the hate, Revenge, loss? Will he achieve what his brother will or be forgotten in dust? Read his story to find out! [DISCLAIMER] I do not own Naruto or any character in it besides my own (Sasukes Twin). Wish i did tho :)

Aleksorks · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Uchiha Massacare

It was just like any other day and me and sasuke went to the academy after saying goodbye to mother beacuse Father and Itachi were not home but i got to say that Itachi niisan is almost never home these days and that there was also that one incident that happended last week.

I and Sasuke were staying together and wanted to stay with itachi beacuse we had real fun with him but he did what he did allways and just did his wierd flick on our heads, but just as he was going out some people came and said that our Onichan had killed a clan member called Shisui but i know he didnt beacuse Itachi nii and Shisui were best friends and he will never do it so when they were acusing like that my onichan kicked all three outside and was almost going to kill them but father was there on time and stoped him but i saw something really wierd beacuse his sharingan changed to something else and not a tomoe but when i asked about it he said to not mind it and he will tell me when i am older.

Well thats all that was intresting these days so we went to the ninja academy and did the taijutsu and shurikenjutsu tests and started comming home but when we got to the Uchiha compound it was really wierd beacuse there were no voices comming and it was like a dead ghost town.

Me and Sasuke were a bit scared of this so we walked a bit more slowly while looking around and even shouting sometimes but no voice came, and we even thought we were being watched once but when we looked it was nothing but a crow so we shruged it off and went deeper inside and then it happended!

We saw corpses of our clans people littered everywhere!! It didnt matter if it was a Elderly or a toddler, they were all dead and when i saw that scenery i just couldnt help but think of my parents and it seemed like my brother was thinking the same because we both ran to our house at the same time!

When we arrived there we got inside the house with tears flowing like no other and looking into every room as fast as we could and then it happended, we heard a voice in our basement, it was a thuding like sound when something drops on a tatami and we both ran there and we opened the door slowly and there before us stood both our parent on the ground with blood flowing and i just couldnt even move neither talk, i was in a moment of extreme emotion, my hair stood on my neck and my heart was pounding so fast it was about to explode and then it happended we saw our loving onichan coming out of the shadows behind the corpses of our parents.

I still couldnt formulate the words but i knew something was wrong and it was very wrong at how this happended but my brother sasuke finally semed to get back and said with a shaking voice

Sasuke:Brother W-Ww-wh-hat hap-p-pennded W-w-wwhy is moothther ann ndd fat-t-ther dead?

Our oh so great and loving brother said with a emotionless voice:

Itachi: I killed them to test my strength. Here ill show you both.

His eyes then turned into that wierd pinwheel shape and he said Tsukuyomi!

After that i was put into a genjutsu that showed me how my big brother that i loved with all my heart did the most wretched thing i think there could ever be, how he with another killed the clan, how they killed the whole clan in one night, and how he killed our parents in cold blood.

These scenes repeated in the genjutsu for 3 whole days and when we got out of the genjutsu for but a few seconds, i felt my eyes hurt more then ever before, i felt like my heart was put on the road and all of konoha walked on it, it was a feeling like no other, the pain, the despair, the hopelesness that i felt was too much.

My big brother looked at us but i noticed a bit of suprise on his eyes for a second before it vanished never to be seen again when he looked at me.

Then he dragged us to the road and left us there with those words that i will never forget.

"When you want to get back at me, when you want revenge, get eyes like mine by killing your best friend and then come find me. Until then feel Hate, Despair, Pain and stay there like the hopeless little existences that i left alive out of pity." And he left in a flash by turning into thousands of crows.

Me and my brother fainted there.

When i woke up i saw white and the i looked around. It seemed like i was in konohas hospital.

After getting back to my senses a few moments later, it hit me like a crashing train all at once, all of what happended that night, and i could never forget it beacuse i had my sharingan activated when i saw my fathers and mothers corpse, i could never forget that genjutsu, i could never move on like before.

I started bawling my eyes like neverbefore and gripping the bed as hard as i could beacuse i remembered my big brothers words, that i was not even worth killing, i was a bug that you would not look twice upon.I Despaired on that white room for hours until i slept and then it started all again for 3 days. I didnt know what to do, where to go, i needed someone, anyone that would hug me like my mother used to, someone that would correct and be proud of me like my father, i wanted them back, i wanted my loving big brother back but it wasnt meant to be.

They were not comming back and i, what was i doing, was i going to stay like this all my life and become a true waste, was i going to be the same bug i am, the same bug that got its life spared.

I couldn't let that happen, no i will not let it happen, I will become strong, i will crush all who stand on my way and will get revenge.

When i got my thoughts collected i got up and went to the bathroom there i looked at myself, the weak and pityful child that i was, the naive child that thought that life was all rainbows and candy.

No that was not what i saw, in there i saw my hate, my despair and pain and my ambiton glowing off my eyes that now were blood red with 3 bigger than normal commas that had theyr ends connected with the start of ther other and a bigger puppil than usual aswell, it was the eyes that my brother had, those cursed eyes that he had, thats what i thought but that thought got brushed away as fast as it came and a smile came to my face, a wretched smile full of revenge and despair, i was going to use these eyes to kill him, to destroy him.

Then i heard a sound comming from the door and i fastly turned my eyes off and splashed my face with a bit of water and brushed my teeth.

I went back to the room and there i saw the hokage and some nurses that have brought some food for me since i have not ate in 3 days.

I sat down not even bowing to the hokage afterall if he and his so called ninja were there they could have stopped this from happening but no they just stood there while my family was murdered is cold blood.

The hokage gave me his soft smile like a nice old man but it didnt fool me, he was just as bad as itachi who killed my clan after all it was him that put us so far away from konohas center and it was him who didnt help us.

But i decided to act like normal and the normal of me right now was emotionless.

Hokage: Izuna, i see that you are better. I am sorry for what has happended but we have made your brother a S class Nuke Nin ( Missing Ninja) and he has been banished from konoha.That aside do you want a bit of free time from the Academy.

Izuna: No Hokage-sama it is not needed.

i gave a firm reply back beacuse i didnt want to waste time but i wanted to become a ninja faster and kill itachi. but then i remembered that my clan still had its resources that i could use to get stronger and it also had its library so i asked.

Izuna: Hokage Sama may i ask a question?

Hokage:Yes Izuna

Izuna:What has happended to the resources of my clan and its library.

Hokage:Thank you for remembering me Izuna and i have to say that you will be given a monthly allowance and cannot access the clan library until you are of age.

When i heard what he said i was furious!! So he wanted to steal my clans treasury and even its technicues!! This this damn old fox, i will remember this and i swear that i will kill him one day.

Izuna:Yes Hokage sama.

I replied to the hokage but i could see a glint in his eyes.

(Hokage POV)

I looked at his face and i could see a bit of hate and killing intent comming out of it but i could not say anything afterall, the boy went through a lot and now the elders and other clans even made me do something so unspeakable, they even robbed his clan bare.

I hope he doesnt get stuck in revenge but after all i guess thats too much to ask, but i got to say they had different reactions these two brothers after all one didnt even want to talk about it and didnt say anything besides getting a leave from the academy while the other seems to be getting this better but *humh* I have grown too old to be thinking about such things, why did you have to die minato and leave me here in this position.

---------Time Skip----------

( Izuna Pov)

owadaIt has been quite a while now after the incident and its really annyoing with everyone looking at you with pity, i really wanna just kill them all, i dont need them to pity me like Itachi who spared me beacuse of pity. Either way me and sasuke have become more different now but we both have the same ambition and that is to kill Itachi. Sasuke talks less to me now but you could say that there is still that comftorable silence between us and thats enough for me knowing i still have a brother that loves me and i think he thinks the same but we now have a dream no an ambition to achieve, as for talking to others, he doesnt talk at all but what could i say about that matter beacuse i aswell dont talk with anyone but sasuke, all we do is train and train nonstop but beacuse i dont have anyone to teach me, i didnt get too far and i cant see to be able to use my mangekyou sharingan beacuse it takes too much chakra. I have also looked in every house in the compound to find something and find something i did, and what i found is that in the meeting room of the uchihas under the seventh tatami is a staircase that brings you to a room with some chairs and at the top is a stone carved with words that unless you activate your sharingan, you cannot read. So i activated my sharingan and then even my other eye which i found is called a mangekyou sharingan but even then i could not read it all but some parts, so that means there is an even more evolved version of sharingan.But what shocked me is that to be able to get the higher version or also called the Eternal Mangekyou sharingan you need to transplant the eyes of a close family member with yours but i didnt care beacuse i will kill itachi without the eternal. i do

And as for the academy well nothing much happended and after a month my brother came back and like that the days went by until it was time to graduate for the academy!! It was time for me to become a ninja and i was not going to wait anymore to get stronger and now its but a bit more until i kill that wretched brother of mine!

We were in class and iruka was calling us to go to a different room where the graduating exam was being held and when my name was called, i went with iruka and before me was quite a big room with a table at the other end and sitted behind the table was Iruka, Mizuki and the Hokage.

Iruka said to perform the 3 academy jutsus and so i did without even weaving a sign.

I first created 1 shadow clone that i copied the jutsu for with my sharingan and then used henge on the shadowclone and turned him into Iruka Sensei and the used Substitution with and all of this was done in about 2 seconds.

Iruka and Mizuki stood there with gobsmacked faces while the Fox Hokage had a small grin going.

I said is this done and Iruka said yes and with a proud smile gave me a black forhead protector.

I said my thanks and went out and sasuke saw my forhead protecter and nodded and i nodded in return aswell and then in came the others one by one until all of my class beside that yellow haired kid Naruto who seems to have failed the bunshin again.

That was all we had and we went home until tommorrow when we would get our Sensei and be assigned to a team. Me and sasuke went home and had dinner before going to sleep early.


Thats was all!! Hope you liked it since its a bit of a bigger Chapter!

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