
Salient reminiscence

She was nothing more than a piece of dust used to bring their story together, she was nothing more than someone used for their own selfish happiness. She was stuck in a dark abyss that controlled her, that made her do things she would never want. However, she was able to smile, smile with content at the reminiscence that had returned to her. She remembered the life she had before the plot started, the satisfaction she felt when she was free, free to be whatever she wanted. She was determined to change her sorrowful fate, to change the fate waiting for her. Seraphina was the abandoned villainess in a novel, she was fated to help the main protagonists get closer but that led to her own demise. She was supposed to be executed for treason, however with her knew reminiscence she will strive to steer away from her self-destruction. Seraphina will find love in the person she hated in her past life, the callous villain that utterly hated her. The hatred exchanged might interlace with some other feelings. "Our love was born from hate and that made it impossible for it to end beautifully. It was fated to be pure destruction from the very start, however I do not regret the time I spent with you because in the end I loved you with all my heart, my time and my soul. You were my everything and I'm happy I got to see you one last time, my love."

Roraxo7 · Fantasy
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3 Chs


Seraphina felt hatred burning up her throat, the wretched faces that looked at her with amusement on their faces were disgusting. Her tears that were cascading down her face weren't from sorrow but anger, anger towards the people who manipulated her and made her this way. They made her into a monster. She was nothing but a pawn to them and because she was no longer needed she was being disposed of. She knew that it was her own selfish desires that contributed to the dark future she had bestowed, however if she had someone who truly loved her, she would of surely taken a different path. It was rather amusing that she was so in love to commit such a hideous crime against a innocent lady, therefore she hated every inch of herself but she also hated them. The malicious laughs that erupted from the crowds were enough to beg for her own death, enough to ask for revenge. Her feelings were contradicting, she had already accepted her mistakes but she also wanted to take revenge against the real monster, the real demons who did this. Seraphina looked up to see the people who caused this, their faces made bile rise up her scathed throat. Their blood-curdling smiles were enough to make a uncontrollable shiver travel down her spine.

Her eyes met her family for one last time. Seraphina tried her hardest in every aspect but of course it wasn't enough for them to love her, she was nothing to them. Countless memories started flooding back to her. She had always hoped that they would care for her some day, so she did anything to make them happy. However, in the very end it wasn't worth it, they weren't worth it. The love she had given was crushed under their feet, breaking her slowly every time and it left her alone, alone with the deafening whispers. The person she had loved with every inch of her ruined her and tore her a-part, the family who swore to protect her had failed to do that. Seraphina had lost everything, she had lost everything that was never meant to be hers to begin with. She regretted all the times she tried to get their attention, she regretted everything in her life. If she had one more chance, she would make sure that everyone who stood it her way would feel her wrath. She wanted to scream from the agony they had caused her but no sound would come out.

"Kill the traitor!" the crowd roared.

A single tear engraved down her face, it was going to be over soon. The ropes binding her wrists, tightened at every slight movement like a vicious snake. The bruises that covered her body were now numb from the burning sensation in her chest. The orange and yellow hues that were painting the sky, made a yellow glow land on her. The warmth of the setting sun was serene and enough to lull her into a fake sense of peacefulness. It was just enough. A regretful smile tugged at the corner of her lips as she let the small fragments of the content memories drown out the noise around her.

Her one mistake that led her to this fateful moment was loving people who had never felt the same. She had too much love to give but it was annihilating her from the inside, she was drowning in the voices that haunted her. Every time Seraphina looked in the mirror she saw the cracks covering them, her face was covered in her own blood and the cuts grew every second. She could barely endure the pain she got from looking at her own reflection, it was burning her inside out. Only she could hear the shrilled voices that pierced through the air like knives and she had to endure the pain completely alone. She was more than not fine, she was breaking, no, she was already broken. The pain that constantly engulfed her was now a-part of her, it still hurt like always but she knew how to endure it, how to act like everything was fine. Her pain didn't matter.

Seraphina had just realized how foolish she was to bite back the pain because she didn't want anyone to worry, however even if she did tell them, they would of ignored it. Her pain would do nothing but make them spit venom at her.

She let her mind travel further back, looking through every nook and cranny to find one single memory that could leave a smile on her face. She wanted to leave the sinister world behind with a bright smile to show her monsters that she was fine and she would finally be free.

Seraphina could almost see the face of her beautiful smiling mother, although she couldn't remember her distinctively it was enough to fill her with warmth. The ghostly touch was so close yet so far. She had always wondered what had happened to her mother, maybe she could ask her in another life. Her thoughts of the only person who loved her made a small smile curl on her lips.

She swore that she would never forgive the people who made her this way. She would always keep the hatred buried deep in her heart.

That was Seraphina's last thought before she heard the blade piercing through the now deafening silence . Her eyes closed, she was finally able to rest. The cool wind brushed against her tear stained cheeks, the darkness was now painting the sky. Seraphina felt the light sting on her neck but it was nothing compared to the torture she had received.

Seraphina was now free.