
Sandata at Abilidad:Lumang Simula

Azer, isang simpleng batang lalake ay mapupunta sa ibang mundo upang iligtas ang kanyang minamahal na babae.

Gi_Nicole · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

#11: Pagwasiwas

In front of the thick body of the tree, a man is resting his back on it. He is wielding a sword while his other hand is brushing the blade of the sword with a piece of red clothing.

His eyes are gazing upon the blade of the sword while humming to a tune of a song.

Meanwhile, inside a room, a young man is laying on a mattress while his eyes are closed. Hence, his eyes begin to unseal themselves, and he turns around and witnesses the mug of a woman.

His eyes immediately widen as he mumbles, "S-Si Dillian... k-katabi ko siyang matulog!"

Azer puts his hand on the mattress and pushes himself until he's sitting on the bed. Hence, he crawls his way from the mattress and stares at himself in the mirror.

He moves his hands toward his collar and fixes it while whispering, "Dapat ko nang siputin si Estefro."

The man whose back is resting on a tree moves his eyes toward the nearby house and sees a young man walking toward him.

"Andiyan ka na pala," he arises from the grass and walks toward the young man, "ito ang espadang gagamitin mo laban sa akin."

The young man raises his hand and a handle of a sword lands on his hand.

"Azer, nakahanda ka na ba?" the man asked.

Azer clenches his hands on the handle and gently pulls it from the hand of the man.

Azer swings the sword while smiling softly. "Oo, Estefro. Kahit anong sakit ng katawan ay aking titiisin para sa aking pagsasanay."

Later on, Estefro strikes his hands altogether as he pulls them from each other and a line of flames occurs in between the palm of his hands.

The flame manifests in a form of a sword, and therefore, he runs toward Azer.

Azer's eyes widen and he moves the sword closer to his face.

The flaming sword hits against the blade of his sword whilst Azer's eyes are witnessing the calm eyes of Estefro and his smile.

Estefro speaks, "Nais mong kontrollin ang abilidad mo? Pwes, kakailanganin mo muna akong mapaluhod."

Azer steps aback, and he begins to run forward while pushing his sword against Estefro's sword.

Therefore, Azer swings his sword causing Estefro's hands to swing upwards.

Azer crouches as he begins to close his eyes, and then he jumps reaching Estefro's belly.

"Kailangan ko siyang matalo!" Azer swings his sword with all his might, "matatalo kita, Estefro!"

Estefro begins to inhale air through his slightly opened lip, and the flaming sword expands at a fast rate; its flames shine upon Azer's face and the nearby ground.

Estefro begins to swivel his large flaming sword toward Azer. "Marami ka pang puputuling punong-kahoy bago mo ako matamaan ng iyong espada, baguhan."

The large flaming sword strikes the sword away from Azer's grasp as he is stepping backward whilst his pupils and iris are transforming to white color.

A voice whispers in his head. "Huwag mong kakalimutan na hindi ka na isang simpleng mortal kun'di isang makapangyarihang nilalang.

"Ipakita mo sa kanya ang tunay mong presensya."

Azer remains standing on the ground, his eyes fixated down on the ground not until he moves his face upward.

He raises his hand and the flaming blade expands before touching his skin; expanding until it explodes.

The force of the explosion and the filthy dark wind flies toward the fingers of Azer.

Estefro's eyes are widening while remaining standing in front of Azer whose hand is pointing at him.

From his fingertips: a huge burst of flames flies out from it and the flames strike Estefro carrying him away.

Estefro hits the thick body of the tree whilst white glowing lines are extending from Azer's eyes down to his chest, hands, and toes.

"Nakakataas ng balahibo ang ipinakita mo ngunit alam kong mas higit akong malakas," Azer moves his feet alternately while swaying his hands, "ang yabang mo kung magpakita ng abilidad mo, hindi mo baga nalalaman na kaya kong apakan ang buong pagkatao?"

Estefro arises from the grass and runs toward Azer but a force of wind blows on his face, yet his eyes widen and he was stopped by the sight of Azer's white eyes staring directly into his eyes.

Estefro creates another flaming sword and swings it toward Azer at a fast rate yet Azer moves from side to side.

He crouches and swings his foot striking Estefro's ankle. Estefro falls yet he punches the ground and flames bursts from his punch; the force of the flame pushes him upwards.

Azer jumps toward Estefro who's floating above his eye level. Azer extends his hand towards Estefro and grabs his throat, therefore Azer swirls and throws Estefro to the ground.

Azer lands on the ground and moves his hand upward catching a blade made of fire. Azer suddenly closes his hand causing the flaming blade to burst.

"Maari ka ng magpahinga," Azer jumps toward Estefro, "tatapusin na kita."

"Malakas ka," Estefro smiles widely, "pero mas malakas ang tinataglay kong apoy."

Flames bursts from Estefro's neck; the flames surround his neck as his red eyes are shining a bit.

Estefro thrusts his hand towards Azer but he holds his hand. Estefro's eyes are broadening as his flaming scarf and the light of his eyes fade away.

"Iwawasiwas ko ang abilidad mo palayo sa'yo, mahinang nilalang," Azer told Estefro.

Azer thrusts his other hand towards Estefro's abdomen and from Azer's fingers: red lines extend from it and crawl on Estefro's whole body.

Dark energy hits Azer's whole body and his grip on Estefro lessens. He falls to the ground whilst the dark energy is deepening Azer on the ground.

Estefro moves his hands on his face down to his neck whilst the white lines on Azer's whole body disappear.

"Sa sandaling minutong iyon tila naalis sa akin ang aking abilidad," Estefro moves his eyes toward Azer, "ang baguhang ito ay may itinatago pang mas makapangyarihang abilidad."

Azer's eyes are closed while the dark energy is holding his whole body.

A woman is standing above the dark energy, and her eyes are fixated on the unconscious young man.

"Sabi ko na at may nangyayaring hindi maganda rito," she said.