
An Unforgettable Experience

The ethereal glow of the moonlight, shined throughout the darkness of the night. The trees slowly danced in the wind, while the fallen leaves danced in happiness among the light. The stars shone brightly, almost winking at the inhabitants of the night. 

An owl hoots in sudden greetings, to the young soul who walks among the beauty of the night. Chikira looks at the creature. Sadly, her eyes looked almost trans like. It seems the young soul, walking among the beauty of the night, couldn't appreciate it. 

Chikira continued her path...but then again, what was her path?

This was one of the thoughts that ran through her mind, as her legs carried her along an unknown path. The owl now curious by this young soul, quietly followed as the two continued deeper into the dark woods. 

The sudden howling of a wolf in the distance, broke the trans of the young girl, bringing her back to the present. Taking in her surroundings, fear began to run through her, when it was apparent, she was lost deep in the woods. Heart beating fast and head pounding, sent her into a panic. She gripped it tightly, falling to her knees, trying to remain clam. 

The once silent owl flew down to the distraught girl, in an attempt to ease her pain. Suddenly, a beautiful radiant light filtered through the trees, its enchanting rays calling out like a gentle lullaby. As the pain began to ease from Chikira's body, the owl motioned to her, as she began to fly towards the light. Compelled by the light and the creature's strange behavior, she followed into the unknown. 

Regaining her sight, she stared in amazement and wonder at her new surroundings. Despite her troubled thoughts, her body couldn't ignore the majestic beauty of this new land. 

Unlike the darkness of the woods, this world shined with an ethereal light, that almost seems otherworldly. The waters were pure and clear, like the beauty of white crystals. The air is filled with soft, and shimmering crystals butterflies, flittering in the light. 

Chikira never realized, she was sitting on the soft grass, or that the mysterious owl, was resting on her knee. Looking at her companion, she saw the creature looked different to a normal owl. Her fur was the colour of blue crystal, her eyes were the colours of blue and yellow, size seemed bigger, but she didn't feel heavy. 

The animal then led her to a nearby full-bodied mirror. She was suddenly struck by an unknown force, eyes rolled back, forcing her to the ground. Her memories of life, flashed through mind causing a painful scream from her throat. 

 This went on for several minutes as the owl looked on in silence. Soon Chikira awoke breathing deeply, as her heart slowly began to calm. Turning she addressed her. 

"You're truly wise aren't you friend. You saw through my heart the moment you saw me and led me here, to help me. You helped me see things in a different light, to see the world differently. There's as much light in the world as there is darkness, you just have to open your eyes and see it. Thank you, dear friend." 

She smiled at the owl, who she swore gave a soft smile as well. Eyes closing, she drifted into a peaceful sleep.