
A fake meeting


It's been three days since I first saw her. It's not like we chatted for hours or danced together. We just talked...a bit. But still she has managed to possess my mind like no other girl has ever done. I can't stop thinking about her. Her eyes, her smile and her luscious body that just begs to be devoured.

I get up from the couch and walk towards my home bar. I pour myself a drink hoping it'll atleast calm this turmoil of emotions she has awakened.

I check my cell phone and open her contact, which I got because of Preston. My finger hovers over the call button but I renege at the last moment.

A knock on the door distracts me from my pondering. I open the door and see it's my assistant Bowen.

Bowen and Ms. Whittaker are the only people from the company who have been there with me since the beginning and whom I fully trust.

" Good evening Sir. I have brought the file that you requested, " Bowen hands me a black file.

I had asked him to bring me Athena's profile data and complete information regarding her life. From her birth date to her favourite movie ,I wanted to know everything. But now I that have this file in my hand, it feels too heavy. Almost like I'm betraying her trust. Which is quite stupid considering I don't even know that girl.

" No Bowen. You may take it back. I don't want it, " Bowen looks a bit stunned, seeing me change a decision of mine. To be honest, I'm surprised too. I've never second guessed myself, and I don't plan on doing that ever again.

" Sure sir. As you wish," He starts leaving when I stop him again.

" You told me yesterday she works in a restaurant. What is it's name ?"

" Owen's Diner sir. It's quite famous for it's coffee," his cheeks tint pink while saying that.

I raise an eyebrow. Bowen blushing, certainly interesting, " Well then. Let's go and see tomorrow if this coffee is as good as it seems. "

The next day I try to work as much and rapidly as I can hoping that it'll make the day pass faster. By 5 pm, I'm so filled with anticipation of seeing her, I barely control myself.

Bowen drives me to the diner. After reaching there, I tell Bowen to wait outside and look out for the car as I don't see any free space for parking it.

I take in my surroundings and wonder how Athena comes here daily. The place wouldn't star in my top twenty safe places but it also isn't exactly a shady area.

The smell of coffee reaches me before I reach the door. Even though the diner looks deserted it still has a cosy vibe to it.

I see her before she sees me. She looks totally engrossed in her work. Before I can say anything to let her know of my presence, she bumps into me. I hold her arms to steady her. She still feels just as soft.

She looks up at me with those brown doe-like eyes. God I could've just kissed her right then and there. But I control myself somehow. I keep staring at her lips so intensely that I don't realize she has already slipped from my arms and fallen down.

Before I can say anything she starts apologizing, " I'm - I'm so sorry. About your suit... I didn't mean to. It's just...I was rushing and all of sudden you came up." Usually I hated it whenever someone talked so much for no reason, but with her...I liked her hearing her voice.

" It's okay. Calm down. It's just water...no big deal," I tell her before she can feel any more guilty.

Suddenly she narrows her eyes at me and demands, " What are you doing here ? I mean, this is not a spot where billionaires come to hang out every now and then," her eyes drift past me to Bowen who's standing near my car and I see the question in them.

" Oh... that's just my assistant. Well assistant as well as driver," I tell her.

" Oh okay. But you still haven't answered my question. What are you doing here ?" She looks completely in the mood of grilling mode. Fuck that's hot.

I decide to tease her a little. I raise an eyebrow and ask her, " Am I not allowed to go to a restaurant of my choice Ms. Hearst ?"

" Please Mr. Malcalester. Let's not do this again. Just answer my question," She looks cute when frustrated.

I hadn't thought of an excuse but thankfully I was spontaneous enough to come up with one, " I had a meeting nearby. We were just passing by when I smelled the coffee." Crisis averted.

I look at her and add, " It was quite enticing Athena."

She gives me such a heated look I barely control myself.

She takes a deep breath and says, " Okay. I'll bring you a cup of coffee. How do you like it ?" I don't think she is talking only about the coffee here.

I smirk and reply, " Dark, rich...but may be today, a bit creamy too." Just the way I'd like your to be panties to be.

Her eyes widen and cheeks flush. I'm quite sure she got the meaning because she clears her throat and asks, " Is there anything else you'd like?"

I consider teasing her some more but decide against it. Already the big guy down there has started rising after seeing her, I don't need a fucking tent in my pants while taking to her so I reply, " No. Nothing as of now." She looks disappointed after hearing my reply.

Don't worry, all in good time baby.

I look around the cafe while she goes inside to bring me my coffee. I am tempted to follow her but I don't want to seem like a creep. It's enough that I've decided to come here making up an excuse of a fake meeting.

The cafe is very...homely, if that word exists. There are many beautiful paintings on the wall. It has some old school charm. May be that's why it's so popular.

I keep looking around things to take my mind off her. There are few dream catchers, few accessories....ahh fuck it, I'm going in.

But when I go inside, the scene before me makes me see red.

After that, everything is blur. All I remember is wanting to kill that motherfucker. But then I realise Athena needs me more than him so I just spit on him and go to her.

At first, I approach her slowly cause she looks so frightened. So vulnerable. Then I directly take her in my arms and sigh a breath of relief.

Seeing him like that...on her... forcing himself...I don't have words to describe what I felt. It triggered all those unwanted and unforgettable memories. But it just wasn't that. I've never felt this protective about anyone in my entire life.

I hold her close to my chest and try my best to calm her down, " Shh... It's okay. He's gone. He won't hurt you again."

She's shaking so badly. My heart breaks seeing her like that. So vulnerable. That word again. I hate it.

I pick her up bridal style and take her to my car. I put her in passenger seat and lock the door. I instruct Bowen to clean up the mess we've done inside and lock the diner. And by mess I mean that unconscious fucker. I'm quite certain that he's alive, even though I really wish he wouldn't be.

I grip the steering wheel so hard while driving my knuckles turn white. Beside me, Athena is passed out. Even asleep and tired she looks beautiful. Seeing her so peaceful and safe, calms my anger a little bit.

When we reach home I carry her to my room and place her in bed. I just can't leave her alone tonight. Not only for her safety but for my mind's peace. I won't be able to live peacefully knowing she's out other somewhere alone...and unsafe.

I cover her with a duvet. And with a lot of efforts, patience and control, I somehow manage to change her out of her clothes and put a shirt of mine in it's place. I don't want her to feel violated but I had to do it. Her t-shirt was already torn by that... nevermind.

I go the bathroom and take a shower. There's no way I can sleep after this. Everytime I close my eyes, her tear streamed face keeps popping up.

I go to the library and decide to pick out something difficult. I rummage through the shelf and find a copy of The Canterbury Tales. Ah this would be able to take my mind off today's events atleast for some time.

I sit down on the nearby chair and start reading. But before I know it, I'm already deep asleep.