
Chapter 1 Shock of his life


" The boss asked you to bring his suite now to the top floor!"

Hudson's brows relaxed immediately, and he nodded gently. " Okay." He was familiar with the person at the other end of the line.

Before he could hang up, the phone was snatched from the person at the other end, and a familiar voice rang inside Hudson's ears.

" Bring the thick cap when you are coming! I will be needing it within an hour, so be fast! I don't want my babe to leave, or you will be dead for that!"

*Beep beep*

The call was hung up immediately.

Hudson could only stared at his phone screen in a dumfounded manner. He couldn't believe his boss again.

This was the habit of Henry, and Hudson was already used to it. He knew his boss was having a new chick again by now, and he was the one task with the responsibility of bringing or carrying the Jimmy hat.

" Will my life ever be better?" Hudson wanted to cry so hard, but he couldn't. His life at this moment was really a sore spot for him. There were times he just wanted to close his eyes and never open them again. A lots of times, he wanted to give up, but there was no chance for him, as he couldn't afford to leave his girlfriend alone.

A small smile bloomed on Hudson's lips, with just thinking about his girlfriend, and he stared into space. It was evident he was pretty much in love with his girlfriend and was ready to do everything for her.

" I love you Gina," he whispered to himself and rubbed his palms together like a little kid in love. " I am ready to do everything for you, and I promise I won't give up now! Me and you will have a better life, I promise!" He vowed with a smile, and immediately, there was a new surge of motivation in him.

How could he give up when there was someone counting on him?

Hudson stood up and dusted himself before he went out of the store room.

Without wasting any time, he went to get Henry's things and ran to the top floor. He wanted to be punctual and not offend his boss like he did earlier.


" Who is there?" A familiar voice resounded hoarsely.

" Hudson, president Henry," Hudson unhurriedly answered, and before Henry could say anything more, the door was clicked open.


The bag and items in Hudson's hands dropped down naturally, the instant he stepped in and was welcomed with an unexpected view.

" What are you doing here?!" Hudson scowled, and his voice turned deep immediately, as he balled his fists tightly.

A young pretty blonde haired girl stepped backward and tried to cover her exposed body parts, as she lowered her head in shock. She was in a very short dress that exposed her smooth milky fair skin, and her hair was down looking wet and sticky.

" Answer me!" A look of bitterness flashed past through his eyes, as he slowly stepped forward, approaching the blonde haired girl.

" You have no right to raise your voice at me Hudson!" The blonde haired girl snapped loudly with annoyance at Hudson, raising up her head, and she furrowed her brows deeply.

Hudson couldn't believe his ears, and he almost lost his balance. He wanted to believe this was a dream, but it was too real.......

" Why are you following me?! Don't I have a right to go anywhere I want to! I hate this! What are you doing here! Hudson, you just ruined my plan!" The pretty lady complained with a furious face, with her body trembling at the same time in anger. She was not anticipating this at all!

Hudson was so stunned to the, extent he couldn't form a single word.......

In fact, it seemed his brain had flew away the moment he entered.......

" Gina baby, what's going on here?" Henry walked into the scene with a smile from the restroom. " Is there any problem? Don't worry, am already here, and I will make sure you scream my name till day break!"


Hearing this just made Hudson's blood to boil so hard!

" No, it not that, president. It just an unwanted guest." Gina shook her head, as a blush secretly formed on her cheeks, and she chimed calmly.

" Unwanted guest?" Henry repeated, and this was when his eyes snapped to Hudson, who was glaring at them as if he was going to throw them daggers.

" You? What are you doing here, worthless piece of thrash?!" Henry's happy mood immediately went down the instant he saw Hudson..

" You dare to ask me what am doing here, when you are with my girlfriend!" Hudson exclaimed with a quivering mouth, as his eyes became red rimmed.

" Your girlfriend? Gina?" Henry repeated again, and this was when things were starting to get clear to. him.

Immediately afterward, he laughed out loud and shook his head amusingly, as he pointed to Hudson. " Don't tell me he is actually your boyfriend?!" He turned his head to questioned Gina, who was slightly embrassed.

Henry was disappointed with this, and he stopped laughing.

" You really have a bad taste to choose someone stupid and worthless like this! What are you even thinking?! Am sure he must have lie to you or what? He is too unfortunate for you to date."

Gina was astounded, and she scratched the back of her head awkwardly.

" I was not in my right sense during that time. Am sorry president Henry."

" Gina, are you insane! How can you say something like this! Don't you love me anymore?!" Hudson roared out loud and quickly rushed forward to attack Henry. He was now seriously and insanely vexing! " What am I even saying?! You are a shameless bitch Gina! After everything I have done for you, and this is what I get as a pay back! Fuck! I regret dating you! I regret the first time I met you, and I.... ....... Shameless and irresponsible bitch like you should go to hell! You disgust me!"

" Hell you Hudson! Don't forget your place here! And don't blame me for cheating, you should blame your useless fate! I don't want to suffer. I crave for a luxury life, and I am getting it now! Go and die Hudson! You make me sick!" Gina flared back, as she snapped her fingers loudly and hissed. She seized Hudson up and down and scoffed, before sticking out her tongue!

" You......"

Henry was impressed with Gina's reply to Hudson, and he smirked smugly.

" Don't worry, when am done, I will pay you her price!" He laughed slightly and walked closer to Gina. " Now, where do we stopped baby?" He pushed Gina gently onto the king sized bed and climbed onto of her, with a gaze full of lust.....

Hudson's world just came crashing down totally with what he just witnessed, and all the air in his body just got knocked out!

Before he could even say anything, the door was pushed open, and several bodyguards stepped in.

" Throw him out! To the thrash where he belong!" Henry ordered the bodyguards without even glancing at them. His focus now was Gina.......

" No!!!!!!!" Hudson snapped back into reality and tried to escape! He wanted to fight back, but he was outnumbered!

The bodyguards walked up to Hudson and lifted him up, despite his hard struggles.

" Let me goooooooooooo!"

Just then, Hudson stopped shouting, and suddenly went mute, which astonished the bodyguards......