
Sasuke : The Uchiha Prodigy

The MC has been Transmigrated as Sasuke Uchiha after Itachi puts him in the Tsukuyomi again. Disclaimer : I Do not own any of the Characters or Images used in this fanfic.

Uchiha_Minato · Anime & Comics
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3. Sasuke Uchiha vs The Sound Four

I was currently in the Training grounds leaning against a tree waiting for the Sound Four for the past few minutes.

My Strategy for this fight was simple, i knew i was stronger than them if i fought against them individually but considering all of them can use the 2nd form of their Curse Mark and they had really good teamwork and their attack combinations go very well with each so my chances of actually winning even though i had the three tomoe sharingan was very low since i was not at 100% strength at the moment as i just came out of the hospital yesterday.

I Obviously Considered telling the Hokage something like Orochimaru said he will send people after me but if i did i would be under anbu surveillance for a very long time even after these guys would be taken care of and i didn't want every move of mine to be monitored so i decided against it since i still had one trump card i could use which would pretty much guarantee me victory.

That was my Mangekyo Sharingan, i still didn't know exactly what my abilities were but i assumed it was Amaterasu and Flame Control like Sasuke had in the Anime or something similar.

The Four of them then arrived to the training grounds where i was standing and the guy with the white hair said "You have made us run around the village for quite a while to find you, i hope you don't disappoint me."

"Who the Hell are you guys?" I asked looking at him, while i knew that they were the sound four i had forgotten their names.

"I'm Sakon, the West Gate of the Sound Four" the guy with the White hair said

"I'm Jirobo, the South Gate of the same"

"I'm Kidomaru, the East Gate of the same"

"I'm Tayuya, the North Gate of the same"

From what i remembered Sakon was the leader of the sound four and also the strongest, Tayuya was the one who used the sound based Genjutsu and Jirobo was the one who used Earth Style and had very good physical strength, but i didn't really remember much about Kidomaru.

Just as i was about to say something Sakon came running towards me, as soon as he got near me we engaged in taijutsu and i could instantly tell he was faster than me and also had better taijutsu than me.

Every punch and kick i threw at him was getting blocked easily but even i was able to block pretty much all the punches and kicks he was throwing at me but it was getting harder each time and i knew i was fighting a losing battle if we just kept this at Taijutsu.

Deciding to switch it up i jumped back and went through a few hand seals and used the Fire Style : Fire Ball Jutsu. Sakon quickly jumped in the air to avoid it.

"Well you definitely are better than the average shinobi, but i still don't understand what Lord Orochimaru see's in you." sakon said after landing next to the other 3 members.

"What the hell do you guys want from me?" I asked

"Lord Orochimaru has an offer for you, he is willing to help you attain more power in order to defeat your brother and avenge your clan, all you have to do is join us." sakon said

"I'm not interested" i replied 

"Well it's rather unfortunate that things have to happen this way, you can either come with us of your own accord or we can take you back by using force, the choice is yours."

"Your free to try but i'm warning you right now if we end up fighting i can guarantee you that won't live to see another day." i said

"That's a pretty bold thing for you to say considering you weren't able to defend yourself from my attacks and there are 4 of us and your on your own and we made sure there are no Konoha Shinobi in the area either so you don't really have any support coming to help you either, shouldn't you be able to realize your chance's of victory are slim to none right now?" Kidomaru said

"Well that's only because you have no idea of what i am really capable of" i said and activated my 3 Tomoe Sharingan.

The 3 of them excluding Tayuya ran straight at me but since i had my Sharingan i could see their movements in slow motion and even predict their next attack to a point.

I easily dodged every blow the three of them threw at me and even managed to land a few hits on them as we fought using only Taijutsu but it was not something that could cause a lot of damage.

Since i was easily keeping up with them and even beating them the three of them were forced to use their Curse mark in its first stage, but i was still able to keep up with them but it was getting a bit harder but i was still able to block their attacks and land a few hits on them.

Seeing a opening on Kidomaru i quickly used the Body Flicker Technique and appeared right next to him and caught him offguard and quickly activated the 'Chidori', Kidomaru tried to kick me away but i again easily read his movements with my Sharingan and dodged his kick and sent a chidori through his Heart killing him instantly.