
chapter 6

As I woke up the next day, I could feel a thrill running through me. I was finally starting my new training at the academy. I knew that I had a lot to learn, but I was eager to soak up everything the academy had to offer.

I quickly got dressed and headed toward the classroom on the fifth floor. As I walked down the hallway, I could hear the sound of chalk writing on the board. When I arrived, the teacher, Prof. Gill, welcomed me warmly and introduced himself.

"Good morning, welcome to the academy! I'm Prof. Gill, the biology teacher," he said with a smile.

"Good morning, Prof. Gill. It's great to see you again," I replied. It surprised me to see him as one of my tutors from home. I had no idea that he was a biology scientist in the Pokemon research field.

As I entered the classroom, I was amazed by its spaciousness, the natural light that flowed in through the large windows, and the neutral-colored walls that provided a calming environment for learning.

"The classroom is equipped with the latest audio-visual equipment, including a high-definition projector, an interactive whiteboard, and a sound system," Prof. Gill explained as he showed me around. "The projector can display presentations, videos, and images in high definition, providing you with an immersive learning experience. The interactive whiteboard allows you and your classmates to write, draw, and manipulate content on the board, making it an ideal tool for collaborative learning."

I was impressed with the technological advancements in the classroom. It was evident that the academy had invested a lot of resources in creating a conducive learning environment for students.

Prof. Gill then introduced me to the anatomy models of different Pokemon species that were displayed in the classroom. He explained how these models would help me learn about the internal structure of different Pokemon species and how it relates to their behavior and abilities.

"With the help of DNA sequencers, you can study the genetic makeup of Pokemon and learn more about their evolutionary history," he added.

As the lecture on Pokemon typing began, I was completely engrossed in the subject matter. Prof. Gill went into great detail about the different types of Pokemon and what gives them their typing. He showed me how to identify the strengths and weaknesses of different Pokemon types and how to use this knowledge to develop effective battle strategies.

After the lecture, Prof. Gill asked me how I felt about the subject matter.

"I'm excited to learn more about Pokemon typing. I've always been fascinated by the different types of Pokemon and their unique abilities," I replied.

"Great to hear that. I'm looking forward to seeing you excel in this subject," he said, encouragingly.

As I strolled toward my next class, I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and gratitude for the chance to study in such a remarkable institution. The academy had already surpassed my expectations, and I was eager to see what new knowledge and skills I would acquire in the coming weeks and months.

When I entered the Ecology classroom, a stunning sight greeted me - a mini-jungle of lush greenery, complete with trees, vines, and shrubs. Every plant was meticulously labeled, and the air was thick with the sweet fragrance of blooming flowers. I was in awe.

Ms. Susan, the ecology teacher. Welcomed me with a warm smile and invited me to take a seat. As the lecture began, Ms. Susan shared her passion for ecology, highlighting how the world of Pokemon was home to diverse habitats and ecosystems, each with its own set of unique flora and fauna. She emphasized the crucial role humans and Pokemon played in preserving these environments and the impact our actions could have on them.

Ms. Susan's anecdotes of her journey toward becoming an ecologist were fascinating, and I couldn't help but feel inspired by her dedication to preserving our planet's natural wonders.

After the lecture, we discussed how we could each contribute to conservation efforts in our daily lives. The conversation was engaging and thought-provoking, as we brainstormed ways to reduce waste, conserve water, and create more sustainable living practices.

Next was the Breeding class, which I was eager to attend. Professor Salam, a renowned Pokemon researcher, was our teacher for the day. His passion for breeding Pokemon was infectious, and I could sense the energy in the room growing as he began his lecture.

Professor Salam started by giving me an overview of the different breeding methods and techniques, from egg groups to breeding with Ditto. He explained the mechanics of genetic variation and how it led to unique offspring, which was fascinating to learn about.

But what struck me the most was Professor Salam's emphasis on responsible breeding practices and ethical considerations. He shared stories of how improper breeding practices could lead to serious health issues and deformities in Pokemon, highlighting the importance of ensuring that we bred Pokemon in a way that promoted their well-being.

As the class drew to a close, I couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment and purpose. I was taking my first steps towards becoming a Pokemon trainer and researcher, and I knew that the knowledge and skills I was gaining would be invaluable in my future endeavors.

Walking back to my floor, I felt a renewed sense of appreciation for the world of Pokemon and the importance of preserving its natural beauty. The day had been a truly enriching experience, and I was grateful for the opportunity to learn from such incredible teachers.

On the other days, I had Biology, Ecology, medicine, Breeding, Training, Survival, Agriculture, Geography, Ethics, Politics, Law, and history.

Medicine: It is a crucial subject. I learned about the anatomy and physiology of Pokémon, as well as how to diagnose and treat common illnesses and injuries. I also studied the pharmacology of various medicines and how to administer them safely.

Breeding: Breeding is an essential subject for trainers and breeders alike. I learned about the genetics of Pokémon and how to breed them selectively to produce desired traits. I also learned about the different breeding methods and techniques used to increase the chance of hatching a rare or powerful Pokémon.

Training: Training is another important subject for me. I learned about the different training methods and techniques used to develop Pokémon's skills and abilities. I would also study the different types of battles and how to prepare their Pokémon for different challenges.

As a student at the academy, I was not only trained in the art of Pokemon battles, but I also received rigorous physical training to prepare me for any situation that might arise. The training was hard and rough, but I knew it was necessary to be able to keep up with the demands of the academy.

I spent hours each day in the gym, working on my strength, endurance, and agility. The trainers pushed me to my limits, and there were times when I thought I couldn't go on, but I never gave up. I was determined to become the best warrior I could be. What if all my Pokemon are injured and I'm alone, and I need to fight another Pokemon or another person who poses a danger?

In addition to the physical training, I also received instruction on the use of weapons. I learned how to handle guns and rifles, how to aim and shoot accurately, and how to care for and maintain my weapons properly. Close-arm combat training was also part of the curriculum, where I learned the art of hand-to-hand combat, including swordsmanship and other forms of martial arts.

I found the training to be both challenging and rewarding. It gave me the confidence and skills I needed to defend myself and others if necessary. And as I progressed through the training, I could feel myself getting stronger, faster, and more agile with each passing day.

Overall, physical training was an essential part of my education at the academy, and I was grateful for the opportunity to learn from some of the best trainers and warriors in the world of Pokemon.

Survival: survival is a critical subject. I learned how to survive in various environments, such as forests, deserts, and mountains, and how to protect myself from dangerous Pokémon. I also learned basic first aid and wilderness survival skills.

Agriculture: Agriculture is another crucial subject here in a world where many Pokémon species are used for food or other products. I learned about the different crops that can be grown to feed Pokémon, as well as how to cultivate them. I also studied the different methods used to raise and care for Pokémon used for food or other products.

Geography: Geography would be an important subject for trainers and researchers who need to explore different regions in search of rare or powerful Pokémon. I as a student learned about the different regions and ecosystems in the Pokémon world and how to navigate them. I studied the different climates and weather patterns and how they affect Pokémon.

Ethics: Ethics would be a critical subject in a world where Pokémon are treated as partners, companions, or even resources. Students such as me need to learn about the ethical considerations involved in breeding, training, and using Pokémon for different purposes. They would also study the different ethical frameworks used to evaluate these considerations.

Politics and Law: Politics and Law would be important subjects for trainers, breeders, and researchers who need to navigate the complex legal and regulatory frameworks governing the use of Pokémon. Students such as I need to learn about the different laws and regulations governing the breeding, training, and use of Pokémon, as well as the different political and economic interests involved.

History: History would be an interesting subject for me who wants to understand how the Pokémon world has evolved. I learned about the origins of Pokémon and how they have adapted to different environments. I studied the different historical events and figures that have shaped the Pokémon world, such as legendary trainers and Pokémon battles.

As I walked through the halls of the academy, I couldn't help but feel a sense of solitude. There were no other students around me, only the occasional teacher or staff member. But even as I walked alone, I couldn't help but feel grateful for the opportunity to study in such a remarkable institution.

I attended lectures in vast halls, my footsteps echoing against the walls as I made my way to my seat. The classes were taught by brilliant minds and experts in their respective fields. I listened intently as they imparted their knowledge, soaking up every bit of information like a sponge.

Despite the lack of fellow students, I still found opportunities to practice my battle techniques. The academy had a training ground where trainers could hone their skills, and I would often spar with battle teachers and staff members. We would exchange tips and tricks, sharing our knowledge and learning from each other.

As part of the rigorous curriculum at the academy, I was taught a variety of skills that extended beyond just battling and training Pokemon. One of the most memorable experiences was the shooting and hunting practice, where I learned how to survive in the wilderness for extended periods.

Under the watchful eyes of my teachers, I practiced handling guns and rifles with precision and care. They taught me the importance of gun safety and proper handling techniques. We also learned about the different types of ammunition and how to choose the right one for the situation.

In addition to shooting practice, we were also taught how to hunt for food and resources. I learned how to track animals, set traps, and use different hunting methods such as bow and arrow, spear, and snare traps. The teachers emphasized the importance of ethical hunting and conservation efforts, ensuring that we never took more than we needed from the environment.

But surviving in the wild also required knowledge of other basic survival skills such as finding water, lighting fires, and shelter construction. My teachers taught me how to identify different sources of water, such as streams and natural springs, and how to purify water for safe consumption. We also learned how to light fires using various materials such as flint and steel, matches, and other primitive techniques.

Furthermore, I learned how to skin and fish for food, preparing it for cooking over an open fire. The teachers showed me how to use different types of knives and tools to properly fillet fish and prepare a game for cooking. By fish I mean, water Pokemon, mostly Magikarp.

Overall, the survival training was an essential part of my education at the academy, and it gave me a newfound appreciation for the outdoors and the skills necessary to survive in the wild.

When I wasn't training or attending lectures, I spent countless hours writing in my notebook. I would jot down everything I learned, from new Pokemon species to advanced battle tactics. My notebooks became my most treasured possession, filled to the brim with knowledge and insights that I knew would be invaluable in my future as a trainer.

The days flew by in a blur, and before I knew it, I had been at the academy for 2 years and 8 months. During that time, I made new friends among the academy's staff members and bonded with my teachers. They became more than just instructors to me; they were mentors and friends who helped shape me into the person I was becoming.

But even as I reveled in my new life, I couldn't help but think of my mother back home. I missed her more than anything, and I couldn't wait to see her again. We talked on the phone every day after school, catching up on each other's lives and sharing stories. If I needed help or advice, I knew I could always count on her.

She would visit when she could, and those were always the happiest days of my time at the academy. We would explore the island together, taking in its natural beauty and spending quality time with each other. And even when she couldn't stay for long, just seeing her smile and hearing her voice filled me with warmth and comfort.

As I continued my studies at the academy, I knew that one day I would have to say goodbye and return home. But for now, I was happy for every moment, every experience, and every bit of knowledge I gained in this extraordinary place.

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