
An Unexpected Night

Adia's eyes widened as she read each word on the page. It could not be true. She started at the top and began to read the words again. She sat in her at home among the hundreds of books, in her Victorian style library at home. The page was her results from a recent doctor's visit. Pain ran through her as three words screamed at her. She had cancer. Standing from the desk, she moved towards the door, feeling she needed to clear her mind.

The ethereal glow of the moonlight cascaded through the darkness of the night, painting the landscape in a serene glow. Trees swayed gently in the whispering wind, their lives dancing with joy amidst the gentle radiance. Above, the stars sparkled like celestial diamonds casting their silent blessings upon the nocturnal realm.

Adia wandered among the trees, in a trance like state, that she couldn't embrace the beauty that surrounded her. Her feet carrying her further and further through the darkened woods. The rustling of leaves broke her trance, as she came to realize just how deep she walked. Shivers ran up her spine as a deep growling resonated in the area. Turning around she soon spotted two wolves, staring deeply at her being.

Without another thought, her body reacted, running in the opposite direction, of the creatures. Panic gripped her heart as the darkness began closing in around her like a suffocating embrace.


A new creature appeared by her side, this one more friendly than the first. A brown owl flew by her side, as she ran.

"Hello there, don't suppose you know a safe spot away from those wolves, do you?"

"Hoo, Hoo"

Adia asked the creature sarcastically, not expecting a response. She could her the gaining as the howled the bright moon. But- strangely enough- her new companion nodded and flew to the left, as if guiding her. Blinking at the strange turn of events, she followed the bird.

Up ahead, there was a radiant light piercing through a section of the trees. The owl flew straight in without stopping. Adia had to wonder then, hadn't fallen asleep at her desk. So, throwing caution to the wind, she followed into the light.

As she emerged into a realm bathed in ethereal brilliance, her breath caught in wonderment. Here, amidst the shimmering waters and iridescent butterflies, she found herself captivated by a beauty beyond comprehension.

She walked her to her new friend, who stood in front of a full-bodied mirror. A light pierced her body. Soon all the anxiety and fear began to ease from her body. Now lying on the ground, she thanked her new friend, as she drifted off to sleep. 

On of the stories I updated and practiced for English class

Sariya18creators' thoughts