
chapter 4

The Pokemon Battle Academy (PBA) is a highly prestigious institution located on a small island just off the main region. The academy prides itself on producing only the best trainers and soldiers, and students are ranked based on their entrance exam scores. The ranks, from lowest to highest, are C, B, A, and S.

Students who attain the C rank share a room and bathroom with other students of the same rank. They have access to basic facilities and attend the same classes. The higher a student's rank, the more resources the academy invests in them. Thus, higher-ranked students have access to better facilities, equipment, and training.

Upon graduation, students are given parting gifts as a reward for their hard work and dedication. In this more dangerous and realistic Pokemon world, these gifts are rare and valuable Pokemon and items. The value of the gift is determined by the student's rank at the academy.

To graduate, students must complete a challenging mission that involves capturing a dangerous Pokemon or retrieving a rare item. The rarity of the Pokemon they receive as a parting gift is determined by their rank at the academy.

For example, a rank C student may receive basic supplies such as a Pokédex, a few Poké Balls, some money, and a starter Pokemon. They can obtain the military rank of Private First Class (PFC).

Graduates who attain the rank of B may receive a more advanced Pokédex, a higher number of Poké Balls, some basic potions and healing items, and a Pokemon. They can obtain the military rank of Specialist (SPC).

Those who attain the rank of A may receive an even more advanced Pokédex, a substantial number of Poké Balls, a wider range of potions and healing items, and even some specialty items such as incubators or evolution stones. They can also choose a regional starter Pokemon. They can obtain the military rank of Corporal (CPL).

Finally, graduates who attain the highest rank of S may receive the most advanced Pokédex available, a large number of Poké Balls and healing items, rare candies and evolution stones, and even a specialized item or piece of equipment such as a high-tech gadget or a powerful battle tool. They can also choose one of the regional starter Pokemon, from any region. They can obtain the military rank of Sergeant (SGT).

I am the first S-ranked student in over 400 years, scoring higher than even the legendary Professor Oak.

It is an honor to graduate from the Pokemon Battle Academy, and the gifts received upon graduation are a testament to the hard work and dedication of the students.

I couldn't believe it when I found out that Professor Oak was still alive. Contrary to his depiction in the anime, his hair wasn't grey either. It seemed like I was living in the era of Red Ketcham. To top it off, Professor Oak's son was named Blue Oak. It was an exciting time to be at the Pokemon Battle Academy.

Red and Blue were also at the academy, and they were the only students with an A ranking. It was an honor to be in the same academy as them, and I couldn't help but feel a bit intimidated by their prowess. But I was determined to make a name for myself and become the best trainer I could be. As an S-ranked student, I knew I had a lot to prove, but I was up for the challenge.

The letter states that I have 3 days to say goodbyes and pack my luggage because I will be escorted to the island where I will be living in a dorm.

Every student gets the same letter but my letter was different. Mine states I will be escorted to a private island where I will be trained and prepared by the academy, alone as in I will be the only student there.

It was suspicious to me so I asked my mother about it.

I could see the tension on my mother's face as I told her I would be trained and prepared alone on a private island before my Pokémon journey. We were sitting in the living room of our large mansion, surrounded by elegant furnishings and decorations. The room was filled with natural light from the large windows, but it did nothing to lighten the heavy atmosphere.

My mother took a deep breath and looked directly into my eyes, her own filled with concern and fear. "I bought the whole academy, and I am the chairwoman of the school's council," she said. "I am trying to protect you, son. Your talent is extraordinary, and I'm afraid that people will want to kill you or kidnap you because of it."

I was stunned. I had always known that my abilities were special, but I had never imagined that they would be a danger to me. I felt a mixture of confusion, fear, and disbelief wash over me. "What do you mean by 'extraordinary'?" I asked.

My mother hesitated for a moment before responding. "You have a rare gift, my child," she said. "You have an incredible ability to collect, understand and analyze information on a deep level, in a way that most trainers can't. You have a natural talent for training and battling that is unmatched. I am sure you will be a great trainer. And that makes you a target."

I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. It was hard to process everything she was telling me. "But what about the other students at the academy?" I asked. "Won't they wonder why I'm not there with them?"

"You will still be in the school's records," my mother assured me. "But we have classified you, which means that you will be protected. You will have everything you need to train and prepare for your journey, but you will be doing it in a safe and secure environment."

I felt a mix of emotions as I absorbed everything she was telling me. I was grateful for my mother's concern and protection, but at the same time, I felt a sense of isolation and loneliness at the thought of being alone on a private island. But I knew that I had to trust my mother and her judgment. She had always looked out for my best interests, and I had no reason to doubt her now.

"Okay," I said, finally breaking the silence. "I understand. Thank you for protecting me, Mom."

My mother smiled weakly, the tension in the room dissipating slightly. "Of course, my child. I would do anything to keep you safe."

We hugged each other, and I could feel the weight of the conversation lift off my shoulders. I knew that I would still have the opportunity to become a great trainer, but more importantly, I knew that my mother was doing everything in her power to keep me safe. It was a small sacrifice to make for the ones you love.

As I pondered over my mother's words, I couldn't help but feel a tinge of guilt. She was taking on so much extra responsibility just to protect me. How would she be able to handle it all? With her businesses to run and now the academy to oversee, it seemed like an insurmountable task.

But then I realized that it wasn't just the academy and her businesses that she was dealing with. The Pokémon League also had a hand in the school, recruiting promising students as league trainers. This added another layer of complexity and responsibility to my mother's already full plate.

I couldn't even imagine how she must be feeling, juggling all of these different responsibilities just to ensure my safety. As much as I appreciated her efforts, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. Was I that much of a target? Was my talent really that valuable that people would go to such lengths to harm or kidnap me?

But then I remembered my mother's words, "It's better to be safe than sorry." And with that, I knew that I can't trust the league, and I know Team Rocket exist. So maybe they will kill me or brainwash me if I'm not careful.

Perhaps you're wondering why I'm considered special. It's not just my information-gathering abilities, although those certainly play a big role. Rather, it's because I'm the heir to one of the most influential corporations in the world, and yet I'm determined to become a Pokémon trainer. That puts me in a vulnerable position because both the League and Team Rocket would love to have control over me. My mother was well aware of this, and she came up with this solution to protect me.

I approach my mother in her spacious and modern office. I take a seat across from her, feeling a mixture of excitement and apprehension about the prospect of spending three years on an island.

As I begin to speak, my voice is soft and hesitant. "Mom, I know I'll be spending three years on the island, and I want to start planning how I'll pack my things and what I'll do there. Can you tell me more about the island?"

My mother smiles reassuringly and leans back in her leather chair. "Of course, sweetie. You won't be completely alone on the island. There will be school staff there, including the tutors who taught you at home - they're teachers from your school. And don't forget about the Pokemon you'll be able to hunt and the shop that's there. You'll have your own house too, so you'll have plenty of space to yourself."

I feel a sense of relief at the thought of not being completely isolated on the island. "That sounds good, but what about safety?" I ask.

"Rest assured, the entire island is protected by my company's security. There are cameras all around, so if anything happens, we'll be able to see it and respond immediately," my mother explains.

My nerves ease even more with this information, and I begin to feel more excited about the prospect of living on the island. "Wow, that's reassuring. How did you manage to get all this set up?" I inquire.

My mother chuckles. "It wasn't easy, but I bought the island two years ago and have been working hard to develop it into what it is now. I even went the extra mile to make sure that everyone who works there is trustworthy - I had them vetted by checking their brains with a psychic Pokemon. And of course, they all signed a nondisclosure contract."

As the conversation comes to a close, I feel a sense of gratitude for my mother's efforts in creating this unique opportunity for me. "Thanks, Mom. I'm excited to go now and start planning what I'll do on the island."

As my mother and I continue talking, I start to feel a mix of emotions. On one hand, I am excited about the prospect of spending three years on an island with plenty of amenities and people to interact with. But on the other hand, I am feeling a bit nervous about being away from home for so long and being in a new environment.

My mother notices my mixed emotions and tries to reassure me that everything will be okay. She tells me that she has put a lot of thought into making sure the island is safe and enjoyable for me. She even shows me pictures of the island and the house I'll be staying in to help me get an idea of what it will be like.

As I look at the pictures, I start to feel more excited and less nervous. I can see that the island is beautiful and there are plenty of things to do. I start asking my mom questions about the Pokemon I'll be able to catch and the other activities I can do on the island. My mom answers my questions patiently and encourages me to start making a list of things I want to bring with me.

After talking for a while, I start to feel more comfortable with the idea of spending three years on the island with no other fellow students. I start to see it as an adventure and something that I can make the most of. My mom can see the change in my demeanor and smiles, happy that she has been able to help alleviate my concerns.

Overall, my conversation with my mom was an important step in preparing for my upcoming trip. It helped me to understand what to expect and to start planning for my time on the island. My mother's reassurance and support helped me to feel more confident about the adventure ahead.

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