
Mystery in the Kingdom

Salam and Salim grow up happily together in the Shanti Kingdom. However, one day, a strange incident occurred in the kingdom. Some people started to mysteriously disappear, leaving no traces behind.

King Bima is very worried about this incident and asks Salam and Salim to investigate this case. Salam and Salim immediately started their investigation, and Salam used his religious knowledge to look for clues in the scriptures.

However, when Salim uses his logic to search for clues, he makes a surprising discovery. He found a puzzle that must be solved to find the truth behind the disappearance of these people.

Salam : What did you find, Salim?

Salim: I found a riddle. There are messages on the wall that must be deciphered to find the truth.

Salam : What's in it?

Salim: Not very clear, but it seems to have something to do with ancient books. Maybe we should look in the royal library.

Salam : Good. I'll look in the bible, and you can look in the library. We must quickly find the answer before someone else is missing.

Salim: Agreed. We also need to be careful during this investigation. We don't know who is responsible for the disappearance of these people.

Salam : Yes, we need to be careful. But don't worry, Salim. We can definitely find the truth and bring justice to the missing people.

Salim : You're welcome, Salam . We work together to solve this case and maintain peace in the Shanti Kingdom.

After discussing for a while, Salam and Salim decided to divide the tasks. Salam will look for clues in the holy book, while Salim will look for information in the library.

Salam immediately went to the meditation room to find answers in the scriptures. He read the scriptures with great concentration, and finally found a verse related to the riddle that Salim found.

Meanwhile, Salim is busy looking for ancient books in the library. He studied one by one the books neatly arranged on the library shelves. After a while, he found a book he thought was important. However, the book looks very old and fragile. He decided to take the book to Salam's room.

When Salam and Salim got together again, they compared their findings. It turns out that the verses in the holy book and the information from the book that Salim found complement each other. They get clues that the disappearance of these people is related to a mystical ritual being performed by a group of people.

Salam : Wow, we managed to find this important clue. But what are mystical rituals and who performs them?

Salim: According to this book, these mystical rituals are performed by a group called "People of Darkness". They are believed to have very strong magical powers and can erase any trace of their existence.

Salam : People of Darkness? I've heard his name before. They are a very mysterious group and are rarely found.

Salim: Yes, it is. But from the information we got, they are currently performing this ritual in a hidden cave in the mountains near the Shanti Kingdom.

Salam : Alright, we have to go there immediately and stop the ritual before it's too late. We have to make sure that no one else gets hurt.

Salim : But we have to be careful, Greetings. One of Darkness will not let us in easily. They may have very strong magical powers.

Salam : Yes, I know. But we must try and risk everything to protect our kingdom and people. We must not let them continue to commit crimes. We will make it, Salim. We will ensure justice and peace return to the Shanti Kingdom.

Salam and Salim entered the large room with mixed feelings. They were surprised to see so many ancient books and mysterious objects in the room. However, their astonishment soon turned to anxiety when they realized that someone was standing in the middle of the room.

That person was a man they knew well. His name was Dharma, and he was a loyal royal guard. However, Salam and Salim soon realized that Dharma was not who they had imagined. There was darkness in his eyes, and he didn't look like he usually did.

"Salam , Salim, what are you guys doing here?" asked Dharma in a trembling voice.

The two friends looked at each other for a moment, then Salam replied in a calm voice, "We are seeking the truth, Dharma. We are trying to find out who is responsible for the disappearance of people in this kingdom."

Dharma raised her eyebrows "And you both are sure that you can find her here?"

Salam nodded, "We found a clue that leads to this place. What are you guys hiding in

here Dharma?"

Dharma laughed coldly "Hide? Nothing is hidden here, Greetings. This is just a room for storing ancient books and historical objects."

Salim is not sure about Dharma's answer. He stepped closer to the table full of ancient books and began to open some of them. However, before he could read the first page of the book, Dharma stopped him.

"You two are not allowed to open those books, Salim. It is very dangerous," Dharma says, glaring at Salim.

Greetings feel something is wrong. Dharma who was always friendly and kind suddenly turned into a cold and unfriendly person. He felt that they had to remain alert and careful in their every move.

"We know that something is being hidden here, Dharma. Please tell me, what is really going on in this kingdom?" asked Greetings.

Dharma pondered for a moment, then she released her cold smile. "You are both right. There is something going on in this kingdom. There is a group that wants to overthrow King Bima from his throne, and they are kidnapping people in an attempt to weaken the kingdom."

Salim and Salam looked at each other, unable to believe what they were hearing. "Who is behind all this?" asked Salim.

Dharma sighed "I don't know. I only know that they are very dangerous and very influential in this kingdom. I wish I could tell you more, but it is very risky for me."

Salam and Salim looked at each other again, they knew that they had to be careful in their every move and not trust anyone blindly. They also know that they must work together to uncover the truth and save this kingdom.

"It's okay, Dharma. We understand the situation," said Salim in a soft voice.

Salam and Salim work together and successfully solve the puzzle. They discover a secret tunnel under the royal palace that leads somewhere unknown. Without hesitation, they descended into the tunnel to find out the truth.

However, when they reached the end of the tunnel, they found something very shocking. They find a large room filled with ancient books and mysterious objects. However, they also discovered that the person responsible for the people's disappearance was someone very close to them.

They saw someone they knew standing there, with a glare and hatred. "You, how could you do this?" Salam asked in surprise.

The man smiled sarcastically, "Have you experienced the hardships of living under the leadership of King Bima? He doesn't care about his people, only wants to maintain his power. I and my group want to overthrow him and make this kingdom better."

Salim and Salam look at each other, they know that they have to talk to that person and try to get him to abandon his plans. However, before they could do that, someone suddenly entered the room abruptly.

They recognized the person as one of the royal bodyguards they knew. "What's going on here? Have you found out who is responsible for the disappearance of those people?" asked the guard.

Salam and Salim tell the bodyguard everything. He looked shocked and angry, "We must immediately report this to King Bima. We must not let someone like that ruin our kingdom."

However, when they were about to leave the room, suddenly the door was locked and they were trapped inside. They tried to open the door, but failed. They feel trapped and afraid.

Salam and Salim look at Dharma questioningly, but Dharma doesn't give an answer. He just stood by the door, without saying anything.

"Why are you doing this, Dharma? Why have you locked us in here?" Salam asked in a high voice.

Dharma laughed coldly again "You have to be stopped Salam and Salim. You are too close to know what is going on in this kingdom. I can't let you keep moving."

Salam and Salim are saddened and shocked by what they hear. They didn't expect that Dharma would do something like this to them.

However, they did not despair. They tried to find a way to get out of the room. They searched every corner of the room, looking for a loophole or secret door that could lead them out.

Their attempts to find a way out were fruitless. The room was so tight and closed, there was no gap or secret door that they found. Salam and Salim felt more and more trapped in the room, and they didn't know what was going to happen to them.

After a while of searching for a way out, they finally gave up and sat down in one corner of the room. They fell silent, contemplating the situation they were in.

"Salam , what should we do now?" asked Salim in a low voice.

Salam took a deep breath, "We have to think clearly. We can't stay stuck here. We have to find a way to get out and report what is happening to King Bima."

Salim nodded in agreement "But how? The door is locked and there is no other way out."

Salam thought for a while, "Maybe we can use the ancient books and mysterious objects that are in this room. Maybe someone can help us get out of here."

They started to search among the books and mysterious objects that were in the room. They find a book in which there is a magic spell that can open a secret door. Without hesitation, they tried to use the spell to open the door.

However, after trying several times, the door still wouldn't open. They start to feel frustrated and hopeless.

"Apparently this spell doesn't work," said Salim in a sad voice.

Salam looks at Salim "Don't give up, Salim. We have to find another way to get out of here."

They continued their search and found a glowing crystal object. They realized that it could emit a strong light and might help them get out of the room.

"Maybe we can use this crystal object to set fire to the door," said Salim.

Salam nodded "Good idea. We should try it."

They took the crystal object and tried to beam it into the wooden door. However, after a few moments of trying, they realized that the crystal object couldn't set fire to the door.

Salam and Salim are feeling frustrated again. They feel that they have tried every possible way but nothing worked.

"It turns out that we are really stuck here," said Salim in a sad voice.

Salam tries to keep his confidence, "No, Salim. We can't give up. We have to keep looking for a way out of here. We can't lose hope."

However, time went on and they still couldn't find a way out. Salam and Salim started to feel thirsty and hungry.

"There's nothing we can do anymore," said Salim, "we have to wait until someone comes and opens the door for us."

Salam nodded in agreement "We have to hold on and hope for help to come soon."

A few hours later, they heard the sound of approaching footsteps. They stood up and got ready to face whoever came.

Suddenly the door opened and they saw an unknown man enter the room.

"They're still here," the man said to the person outside the room.

Salam and Salim are suspicious and afraid. They didn't know who that person was or what would happen to them.

"Sir, who are you and what do you want?" Salam asked in a trembling voice.

The man smiled, "I am King Bima's bodyguard. I have come to get you out of here."

King Bima's bodyguard was surprised when he heard a noise outside the room. Suddenly, the door opened wide and two people entered. The first person is King Bima and the second is Dharma who looks very angry.

"You two! What are you doing here?" snapped King Bima.

Salam and Salim are relieved to see King Bima and Dharma. They immediately explained everything to King Bima, including their attempt to help the kingdom by finding out what was going on in the kingdom.

King Bima gave them a sharp look "You two do have good intentions but you are on the wrong path. You can't do anything without my permission. Dharma did the right thing by stopping you. You should respect my decision and ask permission beforehand." do something."

Apparently, Dharma and his followers managed to trick the king. He lied to the king, intentionally locking up Salam and Salim to protect them. In fact, That's just a ruse Dharma, to look good in the eyes of the king. He thought the king was stupid, and he thought victory was just around the corner.

King Bima was a clever man. He was suspicious, why his children could be in that room. Meanwhile, the king is only following the plot of the drama created by the traitors. The king also secretly plotted a strategy to trap those who tried to usurp his throne. King Bima was already suspicious of Dharma.

After listening to Salam and Salim's explanation, King Bima becomes convinced that Dharma and his followers may be involved in an evil plan to usurp his throne. He decided to check further and plan an appropriate course of action.

King Bima then ordered his guards to keep an eye on Dharma and carry out further investigations into the activities of Dharma and his followers. In a also asked Salam and Salim to provide more detailed information about what they found while searching for what happened in the kingdom.

Salam and Salim are glad that King Bima has trusted them and allowed them to help reveal Dharma's plot. They also promised to work with the bodyguards to uncover the truth and protect the kingdom from traitors.

King Bima: "Greetings, Salim, I believe you can help us uncover the truth about Dharma's sinister plot. Can you provide more detailed information about what you found?"

Salam : "Of course, King Bima. We found some suspicious documents in the Dharma room, including a list of troop names and strategies to usurp your throne."

Salim: "We also heard a conversation between Dharma and some of his followers about their plans. They say that they will take over the kingdom in the near future."

King Bima: "Okay, that's enough to convince me that Dharma and his followers are planning to overthrow me. I will order the guards to investigate further and take appropriate action."

Salam : "We are also ready to help in any way we can, King Bima. We want to protect the kingdom and defeat the traitors."

Salim: "We promise to cooperate with the bodyguards to uncover the truth and maintain security in the kingdom."

King Bima: "I appreciate your good intentions, Salam and Salim. Together, we will defeat the traitors and restore peace to our kingdom."

After that, King Bima gave instructions to his guards to immediately investigate the activities of Dharma and his followers. He also asked Salam and Salim to gather additional information and provide regular reports to him and the guards.

King Bima: "Guardians, I order you to immediately conduct an investigation into the activities of Dharma and its followers. You must gather enough evidence to show that they are really plotting to overthrow me from the throne. Do not let them escape or take any action that could harm the kingdom."

Guards: "Yes, King Bima. We will carry out your order as well as possible and ensure the security of the kingdom."

King Bima: "Greetings, Salim, you should gather additional information and provide periodic reports to me and the guards. I'm sure you will be able to work well with the guards and help uncover the truth about Dharma's plot."

Salam : "Yes, King Bima. We will immediately start gathering information and provide regular reports. We promise to work hard and protect the kingdom."

Salim: "We are ready to do anything to reveal the truth and maintain security in our kingdom."

King Bima: "Okay, I'm sure you guys can do well. Together, we will protect the kingdom from traitors and restore peace among our people. Thank you for your help, Salam and Salim."

Salam and Salim saluted King Bima and left the room with the guards to begin their investigation. They feel their responsibility to help protect the kingdom and uncover the truth about Dharma's evil plans.

Salam : "We must cooperate with the guards and pass on the information we find to them. We must also be careful and not look too suspicious so as not to attract the attention of Dharma and his followers."

Salim: "I agree. We have to move quickly and carefully. We have to make sure that we collect enough evidence to prove that Dharma and his followers are really involved in the plot to usurp King Bima's throne."

Salam: "We must not make mistakes. Both of us must think smartly and carefully in every action we take. We must ensure that we do not endanger the security of the kingdom and save King Bima from any possible threats."

Salim: "Absolutely. We have to work carefully and find out everything thoroughly. We must not give up until we have uncovered the evil plans of Dharma and his followers."

With strong determination, Salam and Salim move forward to uncover the truth and help protect the kingdom from the threat of traitors. They are determined to cooperate with the bodyguards and make valuable contributions to the safety of the kingdom and King Bima.

"Salam and Salim, you two are smart and talented children. We will need your help to face Dharma and his followers," said King Bima seriously.

Salam and Salim nodded firmly "We will do everything we can to help kingdom and protect your throne, King Bima."

King Bima smiled proudly at the enthusiasm and determination of the two young people. He is sure that they will help him uncover Dharma's plot and keep the kingdom safe.

"Now, both of you can return to your residences and return to your daily life. But remember, don't spread any information about this plan, because we don't want Dharma and his followers to know that we have suspicions," added King Bima.

Salam and Salim nod and leave the room, promising to maintain secrecy and work with the guards to uncover the truth about Dharma's plot.

King Bima is relieved that he has two loyal and intelligent allies like Salam and Salim, and prepares to face the dangers that may arise in the future.

Several weeks later, after intensive investigations, the guards finally found evidence that Dharma and his followers were planning to usurp King Bima's throne. They are planning a coup that will happen in the near future.

King Bima immediately summoned Salam and Salim to the palace and informed them of the findings of the guards. "You two have helped us with a lot of important information that made us successful in uncovering Dharma's evil plan. We are very grateful for your help," said King Bima.

Salam and Salim are happy and proud that they can help the kingdom and King Bima. They are also relieved that Dharma's plot has finally been exposed.

"What shall we do now, King of Bima?" Salam asked with concern.

King Bima smiled and made up his mind, "We will take immediate action to protect the kingdom and deal with the traitors. Both of you will be an important part of this plan. I will ask for your assistance in carrying out certain tasks."

Salam and Salim nodded firmly, ready to help King Bima and the kingdom. They feel honored to be part of the struggle against traitors and protect the throne of King Bima.

Over the next few weeks, they work closely with the guards to plan and execute a series of actions to protect the kingdom and maintain security. Eventually, they succeeded in defeating Dharma and his followers, and bringing peace and security back to the kingdom.

King Bima listened carefully to all the information provided by the guards and Salam-Salim. He was shocked and saddened to learn that Dharma, whom he had considered as his friend and trusted adviser, was actually a treacherous traitor.

After considering all the facts, King Bima finally decided to take firm action against Dharma and his followers. He orders the royal troops to arrest Dharma and everyone involved in the plot, and try them fairly.

Salam and Salim feel relieved and proud because they have helped the kingdom in uncovering the truth and protecting the kingdom from the threat of traitors. They know that they have contributed to saving the kingdom from threatening danger.