
Chapter 2

After Ian walked away from the interrogation room taking Stacy along with him he refused to look back. Clicking his tongue, he picked up his phone and called the chief again, "I took away my person without an explanation tell them I'll be back. Tell them I'll help as long as they don't mess with the people around me."

After the chief ended the call he called Lance.

"Chief", said the deep voice from the other end of the line.

"Lance listen to me. Do you know Dr. S?" William Weatherson asked tentatively.

"The criminal psychologist who often helps solve murder cases that have been on the shelf for ages." Lance asked with his eyebrows raised.

"Yes him. He agreed to assist on this serial murder case." Chief informed Lance with a frown. He was stuck in a dilemma while Ian was a famous criminal psychologist, Lance's family have been known in the country for generations and have involvements in many fields all over the country. He's very well aware of who Dr. S is, but for him to suddenly take up this case confused Lance. He didn't express his doubt and decided to investigate on his own since he knew the Chief wouldn't tell him so he didn't even bother wasting his time to ask anything.

On the other hand after Ian took Stacey to her house, she suddenly started laughing while she held onto Ian's neck. Ian smiled at her helplessly as if he knew why she laughed.

"It's always been like this. It was the same two years ago and it's the same today. You saved me again."

"I didn't, you're like an elder sister to me. You are the one who introduced me to books and you know how I fell in love with them" Ian sighed and rubbed Stacey's back. It's been a while since he saw her in such a state.

The hardest was when she had just been rescued from him, The Missing case murderer, he trapped the girls for an entire month and killed them exactly on the 30th day since they went missing. For fear he wouldn't be noticed enough to be seen he had deliberately chosen to kidnap famous ladies in their 20s or girls from influential families. He confined and tortured them for an entire month. No one new exactly what they went through except the victims. Stacey was the only surviving victim and she had never said a word about what she went through. Only Ian knew, Ian knew cause that's how he works. He puts himself in the criminal's shoes, it becomes hard to tell whether he's the criminal himself whenever he takes over a case. So he knew exactly how the killer tortured her but he never said a word about it, maybe it was because Stacey could feel that Ian knew that she would often find herself bare in front of him or maybe it was because he was a psychologist that she found the peace that she yearned for. It was Ian who brought it to her, to her Ian was the light that had easily guided her out of that hellish chamber.

It was then that Stacey's family gave him this library. He had often come here on weekends since he was a little boy, at first it was because it was the nearest hangout spot to the orphanage but later it was simply because he felt that books were the only thing that could comfort him. Everyone had often thought of him as a freak because he had been more mature than others and could easily detect lies, so even when an adult lied to him he'd point it out and end up suffering when they left him behind saying he was only capable of inciting fights. It was Stacey who never looked at him like he was a weirdo and it was Stacey who encouraged him to enhance his knowledge and supported him to read more books. It was when he realized that he could easily tell whenever people lied as if he could see through them he decided to put it at an advantage and read more about criminal psychology and eventually got a doctorate in criminal psychology when he was thirteen. Ian sighed and quietly took the sleeping Stacey back to her home. He went back to his rented apartment to continue making money.

The next morning before the bell rang Nathan Walker was already in his class, with his earphones plugged in and his eyes glued to his phone. His classmates maintained a distance from him cause he gave off an unapproachable air that always seemed to say keep away. After the teacher came to class she brought along a boy with him.

"Class this is your new classmate, Ian introduce yourself."

"I'm Ian Scott."

After Ian said that he stood quiet, it was not that he wanted to go to school but Stacey told him that he must as his social skills is basically zero and him being blunt had often hurt others pride so he must learn to live in the society. Ian had tried various ways to refuse but it was Stacey after all so he couldn't hold the matter off for too long and had to agree and that is how he ended up here.

Seeing Ian mute, Nathan looked up and even the teacher had to sigh and think did we just get another Nathan in class and secretly grieved over how to communicate with another one of these.

"Ian you go sit beside Nathan."

Ian glanced over at Nathan and seeing him closed he was secretly satisfied that he wouldn't have to deal with a chattering partner. As soon as Ian sat down Nathan shifted his seat slightly away from him, seeing this Ian couldn't but raise an eyebrow and smirked intresting.

The girl sitting in front of him turned around and said "Hi, I am Layla Lockk."

Ian looked at the girl in front of him and said, "Ian."