
Salvation from a Stranger

Salvation from a Stranger When does the word betrayal become valid and what does that mean to validate betrayal. Everyone has heard the story of Lucifer but who betrayed who, when we have never witnessed it and who was validated for their actions. Many people throughout time have faced assassination from once loyal people, so how do I confirm betrayal when my feelings have always betrayed me. Words I wanted to scream till my voice could no longer release a sound and instead, my feelings told me otherwise. Each time only continued the same patterns which brought me depression. If the person you loved for years never considered pushing away another person's advances, is that betrayal. Maybe it's the moment you decided to try and mend what's broken even though every other time was a catastrophe, only to see the one you love not refuse the lips of another. Do you then accept that as a betrayal or am I just petty and unable to confront things. Was it me who betrayed the expectations placed on me, maybe it was my betrayal when I walked away. Maybe I was the one betraying when I set fire to everything we collected and walked away. Maybe I'm just a bad person that made wrong choices with limited information. However how many times has that happened in our relationship. Maybe if I disappear all the bad will disappear as well and I can just be free from this life, a life unwanted. That's what I believed and yet, how does a stranger offer a hand while the one you love ignores you. The words from a stranger seemed much warmer than every conversation we ever had, is that how she made you feel Paige. I wonder about that but for how long will you hold a place inside my mind causing such confusion. Writers note) This will be rather long to start and updates will be slow as well. The reason is that I'll be watching for interest involved. This is another experiment story and this was upgraded from the Lines stories. The stories will follow a Different perspective, due to the way it is being written Mistakes will happen. Everything was done from the phone and fixed using grammar correction. Yet I also used a laptop to review the grammar which has led to some conflict. This also includes my own personal views on how things were written as well. Lastly, this may be my last project created, which means I may just finish what is written already before stopping.

Lightxxseeker · LGBT+
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4 Chs

Chapter 2

Salvation from a Stranger: Chapter Two

Last night was something beyond simply difficult but im sure a time will come. Patience is what I should have right now above all else. The sudden rise in heat pulls me from a wonderful fever dream or so I wanted to believe. Yet my hand was holding another person's body while my head was resting on her breast. Instinctively I hold my breath which seems to be the opposite of her erratic breathing. We both seem awake yet incapable of moving or facing the other so we just lay here hoping to remain unnoticed.

Last night was something people dream about happening and at that moment I went blank. She overwhelmed me with a ferocity I couldn't handle and only now do I remember everything. How my body became submissive beneath her or how my voice was louder than it ever has been. My nails must have left marks of what happened here last night but I'm still looking for my mind to wake up wondering if it's real. Her body heat was growing insanely higher which started the ending so I decided to move away hoping I'm being stealthy enough.

I could hear her looking in the drawers quietly which means she must think I'm still asleep. Once dressed she slips out and I'm finally free to breathe and much more relaxed. Yet I'm still processing if it happened or if it was a vivid dream. The moment I tried to move searching for evidence it dropped on my body like cement and I could feel pain nearly everywhere. While the pain was centered on my back, I could feel a second pain source that didn't match my memories. Since I couldn't move I closed my eyes hoping to remember everything more clearly about how my neck got injured last night. Fragmented memories slowly surface but before I could open my eyes they had already taken control. We had gone a third round later in the night which was pure primal sex between us both.

This memory is far more vivid like I can feel I am inside that moment once again. My eyes barely opened but my hand was traveling somewhere south while being held. My nails press roughly against her skin like I'm trying to wake her up. Which didn't take long and once again she was on top of me, a side of her that was beautiful. She pushed herself between my legs and took control of my wrists trying to keep me pinned. Unlike the first two rounds where she dominated me this time I could fight back so struggled with everything I had. The headboard was supporting my weight in its own way as she kept me pressed into the solid wood hard. When she started pulling herself away only to thrust back the headboard made a protest as it was ruthlessly smashed into the wall repeatedly.

My legs had been wrapped around her after the third thrust and soon she released my wrist to seek out my heat. Her nails felt sharper than I remember as they dragged down my chest and breasts. With one hand going quickly towards my core the other trailed back up gripping my throat switching between a squeeze and messaging. My fingers began digging into her back like I was gonna fall if I didn't hold on. Once more the headboard was protesting against our actions as she used her thrusts to shove her fingers in even rougher. Our cries of pleasure had no restraint as we filled the room with pleasure which definitely filled this house. After my orgasm hit my body was pulled towards her and off the headboard a good bit. Once more she was diving in devouring my core with that hunger fit for a king of animals. That was how my head came to rest awkwardly against the headboard while she was devouring me.

Before I could continue a sound erupted from me that was not apparent in the memory. This forced my eyes to shoot open and I realized just how vivid that memory was. While having orgasms in my memory I was unconsciously having one without even knowing it.

"Since you are finally done... Umm, you wanna eat breakfast now."

Her voice made me jump out of my skin as I pulled myself up in the bed. Did she watch me masturbate without saying anything that is beyond embarrassing. I became tongue-tied till I realized her hands held a plate of food and drink which was perfect.

"Uhh yeah, um hungry... Definitely hungry."

She came around the bed setting the food down. I could see her face turning red. My hand pulled free of the blankets but before I could start eating I noticed a mess.

"Uhh... This morning keeps getting more and more embarrassing. I might die at this rate."

Forgotten so quickly only to be remembered again like I'm doing this on purpose. How am I so disorganized and outside of my head, while I tried to look for something to clean my fingers I felt something envelop each one. I was afraid to look but my eyes just shifted towards her and that was perhaps the second most beautiful sight I have seen the way she was taking every finger so delicately sucking away my cum like it was her breakfast. My voice becomes shaky as I resist the urge to be turned on yet again. Then her eyes drift up noticing me watching her and somehow she became more engaged with cleaning my hand. While holding her gaze my other hand came to stroke down her cheek slowly as if on instinct.

When she finished I noticed saliva trailing down the side of her lip looking inviting. Once I leaned forward my tongue reached out for her, licking up the saliva that was trailing downwards. With that done we both became more aroused which was becoming harder to ignore.

"If you don't eat breakfast it's gonna get colder... Adriana"

She was speaking while pulling away but her eyes had captured my soul making it hard to do anything. But like any spell when she moved far enough back it broke letting me move once more.

"Oh yeah, it looks great... Thanks for this but what about you, are you not eating?"

"I mean I kind of had a snack already so I think I'll be okay till later."

"Yeah, it seemed like you enjoyed it. But will that be enough food?"

My words and actions had betrayed me since I was still trying to move away from this sexual tension. But my hand pulled the cover away which gave her a full view of what mess was still lingering. It was an invitation that wasn't planned but she looked so amazingly sexy sucking my fingers like that my body now ignores me. My mind becomes the largest accomplice yet I feel like I'm just making a fool of myself. I wasn't expecting her to take me seriously and go down on me with so much determination but she did. Once more those damn eyes were a criminal possession she had and when she started crawling up the head toward me I was consumed. I took the plate of food she made me and slowly ate what I could but when her mouth started sending shockwaves through me it became harder.

"Jesus, what are you?"

Her eyes were criminal but that damn mouth was the biggest accomplice. My mind was going blank and I felt myself rising once again as she began feasting on her breakfast. Luckily it was just her cleaning up my mess and she didn't continue because we probably would have never left the bed at this rate.

"Yeah you may have been right, this was a much better and filling breakfast."

I'm dying for oxygen but she just made her sassy comments while teasing me. I couldn't help but smile so stupidly.

"You are dangerous... Perhaps the biggest criminal I have ever seen. You made this beautiful breakfast for me and I couldn't even enjoy it."

"Sounds like you committed a crime wasting my hard work. Almost like we are accomplices to creating crimes that have strange connections."

She was coming out of her shell more and more which was amazing to see. But if I had known she was this relentless I may have gone much slower.

"Alright hush you I'm gonna eat this so go ahead and take a shower first we can go buy you some clothes today. You should be able to find something to wear since I didn't wash your stuff yet."

I know that her food was my goal but her body with those bare legs drew my eyes. I felt like a dog panting for water as I continued to stare at her bending over and crouching down looking for clothes she could fit. If it wasn't clear before I'm more certain now she will kill me soon with this sexual tension she brings me. Once she slips into the bathroom I'm free to eat before this food becomes forgotten. This was the first time anyone cooked me breakfast in bed and she even decorated the food for me. A smiley face made from pancakes was like a good fortune sign because I have yet to stop smiling. Once the food was done it was time to escape this bedroom before she finished up.

With some clothes hastily thrown on, I was nearly running down the stairs like I'm escaping something. Before I could put the dishes in the sink Eric arrived with his phone looking excitedly.

"Finally you are awake, look at what I found on our mystery girl. At first, I wasn't sure but her name was familiar, then it hit me after I saw her again this morning."

He was talking a little faster which happens when he is excited about something. When he played a video on his phone it was of a match between two people. That's when I realized it was her when she competed which was a part of her I never got to know yet.

"Is this her championship match?"

"Yeah, her third one. This was when her career sank and she disappeared from the scene entirely."

"Wait, what do you mean her career sank?"

"Just watch."

I had so many questions but all I could do was watch and hope this would answer them. The match played out normally but then something happened to Taylor. She became distracted which caused her to get hit hard. When I pushed rewind a few times I noticed a woman standing alone then she hugged another who came up to her. These two are what drew her attention and I'm sure one of them was responsible for how I found her.

"It's right here, watch this closely."

His words pulled me from my head and once more I was watching intently. After she received a heavy hit something must have snapped inside of her when she retaliated. A red flag was waved before people rushed to the stage to check on the other person. Luckily the other person could still move and fight but Taylor was barely paying attention. Her head was always facing in that direction watching helplessly which breaks my heart to see. When the next round starts she manages to put the opponent down quickly but before she could finish those two were leaving. This must have crushed her to see which cost her the round entirely but instead of this match, she rushed off towards them.

A dispute between the three of them happened and before I knew it Taylor was attacking one of them. The other woman was trying to separate them which got officials involved. The video was cut which left me desperate to know more.

"Wait, was that everything, what happened next?'

"Well I looked her up and a news article said she was banned from participating for three years. The woman she attacked didn't press charges and the damage wasn't entirely severe enough. Which I'm sure was because she also was a competitor... So the other woman must have been with her but had eyes on another. Either way, this is juicy."

This just created more questions that I couldn't answer and didn't dare to ask her directly. When I believed it was over he pulled up something else that was shocking. After that whole mess, someone had gotten video footage of her and that woman arguing about the fight that occurred. It became a huge issue when the world knew she was dating this woman, who was caught saying she convinced the other not to press charges. This entire thing was almost four years ago which makes me wonder if it's the same woman or someone different. Either way, they both hurt her in such a terrible way but the person in this video was a fighter. I don't see it in her anymore, it's more accurate to call her a lost or abandoned puppy. How does someone lose the will to fight and become so defeated, she was clearly strong but what ultimately broke her spirit.

"Whatever the case, Eric, just remember she's stronger than my stick. Better be careful"

At first, he thought I was joking but once he let my words connect it dawned on him. This brought me a lot of joy.

"Can we just stay with stick threats...  Men can only handle so much terror in a lifetime after all."

Just as our conversation was finishing up she was coming down the stairs. If a person's jaw could detach so easily mine was a victim.

"You got some drool... Ow"

I should have punched him harder for ruining my thoughts. But he wasn't wrong, she was something worth drooling over but if I keep staring I may creep her out. Instead of standing around, I decided to head upstairs for a shower and the moment I passed her was when I felt it. Her hand stuck out tracing fingers over my thin fabric shirt sending chills up my spine. Her smile was beyond dangerous at this point. It's like I became a virgin again, which is insane. My smile was sheepish as I rushed to get a shower and cool down finally.

Once the shower was done I made a few calls taking a day off work. This would let me help her get situated more and move forward with life. When it was time to separate Eric and Taylor made me realize how comfortable she is around us. Once we got settled inside the truck it was time to start shopping for her daily needs.

" So what kind of clothes should we look for?"

" You know we don't need to do this, I'm okay with what I have."

" Yeah, what you have is a set of clothes that barely escaped the fire. While I'm fine seeing you strutting in my clothes it's a dangerous thing."

" Hey I don't strut anywhere and you have yet to see me strut. I'm sure you would rather me keep wearing these clothes anyway."

She was pulling the collar of the baggy shirt which gave me a small view down at her breast. Makes me believe she's doing this intentionally to tease me.

" With those legs, you could do a lot of damage and not just sexual either. You have some real power hidden there."

" Are you worshiping my legs and feet now?... I never indulged in that fantasy before, sounds strange."

She was out of her shell much more now, becoming more comfortable than before. But I'm sure she's still holding herself back in some way.

" You are something to worship entirely, so I can't argue or debate."

I didn't expect it but her bare foot came up tracing her delicate toes down my neck. This was unfair teasing.

" Hey careful with the distractions I might crash here, being a flirting tease inside the truck is forbidden."

" Awe but we have a lot of room to have fun in here. I can move around and even stretch my body."

I understood what was happening now and I'm still not regretting yesterday. Even if I must suffer her retaliation on me.

" Okay enough stretching or are you trying to kill me over here? Got me in the desert already."

She was giggling at my suffering but it was all playful flirtation and mostly harmless. Yet I get the feeling I may suffer again tonight at her hands. Just as we pulled up to a green light it switched to yellow then red before we could make the turn. Then she attacked my mouth within that fraction of time we came to a stop. I felt her mouth on mine and her tongue pushing saliva across my tongue. My moans became unleashed as my hand gripped the back of her head holding her in place while giving her a return treatment. If a car didn't start honking at us we would have gone much further I'm sure but this was also good to stop.

"You seem... Less dehydrated."

"Well, the trusty camel that I rode last night has become a lifesaver in this desert."

"Hey I'm not a camel, they are not even cute. How could you compare them to me?"

She was getting cute with her pouting while acting insulted but she understood my meaning behind those words. After a few moments, she broke and started laughing which luckily we were pulling into the parking lot.

"We are here and finally I'm free of your torture it seems. Come on, let's go in."

"What is this place, it looks more than a clothing store."

"You will see soon."

This place wasn't filled with people which was a blessing for me. Without knowing when I started holding her hand and walking her to places in the store. We visited many sections but she was unsure of what to pick and me holding her hand didn't affect her after all.

"Okay here's the deal... You start picking clothes you can wear or I take you to that dressing room... Strip you bare and run my hands all over till I take your measurements in deep detail."

Revenge can sometimes be far too sweet for anyone to savor but this was perfectly balanced. Once I whispered those words to her it made her face heat up as she started pulling me to places we visited. My hand let hers go so I could hold some clothes she chose to try on. Which gave me an idea of her sizes and her tastes.

"Is this all you want to try on?"

"Yeah, I don't need a lot you know."

"Will you model them for me?"

"No, that's way too embarrassing. People are everywhere here."

"So you will model back at the house then."

She didn't have a response which was a surprise that I loved to see. With clothes in hand, she took off to start trying clothes on leaving me out in the cold. However, some clothes caught my eye that she would look good in, and luckily they were her size. While she was trying those on I slipped away picking up a few more pieces I thought she may like. When I returned I noticed she still wasn't out yet and so I had to make a choice. Either way, I wouldn't regret choosing to just enter the dressing room after our night together but I'm sure this will embarrass her more.

"Hey, why did you come in here?"

"Found some extra clothes you might like so I brought them in. And it seems I picked the right time to enter."

"Oh did you now, well like the view... Careful I might charge you."

"Don't worry it's with every penny."

I couldn't resist that look she was giving me which was drawing me in till my lips pressed to hers. After a short kiss, I was pushed outside the changing room. I couldn't help but laugh at how she was acting all of a sudden.

After some time she picked everything she could or would wear which led her to believe we were done shopping here. That was until I took her hand once again guiding her to the lingerie section.

"You will be needing these too right, I mean I'm fine with the commando style."

"Shut up no one is going commando here, I can just take yours."

"True well that is until you decide to shred them just because you were hungry for something hidden."

"Oh my God, do you have no filter? We are in a store. Anyone could hear you right now."

Even though she said that her face was bright and her smile was even brighter. It didn't take long for her to pick some things out to wear which was enough clothes shopping. Once paid we once more hit the road driving nowhere in particular yet.

"Anywhere you wanna go or need shopping wise. I seriously only planned this far, sorry."

"No, I don't think so..."

She was staring at a wall that was advertising a movie which also caused her to drift off with her words. 

"Wanna watch it?"

"What, no it's okay. Most people are not into that kind of movie and I don't wanna bore you. Besides, you did enough today."

She said one thing but it was obvious how much she was interested in the movie. This would even be my first time going into a theater which was exciting. After taking a turn the drive was only a short distance from the clothing store. When we pulled in she had a slightly brighter look on her face, like she was getting happier that I brought her here. Once again my hand just took hers guiding us through the building without even second-guessing it.

"So confession, I have never been to one of these before. So we will be in your capable hands."

"Are you sure you wanna watch this, it's an old movie and probably gonna bore you. Like I said you did enough already."

"I'm gonna be fine, promise."

That seemed to make her smile brightly again when I said I promise. She doesn't make it easy to convince her I'm interested in what she likes but that's okay too. She gets us some drinks and popcorn then we are off to our seats which she picked to be at the back.

"You sure you wanna sit back here, won't it be hard to hear or see the film?"

"Well, this seat is fine because most people will sit upfront or anywhere close. At least we can keep the back row to ourselves this way."

She thought about all of this which makes it even better to be here seeing more of who she is. Once the lights go down the movie begins to play before us on a large screen. I'm almost surprised at how this whole thing works and for my first time here it's a good memory to have. Every so often our fingers meet inside the popcorn bucket which causes us both to giggle every so often. While I don't watch movies often to say what's my favorite, this wasn't bad at all even if it's black and white. Every so often I can catch her smiling at the romantic parts which seem to add light to this dark area. After some hours passed the movie had come to an end and I could see she had dozed off on my shoulder. She was worried about me yet here she is passed out without a care in the world. She was rather light enough for me to carry bridal style to the truck which surprised me she didn't wake up. Once I got her inside and the seat belt on it was time to head home and prepare for dinner. It's been a while since I could cook home meals for more than me and Eric.

As time continued drifting by we finally started pulling up the driveway. However, she was still passed out in a deep enough sleep which means another bridal carry. While I did not mind carrying her I was also worried she may not like being carried at all, something I'm sure I'll learn some other day. Once I unlocked the door and started walking in Eric couldn't resist snapping pictures of me carrying her, which was embarrassing me to death. So I gave him the evilest stare I could while taking her upstairs to the bedroom. After setting her down it was time to get some dinner going for everyone and hopefully she will be awake by then.

"You better send me those pictures."

"Yes of course don't worry, knight in shining armor."

"I will seriously murder you."

Something new for him to use when teasing me but I honestly didn't mind it much. When I saw the pictures it was the most adorable I have seen of her yet. Which is why he probably took them. After a few hours passed dinner was starting to move toward the final stages. Soon we could feast happily but Taylor hasn't woken up yet which is surprising to me. Makes me wonder if she could be a sloth in disguise which can be cute also. With dinner finished it was time to start plating everything and setting the table. All that was missing was Taylor so I decided to go wake her up even though I didn't want to do it at all honestly.

As I approached the bed I noticed she moved over to my side of the bed. So I ended up crawling over to her gently shaking her while moving my hand up and down her side.

"Hey, sleepyhead dinner is done."

"Mmmm... Don't wanna move"

"Well, I made dinner and would like for you to join us for the food."

"But I don't wanna get up... How about five more minutes."

"Alright, I'll wait right here but... I'm hungry after cooking that food so I might claim a snack."

My lips started kissing and soon teeth began to bubble while pulling at her skin. She was enjoying this sensation and it was making me want even more so I continued biting and kissing her.

" How are you so delicious... I could make you my dinner every day."

" Oh really?... So you would eat me for dinner?"

" Yeah and breakfast, even lunch... But if we don't go downstairs soon I'm gonna take my dinner right here."

" Alright let's go because I wanna try your food."

She said that and yet ended up tackling me giving me a similar treatment. My moans were growing as she claimed certain places.

" Alright come on let's go"

With a loud huff of air I reluctantly got up but when she walked in front of me I couldn't resist smacking my hand on her ass. Which got a positive response but unfortunately dinner was first. The food was good but it seemed to pass by quicker than normal even with Eric here talking. We spent a little extra time talking with Eric before everyone retired to bed now finally it was just her and me. So when we reached the top stirs I couldn't wait to have her pinned against anything.

"Are we going to have dessert?"

" Sounds fun but don't you have work tomorrow, I made you late today. So maybe you should sleep early."

"Well, I choose to have you blow my mind any day over life things. Last night was amazing."

" Sleep early and if we get up early enough... I'll do more than blow your mind. How's that sound?"

" Taylor you are so difficult to resist, come on let's go to bed."

We both wanted sex but she was being more reasonable than I. Controlling my urges won't be easy by any means but having her next to me is still good enough. At first, I thought she was going to wear more clothes but she stripped down to a sleep shirt and underwear. I followed her and did the same before we curled up and went to sleep finally.