
Salaros (pokemon fanfic)

After being killed by something extraordinary, a man finds himself transported to a world of his own imagination by a divine force. However, this world proves to be far more dangerous than he ever imagined. Even the weakest Pokemon can pose a threat to him, and survival becomes his top priority. Despite the challenges, he remains determined to become the best trainer he can be, navigating this treacherous new world with skill and determination. Darker more realistic pokemon fanfic (each chapter is average 2k or more words)

raphaelodinson · Video Games
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12 Chs

chapter 2

As I approached my mom in the living room, she was engrossed in her new favorite TV show, a dramatic series that I didn't understand, but she couldn't seem to get enough of. The room was spacious and elegantly decorated, with plush white carpets and modern furniture in muted tones of gray and beige. A large window offered a stunning view of the city skyline, and a vase of fresh flowers sat on the coffee table, filling the air with a sweet fragrance.

"Hey, Mom, I want to ask you something," I said, trying to sound serious although my voice hadn't yet hit puberty. I sat down next to her on the sofa, which was covered in soft cushions that enveloped me in comfort.

"Sure, sweetie. Just give me a second," she said, pausing the show and turning to face me. She smiled warmly, her eyes crinkling at the corners, and ruffled my hair affectionately. "What's on your mind?"

"Mom, I want to be a trainer. Can I get started with my training?" I asked, determined to maintain eye contact and convey the seriousness of my request. I felt a rush of nervous energy as I awaited her response.

For a moment, my mom was at a loss for words. She looked shocked and almost pained as if she couldn't quite process what I was saying. She stopped patting my head and let her hand fall limply to her side, her eyes darting away from me briefly before returning to meet my gaze.

"What do you mean, you want to be a trainer? You mean a personal trainer, right?" she asked, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

"No, Mom. I want to be a Pokémon trainer," I said, my heart pounding in my chest. The words felt so bold and daring, but they were also completely true. I loved Pokémon more than anything else in the world, and the idea of training them and battling alongside them filled me with a sense of excitement and purpose that nothing else could match.

My mom's expression shifted from confusion to alarm. "Pokémon training is dangerous, sweetie. I don't want you to get hurt," she said, her voice rising slightly with concern. "Are you sure this isn't just a joke or a passing phase?"

"I'm sure, Mom. I know what I want, and I've always known," I said, my determination growing stronger by the second. "I love Pokémon, and I want to train them and become the best trainer in the world!"

My mom sighed deeply and looked down at her lap for a moment, lost in thought.

My mom grew up in a family of Pokemon trainers, just like my dad. Our entire family was made up of trainers. Before my mom took over her company and grew it into an empire, it was a small family business that produced fish food specifically for Magikarp. It was their specialty.

However, tragedy struck when her family died during a war between regions. She never talks about it, but I can tell that she resents the Pokemon League for sending her family to fight and die.

As for me, I want to follow in my family's footsteps and become a trainer too. But I know that it won't be easy. There are many challenges and dangers out there. However, I have a secret weapon - the ability to teleport into my dimension and stay there whenever things get too tough.

"Mom, I know this is hard for you, but I can't give up on my dream," I say to her, trying to sound determined. "So when I turn 11, I'm going to ask you to let me start at the Pokemon Academy. I hope you'll say yes."

She looks at me with a pained expression, tears falling from her eyes. I feel guilty for making her cry. I quickly wipe her tears and kiss her on the cheek before jumping off the sofa and hurrying to my room. The last time I saw her cry was on my dad's death anniversary, the day we honor his memory.

After the conversation with his mother, the boy retreated to his room feeling guilty for making her cry. He lay down on his bed, staring at the ceiling and thinking about his family's history as trainers. He had heard stories about his father's battles and victories and about his mother's determination to build a successful business. But the tragic end to his mother's family's involvement in the war between regions weighed heavily on his mind.

Despite the risks, he couldn't give up his dream of becoming a Pokémon trainer. He knew the journey would be long and difficult, but he was determined to succeed. He spent hours reading books about different types of Pokémon, their strengths and weaknesses, and the various techniques used in battles.

Despite his mother's reservations, the boy continued to prepare himself for the path of a Pokémon trainer. He knew that he needed to prove himself and show his mother that he was capable of handling the challenges that lay ahead.

In addition to studying on his own, he received lessons and tutoring. His mother, though hesitant about his chosen path, recognized his passion and drive, and she spared no expense in giving him the resources he needed to succeed.

He even had access to specialized training equipment and fake PokéBalls to practice his skills. He spent countless hours honing his technique, practicing his throws, and working on his aim. He simulated battles with other trainers and experimented with different strategies and tactics.

He even practiced in his pocket dimension, from prying eyes. He received pocket money now and then from his mom, pocket money for her but it was more than a monthly wage for a normal worker, more than enough for him, he doesn't use his money often as he doesn't go out. Sure he roams the land around his house, but there isn't anything exciting or interesting to find. The guards do a wonderful job securing our safety.

He bought a few seeds for berry trees, books, a mortar, and a pestle to crush and grind herbs to produce herbal medicine for his dimension. In the games, it is known that Berries can be used to cure Pokémon from status conditions but here berries are used to make food that helps Pokemon growth.

Pokemon breeding is a profitable profession here, they make a lot of money just from selling their food and eggs. Pokemon eggs are so expensive, a person with a normal wage can only buy one after saving for a few years. It all depends on the egg's parents too, which determines the price.

Say 2 pidgeotto gave an egg, that is more worth than 1 pidgeotto and 1 Wingull or another Pokemon. Because It is certainly a powerful pidgy that will be born and not a wingull, there are exceptions of course. The more powerful the egg's parents are the more expensive the egg. In-game it was IVs but here there are no IVs only a Pokemon potential.

I planted berry trees and herbs in my dimension. I noticed there, plants, trees, etc grow a lot faster and produce berries or fruit faster than normal, a lot faster, For example in real life a fruit tree needs a few years to grow fully, in there it only needs a few weeks, it's crazy.

As he continued to hone his skills in secret, the boy realized that his pocket dimension was the perfect place to practice without the prying eyes of others. He would spend hours there, training his Pokemon and experimenting with different battle strategies.

Despite his mother's reluctance to support his dreams of becoming a trainer, she still provided him with generous pocket money, more than enough to cover his expenses. He didn't use his money often, as there wasn't much to do or buy around his secluded home. However, he did purchase a few essential items, such as berry seeds, books on Pokemon training, and a mortar and pestle to grind herbs and produce herbal medicine for his Pokemon.

In this world, berries weren't just used to cure Pokemon of status conditions, but also to make food that helped them grow stronger. The boy knew that Pokemon breeding was a highly profitable profession, as breeders made a lot of money just from selling food and eggs. However, these eggs were incredibly expensive, and it could take a person with a normal wage several years to save up enough to purchase just one. The price of an egg depended on its parents, with more powerful Pokemon commanding a higher price.

For example, if two Pidgeotto gave an egg, it would be worth more than an egg from a Pidgeotto and a Wingull. This was because it was more likely that a powerful Pidgey would be born from the former, rather than a less powerful Wingull. Of course, there were exceptions to this rule, but it was generally understood that the more powerful the egg's parents were, the more expensive the egg would be. While in the games, this was determined by a Pokemon's IVs, in this world, it was based solely on the potential of the Pokemon.

In his pocket dimension, the boy planted berry trees and herbs, noticing that they grew at an accelerated pace compared to the real world. For example, it would take a fruit tree in the real world several years to grow fully, but in his dimension, it only took a few weeks. This amazed him and allowed him to produce more berries and herbs for his Pokemon.

He was determined to use every advantage he could to become the best trainer he could be.

Despite the support of his tutors and the resources at his disposal, the boy faced his fair share of challenges. His mother's disapproval weighed heavily on him, and he often felt like he was fighting an uphill battle. He knew that he needed to convince her of his abilities and his commitment to his dream.

In addition to his rigorous training, the boy also made efforts to reach out to his mother and show her just how passionate he was about becoming a trainer. He shared with her his progress and achievements and even demonstrated his skills in Pokémon battles whenever he could. Slowly but surely, his mother began to see the dedication and hard work that her son was putting into his dream.

As his eleventh birthday approached, the boy worked tirelessly to prove to his mother that he was ready for Pokémon Academy.

Mariana POV.

After each session of Kian's study, I would receive a report from his tutors detailing his progress and his love for Pokémon. I carefully read through the report, analyzing every detail, and would often have follow-up conversations with the tutors to get a better understanding of her son's abilities.

As the years passed, I began to question whether or not I should send my son to Pokémon Academy. Knowing that he had a passion for Pokémon and was determined to become a trainer, I also worried about his safety and his ability to succeed in such a competitive environment.

One day, after receiving another report from his tutors, I decided to ask for their opinion. "I have been receiving these reports for three years now," I began, "and I am still unsure about whether or not I should send my son to the academy. What do you think? Do you believe that he is ready for such a challenging environment?"

The tutors looked at each other, considering their responses carefully. "We believe that your son has a natural talent for Pokémon training," one of them finally spoke up. "He is dedicated to his studies and has a deep love for these creatures. We do not doubt that he would thrive at the academy."

listening intently to their response, weighing their words carefully. "But what about his safety?" I asked, still uncertain.

"We cannot guarantee his safety, but we can assure you that the academy takes every precaution to protect its students," the other tutor replied. "Your son would be in good hands."

I took a deep breath, still conflicted but now with more clarity. "Thank you for your input," I said. "I will continue to think about this and make the best decision for my son."

The tutors nodded in agreement, understanding my concerns for her son's future. They reassured me that my son had a natural talent and passion for Pokemon and that they had been impressed with his progress and dedication over the past three years. They also explained the rigorous curriculum at the academy, emphasizing that it would provide her son with the best education and training to become a successful Pokemon trainer.

Despite their assurances, I still had doubts. I have always been protective of her son, and the thought of him leaving home to attend a school far away made me anxious. I also worried about the potential dangers and challenges he might face as a trainer.

The tutors listened patiently to my concerns, and they tried to address them as best they could. They talked about the support system in place at the academy, including experienced trainers and staff who would ensure the safety and well-being of the students. They also emphasized the importance of taking risks and pursuing one's dreams, and how it could lead to great rewards and personal growth.

After their discussion, I thanked the tutors for their advice and support. Still had reservations about sending my son to the academy, but I felt more informed and confident in my decision. I knew that it would ultimately be my son's choice, but I hoped that I could allow him to pursue his dreams and fulfill his potential as a Pokemon trainer.

I nodded in agreement as the tutors spoke about my son's natural talent and passion for Pokémon. They reassured me that he had been making great progress and had shown dedication over the past three years. Despite their assurances, I couldn't help but feel hesitant about sending my son to a school far away from home. I worried about the potential dangers and challenges he might face as a trainer.

"I can't help but worry about his safety if I were to send him to be a trainer. What if he falls sick, or gets stranded in the wild? What if he encounters dangerous bugs or has problems finding clean water and food?" I asked them.

They reassured me that the academy was equipped with trained professionals to handle any medical emergencies and provide adequate care for the students. They also emphasized that students would receive comprehensive training in survival skills, including camping, navigation, and outdoor safety.

I still looked hesitant. "But what about the dangers of the wild? He could get lost or attacked by a wild Pokemon."

The tutors explained that the academy had a strict protocol for outdoor expeditions and camping trips, with experienced trainers and guides to lead the way. They also assured her that they would keep a close eye on her son's progress and well-being, and keep me informed about his activities.

They also emphasized the importance of taking risks and pursuing one's dreams, and how it could lead to great rewards and personal growth.

Seeming somewhat reassured "What about his diet? He has a strawberry allergy. What then? Will he be able to find suitable food and clean water?"

The tutors explained that the academy had a full-service cafeteria, catering to all dietary needs and preferences.

After our conversation, I expressed my gratitude to the tutors for their valuable advice and support. Although I still had some apprehensions about sending my son to the academy, I felt more enlightened and assured in my decision. Nonetheless, I acknowledged that the final choice ultimately rested with my son. In the unlikely event that he decided to run away from home, it was certainly not something I would want.