
Same New World: Homecoming

A misunderstanding between his childhood friend and crush Danielle led to Cooper walking away from Texas three years ago. Now he's back and trying to get over the past. But it's not easy when the past lives next door; smiling at him with warm green eyes and light brown hair. Meanwhile there is another world on a collision course with his. It threatens to pull him away from everything, and everyone, he loves. He wanted a new normal, and he's getting it. ---------------------------------------------- Author's note: This story is one I've been working on for years. It never felt right to me until I got injured and was bedridden for a fair bit of time. After binging on k-dramas and anime I realized I was trying to shove a square peg through a round hole. I was trying to write a straight up urban fantasy story when what I needed was a romance that gets interrupted by an urban fantasy story. I'm a fan of the Isekai premise but I think the stories coming out nowadays are stale and and just cut and paste OP wish fulfillment. I wanted to do one that did something fresh with the premise. I've self-published on Amazon but it's hard to sell books without having fans. So I'm hoping to find readers by making the book available. WARNING: This story is intended for a mature audience. While a majority of it is about romance/drama/fluffy childhood friend tomboy flirting the story also features horror elements. There are depictions of graphic violence/attempted rape/gore. As well as characters using derogatory language involving sexual preference.

Ran_Braden · Urban
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Chapter Ten

The next morning, true to his word he was standing in front of her door at seven o'clock.

He was wearing a tailored suit, something that looked slightly more suited to be worn in a boardroom than Sunday service. She said as much as they drove to the church. 

He shrugged "Well, my church clothes from back in the day are all a tad small now, this is one my dad had me get for work functions. The Japanese are very focused on family and tradition, so it helped with integrating to show I was carrying on the family business."

"I'm not complaining, it looks good on you."

She smiled, he couldn't help but blush inside a bit from it. The car went silent after that, but it wasn't an uncomfortable one. Danielle turned on the radio, the sound of some classic satellite station coming on. She turned the volume down to where you could hear the tune but if you didn't concentrate the lyrics would be unintelligible.

They both relished the chance to just be in each other's company, not feeling like they had to talk just to fill the silence. Coop started humming along to the song on the radio. Danielle smiled, with his deeper voice, any time he hummed it sounded like a funeral dirge.

They pulled into the parking lot, parking on the side closest to the classroom they used for the younger kids, ones who couldn't always be counted on to stay still or be quiet through the service. Danielle popped the trunk and jumped out; Coop followed suit, heading to the back she went to grab a box near the back.

Coop beat her to it and pulled it to him lifting it and sporting his goofy helpful grin. "I got it."

She beamed at how he turned into a big kid when they were alone. He had always been so guarded around other people. Lately it seemed like he was that way around her too sometimes. But she still got glimpses of the old Coop, when he wasn't so in his head. 

"Thanks, we had a food drive at school and this was the last of the canned stuff." She looked at her watch. "Oh crap, we gotta get set up, parents are going to start dropping off kids soon."

They hurried over to the side door to the classroom, opening the door and stepping inside. The nun in charge of the class, Sister Paula waved them over. Introducing herself to Coop and thanking him for assisting.

Coop set the box to the side and grabbed the post holding the sign for Sunday school, setting it far enough up the sidewalk to direct parents to drop their kids off. Coop stood at the door greeting parents and their children, many of whom knew Coop from when he was younger. They all made it a point to welcome him back home.

Some didn't recognize him until they got close and were astounded at how much he had changed. Once mass started, he shut the door and helped Danielle get the kids settled down.

Per usual the ones who proved too rambunctious went with him over to the other side of the room. The classroom itself was built more like an event room, so they were able to break off far from the sister and Danielle's main story group.

Most of the kids now were too young to remember Coop or hadn't been in Sunday school at that point. Naturally they were curious and wanted to know all about Ms. Ramos' friend. Once he told them he'd just gotten back from another country they all got quiet and just listened him to talk, they asked what he did over there, and he told them his hobbies.

Then the boys wanted to him show off his kicks. He demonstrated a couple; at the end he looked over and saw Danielle and some of the girls with her giggling at him.

He immediately lowered his leg and told the kids to settle down, smiling at her as she went back to helping her kids. Once services were over and they had straightened up the classroom, they turned off the lights, and said goodbye to Sister Paula, heading back out to Danielle's car.

She hoped he wasn't planning on sequestering himself back in his house the rest of the day.

"So, did you have any plans for the day? Is there anything you have to do to get ready for school tomorrow?"

Coop shook his head. "No, I just need to stop by the office in the morning, all my books for distance learning were digital. Otherwise, I'm all set. I'll probably just have lunch and then start organizing my stuff; what about you?"

She looked down absently at the ground, kicking at something. "Marlene was going to stop by after lunch to check on that calf. Kari said to stop by for lunch beforehand; and to bring you if you weren't busy."

He shrugged, looking down at his suit. "Sounds good to me, though I should probably put on something else."

She smirked. "Ya think?"

* * *

Danielle and Coop sat in her SUV at a railroad crossing, waiting for a train to pass. He had changed into a pair of jeans and an old t-shirt. He also threw on a pair of work boots.

Danielle turned to look at him. "Don't you have riding boots and a hat?"

He sighed, watching the train as it sat there. It was stopped for the feed mill to load up a car. "If I did, they would be in Adam and Kari's attic by now. I doubt either of them fit me anymore."

She tilted her head while looking at him. "Did you fall into a vat of human growth hormone while you were away or something?"

Coop made a stupid grin and shook his head back and forth, mocking her joke. "It wasn't bad enough having big ears as a kid, now my whole head is huge."

She leaned over the steering wheel, drumming her fingers absentmindedly. "But now at least you're in proportion."

The tension inside the vehicle immediately went to eleven. After a second Danielle clarified what she had meant. "I mean you didn't just get taller you filled out."

'Nice save there Ramos.' She chastised herself.

Luckily for the both of them the train finished up and pulled through the crossing, they got underway and within a few minutes they were pulling down the drive to the ranch.

Dany glanced towards Coop "When was the last time you talked to either of them?"

Coop looked around the property, curious if there had been any changes while he was gone. "Adam and I call each other when the Rangers play sometimes. I talked to him and Kari for an hour on her birthday."

Danielle hated professional sports, too much money being wasted she said. Especially when the purest form of the games being played would always be with the young kids doing it for the joy of playing. She might feel differently if volleyball had more notoriety.

They pulled off the dirt into the gravel driveway that Adam had laid in front of the property. Coop got out first, stretching and looking around.

As Danielle followed suit Kari came out the front of the house. "Cooper!"

Coop turned and smiled at his aunt, walking towards her. "Hey Aunt Kari."

He bent over and gave her a hug. After which she stepped back and looked up at him. "What were they feeding you over there? You're a giant like the rest of them now."

He smiled at her, laying an arm around her shoulder as Danielle came up beside them, all of them walking towards the front door. "Nothing but Wagyu beef and braised pork, and a lot of MSG."

The ladies smiled at each other, Kari looked at Danielle. "You're gonna have a hard time keeping this one in line now girl."

Danielle smiled plainly at her, glancing Coop's way in the process. "Oh no I won't, I have my ways."

Kari smiled back. "I'll have to see about procuring a draft horse, you'd probably cripple any quarter horse I put you on."

Coop opened his mouth in faux outrage. "I'm 6'3, you're acting like I'm Andre the Giant."

Kari reached up and pinched his cheek. "That's what I love about you Bogdan boys, you're so much fun to tease."

They made their way through the house and to the patio doors just off the dining room and kitchen. The corral was off to the left in the back. The road they'd come in on continued around the right side of the house, eventually turned to dirt and went on through most of the property.

The barn was on the other side of the dirt road from the house. The back of the ranch house was made as a communal area for the family. Bench seating around a fire pit on one side, and a covered patio and outdoor kitchen on the other.

Kari looked around, trying to suss out where her husband had gotten off to. "I think Adam and Dale were gonna be working some new horses. They're probably in the barn."

The family kept their own horses and ones they had recently purchased and were training in the barn. Further down the road was their bunk house and regular stables. One side had the stable for the horses, the other had a sleeping area for the men and a kitchen.

All their ranch hands had their own homes or apartments. But at times when the work was long, or if they'd come back from a long drive it made more sense for the men to collapse after than risk falling asleep behind the wheel.

Kari led them across the dirt road and into the barn. Adam and Dale stood in the back, Dale removing the saddle. Adam was putting the reins away when he noticed Coop.

He smiled, moving away from the animal before greeting Coop and giving him an enthusiastic hug. "Good to see you nephew!"

"Same, glad to be back."

Adam motioned to Dale. "Coop this is one of my hands, Dale. He primarily helps with horse training."

Dale was still in the process of dealing with getting the horse situated back in his stall, so he was unable to shake Coop's hand. Instead nodding and raising his hand in greeting.

Coop noted that Dale's jaw seemed to clench as he was introduced, though he might be imagining things.

Adam took stock of Coop and how he had changed. "What happened to that scrawny kid who couldn't keep his hair out of his eyes?"

Coop shrugged his shoulders. "Gym, puberty and the gym."

Kari put her hand on her husband's shoulder, smiling warmly. "I'm gonna go fix up some sandwiches for lunch, should be ready in about five minutes.

Coop smiled at her. "Thanks aunt Kari."

She smiled back, before looking Danielle's way. "Dany, do you wanna come inside and lend me a hand?" Her eyes clearly stated that she was not asking her to come along for the purpose of helping to make lunch. Both ladies exited, leaving the men to talk.

Adam pointed at the horse Dale was taking the tack and saddle off of. "What do you think of her?"

Coop nodded his approval. "Nice."

Adam tilted his head expectantly. "And? You've been riding and listening to me talk about horses long enough you should be able to tell me some of the reasons why she's nice."

Coop looked again, nervously sizing up the horse and watching its gait as she moved around. Checking her posture and looking at the musculature as a whole.

"So, she's two and a half, maybe three years old." He stopped surveying the animal once more, his nervousness at being wrong evident in his voice. "The withers?"

He said the last part questioningly, he knew that's what it was called but for some reason he had the need to appear unsure. Adam nodded, smiling sardonically.

Coop tilted his head while nodding. "They've got a good slope, decline I mean, she stands straight, her back too, it's straight I guess. Equal thirds, front to back, she still carries a bit more weight on her front legs so maybe she's closer to two and a half, but she's had some training before you bought her."

Coop sounded more unsure of himself as he finished, but Adam nodded approvingly as he spoke.

"A little mechanical, like you're reading out of a textbook, but yeah that's a pretty fair account. You know, I get you're all set to follow after your dad and grandpa in the family business, but I think we can make a mighty fine horseman of you yet."

He clamped a meaty hand down on Coop's shoulder, smiling at his favorite nephew. Though Coop had been a gaunt, shaggy haired kid when he was younger; he was quiet and respectful to a fault.

Whenever he came to spend time out here though, he came out of his shell quicker and quicker each time. And Adam and Kari were fond of Danielle as well.

The hands would tease him about his hair, even comment on how rail thin he was, but it was good natured ribbing. None of them could know the bullying Coop was going through.

It looked like the time overseas had worked wonders for Coop, he'd shot up several inches; gone was the beanpole who used to show up with his dad with his hands in his pockets, staring at the ground. When he spoke, he looked you in the eye.

Adam turned to Dale. "Go ahead and put her away for now, then follow us up to the house for lunch."

Dale nodded, turning the horse and leading her into the stall. Adam motioned to Coop to follow him and headed out of the barn. "Three years, were you sorry to leave?"

Coop shrugged, but his face looked thoughtful. "I made some good friends over there, and had some memorable times. But there's more for me here."

Adam nodded with a smile. "She talked about you all the time, what you were up to, what you had planned when you got back."

Coop looked down. "Uncle Adam."

Adam laughed, grabbing Coop by the shoulder reassuringly. "Don't sweat it kid, you two will figure it out soon enough I'm sure."

Adam had a way of saying things that ended up making sense after the fact. In the house, Danielle stood in the kitchen while Kari went about putting the sandwiches together; though she was far more invested in the conversation they were having. "Coop sure has changed, hasn't he." Kari had a knowing smirk on her face, glancing back and forth between her work and Danielle.

Dany looked up as she thought, smiling. "Yes, and no, his eyes are still the same."

Kari got a sly look on her face. "You should tell him that."

Danielle suddenly looked mortified. "Under no circumstances will I be telling Coop he has beautiful eyes!"

"Oh, now they're beautiful, huh?" Kari walked to the fridge, an air of don't mind me about her.

Danielle glanced out the window seeing Adam and Coop talking on the patio. "Things have been a little weird though."

Kari frowned. "Weird how hon?"

"Well anytime we are around each other for more than a few minutes, things get tense. Like we forgot how to act around each other, or he doesn't wanna be around me."

Kari nodded. "Almost as if you two were a couple of awkward teenagers." A long beat passed where Kari looked at her with a plain expression on her face.

Danielle acted offended while saying. "Low blow"

Kari smiled, drying her hands with a towel, before walking out of the kitchen toward the sliding glass door. "If you want my opinion, Coop's been gone for three whole years. Even though you kids kept in touch through skype or whatever, he wasn't really here. After that long he might be unsure where he fits in. We joked about Coop growing up, but you've matured quite a bit too darlin'. Maybe he's worried you've outgrown him."

Danielle shook her head. "I could never outgrow him."

Kari smiled. "Well make sure to tell him that when you mention his beautiful eyes." She laughed.

Kari opened the door and poked her head out. "It's ready boys, come and get it."

Adam and Coop halted their conversation, and started walking inside, Adam looked over his shoulder, satisfied when he saw Dale shutting the barn door and following after them.

* * *

After lunch, they sat and chatted for a bit, Adam and Kari grilling Coop over his time abroad. Eventually Marlene showed up, ready to check on the fresh calf as well as doing her routine checkups of the horses.

Kari ran to town to do her grocery shopping, Adam decided Coop would go for a ride with him and Dale. Danielle and Marlene took the side by side to go check on the animals.

Once they were a good distance away from the house Coop questioned Adam. "Is Blazer still at the petting zoo?"

Blazer was Coop's unofficial horse. He wasn't out at the ranch so often before that it warranted having a horse set aside just for him. Blazer was a mature working horse when Coop first began riding.

If they had a visitor, family or friend who didn't have a horse on hand, Blazer was the horse they rode. One of several, but when Coop came he always rode Blazer. Halfway through his time in Japan, Blazer was deemed no longer fit to ride, at least while carrying a grown man or woman several hours a day.

Adam and Kari weren't unsentimental about their animals, but keeping a horse on hand who would be little more than a lawn ornament was an expense they couldn't find reason for.

Adam had sold Blazer to a family friend. An older gentleman, and widower, who had sold his property after his wife passed and moved to the city to be closer to his kids and grandchildren.

The man had opened a petting zoo, a way to still work with animals and be able to entertain kids.

Blazer now spent his time doing little more than having pictures taken with kids on his back or showing off a five second trot to wow the kids.

Adam had hated having to tell Coop over the phone, but his nephew had been understanding of the situation, glad that his friend was enjoying a peaceful semi-retirement.

"Yeah, I talked to Ole' Doug last week, Blazer just got a new salt lick and is living in the lap of luxury. I'll send you his number. I'm sure he wouldn't mind if you stopped by to say hello."

"That'd be great, thanks."

They went along in silence for a bit. Dale trailed after them until they came to a rise, looking out over a sizable stretch of the property.

Once Dale came to a stop beside them, Adam Spoke. "Dale's actually taking some time off from the riding circuit, that's how we managed to rope him into coming on."

Coop leaned forward, readjusting himself on the saddle. "Tired of traveling?"

Dale shook his head. "No, I had a bull stomp me, got lucky and glanced my shoulder, it just ended up cracking my collar bone."

Coop was now sure Dale didn't like him, though he didn't know the reason, and honestly, he didn't care. Dale wasn't being obvious about it or mean mugging him. Cooper just had a good sense for when people had ill intent or felt disdain. As long as Dale wasn't going out of his way to mistreat him or start something, it wasn't a problem.

Maybe he just saw Coop as another city kid coming out here to play at cowboy. As he wondered, a truck pulled up on the other side of their fence line, Adam's neighbor jumped out and waved at them. Adam turned his horse, aiming him down toward the fence line. "You boys can head back to the house if you want, I'm gonna chat with Harry real quick."

Adam took his horse down, leaving the two young men alone on the rise. Both of them turned their horses, headed off at a casual pace.

Neither one spoke for at least a minute before Dale broke the silence. "So, you've known Danielle for a long time, right?"

Coop was taken a little by surprise by the random question. "Our whole lives."

Another moment of silence before Dale said. "She's a sweet girl."

Dale couldn't have been older than twenty, but Coop still had to bite the inside of his cheek at hearing him talk about his friend, a few months shy of eighteen herself. "Yeah, she's got a big heart."

Coop understood why Dale resented him. He was interested in her and thought Coop was a rival. Coop laughed inwardly, if this guy knew Danielle's feelings, he'd probably pity Coop.

Dale pulled ahead a few lengths angling himself toward Coop. "What do you say we put the horses through their paces?"

"You mean, like a race?"

Dale shook his head. "Nah, you haven't ridden in years right? And this is your first-time riding Clark there." Coop's horse lifted his head at that, attempting to brush a fly away. "Just a little exercise to work off lunch, what'cha say?"

Coop regarded Dale, wondering why the sudden attempt at camaraderie. Coop mulled it over for a minute before he grinned. "Sure, why not."

No sooner than he said it did Dale take off, using his boots to spur the animal into action. Coop followed suit, trailing after the more experienced man. True to his word though Dale wasn't going all out. Just letting the horse find its own pace. To anyone not familiar with horses it would appear the horses were being ridden hard.

In reality, it was just enough to break a light sweat. Coop's horse had a bit of a competitive streak it seemed, because it was making up the distance to Dale and his horse. They had only been a mile away from the house when they started, now only a few hundred yards from the barn.

As Coop came up alongside Dale the young ranch hand glanced at him. "I told you it wasn't a race."

Coop was resisting the urge to white knuckle the horn with his left hand. "But you didn't tell the horse!"

Dale laughed. "Yeah, that boy tends to run a little hot headed, should have told you that."

'So, he was hoping the horse would run me ragged!'

Now Coop and his horse were of one mind. He wanted to out-pace the other man, just to show he could. He pushed the horse faster, careful not to let his enthusiasm outreach his skill. Dale answered the challenge and both of them took the last hundred yards to the barn at full gallop.

Marlene had a golden retriever that she brought with her when she visited her clients. It stayed beside her unless she was doing anything that required a sterile environment. As the two men slowed down coming into the open area around the barn, the dog, hearing the commotion ran out in excitement. Dale was on the left, closest to where the dog came running out.

A less experienced rider might not have been able to stop in time, or would have gotten thrown off in the process. Luckily Dale was skilled enough that he was able to break right and slide his horse to a stop several feet short of the animal. Coop broke off to the right as well to avoid Dale and in case the dog kept running and wound up in his path.

He began to slow, as he did so he glanced back to see Dale managing to avoid disaster.

When he turned back it was just in time to see the tree branch he was headed into. Sadly, or not, depending on how you look at it, he managed to slow himself to a point where he wasn't toppled off the horse in a fit of action.

Rather he was slowly pushed backwards until he was unceremoniously dumped off the back of the horse. The animal kept trotting on unbothered as he fell off, landing unevenly on his feet before tumbling back onto his butt.

He sat there for several seconds lamenting the bruise he expected to develop on his rear end.

He looked up at the sound of hooves coming up, Dale was several feet away. Before either man could say anything, the ladies came running out of the barn. Marlene immediately admonished the dog and took him inside the barn. Danielle saw Coop on the ground and immediately began running over.

Coop tilted his head back to look straight up and started laughing, first as if he was a kid, back sitting next to his parents in the church pew trying to suppress a fit of giggles. Then it developed into a full belly laugh, even causing his eyes to tear up.

He made eye contact with Dale and the two men shared a look that said, we are a couple of jackasses. Dale climbed down off his horse and with a nod, reached out his hand. Coop smiled, taking it and allowing the other man to pull him to his feet.

Danielle stopped short of both of them, noting the odd bro moment she was witnessing. "What happened?"

She stepped up to Coop checking him for injuries, Dale smiled at her. "We were just shaking the rust off 'Ole Coop here." He looked back at the barn. "Rufus ran out and Coop ended up jousting a tree to avoid him." Coop laughed at that while brushing the dust off his jeans, Dale joined him.

Danielle bristled at their flippantness and turned to Dale. "And he could have gotten seriously hurt. Or what if you'd been thrown off, you could have injured your shoulder again."

Both men became sheepish at her scolding, withering just a tad under her caring but stern stare.

Coop stepped closer to her, putting his hand on her upper arm in a reassuring way. "Hey, it's my fault, I'm the one who decided to make it a pissing contest."

She softened a little, until she noticed something. Raising her hand she turned his head, showing where one of the branches had scraped his eyebrow and temple.

She huffed, shaking her head and turning his the other way to look for any other blemishes.

"We need to clean that."

She said it in such a serious tone that Coop couldn't help himself. After an awkward beat he said. "Be straight with me doc, do you think I'll get to keep the leg?"

A tense moment passed. Dale's mouth opened at Coop's brazen mocking. He had to turn away as he began chuckling. Dany was not amused, she turned and started walking back to the barn without saying a word.

Coop and Dale shared a knowing glance before Coop reached out his hand. "It was nice meeting you Dale, I'm gonna go get my ass chewed out."

Dale nodded. "Go ahead, I'll round up your horse."

After Coop had gone a few feet Dale said to his back. "You know we keep some sharp implements in there, I wouldn't be so quick to follow her in."

Coop flashed a 'What have I gotten myself into?' look before heading off after Danielle. He walked into the barn, Marlene was sitting with the dog she had tied him up so he couldn't run out again.

She looked up as he entered, an embarrassed look on her face. "Sorry about that Coop, he's usually good about staying inside."

Coop waved her off, showing there was nothing to feel sorry for. "It's on us, we shouldn't have been showing off." Danielle had already opened the first aid kit attached to the wall; taking out a small bottle of saline.

She muttered under her breath, but still loud enough for both of them to hear. "Jerking off is more like it." She said it without thinking, a blush coming to her cheeks after.

Marlene had to turn to keep from busting up laughing. She turned back a moment later, losing the fight. "I'm gonna start taking stuff out to my truck."

Danielle looked at her sweetly as she walked out. "'Kay". Coop walked up to her, seeing a stool he grabbed it and plopped it down in front of her.

He made a big show of sitting down and looked at her expectantly. "We were just having fun; I haven't had a chance to ride in forever."

Danielle kept her face mostly neutral, still letting a bit of her annoyance show. She tilted his head down on the side that was scratched. Using the bottle of saline she washed out the abrasions.

"You can have fun without risking life and limb."

He nodded lightly. "Yeah, but it's a lot more work." He grinned at the last part. She responded by slapping the tiny bandage on his brow, right on top of the scratches. He jerked away, more from surprise than actual pain. "Hey, come on." He looked up at her. "Is this the bedside manner you'll be showing as a vet?"

He could see the gears in her head working; she sighed and crossed her arms. "Since when do you go around trying to impress people? The Coop I know wouldn't care what some cowboy thought of him. He also wouldn't give me a hard time for being worried about him."

He lost a little bit of his jovial tone. "You're one to talk, since when do you wear perfume?"

She was a little shocked, thinking he hadn't noticed. She usually abhorred the thought of using products that served no purpose beyond fragrance. If it didn't do something besides smell pretty, she had no use for it. 

But when she was getting ready to pick Coop up from the airport, she had dabbed the tiniest bit on her wrist and then rubbed it on her neck, not realizing she would be overcome with emotion and jump into his arms like a lunatic.

Coop continued, unfazed by her slack jaw. "Or walk around looking like a runway model? Neither of us was living in a vacuum the last three years. We've both changed, I'm not a hash-tag forever-sad loser and you aren't…"

His voice trailed off, unsure what archetype he should place her younger self in. She looked at him, momentarily forgetting she was supposed to be upset with him. "Aren't what?"

He took a long piercing look at her, long enough that she almost had to turn and look away, before he said softly. "You aren't the girl who gets held back by sad lonely nerds. I may have gotten taller, popped in some contacts and started sporting some abs. But you're the one who's done stuff. We're both about to turn eighteen but you're already running around living like an adult."

Even before he finished the sentence, he knew it sounded bad. But for as long as he could remember, when it came to Danielle he had foot in mouth syndrome. The longer he talked to her the more he felt what he was saying rather than thought about it.

The years he had been away it was a little easier to be detached because of the video calls.

The second the words left his mouth, he looked down and away from her, embarrassed. He heard her putting the contents of the kit away and imagined she was feeling self-conscious. Instead, he heard her say. "You never held me back."

He didn't think someone's voice could be stern and soft at the same time. He looked up and saw her staring straight at him, intently. "I don't ever want to hear you say anything like that again, okay?"

He felt like he was being scolded for almost destroying some priceless work of art. Glad to be spared from his admission moments before he nodded. "Yeah, sorry."

She rubbed her hands, almost as a way of washing the slate clean. "Marlene's pretty much wrapped up; I should be ready to leave in like five minutes."

Coop stood up. "Alright, well, I need to go ask Adam about borrowing a truck. I'll be right back."

He all but bolted from the room, feeling very exposed. Wondering why she had reacted so strongly.

He understood she didn't want him to talk down on himself, but she acted like he was insulting her, or what they had. 'What we have, that's funny'.

Adam was back, off his horse and beside Dale who had hitched his and Coop's horse to a fence.

Dale eyed him as he approached. "How'd you fare?" 

Coop looked back at the barn. "Time will tell, I'm sad to say."

Adam was smirking. "Dale told me you took a tumble and got a good talking to while I was gone."

Coop nodded. "Yeah I kinda stuck my foot in my mouth." Adam laughed, Coop nodded up at him. "Do you think I could borrow one of your trucks next week?"

Adam's eyebrow raised, Coop elaborated. "I'm gonna be moving into the records building after graduation, the loft apartment I mean. I'm gonna start moving some stuff after Friday."

"I see, so my dad and your dad are giving you a sweet bachelor pad as a graduation present." Adam thought for a moment, then looked at Dale. "Dale, when was Mickey gonna come haul off that old square body?"

"I think he said late next week."

Adam nodded his head then turned back to Coop. "I tell you what kiddo, I've got an old Ford sitting in the field just off the back entrance to the property. It's the truck we used to haul the horse trailer before. Some of the boys that used to work here were a little rough on it. The radiator leaks, the A/C and heater don't work. I had to park it after those yahoos took it off-road and somehow managed to find a rock big enough to shatter the oil pan."

He smiled at Coop mischievously. "It's been sitting for a couple of years, but if you can find someone to get the thing running I'll sign it over to you. Consider it my way of congratulating you on making it through high school." 

Coop stepped forward and hugged his uncle. "Thank you uncle Adam, that's great. I'm getting a bike this week, so I'll try and come over sometime on the weekend to work on it."

Adam eyed him as he stepped back. "Since when are you a mechanic?" Adam crossed his arms, seeming more than a little skeptical.

Coop shrugged in response. "I mean, I've been in auto shop since freshman year, and there was an American named Carter who lived a couple doors down from us in Tokyo. He saw me on my bike one day and we started chatting. He ended up teaching me some about engines and body work, he also helped me with my Japanese too."

Adam came and put his arm around his nephew's shoulder. Pulling him down to ruffle his hair. "To hell with college, you can just run cattle and fix up rigs for me from now on." The roughhousing continued for a few seconds until Adam stopped, nodding towards the barn. Coop looked to see Danielle walking out, looking around until she caught his eye.

He turned back to Adam, already backing up towards Danielle. "Thanks Unc, I'll get started on it when I have time. Nice to meet you Dale."

He held up his hand, not really a wave, just an acknowledgment of the other man.

Dale nodded. "Same."

Coop turned and sprinted over to Danielle. She in turn waved to Adam and Dale as she was standing at the driver's door. "Later guys."

The two men waved while wrangling the horses and leading them towards the barn. Coop slid into the passenger seat, putting on his seatbelt. Danielle started the vehicle and began to back out.

Coop casually lowered his sun-visor, looking in the mirror and surveying the bandage covering the scratch on his brow and temple.

Danielle glanced at him as she turned to look over her shoulder, seeing him. She shook her head as she turned back around and put the SUV in drive. "Dummy."

I felt like Chapter nine wasn't quite enough of an update for the weekend.

Ran_Bradencreators' thoughts