
Santiago and Moon

Set in modern day Southern France in the year of 2019, there is a love story that is just like the books and the movies. Only with a modern day twist. For years, two groups have been clashing and butting heads with each other. That garçons from Southern France and the Chicos from Northern Spain. One wants a diverse world and one wants an unchanging world. What will happen if a black sheep chico and a sheltered garçon meet and cross paths for the first time?

mintydarkchocolate · Urban
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24 Chs

Después de la tensión

June 4, 20198:00 pm

There was an unusual tense atmosphere in the Chicos hangout, different from their fun and lively vibe.

Alejandro was the leader of the Chicos now, Fernando was dead and Santiago is M.I.A. He is not only devastated by his brother's death, but overwhelmed to be suddenly appointed as the leader of the Chicos.

He, Nieves, and Eloísa were the most sad on the death. Eloísa was wrapped around Alejandro crying his eyes out not only for her, but for him as well. Nieves was leaning against a wall with her head down, and Alejandro was staring off with sad eyes.

Everyone else was quiet and still hinted a little bit of sadness, some more obvious than others.

And there comes Muchacha, in her flashy miniskirt, her too cropped cropped hoodie, and her 5 inch heels. She has a pissed look on her face, as if she has been running around the world for something. She storms up to Alejandro.

"Donde es Fernando?"

Nobody told Muchacha what happened to Fernando, not that she would believe you.

"Fernando es..... Fernando es..."

Toro noticed Alejandro was struggling, so he came in and said a little tiny lie to Muchacha.

"Fernando tiene una pequeña sorpresa para ti, es solo que su hermano pequeño no quiere arruinarte. Quiere que te encuentres en la isla de las palomas, al sur o en Tarifa. Él quiere que estés allí lo antes posible."

Muchacha's face lit up.

"Fernando, tiene una sorpresa para mi?  ¡Oh, podría ser un anillo!  O tal vez, ¡es algo grandioso!  todo el camino a la isla de las palomas!  ¡Debe ser un regalo de los dioses para Fernando para mí!  ¡Soy la dama más afortunada del universo!  Tengo que llegar de inmediato, ¡Fernando me está esperando!"

Muchacha ran off, and was never seen again in France.

"Oh Dios mío..."

"I know, right? You were kind of lucky that you never had to deal with... that thing."

"At least it sharpens up my Spanish."

Both Alejandro and Toro laughed together.

After a little giggle, Alejandro's leader instincts came out after being hidden forever.

"Alright Chicos and chicas, let's have a meeting."

They all gathered in a circle, as they normally did. Out of the three Rosea Stellas, Alejandro was the quietest, nobody expected the Fernando like leadership.

"So, we are down three members now."

Everyone was murmuring in confusion. Three now, who was the third?

"Muchacha is not longer part of the Chicos."

Everyone gasped.



All the girls were hollering and cheering and hugging each other, yelling out praises of joy to the sky.

"That Spanish speaking only witch is gone! Praise the lord!"

"We all knew she obsessed over Fernando, and we all know he doesn't really like her back!"

"She was a whore anyways."

"How easy was it to get rid of her- no, let me guess, you told her to go back to Spain because Fernando is there!"

"She's an airhead, anything about Fernando and she'll spread her legs for him!"

The guys never knew how much the other girls hated Muchacha, and now they can laugh.

"Alright now, let's get serious."

Everyone got serious and looked at Alejandro, he was never really serious, so the leader in Alejandro was coming out.

"We know what has happened, Santiago has been MIA for a while now and Fernando is dead. As the new leader of the Chicos since my brothers can no longer do it, I, Alejandro Rosea-Stella promise to take the Chicos to higher heights by taking revenge for my brother who has been murdered by the French."

"What can we do?"

"What if another Chico falls from life again?"

"We level down the playing field. The Garçons are 10 to 8 with us. We want to take the ten down to an eight just like us so they can feel our pain to see how they feel when they lose more than one member."

"How can we do this?"

"We'll take down the two weakest garçons. Pierre and Quincy are the weakest. Pierre is the bodyguard of the past garçons leader daughter. Quincy is the youngest, and he's so vulnerable. We can't do Chandler, his girlfriend was raped by an unknown Spanish man. The others, you never know, they could throw tricks at us."

"What about the ladies?"

"Corner the other garçons, have a switchblade just in case we don't get Pierre or Quincy. Or, we can get rid of all the garçons, take them all down in a bloody mass. If you ever kill any of them, do it for revenge of somebody. Like Nieves, do it for Santiago, he will come back, if you ever see a garçon, kill him and Santiago will come back for you."

He paused for a moment and breathed in

"Once the person that has been bringing you down in life gets thrown from heaven, all your regrets and sorrows from them will all disappear."