
Santiago and Moon

Set in modern day Southern France in the year of 2019, there is a love story that is just like the books and the movies. Only with a modern day twist. For years, two groups have been clashing and butting heads with each other. That garçons from Southern France and the Chicos from Northern Spain. One wants a diverse world and one wants an unchanging world. What will happen if a black sheep chico and a sheltered garçon meet and cross paths for the first time?

mintydarkchocolate · Urban
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24 Chs


March 29, 2019An alleyway in Saint-Girons, France

The Chicos Roasdos españoles were in the alleyway of Tequita's restaurant and Bolia, both owned by Spanish people. Ever since Alvaro and Lucia moved to Saint-Girons, about 200 people came to Saint Girons not long after them, so naturally, a chuck of the Saint-Girons population was from Spain.

Now, 20 years later, there's a local war between the Spanish of Saint-Girons and the French of Saint-Gaudens. The Spanish think the French are too traditional and in this modern day and age, people of all cultures and walks of life are just about anywhere and everywhere. The French believe that people illegally enter their country unless they have a valid reason or they just decided to move to France. One of the many reasons that both groups fight.

Their alleyway is much more wider than the one that the French hang in. Since both places are connected together and have a huge back space, the Chicos have made it their home base. What is surprising is that they're more carefree than you think, they dance and sing half of the time and plan half the time. While other gangs dance once every Neptune Rotation. 19 of the 20 were there, everyone except Santiago. Santiago seemed distant ever since he met Moon, everyone thought he was depressed or anxious.

Fernando, Nieves, And Muchacha walk in.

"Where is Santiago?"

Fernando's voice booms. Nieves looked like she wants an answer. Muchacha doesn't understand a word.

Fernando's voice makes Bronco drop his cigarette in his mouth. Fernando picks it up and shows it to him.

"Disgusting, killing your body like this! You're gonna die sooner because what you are doing to yourself with these!"

Bronco murmurs an "I'm sorry." and holds his head down.

Alejandro is stroking Eloisa's pink tips of her hair and giving her strikingly hot looks. He looks at Fernando for a second and Fernando mouths "Ese Es mi chico" and smiles.

After a minute, Fernando clears his throat.

"Can I get everyone's attention?"

Nobody responds.

"Por favor?????"

Everyone stops what they're doing and looks at Fernando. Fernando looks like he's about to say something that will shake the ground they stand on.

"We all know what happened on March 9th, they was a party from the Corbin Blues or whatever their names are, I don't know. However, Santiago put himself in a situation that put everyone on lava rocks. He's been distant, and he has no pride for what he is doing."

Everyone started to diss Santiago, calling him insults and throwing him under the bus.


Everyone stared at Fernando, what could Fernando say that could change anyone's mindsets?

"Santiago is my brother after all. He's only 17 years old, a teenage boy, going through some moody patches. We all have been through these phases and mood swings, even the ladies, they get them much worse, sorry ladies."

"But, what can we do to..."

Muchacha shuts up Nieves with her mouth.

"Escucha, Fernando sabe todo."

"Gracias, Muchacha."

Muchacha winks.

"Anyways, we aren't the stiff, stuck up type of people like those French are. We are different. We have passion, we have fun energy, we have true spirit. No stiffy, never stuffy. And, what's the one thing that Santiago always says?"

Hurricane walks up and imitates Santiago, leaning on a wall, looking away.


"That's right, chill. We need to chill, we aren't stuck up in our old style, traditional, books like most people are. We are wild, passionate, and unique. Dancing is how we let everything out. Elia!"

Elia knows what he has to do, he runs through a door and gets a not too big speaker. He turns it on and trumpets start to play, a bit of a jazz, not too much of a Spanish song if you heard it from first glance.

Fernando acts as if he's a ringleader of a circus, his movements intriguing everyone in the alley. One by one, the others follow him. The song gets louder.


Fernando's perfect sync yell caused the song to get louder and faster. In a snap of the beat, everyone got their partners and started to dance, all except Nieves, who didn't know what to do. Hurricane grabbed her arm and pulled her in, Nieves started to dance like she normally did. The boys spun out and the girls did a group dance, suave movements and sexy expressions, a Spanish flair was in the air. Turn after turn, kick after kick. Only Nieves and Eloisa weren't wearing miniskirts. Muchacha was the leader, Nieves on her left, Eloisa on her right. Everyone else was behind them. Although Muchacha wasn't good at learning other languages, she was an amazing dancer, and could've been in the theater business with talent like that.


Everyone yelled out loud to the sky and the girls finished their part. The guys, lead by Fernando start their dance part. Valentino, Toro, Julio, And Toro go in front and do backflips. The girls go wild.

Nieves wasn't really feeling herself that much, started to sneak off by inching away from the others. The guys were too busy dancing and the girls were too distracted by the Chico's movements. She snuck out of  the alleyway and ran off. Her caramel eyes started to drip drop with tears. She loved Santiago, yet she didn't know Santiago had feelings for someone else.....

Back in the alleyway, everyone is dancing, pair by pair, they all go in. They dance their firey little hearts out. The music takes over for all of them. They all do elaborate tricks with their partners and all the twists, turns, jumps are an electrifying amazement. They could all be in the theater business, they are all that good.

It starts to rain, Nieves is running to the Rosea-Stella's house. She is crying too hard, she crashes into a garbage can and falls over. Her vision is blurry, her body is numb from holding a broken heart.

The rain doesn't bother the others. They enjoy their dancing more. It reaches the end of their dance, the trumpets and the drum build up.


Their dance has finished, all in poses that are what you would see in an ending of a dance.

They all go inside Tequita's for a bite to eat and to dry off when Fernando's phone rings.


"Fernando, is it?"

"Yes, what do you want? Who is this?"

"The name is Pierre. The garçons français bleus want to have a little meeting with you."

"How did you get my number?"

"Oh Nando, I know everything, even your brother is in love with my future wife."


"Don't be stupid, he's out and about, if you want to talk about this, bring all your Chicos to Salies du Salit on April 5, at 9 pm sharp. If you don't want anyone to get hurt, that is. You don't want your little brother to get hurt, do you?"

"No, no, no!"

Fernando sighs.

"Look, we'll meet you there, please don't hurt anybody."

"I'll call again to tell you the address a few days ahead of time."

Fernando ends the call and sits down, everyone is worried.

"We're meeting with the garçons français bleus. I don't know what they want, but we have to go or all of us will get hurt."