


Aurora threw the packed gift for her Valentine on the floor of her room.

"Babe, don't go breaking things, boys are all like this."

A sweet voice ranged from the corner of the room where a tanned girl with a beautiful body was laying on a beanbag.

The tanned girl lazily stood up from the seat and strode her legs towards Aurora, who is currently crying on the bed.


Aurora hugged Amy and started crying in her embrace.

"Don't cry babe or I will go beat the shit out of that Ethan."

Amy said.

"No... don't go mess up with anyone for me anymore."

Aurora said while wiping her tears from the sleeves of her T-shirt.

"Aurora, after mom and dad left us, you are my only family member, if anyone tries to hurt you, I have to teach them a lesson."

Amy said.

"No, he is right, a weak girl like me can't be his match, I can't even properly concentrate on my cultivation."

Aurora said while forcing a smile.

"Silly girl, you are not weak at all, It's just that shit man was overly rude to you."

Amy said with a sigh and hugged the Aurora, as gently as she can, afraid that this fragile girl will break if she applied any more pressure.

"Anyway..., I will not cry anymore for that boy."

Aurora said while lifting her slim white body from the bed and started pacing towards the bathroom.

After washing her face she came out again in the dining room with a towel in her hand, looking like a fragile fairy, who can't even maintain her body in a swift wind.

"I have made your favorite pancakes and after dinner let's have a movie night together."

Amy said while placing plates on the dining table.

After having dinner the two girls sat opposite to each other on the dining table looking at the empty dishes.

"Aurora it is your turn today to do the dishes."

Amy said in a serious tone.

"But, sister I just had a heartbreak, how am I supposed to concentrate on washing them."

Aurora said with her weak voice.

But just when Amy was about to argue with her...

"Hum! hum! hum!"

voices started resonating in their wooden house.

The voice was like someone beating a wooden door.

"It's coming from the basement."

Amy said while going into full alert mode.

Aurora, out of fright quickly hid her body behind Amy.

"Sister, let's call the city guards."

Aurora said.

"No need to call those bullies, they just know how to use their power to bully weak."

Amy said while pulling out a spirit pistol from the drawer.

"Let's check"

Amy said and started moving down the stairs.

Seeing her sister going down without waiting for her, Aurora panicked and quickly caught up behind her sister.

"Di, what if there is a ferocious beast trapped in the basement?"

[author: "Di" is a nickname for Amy]

Aurora said.

"How is it possible, It's been two years when our parents died, after that, we never opened the basement."

Amy replied.

"But Di..."

Just when Aurora was about to argue more, Amy suddenly kicked the wooden door with her 7th layer of spiritual cultivation and broke the door.


Aurora almost lost her soul due to the sudden action.

Inside the basement room was very large and in the middle of the room there was a coffin which is currently shaking.