
Samuel Stephen Sharang

Brittany Campbell is a 24_year-old Make up artist residing in California, America. She's beautiful but calmles isn't one of her traits. She's hot- tempered and sturbborn, and unfortunately, that get her in trouble with one of the most the most cold-hearted CEOs.... ........ Ares Taylor is used to getting his way with people; he has had any woman he desired because they all bowed at his feet except her, Brittany Campbell. What happens when Ares goes after Brittany to make her, his ? Will he succeed and how will these two opposite people get along? Moreover, Ares Hughes has a dark secret that he's hiding from the world. What could it be and why is he making so much effort to hide it? Chapter 1-89

DaoistTsapJB · Urban
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[03/12, 1:39 AM] Oga Sam: *LOADING*




THEME: Love & hate collide. 


GENRE: Contemporary romance.

TAGS: Marriage contracts, s£x, love, hate, misunderstandings, love triangles, jealousy, conspiracies, murders, revenge, secrets.


Brittany Campbell is a 24-year-old makeup artist residing in California, America. She's beautiful but calmness isn't one of her traits. 

She's hot-tempered and stubborn, and unfortunately, that gets her in trouble with one of the most cold-hearted CEOs...


Ares Taylor is a 28-year-old Greek-American. He is a billionaire CEO who is known to be intelligent, extremely handsome, and alluring but also famous for his playboy and insensitive acts.

Ares Taylor is used to getting his way with people; He has had any woman he desired because they all bowed at his feet except her, Brittany Campbell. 

What happens when Ares goes after Brittany to make her, his?

Will he succeed and how will these two opposite people get along?

Moreover, Ares Hughes has a dark secret that he's hiding from the world. 

What could it be and why is he making so much effort to hide it? 



       (Wrong timing)

JQ makeover company>

Brittany was in her makeup room, arranging sets of makeup materials in a box. 

With a pout on her lips, she impulsively put up a red lipstick and opened it. She straightened her lips and rubbed the lipstick gently on them. 

The color matched her beautiful face, but that wasn't the only part of her that was stunning.

She had brown hair, a model-kind of body, and little but alluring curves that were visible in the mesmerizing blue dress she was wearing. 


Brittany flinched and the lipstick went upwards, causing it to smear. 

That was her boss calling her, her name was Jacqueline Monroe. 

Jacqueline was a perfectionist who loved others to do things right. She was always choking Brittany with work because she was one of the best. 

"Can't this woman leave me alone?" Brittany stamped her feet and pursed her cute lips. 

She loved working but Jacqueline always took advantage of her and other makeup artists as well. 


Brittany rolled her eyes and was about the saunter to the door when it opened and Jacqueline stormed in. 

The door slammed shut and the angry woman folded her arms, obviously upset. 

"Were you deaf when I called you?" Jacqueline yelled at her. 

Brittany had been working with Jacqueline for three years now and weirdly they had never gotten along but Brittany had learnt how to tolerate her. 

"You were yelling so much that my ears went deaf momentarily" Brittany taunted, fighting back the smile that was about to appear on her lips. 

"So you heard me" Jacqueline gasped but relaxed her nerves. 

"Anyways, we've got an important and rich client tonight at 'The Milana Hotel' by 8pm,you will meet her and do her makeup" 

"This customer is really important and pays well.She's also my friend and I don't want things messed up, that's why I chose you," Jacqueline added. 

"Miss Jac. I can't make it. I have a date" Brittany complained with a frown on her face. 

"That's not my concern" Jacqueline chuckled mockingly and turned to leave. 

"But –" 

"I don't care," Jacqueline said and left. 

"I can't tonight," Brittany yelled. 

"I don't care!" 

Brittany gasped and almost threw the lipstick at the door but held back,She opened her mouth to scream but no sound came out. 

Brittany ruffled her hair and sighed sadly; "What am I gonna tell, Kayden?" 


Taylor Jewels>

This was one of the best jewelry companies in the whole of America and specifically was the best in California. 

The company had the most expensive and qualified gems, winning different awards and having a reputable name with a CEO who was no other than Ares Taylor. 

Ares had been running the company for years and presently he was in his magnificent office. 

Ares was wearing a black Armani suit, with his dark hair, darker than usual; he had a straight and well-structured nose and he looked like a fallen angel…too perfect. 

His dark orbs were focused on the sketches of necklace pieces on the monitor. 

He seemed to be too engrossed in what he was doing to hear the noises from outside but actually he could hear each scream and knew who it was. 

He tapped 'enter' on the keyboard and coincidentally a woman barged into his office. 

"Ares, we need to talk" the lady barged, she looked like someone recovering from a really bad hangover. 

Ares raised his gaze at her, staring coldly at her. 

"Sir, I tried holding her back but she was too adamant" the secretary cried, afraid of getting fired instantly. 

Ares fired cruelly at times, a single mistake and you are gone from his company. 

"You may leave" Ares said, his baritone voice so seductive that it made the lady gasp. 

His secretary rushed out leaving them alone. 

"Rosalie, you aren't supposed to be here" Ares said and a frown etched on his face. 

Rosalie's honey eyes filled with tears, "How can you break up with me through a WhatsApp message, without giving any explanation?" 

"Was there a time when we were in a relationship or I sent a break up text to you. I told you never to meet me again, I have had enough of seeing your dumb face" Ares affronted and returned a cold gaze back to the monitor. 

Rosalie burst into tears; "Ares, I love you."

Ares yawned at her words. 

Rosalie rushed to him and unzipped her gown, pulling it down to her cleavage side. There were scars on her body, some still looked fresh. 

"I love you, hit me like you used to. Ares, beat me. I want you to" Rosalie cried like an addict, yearning for drugs. 

The memories were rushing into her mind and she craved for him, to see that majestic body again. 

She moved close to him but Ares moved back. 

"Do it, please" Rosalie sobbed. 

Ares immediately pressed a button under his desk and within a minute, guards rushed in. 

"Take her away and if I see her again then, you all will lose your jobs and will never be able to get another!" 

"Yes sir" they chorused and dragged Rosalie away. 

"Ares, don't do this to me. I want to be with you, I love you so much" Rosalie cried out while being dragged out. "Ares!" 

"You, heartless bastard. Don't do this to me" 

Ares snorted and returned to doing his work like nothing had happened. She was one of his many victims. 


JQ makeover company>

Brittany finally summoned courage to call her boyfriend, Kayden. 

'Hi boyfriend' Brittany smiled warmly. 

She only had that smile when talking to Kayden Carter whom she had been dating for six months. Though their relationship was still young but strong. 

'Hello, Babe…how are you?' Kayden asked, lovingly. 

'I'm good and you?' Brittany smiled and bit her bottom lip. 

'I became a 100% fine just by hearing your voice' 

His words made her laugh. 

'Are you ready for our date?' Kayden asked over the phone but someone was singing in the background. 

'About that, I won't be able to make it, I have a client tonight. I'm so sorry, Kay."

Kayden sighed audibly;' I understand my love, we will have that date another day. The music producer is calling me now and I have to go'

"I love you, take care of yourself," he said and blew kisses over the phone. 

'Love you too, muah!' 

Brittany hung up and pouted sadly,she really wanted to meet her handsome boyfriend. 


The Milana Hotel>>8pm

Brittany went to room number 120 as she was assigned to. She knocked repeatedly but no one responded. 

"I don't have time for this sh*t!" Brittany cussed. 

She knocked again but there was no response, she knew it was a female client, therefore she barged into the room but unfortunately no one was inside. 

Brittany walked further into the room and she suddenly saw someone walking out of the bathroom, dripping wet with a towel tied around his waist. 

The makeup box in her hand dropped to the floor and everything in it scattered on the floor. 

Her eyes met with this person and she gasped, staring at the Greek godly body in front of her. The six packs dripping with water, his dark hair cascading. 

Brittany swallowed hard as she recognized who it was. 

'What the f*ck am I doing in Ares Taylor's hotel room?' Brittany thought and panicked. 

Ares was scrutinizing the woman in front of him and she was beautiful, no mistaking but he thought that she was the pr*stitute whom he was expecting. 

Brittany didn't like his prying eyes on her. 

"I'm sorry, I entered the wrong room" Britsnny said and was about to rush out when she heard the door lock itself. 

She twisted the knob but it was locked, she gulped down nothing. She looked back at Ares and he had locked the door by pressing a button. 

"Impressive" Ares muttered,his voice made Brittany freak out. 

He began walking to her. 

"Don't come close to me!" Brittany yelled, she might look different but she was still innocent. She had never been touched before, not even by her boyfriend. 

"Open the door right now" 

Ares wondered why she was acting like that but it sort of made him strangely excited. He had been excited over any woman. 

"Relax, little bee" He uttered, referring to her agitated reaction. 

As he walked closer to her, his towel mistakenly slipped off his waist and Brittany's eyes widened when she saw his big, thick and long d*ck. 

"Oh f*ck!" Brittany exclaimed in terror. 


[03/12, 1:39 AM] Oga Sam: 💙A COLD-HEARTED CEO 




BY:Anny Oluchi. 




        (Unlucky car drive) 

Brittany found her way out of the hotel without getting caught or running into much hotel security. When she saw them acted normal and ran insanely after that. 

Brittany took a cab to meet Kayden who would still be in the record studio. 

"Finally, I've gotten away from him" Brittany sighed and patted her chest gently. She was still scared about going to prison but at least the worst part was over. 

The image of Ares' balls and d*ck suddenly popped up in her mind. 

"That man is so shameless, I've always heard about him but I thought they were just rumors, he's such a pervert!" Brittany said and pouted her lips in disgust. 

She shook her head dramatically in an attempt to forget the thoughts of his c*ck. 

"I should I've killed him" She clenched her fist angrily and said with seriousness in her tone. 

She noticed the gaze of the cab driver in the rear view mirror and he looked frightened by her words. 

Brittany suddenly laughed hysterically; "I was just joking, best friend's fight" 

The cab driver sighed in relief, he was afraid that he had carried some muderer in his cab. 

Brittany stopped laughing and lowered her head to roll her eyes. She brought out her phone from her bag and texted Kayden. 

"Kay don't leave the studio.I'm meeting you there," Brittany texted and a smile appeared on her lips. 


Music studio>

Brittany walked into the building and she saw Kayden approaching her. 

Kayden had beautiful blue eyes like Brittany. He didn't have muscles but had a slightly lean body. He certainly had a good physique and a pretty face. 

"My Kay blues" Brittany smiled broadly at the sight of him.

Kayden rushed to her and pressed his lips softly on hers. He pulled away respecting the fact that people were passing. 

"Why are you here? I thought you were going to meet a client?" Kayden questioned, perplexed by her sudden presence. 

Brittany didn't want to tell him what really happened, therefore, she lied; "Erm…I am done with the client" 

Kayden noticed her nervousness and her arms which were slightly shivering in his hands. 

"Why would you go out wearing this? You will catch a cold" Kayden muttered caringly and removed his jacket. 

Brittany smiled at his gesture and proudly wore a jacket that had his scent all over it. 

"Thank you" Brittany chuckled softly. 

He wrapped his arm around her and they went to the main studio. She greeted the producer and others that were there except one person. 

Her name was Pixie, she was Kayden's friend but Brittany knew that she had interest in Kayden. This created a feud between the both of them. 

Kayden left Brittany's side and walked to Pixie who had a frown on her face. Brittany and her were glowering at each other.

Everyone in the room could feel the thick tension between the women. 

"Why is she here?" Pixie asked, loud enough for already pissed off Brittany to hear. 

"I am here because my boyfriend records his music here and I have every right to visit this place" Brittany answered fiercely and got up from where she sat.

"Woah, Woah" Kayden cautioned and went to Brittany in order to calm her down. 

Pixie knew that she had to keep quiet and allow serenity to reign. The last time she talked, her face ended up being battered by Brittany. She didn't want that to repeat itself. 

"Warn her to stay clear of me" Brittany frowned. 

"Don't fight," Kayden pleaded and pecked her cheek. 

The kiss made Brittany relax and she smiled at him. 

"Okay, will you stay in my apartment tonight?" Brittany requested not having intentions to sleep with him but still scared about her deeds against Ares. 

Kayden smiled handsomely, he was excited to spend time with her. 

"Sure, I would love to," Kayden chuckled and smooched her lips. 


JQ makeover company>> Next Morning. 

Brittany went to the company and her heart was shattered when Jacqueline fired her. 

She explained everything to Jacqueline but the wicked woman refused to listen to her. 

" Even though I am telling you the fact that I almost got r*ped, you still can't consider that and pardon me?" Brittany asked in despair. 

This had been her job for the past three years and she had been so dedicated to it. She worked relentlessly, helping Jacqueline grow her business to the spot it presently was in the makeup industry. 

"My secretary will give you your severance pay as a commission for all your hard work," Jacqueline said sternly. 

Brittany swallowed the hard lump in her throat and her beautiful eyelashes batted rapidly. 

"Okay" Brittany faked a smile and took her sack letter from the table. 

She went to get her severance pay and instead of leaving, she went back to Jacqueline's office. 

The door flung open and Jacqueline was stunned to see Brittany again. 

"What do you want?!" Jacqueline yelled. 

Brittany cat walked to her table, grabbed the cup of coffee on it and splashed it on Jacqueline's face. Luckily it was already cold. 

"Ah!" Jacqueline gasped and closed her eyes. 

"That's just a tip of the iceberg, I will make sure this company goes down hill for ditching me for one mistake!" Brittany fought back her tears and stormed out of the office. 


Brittany didn't go home after that but wandered,alone. Thinking about how somewhat miserable her life was. 

She lost her mother at the age of fifteen and had to go through a lot of hassles without anyone to help her. Her father had left them while she was young. 

It had never been easy for her but she kept surviving and now she had lost her source of income. She wanted to call Kayden but he was her boyfriend not a therapist. 

They hadn't been dating that long for her to bother him with her problems. She thought of calling her best friends but she held back. 

After wandering, staying in the park, she decided to go to a bar. A drink would certainly help her. 

She decided to visit the bar near the music studio where Kayden worked. Brittany entered the bar with a smile on her face. 

The bar wasn't so noisy yet or filled to its brim. She sauntered further inside and the smile on her face vanished when she saw Kayden kissing Pixie. 

She staggered backwards and her lips parted but no words came out. It was like her hope had been shattered to pieces.

It felt like stabs penetrated through her heart as she watched the man she loved kissing his friend passionately. 

They parted the kiss and Kayden glanced at Brittany. His eyes widened in shock at seeing her. 

"Britt" Kayden called and pushed Pixie away from him. 

Tears dropped out of Brittany's eyes and she stormed out of the bar. 

"My love, it's not what you think!" Kayden ran after her but it was a waste of time. 

She was already gone. 


Brittany spent her remaining time getting drunk in another bar. She still had tears on her face as she left the bar, heading home. 

She was so heartbroken and looked practically miserable. It seemed like the whole world had turned against her. 

Brittany was presently on the sidewalk and attempted crossing when a car almost hit her. 

"Ahh!" A piercing shriek escaped her lips and she dropped roughly to the floor. "F*ck,my hip" 

She stayed on the floor, unable to stand up on her feet. The driver came out of his car and went to her side. 

"Miss, are you alright?" The man asked anxiously while looking out for any cop. He didn't want to get arrested. 

Brittany raised up her head and yelled ; "You almost killed me" 

The man saw her face and he instantly recognized her. He immediately brought out his phone and made a phone call. 

"Sir Elliot, I've found her" 


The Milana Hotel>>

Ares was sitting on the bed when Brittany was brought in by his guards. They didn't kill her immediately because Ares had ordered them not to. 

She was pushed into the room, falling hard on the floor. 

"You may leave" Ares uttered and they all bowed before stepping out of the room. 

Ares got up from the bed, there was this intimidating and cold aura emanating from him as he approached her. He grasped her arm, so hard like he was going to break her bone. 

"Ouch! You're hurting me" Brittany cried out and struggled with him but his grip was like a vice. 

He released her hand and gripped her hair tightly then pulled her to himself. 

"I will make tonight, the worst night of your life" With a hint of cruelty, he spoke those words. 

Brittany suddenly laughed in his face making him look stupid. 

"Hm, Pervert, long d*ck. It's you" Brittany laughed loudly. "Have you gone to cut that rod, short?" 

Ares was astonished by her insults, he slightly moved his head backwards because her breath reeked of alcohol. 

Brittany laughed hysterically and touched his bandaged head; "How is your head now? I hope I did a good job at breaking it?" 

If Brittany was crazy then drunk Brittany was worse. 

Ares couldn't stand the insults, he dragged her by the hair and pushed her harshly on the king sized bed. 

"Ha!" Brittany gasped and more tears slipped out of her eyes. 

Ares removed his belt quickly and folded it, ready to whip her with it but her voice stopped him. 

"All you people do is hurt me. Dad left, death chose the best time to take mom away from me and now my boyfriend cheated on me" Brittany cried and faced the ceiling, her eyes were slightly blurry. 

"Who knows how many times he kissed her while saying he loved me. Maybe it's because I didn't have s*x with him. All you men are scumbags" Brittany cried and raised up her leg which mistakenly touched Ares' cock in his trouser. 

Ares' breathing halted. 

She looked at what her foot was touching and laughed crazily. 

"This thing is so long, does it even work?" Brittany chuckled savagely. 

Ares had never been this offended in his life. He threw the belt on the floor and undressed himself at a fast rate. 

He clambered on the bed then pulled her to himself. 

He slapped the sides of her both thoughts and widened them. 

"Aaah!" Brittany gasped loudly. 


[03/12, 1:39 AM] Oga Sam: 💙A COLD-HEARTED CEO 



THEME: love & hate collide. 


BY:Anny Oluchi. 




       (Pressured Ceo)

The sound she made sent a twitch down his c*ck, it was a usual sensation but this was stronger. 

He looked at her black panties and then her dress, he grasped the top of her dress and ripped it open, making Brittany holler. 

"What are you doing?" Brittany slurred her words and tried stopping his hands from removing the rest of her clothes but she couldn't. 

"Stop" Brittany uttered and her eyes soaked with tears. "D-Don't touch me" 

Ares flung away her bra and his eyes filled with deep desire when he saw her average-sized b**bs that looked perky and those little brown buds that his lips were yearning to suck. 

Her skin was so milky and smooth, flawless and soft, somewhat glistening. 

He had never had this much urge to touch a woman before, in fact he never slept with those women whom he used. He saw them as tools or something not worth his energy and strength. 

He would either hit them or they would f*ck themselves with a v!brator or their fingers, this was why almost all of them ended up obsessed with him because they couldn't have him.

They couldn't report anything on him either because he had the power and the money. 

This lady in front of him was quite different from the first night he met her. 

Ares took his hand to one of her br**sts and cupped it. He then pinched her t!t making her moan. 

"Ah," Brittany involuntarily moaned but placed her hand on his, trying to stop him from touching her. 

She wanted to defend herself but the alcohol seemed to have broken all her bones, moving was quite a struggle. 


Ares pinched her n*pple hard making her shriek in pain. Then he cupped both breasts in his palms and began massaging them in this slow motion that made Brittany feel weird. 

Her mouth parted and soft gasps escaped from it. His hands on her b**bs were causing her to feel this uncanny sensation that sent waves of pleasure through her body. 

She had not been touched in this manner before. It was new and overwhelming. 

He stopped tempering with her b**bs when he felt her n!pple harden and become erect due to arousal. 

He trailed his hands down to her pelvis,then pressed them a little resulting in her squirming. 

"Lo-Long d*ck, stop or I will call my boyfriend…" Brittany cried softly then it immediately dawned on her that she didn't have one anymore.

"Oh…I forgot, he cheated on me" Tears flowed down the sides of her eyes. She was about to cry when she felt him slipping her panties or her legs. 

A lot of things were running through her mind at that moment but they all seemed to evaporate when his finger slid into her tight p*ssy. 

A breathless moan escaped her lips and her teary eyes snapped open. 

Ares thrust his finger in and out, going slowly because he wasn't used to doing this. 

"Mmmph…" Another voluntary moan escaped her lips. Her body was slowly thrusting upwards as more moans escaped her lips. 

A part of her wanted him to stop and the other lustful part didn't. 

"Aaaah'' Brittany squirmed and her hands loosely clutched onto the bed sheets. "Aah" 

Ares fastened the pace of their finger while using his thumb to massage her hardened cl*t. Brittany's legs shook out of pleasure and her p*ssy throbbed. 

When his finger went in, her body jerked upwards, when out, she only wanted his finger back in. 

"Aah, hmmm" 

Brittany wanted to stop moaning but she couldn't, Her naked @ss rubbed against the sheet with each second, and he finger f*cked her p*ssy. 

Ares relished her moans which were echoing in his ears. He rotated his finger in her p*ssy making her p*ssy walls sp*sm around his fine, slender finger.

"Ow, please" A plea escaped her lips because the pleasure was becoming too much, her p*ssy was already aching. 

A shrieking moan emanated from her lips when he deepened his finger into her insides. He pulled out his wet finger allowing her c*m to splash out of her p*ssy as a result of the org*sm which rippled through her. 

Brittany let out a sigh, She thought it was over and her intoxicated brain could rest but her mouth widened when she felt a rod-like slam into her p*ssy. 

"Ahh!!!" Brittany bellowed in pain. 

"I'm gonna show you that it works," Ares said, this was the first time a Roman insulted him about his s£xuality. 

Ares had pushed his c*ck just halfway into her, he leaned closer to her and began forcing his whole er*cted d*ck through her tight hole. 

"It hurts," Brittany sobbed and scratched his back.

Ares grasped her both hands and pinned them above her head. 

"Why the f*ck are you so tight?" Ares cussed. 

Ares pushed his c*ck further till he was fully inside, filling her little space. He pulled out and slammed into her wet core again. 


At the third thrust, blood gushed from her p*ssy but Ares didn't even bother looking. He thrusts his huge c*ck into her again and Brittany shrieks. 

In a few minutes, their flesh began clapping against each other and instead of screaming like she first did, Brittany was moaning very loudly. 

The next morning, Ares had already woken up and was yet to leave. He looked at the mirror he was standing in front of and buttoned his blue suit. He looked so handsome in it. 


Ares turned to stare at Brittany who was still sleeping, naked on the bed. He casually grabbed a box 'Taylor Jewels' from the dressing table and walked to her. 

He sat beside her and opened the box which had a diamond bracelet in it. It was one of the rarest kinds in the world. 

Ares stared at it for a while then took out her hand from the duvet. He removed the bracelet from the box and wore it on her hand. It fit her perfectly. 

"I should kill you but last night will be enough torture for you" Ares smirked evilly. 

He would press charges against her later for stealing the bracelet he gave her. 

No one had ever hurt him and gone unpunished except for a certain person who had the power to frighten him. 


Taylor Jewels>>

Ares walked into the company and the chaos ended, everyone rushed to their posts. They greeted him but he hardly responded to any of them. 

He took his elevator with Elliot with him. Elliot was much closer to Ares but one would never call them friends. 

When Ares reached his office, his secretary quickly brought the files and his coffee. She made no errors out of fear. 


"Yes sir" She bowed and left. 

He began working and after a few minutes, someone barged into his office. She had a cold expression on her face which seemed to make Ares stand up, the minute their eyes met. 

"Mom," Ares said, he was a whole wreck of nervousness at the sight of her. No one could bring out this side of him. 

Nadia ignored him and sat in front of him. She was his stepmother, and throughout Ares' childhood, she had made his life hell and full of trepidation. 

Ares forced a smile on his face and sat down heavily, his heart was palpitating. 

"What brings you here,mom?" Ares let out a breath and adjusted his tie. 

Nadia glared at him; "First, I am not your mother and second, I asked you to get married for you to keep this company" 

She had a thick hateful stare on him, it made Ares act like a tensed kid. 

"Mom, I asked for time" 

Ares didn't want to get married or have to tolerate any woman like he did Nadia.

Nadia suddenly slammed her hand on the table making Ares flinch. The slam penetrated through his ears and he almost covered them. 

"I am not your mother and I swear that if you don't marry like stipulated in your father's will, I will take this company from you" Nadia frowned and her makeup wrinkled. "I give you 48 hours" 

"48 what!"

Nadia ignored his reaction and left the office. 

Ares' body began shivering.

"I don't want to get married" Ares shook his head vigorously and threw down everything on his table. "I don't want to!" He screamed and gripped his head. 

He was breathing heavily, cold sweat forming on his forehead and slipping down his back. 

"I don't want to" Ares muttered shakily and fell from his seat like a child having a breakdown. 

Elliot walked into the office and rushed to his aid. 

"Boss calm down, '' Elliot muttered and searched for his pills in the drawer. "Ares, stay calm." 


Brittany's apartment>>

In the afternoon, Brittany was cooking in the kitchen. 

A few hours ago, she woke up sore and disv*rgined. She had never felt so terrible in her life, she reached home and cried for a long while before hunger kicked in.

She was currently cooking in tears. The worst part was the fact that she didn't remember anything. She always had this issue with drinking, she couldn't remember the man's face at all. 

"F*ck" Brittany cussed and wiped the tears off her face. 

A knock came on the door and she went to open it. Without checking the peephole, she flung the door open. 

"Britt" Kayden muttered. 

Brittany tried slamming the door in his face but he forced it open and entered. She landed a slap on his cheek that made it red but he didn't back down. 

"Get away from me," Brittany cried. "I trusted and loved you and you cheated on me with your friend, why didn't you date her from the beginning and leave me the f*ck alone" 

"Britt, I'm sorry… what I did was stupid but it was a bet I had made even before I met you" Kayden said, truthfully. 

Brittany gasped; "A bet?" 

"Last year, I made a bet with Pixie that I would date any girl and break up with her six months later and if that didn't happen, I would kiss her… I can't break up with you, I just…" Kayden uttered, his heart was broken yesterday. 

What he did was insane but he couldn't break up with her, he loved her too much and with pressure from his friends, he had to stick with the bet. 

"Britt, I'm sorry" Kayden pleaded and tried touching her but she moved away. "Forgive me, please. It was childish but that kiss meant nothing" 

Brittany didn't know whether to believe him or not but she was hurt. She had lost something important because of him. 

"Britt, I'm sorry" 

"Get out!" 

Kayden wanted to come close again but Brittany punched him in the face and regretted it instantly. 

"I didn't mean–

Kayden held his bleeding nose and went to kneel in front of her. He wrapped his hands around her waist and cried. 

"Brittany, forgive me" Kayden sobbed. He couldn't stay without her by his side. "Forgive me please" 

Tears fell from Brittany's eyes and she tried pushing him away but he wouldn't let go. "I love you very much, the kiss meant nothing" 

He began pleading profusely. 

She ended up dropping to her knees as well, she didn't know what to do. 

"I will do anything to earn your forgiveness, don't push me away" Kayden begged and cupped her wet cheeks. "I love you, you've got to believe me" 

Kayden pulled into a hug and she melted in his embrace. 

Unable to resist him, she replied; "I love you too" 

Kayden wiped the blood from his nose and parted the hug.

"I'm sorry," He uttered before kissing her lips deeply. 


Taylor Jewels>>

Ares didn't look relaxed or any better, he was thinking of ways to please his stepmother when his mind went to someone. 


"Yes, sir" Elliot replied and moved closer to him. 

"That girl with the brown hair and stupid ragged bag that I.. that you captured last night," Ares said, almost unable to form his words. 

"I need you to find her address, immediately" 

"Why sir?" Elliot dared to ask. 

"I want to get married to her, find her address now!" Ares yelled. She was the first woman he f*cked, she was the only one that came to his mind. 

Elliot quickly bowed and left in confusion to fulfill his boss' orders. 

"I have to get married" Ares muttered and banged his forehead against the table. 

"Married" He banged his head harder. 



"Married" He kept chanting and hitting his head. 


[03/12, 1:39 AM] Oga Sam: 💙 A COLD-HEARTED CEO 



THEME:Love & hate collide. 


BY: Anny Oluchi.


CHAPTER 9 & 10 


         (Marry me!)

"What are you cooking?" Kayden asked with a small smile on his lips. 

Brittany struggled to smile, she was filled with pain and shame. She woke up in the morning to find herself naked with a strange bracelet on her hand. 

She knew it was the scumbag that must have left it with her, she looked around the room and it didn't look familiar. It was unknown to her that Ares had changed his room before she was brought that night, the room number was completely different as well. 

When she tried leaving, she discovered her clothes had been ripped apart. She had to plead with the cleaner who came to help her. Luckily, the cleaner was kind and understanding. 

She left from there broken and shattered, being with Kayden seemed like a mistake because she had lost something so precious. She had told him she was a v*rgin, what would she tell him now? 

Brittany didn't realize when tears dropped from her eyes to the pot lid. 

"Britt" Kayden called softly and held her chin gently. He made her look at him and her beautiful face was wet and red, her eyes slightly lowered out of embarrassment. 

"Britt, I'm sorry" Kayden muttered and wiped her tears with his white knuckles. "Don't cry" 

Brittany burst into louder tears and Kayden immediately pulled her into a hug, his heart ached, seeing her in such a state. 

"My love, I never meant to hurt you. Please don't cry" Kayden pleaded and circled his hand on her back in a soothing motion. "Shhhh…"

Brittany cried to her heart's content. Kayden had never seen Brittany like this before. He wondered if she was still crying about him cheating. 

Kayden slightly pulled her away from his arms and placed his hands on her shoulders. 

"Brittany, are you still crying about what I did?" Kayden questioned making Brittany cry harder. 

"My love, stop" 

She palmed her face and cried in her hands. 

"Shush" Kayden hushed and hugged her again, this time much tighter than before. "It's okay"

After comforting her for a while, He cooked and they had lunch. 


Kayden arrived at the music studio, he didn't want to leave Brittany but she insisted that he left. 

"Good afternoon" Kayden greeted his music producer. "Please, where is Pixie?" 

"She's in the restroom," a fellow recording artist replied. 

Kayden nodded and left from there, straight to the restroom. He barged into the restroom before she could come out. 

Pixie was stunned by the intrusion but when she saw him, a smile appeared on her lips. 

"Kayden, are you here to finish what we started?" Pixie smirked and tried kissing him but he pushed her to the toilet seat. 

Pixie gasped and heavily sat on it. 

"You will never try what you did last night. If by any chance, Brittany asks you what happened between us. You will tell her that we had a bet a year ago and…" 

Pixie's mouth was agape at the lies he was spouting. 

"You f*cking bastard, that's not true. I kissed you and we both did it, we had sex while you were with her" Pixie yelled, staring at Kayden in disbelief. 

Kayden grasped her hand up then held her chin aggressively. 

"I wasn't in love with Brittany at that time but now I love her with all my heart and I won't allow you to continue seducing me into betraying her" Kayden spat. 

Pixie pushed him away with her strength and yelled; "We were f*cking each other while you were in a relationship with her. Why are you lying to yourself?."

"I don't care what you say. Stay away from me and never come close to me again. Whar have told is the only truth Brittany should hear" Kayden glared at her and left the restroom. 

Pixie folded her fist in anger, pinching her nails into her flesh. 

She smirked sinisterly; "We shall see how your foolish and pathetic relationship lasts."


Heather's mansion>

Heather had been expecting Brittany's call for two days but she hadn't called her yet. 

"Why is that b*tch proving hard to get?" Heather asked and rolled eyes. 

She climbed down the stairs dressed up in a beautiful Chanel dress that was a limited edition. She always looked expensive in everything she wore whereas her sister always looked like a poor wretch. 

Tricia was coming out of the kitchen in cheap clothes which was hiding the bruises that Heather had given her. 

Tricia was eighteen years old and going to college while Heather was thirteen years older than her. 

Tricia was a beautiful young girl but Heather had worked hard to ruin that. 

Heather had always hated her even before their parents died and Tricia constantly wondered why. She had never done anything to offend Heather but her sister had done everything in her power to make her miserable. 

The second Heather's eyes landed on her, her former look changed into one of irritation and hatred. 

"Good afternoon Heather, I'm done washing all your clothes" Tricia uttered,willing to please her older sister. Tricia was supposed to be in college but she had to hand wash her pile of clothes and underwear even though there was a washing machine. 

"I brought this juice for you," Tricia smiled. 

Heather walked to Tricia and took the juice from the small tray. Without thinking twice. She poured the juice on her head then dropped it back. 

Tricia shivered as the cold juice dripped down her hair. Heather looked at her from head to toe. 

"Why are you wearing my shoes?" Heather questioned in an annoyed manner. 

Tricia bowed her head and tears stung her eyes, her cheeks were reddening out of anxiety. 

"Y-You threw them in the t-trash but they still looked good" Tricia stuttered, already looking pale. 

Heather instantly smacked her on the head, causing Tricia to fall to the floor and the empty glass shatter to pieces. 

Heather was about to kick her when her phone rang. She answered the phone without looking. 

'Hello, sweet pea' 

'Hi, Stefan' Heather smiled, this was her rich boyfriend whose money she was just after. Love had never been in Heather's dictionary. 

She began talking on the phone till she left the mansion. 


Brittany's apartment>>

The doorbell rang this time and Brittany sighed. She didn't want to see Kayden, it only made her restless and guilty. 

Brittany stood up from the couch she was laying on, switched off the television and went to open the door.

"I'm coming" 

She flung the door open and her eyes widened in delight to see Danica Vega. 

Danica was Brittany's second best friend, she had a beautiful brown skin color and her hair always showcased that she was African. 

"Hello, my chipmunk, '' Danica yelled crazily, referring to Brittany's similar name with the cartoon 'Alvin and the chipmunks'. 

"Danica" Brittany squealed happily and hugged her tightly. "I missed you so much" 

Danica had gone to Dubai because she was having writer's block on the book she was writing. Danica was actually a successful writer. 

"I missed you more, my darling. You should have seen Dubai…freaking hot and exciting" Danica chuckled and entered the house. 

Brittany smiled slightly and closed the door. 

"I had to visit you after reaching home," Danica chuckled and dropped on the couch. 

Danica began narrating everything about her trip but Brittany who was sitting beside her kept humming. 

"Britt, what's wrong? My chipmunk is always jovial and bubbling." Danica questioned, seeing her best friend's sad face. 

Brittany was about to speak when a knock came on the door. 

"I'm coming" Brittany smiled a bit and stood up. She walked to the door and opened it. 

"The doorbell works,'' Brittany frowned at Heather. 

Heather chuckled; "I thought your poor @ss hadn't repaired it" She pushed Brittany slightly and walked inside to see Danica. 

"Dani" Heather screamed excitedly and rushed to hug her. "How the f*ck was Dubai? Did you burn in the deserts?" 

Danica rolled her eyes and smiled. 

Brittany sat opposite them and watched as Heather questioned Danica but later Danica decided to listen to Brittany who ended up telling them the truth. 

"You met the security team and they didn't find any footage" Danica gasped,feeling sorry for her. 

Brittany nodded; "The cleaner was of great help to me before I left but nothing was found. I woke up with a terrible hangover and sore –" 

"Hahahaha" Heather burst into laughter. "Hahahaha" 

Danica and Brittany were shocked. 

"I can't believe that great v*rgin of California had lost her v-card to a total stranger."Heather cackled mockingly. 

"Haha, I can't breathe" 

Danica glared at her and went to hug Brittany. 

"I don't know what's funny in all this, why do you have to be a b*tch about everything? You are supposed to sympathize with her, why are you such an @sshole?" Danica rebuked while glaring at her. 

"B*tch!" Danica hissed. 

That shut Heather up. 

"Britt, it's okay. If you haven't taken contraceptives, you should get one today" Danica said softly and Brittany nodded weakly. "It's okay" Danica said sadly and pecked her hair. 


Brittany went with Danica to the hospital and took some contraceptives. Though Heather went with them, Danica was the most helpful. 

A knock came on the door and she went to open up. She was more relieved talking to Danica and by the help she rendered. 

Brittany opened the door and four hefty men with guns forced themselves in. 

"Ahhh!!!" Brittany screamed and moved backwards. She ran to the window side, her apartment was close to the roadside.

"Who are you? I have no money to give you" 

"We were sent to give you a message" He said and cocked his gun but before he could shoot, a bullet broke through the window and entered into his temple. 

The others were stunned to even react but before they could recover, a set of men barged in and withheld them. 

Brittany bent down in fear, she was shaking. She had been through a lot, it was becoming too much for her. 

"It's over, little Bee" 

Brittany blinked, sort of recognizing that voice. She raised up her head and her mouth pouted. 

"Pervert!" Brittany yelled and sprang up in shock. She looked at his face properly and gradually all the memories began coming back. 

"Y-You…you r*ped me" Brittany stuttered and fought back her tears. She rushed to attack him but Ares grasped her hands and pushed her against the wall. 

He pinned her hands above her head and used his knees to pin down her legs. 

"How could you do that to me?!" Brittany screamed in his face. 

Ares wasn't in the mood for her nonsense. 

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Ares inhaled; "We had s*x and I want to marry you" 

Brittany was stunned by the effrontery of this idiot. 

"You fool, you r*ped me and still have the guts to try marrying me. Are you mad? Are you high on c*caine?" 

Ares rolled his eyes, he didn't consider it as r*pe because it was his first time as well. She provoked him. 

"Let go of me" Brittany tried struggling but he was super strong. 

"It's a contract marriage, we will be married for a few months then divorce, there will be no strings attached. I don't like you and will never fall for a rude and stupid woman like you" Ares insulted. 

"You've got some nerve, you are the rude bastard here…you need to visit the mental institution, you are insane!" Brittany yelled. She was shocked by everything. 

Ares smirked; "You think that what I did to you was r*pe, then my men will leave these men to deal with you and we shall see if there will be anything left of you."

Brittany swallowed hard and stared at those men, she couldn't fight them all. They would kill her.

"I will never marry you" 

"Fine," Ares said, coldly releasing her. "Leave them" 

Brittany's eyes filled with terror, she thought he was simply threatening her. 

Ares began walking away and his men were about to release those men who wanted to kill her. 

"No!!!, I will marry you!" Brittany yelled out of desperation. 


[03/12, 1:39 AM] Oga Sam: 💙 A COLD-HEARTED CEO 



THEME: Love & hate collide. 



BY:Anny Oluchi. 


CHAPTER 11 & 12



Ares halted his steps and turned to her.

"I didn't hear you right" Ares taunted her, despite the fact that he heard her clearly. 

Brittany pouted her lips and opened them to force the words out again. 

"I will marry you" 

Ares smirked and faced his men. 

"Get these imbeciles out of here and deal with them" Ares ordered and his men dragged those men out of the apartment. 

The one that was shot was also taken away from there. 

Ares strode to her front and grasped her chin upwards. 

Brittany gasped and stared into his dark orbs that held this coldness in them. 

"Little Bee, you better keep to your words. You don't wanna mess with me" Ares uttered and released her chin harshal before walking away. 

He suddenly halted his steps and faced her; "Did you love the bracelet I left you?" 

Ares scoffed and without waiting for her reply, he left.


Brittany suddenly remembered it and ran to her room but then she reversed and went to lock her front door. Afterwards, she ran to the room and brought out the bracelet from her bag. 

She wondered why she kept it in the first place. She pursed her lips angrily and threw it against the wall. The bracelet shattered like glass. 

"Bastard!" Brittany cried out and scattered her hair. "How am I going to get out of this?" 

Meanwhile the goons outside were taken somewhere and Ares followed them. 

They were actually taken to one of the abandoned jewelry stores. The three of them were beaten brutally. 

Two of them were killed like Ares had instructed while one was left alive. 

"I want you to tell the person who sent you that the next time they try attacking her, daylight would certainly not come the next day. It's a message from Ares Taylor" Ares snarled and walked out of the place,so did his guards. 

The one who was alive began crying sorrowfully that his brothers and friends were dead but before he could grieve further one of Ares' men returned and asked him to call the person who sent him 

The man shakily called Pixie who had sent them. The second he was done delivering the message, he was shot straight in the heart. 


Taylor Jewels>>Next Morning. 

Ares was working when his secretary called to tell him that an investor had arrived for their meeting. 

"Let her in," Ares said and hung up. 

The door opened and Heather walked inside his office in the most seductive manner. Her hips were swaying from side to side as she went to sit in front of him. 

Ares looked at the woman in front of him, a frown etched on his handsome face. 

"Did I tell you to sit?" Ares questioned, glaring at the mannerless fellow in front of him. 

Heather was embarrassed by his words, she quickly stood and apologized.

"I'm sorry" Heather apologized, staring at his alluring face that made her heart skip beats and those eyes of his that were so dark and mesmerizing. 

Ares scoffed; "Are you here to stare at my face or invest?" 

Heather jerked out of her ungodly thoughts and replied; "Invest"

"You may seat" 

Heather sat and they had their discussions. Heather wanted to invest not only because of her love of jewelry but her obsession with Ares. 

She had so many photos of Ares hidden away in her phone. She was one of the many women who liked him but now that she had an opportunity to be close to him, she would certainly grasp it. 

They were done with the meeting and Heather decided to ask for his number. 

"Excuse me but may I have your number?" Heather dared to ask. 

Ares exhaled and laid his frigid gaze on her. 

"Go out of my office, out of my company and then you can get it" Ares said, sassily. 

Heather smiled and got up; "Thank you" 

Then she realized that he was only mocking her. She turned back to look at him but he only pointed at the door.

"I just want your number" 

"Miss investor, you reek of desperation and it irritates me to the extent that I don't want your money again" Ares snarled at her. 

"No, no, I will leave" Heather muttered and rushed out of his office. 



Tricia reached school and attended a class before having the urge to pee and going to the restroom. 

She was done and came out of there. On her way back to class, she bumped into someone hard causing her to wince. 

"Ouch!" Tricia rubbed her forehead and looked up to see one of the most handsome guys in her class. "I'm sorry," She immediately apologized. 

He suddenly smiled at her and she wondered why. 

"I've been seeing you around, my name is Martinez" He said and stretched out his hand to shake her hand. He had actually followed her out of the classroom. 

Tricia nervously took his hand and shook him. 

"I'm Tricia" Tricia introduced herself with a smile. 

"I already know your name, Tricia," Martinez said, calling her name in a totally different way. It was sort of sensual. "Can I have your number?" 

Tricia was stunned by everything that happened and she couldn't help but ask; "Why?" 

"I don't know" He shrugged and laughed. 

She shyly took his phone and typed her phone number then saved it. He collected his phone, stepped back and took a picture of her. 

Though Tricia was caught unawares, she looked beautiful in the photo. 

"See you, Tricia" Martinez smiled softly and walked away. 

'He just collected my number!' She screamed inwardly before squealing in excitement. 

Things seemed to be going well for her despite everything Heather was doing. 


Ric cafeteria>>

Heather arrived at the cafeteria angrily but she had to meet Stefan, her boyfriend. 

"Stefan" Heather smiled and pecked his cheek as she got to him. 

"Sweet pea, you kept me waiting" Stefan said, a bit sad about it but not whiny. 

Stefan was a handsome, rich man whose source of wealth wasn't so good or clean. He had his hands in dirty business but Heather didn't care, she was simply after his money. 

"I'm sorry, I had to take care of some things" Heather replied and sat down. 

"You're so gorgeous this morning, as always" Stefan complimented. He was madly in love with Heather, he could move mountains for her, thinking she would do the same for him. 


"Heather, I know that I might not be among the best options you've encountered but we've been together for a long while and I love you so much…" Stefan trailed off and stood up on his feet. 

He went to her front, knelt down and brought out an engagement ring. 

"Will you marry me?" Stefan asked with a loving smile on his lips. 

The attention of the other customers turned to them, they were excited for her. 

"No," Heather said without batting an eyelid. 


The customers gasped in shock. 

Stefan was shocked. "What?" 

"I said NO in capital letters, I'm not interested in marrying you. In fact I had come to break up with you" Heather said, heartlessly. 

Stefan's heart sank at the unremorseful expression she had. It was emotionless. 

"Heather, I love you and you love me too" 

Heather almost rolled her eyes before replying; "We had fun, I loved it and now it's over. I will never regret meeting you, Stefan" 

She stood up to her feet and walked away, leaving him on his knees. She had to focus on a new rich man which was Ares, the next billionaire on her list. 

Stefan had never been so humiliated in his life. He did everything for Heather, buying her cars, houses and giving millions of dollars. He loved her so much. 

Stefan closed his eyes slightly and stood up to his feet. Everyone was looking at him in pity. 

He went to sit heavily on his chair and tried registering everything that just happened to him. He stayed there for hours not minding the stares on him. 

Stefan made a phone call and within the next hour, one of his men came. 

"Good afternoon,Boss" 

Ignoring his greeting, Stefan ordered ruthlessly; "I saw the information you sent about Heather. I want your boys to find her younger sister or should I say daughter and r*pe her to death."

"Then send the photos to Heather" Stefan instructed. 

"Yes Boss."


Danica's office>

Danica had her own office rented in a large place among other people. She wrote both online and sells in hardcovers as well, therefore needed an office. 

Danica was busy writing when Brittany came to her. She was happy to see her best friend because she needed a little distraction from staring at her screen. 

"How do you feel now?" Danica questioned, sweetly. 

They both sat down on the Grey L-shaped at the right side of the office. 

"I'm not feeling better…in fact I feel worse than ever, can you believe that the bastard who r*ped me wants me to marry him!" Brittany yelled without catching a breath. 

Danica was perplexed by everything she had heard from her. 

"I don't understand, please explain better" 

Brittany narrated everything to Danica who was shocked by what she heard. She couldn't believe that such an important and rich Ceo would be after Brittany. 

"Oh, my chipmunk." Danica said fearfully and palmed her cheeks. 

"Dani, I'm really scared. That man is really callous" Brittany said, feeling scared. 

Danica began thinking of how to help her friend.

"You've got savings,right?" Danica asked. 

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"Yes," Brittany nodded. 

"Why don't you run away or–" 

"Good idea" Brittany snapped her fingers and smiled happily. She hugged Danica and laughed.

"No," Danica protested. 

"This is why I love you" Brittany smiled and left before Danica could say anything else. 

Danica's mouth was agape for a few minutes. 

"I didn't mean it" Danica gasped and fell on the couch. "Oh God!" 


Brittany followed Danica's words which she thought was an advice.

She searched for a hotel before going home and paid for a room. 

When it was nighttime, she went into the hotel room with a little smile on her lips. She would tell Kayden her new whereabouts and explain things to him, that might cost her relationship but at least she would be free from Ares. 

Brittany dragged her suitcase inside the dark room. She was reaching for the light switch when a large arm wrapped around her slender waist and her breath hung in her throat. 

Her back slammed against his hardened chest and the suitcase in her hand dropped.

Brittany could feel his warm breath close to her reddened ear. 

"Why are you escaping?" Ares' soft but emotionless voice penetrated into her ears and his hand gripped her waist tighter. 

Brittany gasped breathlessly. 

"I hate it when women lie to me, how should I punish you now little Bee?" Ares whispered and his tongue licked her ear,making her shiver. 



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