
Salaros (pokemon fanfic)

After being killed by something extraordinary, a man finds himself transported to a world of his own imagination by a divine force. However, this world proves to be far more dangerous than he ever imagined. Even the weakest Pokemon can pose a threat to him, and survival becomes his top priority. Despite the challenges, he remains determined to become the best trainer he can be, navigating this treacherous new world with skill and determination. Darker more realistic pokemon fanfic (each chapter is average 2k or more words)

raphaelodinson · Video Games
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12 Chs

chapter 10

Today was a big day for me. I had finally graduated from the prestigious PBA, and I was going to catch my Mudkip. The excitement was palpable as I got out of bed and looked over at Mudkip, who was perched on the edge of the mattress, eagerly awaiting the day's events.

I opened my wardrobe and began to rummage through the different suits I owned, trying to find the perfect one for today's graduation ceremony. Mudkip was lying on my bed, observing my every move with its big, curious eyes. We seemed fascinated by the array of suits in front of us.

I pulled out a dark blue suit and held it up in front of me. "What do you think, Mudkip?" I asked, giving it a twirl. The Pokemon cocked its head to one side, taking in my outfit with interest.

I turned to the mirror, examining the suit from all angles. The fabric was a deep shade of blue, almost navy, and made of high-quality wool. The jacket was tailored to fit me perfectly, with a slim-cut design that hugged my torso. The trousers were pressed to perfection, with a sharp crease running down the center of each leg.

Satisfied with my choice, I put the suit on and adjusted the collar. It felt comfortable and looked stylish, a perfect combination for such an important occasion. I added a white dress shirt and a blue tie to complete the look, then turned to Mudkip.

"What do you think, buddy?" I asked, striking a pose. Mudkip looked up at me, its little tail wagging excitedly. I smiled and ruffled its head. "Thanks for the help, pal."

I took one last look in the mirror, checking that everything was perfect. I wanted to make a good impression on my graduation day, and the right outfit was a crucial part of that.

As I left my apartment, Mudkip followed me, keeping up with my pace. I felt a sense of pride and responsibility wash over me. This was the end of my preparation.

As Mudkip and I walked toward the graduation ceremony, I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the festive atmosphere that engulfed the streets outside the academy. The buildings were adorned with colorful banners and streamers that swayed gently in the breeze. The sidewalks were crowded with people, all dressed in their finest attire and chatting excitedly with one another.

I could hear the distant sounds of music and laughter, and as we got closer. I of course chatted with people on the way a bit. I saw that they had set up a small stage in the center of the street. The stage was draped with a red velvet curtain and had a stand with a microphone on it. I could see a few people milling around the stage, perhaps getting ready to make speeches or entertain the crowd.

As we approached the stage, I noticed that they had also set up a large tent nearby, where food and drinks were being served. The smell of freshly grilled burgers and sausages wafted through the air, making my stomach growl in anticipation.

The tables under the tent were covered with white tablecloths and decorated with bouquets. Waiters were walking around, carrying trays of champagne and other drinks, offering them to the guests.

The atmosphere was lively and cheerful, and people were laughing and taking pictures with each other.

It was clear that the graduation ceremony was not just a formal event, but also a celebration of everyone's hard work and achievements. The decorations and festivities made the occasion feel even more special.

Suddenly, a loud boom echoed through the air, causing Mudkip to jump and prepare for danger. However, it quickly relaxed as confetti started falling from the sky, creating a festive atmosphere. The people around me erupted into cheers and laughter, and I couldn't help but join in the celebration.

As I approached the stage, I saw Mr. Gill waiting for me with a beaming smile on his face. He motioned for me to come up, and the crowd cheered even louder. My heart swelled with pride and joy, and I couldn't stop grinning.

I climbed the steps to the stage, feeling a rush of excitement and anticipation. And there, standing beside Mr. Gill, was my mother. She smiled through her tears and beckoned me closer.

As I reached the top of the stairs, she enveloped me in a warm embrace. "Congratulations, my dear," she whispered, tears of joy streaming down her face. "I'm so proud of you."

I hugged her tightly, feeling a surge of emotion wash over me. I had worked so hard for this moment, and having my mother by my side made it all the more special.

As we pulled away from each other, she took my hand in hers and looked at me with pride in her eyes. "You've accomplished so much," she said, her voice full of emotion. "I know you're going to do great things in the future."

I felt a lump form in my throat as I looked back at her, feeling an overwhelming sense of gratitude and love. "Thank you, Mom," I said, my voice barely above a whisper. "For everything."

We hugged again, both of us crying tears of joy and pride. The moment was a testament to the love and support that had carried me through my experience here, and it was one I would never forget.

My mother released me from our tight embrace and walked over to stand next to the teachers, a proud smile on her face.

Suddenly, Mr. Gill's voice boomed through the microphone. "It is now time for our graduate parting gift from the academy!" he announced. The cheers grew louder, and I couldn't stop the smile from spreading across my face.

A group of men stepped onto the stage, carrying 3 small wooden crates. The entire audience fell silent, waiting with bated breath to see what was inside. The men slowly opened the crates, revealing their contents, and then promptly left the stage.

Mr. Gill motioned for me to stand next to him, and I did so, my heart pounding with excitement. He pulled out a black duffel bag that seemed to weigh nothing at all, and I couldn't help but wonder what was inside.

"Kian, you must be curious about this, right?" Mr. Gill asked, a playful grin on his face. I nodded eagerly, my eyes locked on the bag.

"This right here is the newly made exploration bag in the form of a duffle bag made by Styr Co.," he announced, "It's still not been released to the public. It is like the Silph Co, trainers backpack, or the SC backpack, it has space expansion technology. But this bag can hold 20 times more than those backpacks." My jaw dropped as I tried to process what he had just said.

The audience gasped in amazement, and I could feel my mother's hand squeezing mine even tighter. This one duffle bag was like 20 backpacks rolled into one! I knew how expensive and rare even one backpack with storage technology was, and the reason for my mother's stress over the last two years suddenly made sense.

As Mr. Gill offered me the bag. "Inside you will find pokeballs of all variations, a whole set of evolution stones, a large amount of healing items such as potions, and gadgets that will be of use to you in the wild. And a few other surprises," he explained, with a twinkle in his eye.

My heart swelled with gratitude. I knew that I could buy these items myself, but to receive them for free felt amazing. I couldn't help but express my appreciation for his generosity and thanked everyone here. Mr. Gill smiled at me and then surprised me again by pulling out a light brown backpack from the other crate.

He pulled a light brown backpack out of the other crate, and although it appeared to be a simple backpack, I knew that there was more to it than met the eye. "This is a trainer's backpack with storage technology made by SC Co. It is filled with everything you're going to need on a journey." Mr. Gill explained.

I eagerly accepted the backpack, feeling the weight of its contents as I put it on. I could already imagine how useful it would be as I ventured out into the wild.

Mr. Gill then pulled something else out of the crate - a belt with pouches. "This a trainer's belt, with Pokeball slots and pouches that have space expansion tech. The pouches are empty, you will need to think about what you will put in them."

I accepted the belt with gratitude, strapping it around my waist. As I did so, I couldn't help but marvel at its technology. It had only been invented just over five years ago, but it had already become an essential item for any serious trainer. With its quick access to potions, pokeballs, and other essential items, I knew that this belt would be a game-changer for me.

Now, with the backpack and belt firmly in place, I felt like a true Pokemon trainer. But Mr. Gill had one more surprise for me. "It is time, Kian. for your journey as a real trainer. Here this is your official Pokedex which will act as your trainer's license." He handed me an advanced pokedex that activated when I pressed a button. On the screen was a picture of me and the following information:

[name: Kian Rath

age: 15

gender: male

rank: E

perk: silver

pokemon: 0

hometown: Kanto, Rath countryside]

As I looked at the screen, I felt a sense of pride well up within me. This was it - I was officially a Pokemon trainer. Oh, yeah before I forget.

"Kione, buddy. It's time we officially become partners," I declared, looking at my Mudkip with a smile. His eyes lit up and he nodded eagerly. I reached into my duffle bag and retrieved a regular Pokeball. Holding it out to him, I waited for him to press the button with his paw, indicating his consent. With a grin, Kione swatted the button, and in a flash of light, he disappeared inside the ball.

The crowd erupted into cheers and applause, and I felt a surge of pride and joy. My mother and teachers were beaming with pride. Looking down at the Pokeball in my hand, I felt a sense of responsibility wash over me. I was now officially a trainer, and Kione was my first Pokemon. We were partners, and we had a journey ahead of us. A journey full of blood, sweat, and tears awaited me, of that I was sure.

As the cheers died down, I couldn't help but smile at Kione's Pokeball. It hadn't even shaken once - a sign that Kione was willing and eager to join me on this journey. I felt a deep sense of connection with him already, and I knew we would make a great team. With renewed determination.

I turned to my mother. "Thank you, Mom," I said, my voice choked with emotion. "Thank you for everything."

She hugged me tightly, tears streaming down her face as well. "I'm so proud of you, Kian," she said, her voice full of love and pride.

I felt a sense of gratitude and love wash over me as I held my mother close. This was a moment I would cherish forever, a moment that marked the beginning of my journey as a Pokemon trainer.




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