
Sanfro ; An Untouched Love !

Sandhya_17 · Urban
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14 Chs

Chapter Twelve : Live and Leave

Zeurayn stopped his car , and realized he never loved samania he pitied her..

Sanfro understood , that he might also have such ex , so she pretended to not look at him..

They stopped for shopping , by a boutique she was hesitant so he took her hand and walked in..

Zaroon : Show something traditional , and less work yet authentic , simple and Sophisticated..

The Receptionist : Sure sir , this way please show them the couple outfit..

The Sales : Sir , We have This offer of buying one and getting discount for both as you are couples you can wear corealted clothes..

Sanfro : ( As he looks at her ) I don't mind ,

Zeurayn : Black , Purple , Burgundy Orange which one ? actually wait you wear and show to me so I can decide if it will suit me or not..go..

Sanfro was like " lazy bug" she wore the black one

Zeurayn : Mafia , ( She went again and wore purple ) Vacation

she again went to change with orange Outfit

He stood up at amaze ,

Zeurayn : You look like a Divine Feminine ,

Sanfro : So final ?

Zeurayn : What no , too much beauty is dangerous go..

Atlast she wore the burgundy , he was on phone she pats on his shoulder he turned startled that he blinked his eyes twice and stucked for a minute of stare..

Zeurayn : Perfect , Pack this

Sanfro : Finally , ( Walked back like a baby to change )

Both took their wallet to pay , with exchange of smile she kept her 50% and he kept his remaining 50% ..

While going out , they rushed out with a giggle..

The Receptionist was confused whether they were couple or not and if why did they paid individually..

They drive back to his home , where his mother was resting..

She came and sat next to her , keeping her present over the table..

Sanfro : Where should I change ?

Zeurayn : Of course , in a room..

Sanfro : Wow , I didn't knew these all years ( Throws the pillow ) Idiot..

Zeurayn : Wait , On left side it's mum's room you can change there..

As they both went her mother giggled , and took her present in her hands to open it..

Note : "I don't know , if you like it or not but I felt this is for you like..I don't know please do accept this present from me "

Zeurayn : Mom , Mom ( He was stucked in his clothes )

Sanfro came upwards and pulled it down..

Zeurayn : Oh , Thanks Mom..

Sanfro : No mention my child ,

Zeurayn : You ? ( She turns and )

Sanfro : Yes , My Son....( In a teaseful and runs down before he could catch her )

Ayeza was trying that cloth in her guest room , after she came out ordering the maids to be prepared for the welcoming of the guests is where folks began to enter..

Zoya : Oh , Happy Festive Ayeza I missed you all these years..

Zeurayn came down , and met his relatives..

His Father's Sister : Meet , she is my daughter's friend I think you both would work well together..

Zeurayn : Oh aunt , why would we have to ? ( He was constantly searching for the one amidst of the crowds who can save him )

Rohan : Hey , bro what's up..

Zeurayn : Good , Good..

Rithika : Hello , You look gorgeous being a man..

Zeurayn : Thanks , ( Was nervous ) I will be back okay..

Rebecca : Hello Sir have you saw..

Ayeza : Sanfro..

She walked out with the burgundy attire with minimalistic jewelry , with her most precious smile , as everyone was looking at her that who is she newbie around that no one has ever seen..

Ayeza : She is Sanfro , My Son's Close Friend

Zeurayn : ( smiled and walked by her side ) It's a serious problem

Sanfro : What happened ? ( looks into his eyes )

Zeurayn : ....( He was stuck into that stare ) I ..mean.....who did you asked to look this gorgeous from being beautiful ?

Sanfro : Ahh ? Are you on your nerves ?

Zeurayn : No , I am not you see slightly as if you are sights seeing that they all have eyes on me..

Sanfro : What's wrong in that ? You are some sort of looking gorgeous to be stared at..

Zeurayn : Thanks , I feel confident now ( Looses up his posture ) I was like..me in this dark pitch color like a vampire.. looking like a cherry pie..( Giggles )

Sanfro : No , You look like wine..( Drinks and walks away )

Zeurayn was relieved with his look , but the girls were trying to hit on him so he just was walking with sanfro..

Sanfro : It's odd ,

Zeurayn : Not for me , ( Asks her for dance ) Aren't we are close friends..

Sanfro steps into the dance floor ,

Sanfro : There , these girls envying me that how a wonderful man can hold a devouring lady in his arms..

Zeurayn turns her and fills her back side with a warm hold..

Zeurayn : Really ? Look at the guys giving me death stares that how a lucky man could be to be touched by an angel..

Sanfro , blushed he smiled and swirled her..

Ayeza was clicking pictures , of their as she saw his son smiling talking enjoying himself after a while..

Sanfro : ( Goes near by to his ears ) Before my stomach roars higher than the music let's go to eat..

Zeurayn and She went to eat..

Zeurayn : I hope you don't mind if I eat with you ?

Sanfro : Yes , Why would I mind I saw you eat a very little..

Zeurayn : Yes because , I don't have big appetite.

Sanfro : Yes , Sir.. You fill whatever you want in this plate I will be back..Aunt ( Hugs her ) Thank You for accepting my present you look just like an queen..

Ayeza : Thank You dear ,

Zeurayn bought two plates , and gave it to both of them and he was eating from both of their plates..

Sanfro : Ahh , Eat from this let aunt have her meal completely..

Zeurayn : As you wish ,

Rithika : Zeurayn , Hey I was just curious about your..

Zeurayn : Yes , about my person..

Rithika : I am rithika , his ex girlfriend's best friend..

Sanfro : Oh , I see nice to meet you..

Rithika : Well , I was just saying she loved him a lot to this extent that he was a loss..but look at him , I am happy for you..

Sanfro : I am , glad that you came all the way to spy( He giggled )..I mean despite all of this you came..

as she left and the party was over..

Ayeza : How funny her face turned into , I am going to take some rest..

Sanfro : Good Night , I might be leaving too then..

Zeurayn : This early ?

Sanfro : Yes , Otherwise give me a paid holiday for tomorrow I can make a stay..

Zeurayn took her to home where she saw ,

Sanfro : Did I missed something ?

Swaishi : Actually , we are engaged..

Sanfro was unknown with where her emotions made her stand for now , so she smiled wider..

Sanfro : Congratulations , Swaish I am happy for you..

Swaishi : Actually , wenzof and we are leaving for an important mission , along with mom..

Now is when she became tearful , and wiped it as she opened the door..

Zeurayn was came back to give her bag ,

Sanfro couldn't feel miserable anymore but she was truly happy for the life her mother and sister was getting so she took a deep breath..

Swaishi : Oh , You are here too why don't you join us..

Zeurayn : Sorry , but it's your family thing and I don't feel your mom would be comfortable seeing me at this time..I should..( Looks at her eyes ) Can I get a glass of water..

As she went , to bring a glass of water..

Zeurayn : This thing in your eyes , it's disturbing me

Sanfro : ( Wipes her tears ) You know I can understand , why it's easy to keep me one because you have benefits or sympathy I can't accept it either of it anymore..

Swaishi : Water ,

Wenzof : See you later , ( leaves )

Zeurayn , pours that water over his head and leaves..

Sanfro went inside in silence..

She was not crying neither questioning it just became hard for her to get know herself..

The Next Day , when she wake up it was noon..

Her family left , with a note to call she didn't while she went to office..

Where everything was well unless she bumped into..

Sanfro : I am so sorry , it was my mi..

Rebecca throws water on her face , because she was ignored by her yesterday..

Everyone began to laugh is when zeurayn came and they stopped laughing..

Rebecca : Useless..

Zeurayn : You miss , come here say sorry..say sorry to behave like that in my office either you know where the exit is ;

Rebecca : I am..

Sanfro : Enough , I fire you right away..

Rebecca laughed , and others were gossiping that they two might have affair..

Sanfro took the papers of her bag , and signed it..

Sanfro : I am an equal partner to this enterprise..so miss you have to leave..

Rebecca : Why are you quiet sir ?

Zeurayn : She is right , she is my partner in this firm..

Ayeza : And Also his life partner ,

Sanfro and Zeurayn was startled , that they sat by the Cafe to talk things out..

Sanfro : Okay , ( Breaks the ice ) I agreed to this partnership due to my need of money why is there a need of marriage in between ?

Zeurayn : Exactly , Mom I know you like her and I am not against but marriage is....

Ayeza : Why ? You both love someone else ?

Zeurayn and Sanfro : ( After a while ) No ,

Zeurayn : But we don't love each other..

Sanfro : Yes , I mean ( Holds her head )

Ayeza : ( Holds her and his hand ) See , You seeing this as per your individuals expectations and perception see this as , partnership..

You both are hurt , you both need each other unknowingly than why not try it ?

I know , life is all about trying what is the use of a result which didn't had any process worth it ?

Sanfro sighs so does he , They started the marriage preparations going on all of sudden the atmosphere between both of them was of awkwardness..

Which was seized by the proximity , at the day of wedding only his close friends and his colleagues came and..

Zaroon held sanfro's hand all of a sudden , tighter before he could lose it she held it with a smile..

Samania : Hello , I am Samania Congratulations Zaroon and..

Zeurayn : Sandhya , My wife Sandhya..

Samania : Sure , I can see that..

While they clicked the photo , and had the meal later functions made them tired at first night..

Zeurayn : You change inside the washroom I will change here outside..

As they changed their clothes , and sat to sleep..

Sanfro : Can I ask you one thing ?

Zeurayn : Yes , you are my wife I mean it okay..?

Sanfro : You know when mom asked , I mean your mom asked about marrying..I was worried , worried about you..what if you regret marrying me ? what if I am not the right choice for you ?

Zeurayn : ( Held her hands ) "You are right , this so much right that I will never regret marrying you.... you are much more worthy that makes me feel lucky to live a life with you is why I said yes.. because with love or not , You are the right bone for me ,

Sanfro was getting emotional he wiped her tears and made her sleep..

The Next Day she wake up early and did all the household chores with the help of the maid and prepared breakfast..

Sanfro : Knock , Knock Breakfast is ready ; ( Wakes up ayeza )

Ayeza : ahhh Good Morning , dear..

Sanfro : I will wake up zaroon..

When she went up he opened the door , and.....

Sanfro : Breakfast is ready ;

Zeurayn fixed her hair , and hd her hand walked her down..

They had breakfast together , later they all three went to office..

This became their routine , for weeks later is when ayeza was ill that she was hospitalized during which he was careful towards her that he said he will look after her so she managed office and home..

Sanfro : ( At office ) Pile up all the reports and bring to me in ten minutes..( Was pretty stressed )

Zeurayn was at hospital worrying , Sanfro was stuck at the traffic she bangs the horn out of anxiety..

One she reached , zeurayn came and hugged her..

Zeurayn : They said she might die at any given time..( He was in pieces as each droplets went down his cheeks so she didn't losed it )

Sanfro took him to terrace , and made him sat..