
Sammy's Revenge

Christen Reed is forced to go to a necromancer when the investigation of her daughter, Samantha's death is dismissed. Samantha's spirit is invoked and she takes revenge making sure her killers die the same way she did.

Okorie_Adaobi · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 2

Few days later...

"Come on dude. You can't keep thinking of her. She's gone. The earlier you accept it, the better for you", Brook said.

"Do you just expect me to forget about her? I can't even if I try to. She keeps coming to my mind and I dream about her each time I close my eyes to sleep. I see her everywhere Brook and you just expect me to forget her?" Alvin said with a voice full of emotion. It was like he was about to cry.

Brook looked at his best friend with pity and sadness. Ever since Sammy died, he hadn't been himself. He had become a shadow of his old self. He was no longer the cool and fun loving guy he used to be.

Attending her funeral the previous day made everything worse. He had cried like a child. Seeing his best friend that way made him weak. He couldn't say anything else. He just gave him a warm hug.

"Come on, we got P.E now! Let's go", Brook said.

And together, they went to the locker room to change to their P.E clothes.


"If you ever touch my things again, then you'll know why I'm called the queen of the school", Claudia said with anger and pride.

"I'm-I'm so sorry Claudia, it won't repeat itself". The poor girl quivered in fright holding her slightly red cheek.

"Good. Now get lost!" Claudia said with a stern voice.

The girl scuttled off at the sound of her voice.

"Wow, Claudia!" Claire said admiringly.

"You never cease to amaze us," Danica said with a broad smile.

"I still wonder how you became this powerful and popular," Roxanne said.

Claudia glared hard at her which made her flinch.

"Uh oh! Roxanne muttered.

"Come on, Anne! Why would you say that? Have you forgotten her dad owns half of the school? Of course she'd be famous and powerful," Tessa said with folded arms.

"That doesn't give her the right to bully others". A voice was heard behind them and they all turned to look at the person... Jade.

"The fact that her father owns half of the school doesn't give her the right to intimidate others," Jade said glaring at Claudia.

Claudia shot her an angry stare. She so much despised her. As a matter of fact, Jade was the only one brave enough to stand up to her and it hurt her alot that she couldn't do anything. She'd tried many times to bully her or make her get in trouble but Jade always had a way of figuring out her plans.

"I'd really appreciate it if you stop poking your nose in my affairs Jade," Claudia said.

"Oh wow! You're really shameless Claudia. I wonder what joy you derive in making others sad".

"Shut up, Jade!" Claire yelled .

"I wasn't talking to you". Jade rolled her eyes.

"If you're talking to Claudia, then you're talking to all of us," Roxanne said.

Jade shook her head in pity.

"I wonder how Claudia managed to turn you all into her puppets".

"Not another word from you, Jade!" Claudia said. "The fact I've been quiet doesn't mean you can insult me. You know, I can have you thrown out of this school in a second but I won't do that."

"Why? Because you're scared I might beat you up? Look, I understand you threatened Sammy with those kind of words but I'm sorry to disappoint you. Such threats don't get to me at all. I consider them empty threats", Jade said.

"Speaking of Sammy, it's so sad to know that she doesn't exist anymore. I wish you can be more like her and try to respect me", Claudia said.

Jade laughed.

"Well, it's only going to be a wish. I can never respect a devil like you. You know, sometimes, I think you have a hand in her death," she said angrily.

Claudia's eyes widened in shock and surprise so as her friends'

"Wh-What do you mean?"

"You heard me right Claudia! The story you guys cooked up isn't convincing enough. Well, the police are working on the case. If it's discovered to be a murder, you guys would be locked up in jail", Jade said with a smirk.

"What rubbish! How dare you say such words to me!" Claudia said angrily.

"Well, time will tell," Jade said and went away from them to change to her P.E clothes.

Claudia was fuming.

"How dare she!"

"She's totally crossed her limits this time," Claire said.

"She won't get away with this," Tessa said.

"She's got some guts," Roxanne scoffed.

"I can't believe she actually said all those things to us," Danica said.

There was silence for some minutes.

"Why aren't you saying anything Freya? You haven't said a word since," Roxanne said.

"Um... Well... Nothing," Freya stuttered.

"Whatever," Danica rolled her eyes.

"I'm gonna make her pay for this," Claudia fumed. "Come on girls, let's get dressed. At least I'll talk to Alvin today".


"Come on man! Don't be distracted!" Sawyer yelled at Alvin when he allowed their opponent to snatch the ball from him.

They were playing a game of basketball and Alvin who used to be their best player totally screwed up. The game came to an end and obviously, his teammates were angry with him. His coach was not left out. Mr Hayes, his coach rebuked him with anger clearly evident in his voice.

"I'm sorry Mr Hayes," Alvin said and walked away.

Brook went after him. He was the only one that understood how Alvin felt.

"Don't let his words get to you Alvin," Brook said as he caught up with him.

"Thanks, Brook but I'd like to be alone now," Alvin said.

"Yeah, I understand," Brook nodded and left him alone.

Alvin sighed and went away from the basketball court. He was heading to his locker. Just as he hit the hallway, he felt someone hugging him from behind. He turned around and the person loosened their grip around him. He wasn't surprised at whom he saw.

"Claudia", he said icily and moved away from her.

"Aren't you happy to see me Alvin?" She asked with a smile plastered on her face.

"What do you want?" He asked in a more icy tone.

"Oh come on, Alvin! Don't act so cold towards me," she said looking into his eyes.

"Why have you chosen to be like this, Claudia? Have you no shame left in you? I just lost my girlfriend and you're trying to flirt with me".

"That's the point, Alvin. She's dead and will never come back to you again. It's best you forget about her and move on. With me." She said the last part with a wink.

"Just shut up, Claudia! You think I'd date you after what you did to Samantha? You're such a bully! And you can't fill the space that Samantha left in my heart no matter how hard you try," Alvin said and walked away from her.

"How can he just walk out on me?" She said angrily.

She brought out her phone and put a call through to someone.

"Is it done?" She asked.

Then she smiled mischievously.

"Good job", she said and hung up. "Let's see how you face the music," she smirked.


"Oh no! My clothes!" Jade gasped. "I'm sure I left them here", she said as she closed the bathroom.

She searched all over the locker room but she couldn't find her uniform or P.E clothes.

"No one else but Claudia and her puppets could have done this," she said angrily.

"Um... Are you looking for your clothes?" A girl asked.

"Yes, Neysa. Do you have any idea who took them? Jade asked.

"Yes. I saw Roxanne and Freya taking them. I'm sorry I wasn't bold enough to stop them." 

"Oh goodness!" Jade said and ruffled her hair. "What am I gonna do now?"

"Don't worry. I have a pair of shorts and sweats. I don't mind giving them to you. That's if you want," Neysa offered.

"Of course, I do want. Thanks alot, Neysa. You've really helped me out," Jade said.

"You can return them tomorrow," Neysa said handing her the clothes and left afterwards.

Jade quickly put on the clothes cursing Claudia under her breath. As soon as she was done, she left for her class.

"Thanks to them, I'm the odd one," she said as she walked through the hallway with all eyes on her.

When she got to class, she saw Claudia and her puppets and gave them a hard glare. She walked up to them.

"Where is my uniform?"

"This is just the tip of an ice berg. You're lucky to have found something to wear. Next time, you won't be so lucky," Claudia grinned.

Jade rolled her eyes. 

"That doesn't answer my question", she said.

"I was getting to that." Claudia smiled evilly. "You might wanna check the incinerator."

Jade's eyes were so angry they looked like they might catch fire, but she managed a stiff smile. She barely stopped herself from hitting her. She took a breath and walked away without another word.