

*Huff* *huff...*

"Where am I?" I say to myself. I'm covered in an amazing amount of sweat. I still feel a pain in my chest. I look down on my pale skin to see a massive gash going bottom left of my ribs to the top right. I touch it slightly as it stings in pain.


[Kid your finally awake? You should have seen what's been going on. All hell broke loose.]

*What happened? It felt as if I was stuck back in that endless nightmare...*

[That's because you were. As for that cut. The mind influences the body and with your imigination, it seemed to have taken form through your determination. Your family has been worried sick.]

*Can that really happen?*

[Not sure. Never met someone with the Imagination trait. I only go off from what i've been told.]

[As for your fight, You lost. Howeeeeeever.]

[STR: +4] [AGL: +10] [MAG: +14] [VIT: +6]

[You got some stats for that cool fight you pulled off.]

*I need a bath, Christ. Where are the Maids?*

[They were told to leave, so that you could rest.]

*Well at least I can bathe without having people watch for once.*


"This scar really is big, huh." She said as she continued to press the scar. Before a certain realisation... *I forgot about my clothes...*

[No worries kid. Just open up your Inventory. Doesn't really matter since we are the same person. Just take mine.]

[Inventory 1/99]

[The Comedians Clothes] <---


As I click the icon, a set of clothes appear in my hands. I can see an Icon above it.

[The Comedians Clothes]

[Description: A set of clothes consisting of a blue hoodie with a fur trim along the hoodie. Fur on the inside of the jacket and ketchup packets in the pockets. Along with a plain white shirt, black shorts with a white trim down them and flamingo pink slippers. These clothes are lined with magic to stop the need to wash them, it grows with the wearer and it repairs itself. It was gifted by his brother Papyrus. Sans would never take it off... + Determination, + Magic, + 15 Defence.]


As I put it on, I noticed it was very... wide. That was until the outfit itself shrunk to a perfect fit. I remember the day Papyrus bought this for me. I was so happy that I stopped being a lazy bones for once and made him a... as he called it a 'Battle Body' Even with how bad my skills were, he still wore it.


[New Quest]

Title - Get familiar with the System

Description - Learn about each of the System options

Rewards - [Simulation Character]


- Complete! [Toriel's Soul] has been unlocked and placed in your inventory.

[Fuse Soul? Y/N]


[Toriel's Soul has been placed in your inventory.]


[Wha?! You have Tori's soul? Huh... Without a body, our soul's are useless.]

*Toriel? Sans do you think that we can communicate with her, similar to how we could with my Father?*

[It's worth a try!] Sans said eagerly.

*Tell me if you can do anything. I'm going to go let my parent's know I'm alright.*

[Sure, kid.]


"Pr-Princess?! Are you alright? You should really stay in bed. And what is that you are wearing? It's nothing like the royal garbs."

"Are you, a maid trying to lecture me about my health?"

"It- It is an order from his Majesty." She says with an obvious fearful tone. To her suprise I just walk past her, my hands in my hoodie's pockets.

"Princess, I can't let you past... I- I'm sorry for this." She says as she activates her quirk. My body shivers slightly, is it some kind of mind control quirk? Hm... It won't work.

"To stop me, you need more Determination than that." I say as I put up a bone wall in the middle of the corridor, blocking all chances for her to stop me. Wait... Couldn't I just take a shortcut? No. If I suddenly disappear without a trace, they might think I was kidnapped. Atleast the maid is an eye witness.

After visiting the kitchen, I continue walking along the Palaces corridors to see a familiar face, lazing around.

"Hey bro. What's going on." Sana says, holding her palm up as a greeting.

"Sister? I wanted to see if you were alright. Father wanted to see you as well but Mother scolded him, telling him that he should work rather than disturb your rest. Anyway, what are you wearing? Oddly it suits you."

"Found it lying around. It's really comfortable, I might never take it off." She said with a laidback attitude. Her words came off completely serious.

"Do you want to play with us? I have friends over."

"A friend? Do they really just let anyone in the Tokyo Imperial Palace?" She questioned

"Hmm, I don't know. She's playing with 3rd Brother until we return. He's slightly competitive." Rin says with a slightly nervous laugh as he takes my hand and runs the opposite direction.


"Uno! I win again Haha!" Daisuke shouts with a voice of triumph.

"No fair! Let's play again!" The mysterious young girl says, pouting in the process.

"Why do I have to play with you children?" One of the girls say with an angry tone.

"3rd Sister, 4th Brother! Your finally here, let's play a few games!" Daisuke shouts, immediately shifting the attention of the young girls. There was 3 girls and 4 boys in total. The room was positioned in the front of the palace, near the route where many of the tour guides go through, it was heavily guarded as well.

One of the girls was my 2nd sister, Aiyo Rujin. Along with myself, Daisuke, Rin. The other girls and boys seem to be of some kind of noble lineage. Out of the small crowd, I do recognize one of them which was Yaoyorozu from the original series. The other children however, were completely a mystery to me.

"Where's the 3rd princess? and where did you find this pointless commoner. She is wearing such... Ugh, I can't even speak!" One of the girls who sat next to my sister said. Only to get glares from the rest of my family.

{Yaoyorozu POV}

*Who would say that in here! Daddy said not to cause any trouble yet they are insulting the guests of the Palace?!* I thought as I began to see the young girl lower her hood. She had sparkling white hair, her eyes are a crystal blue, they stand out from the black background of her eyes. After seeing her appearence it immideatly clicks to me, who she is.

"Hey kid. You should watch your tongue."


"Commoner? Heh." The third princess replies.

"You-" A hand on my shoulder from the 2nd Princess, stops me from letting out any words. It's as if she's trying to dig a grave for that arrogant girl.

"You aren't pretty enough to be this stupid." She says, causing a second of silence before everyone in the room bursts of laughter...

*Pfft... She really isn't your typical princess.*

"I- I will get my Father on you"

"Wow treat your Father like a dog, I guess I know where all your Bark came from."

[*Ba dum Tssss*]

"If I got my Father on you. Well, you could kiss your Nobility goodbye."

"Wha- What do you mean by that?" The girl says as the gears in her head begin to finally start turning.

"Do you classify outfits with the noble status you have? I'm Sana Ryujin. The Third Princess of Japan."

"N- No it can't be true..." She says with nothing but fear in her voice.

"Don't you know how to great a new pal?" The Princess says to her... She really isn't going to get off easily, is she.

"... You're lying. You must be, theres no way a commoner like you could be the princess." She says in a delusional tone, digging her grave even further than before.

"How about this then? You can tell if I'm lying by their actions. OoOoOoH Guaaards, please escourt this child out of the palace." The Princess says with some amusement in her voice.

"As you wish, Your Royal Highness." The guard says before he leaves, almost dragging the young child who is now kicking and screaming as she begins to leave.

"Wait, wait wait wait Wait! I forgot to gift something to her!"

"A present? I knew you liked me! How could you just throw me out of the palace like that? I will forgive you if you introduce me to the second... Blah blah blah"

*A present from the Princess?!*

"Yeet!!!" The princess says with a loud shout... What... Just happened?


I look towards the blond, arrogant little girl to see her covere... Wait... Did the Princess just throw an eg-

"Now you can take her away. Bye bye brat! So what game are we playing? She says in an amused tone.

"We're playing Monopoly next!" The 3rd Prince says, without a care in the world. I jump slightly as the Princess sits down next to me.

"This is gonna be a bloodbath..." The Princess mutters to herself almost in a whisper. What did she mean?


The Egg is a lie. You can take away my honor, my dignity but you can't take away my Egg!

If your wondering how the system obtains these characters, the system uses a fragment of their dust or soul to recreate them. For Undertale characters, they will have their full memories and emotions. This means that Sans won't be alone anymore.

I chose Tori first because her name is legit Tu-Toriel. This will make Sana less reliant on the system as well.

And if your wondering why Sans and Sana's memories are the same yet they act different, it's because both will have dominant personalities out of the memories. This means that Sana's memories are her dominant ones and San's memories and suppressed to the back of her mind. This is the same with San's where he remembers his previous life more than Sana's. It means they are the same person, yet slightly different.

If you don't like the Egg bit. You can just go Eggecute yourself. Sorry its hard to hold these in, it's like I'm walking on Eggshells. Sorry Sorry, I got too Eggcited. I'll stop Yolking around now.