
An introduction to Kaydoria

The kingdom of Kaydoria, a place often considered to be safe and tranquil, ruled by a caring King. At least thats how it started. A few years back the King was found to be guilty for treason against the kingdom, trafficking a dangerous crystal drug that boosted peoples magical abilities. Slowly but surely deteriorating the brain and nerves in the users body as their power husk resting within takes over. This caused the first exile of a royal in over 500 years. The Queen had since taken over, trying her best to fix all the issues that came with her husbands reign and simultaneously raise her two daughters into people the kingdom could be proud of.

Gangs were piling up, uncontrollable and dangerous. The influence of the Kings corruption had been subtle up till he was exiled, that's when everything kicked up. These gangs were more like mini dystopia's then gangs, toxic hierarchies and child slavery surging throughout every single one. Most using abandoned crystal mining towns as their territory due to their surprising abundance. The crime rates went through the roof and didn't even consider coming back down, leaving the police with a big duty to fill. Naturally the public were kept in the dark for the most part. Taught to think it wasn't that serious to prevent riots and panic.

If such a thing would happen there would be nothing that could be done. Due to the nature of how people are built, everyone has a power unique to themselves. Some intense and strong, others a little strange and most just plain interesting. These varying powers play a crucial part in everyday life for most Kaydorians, jobs normally scouting people with powers that'd come in handy for their respective tasks. You may be wondering, where do the powers come from? Well each Kaydorian is born with a dorment creature deep inside their nervous system, these creatures are called power husks. This is due to the fact that they are mere husks of creatures only able to pass on powers to their hosts. When a Kaydorian dies its power husk escapes their body, this normally takes up to an hour so its crucial to collect the husk before then. When a husk has no host it instinctively searches for a new one, often resulting in a sort of zombie situation. Mindless killing. Luckily this problem has many solutions such as the previously mentioned quick collection. These husks are then manually destroyed so that they can return into the life cycle and re-grow inside a new Kaydorian. If the population increases then new power husks will be added into the cycle thus ensuring everyone is born with the ability to harness a power of their own.

These are all accepted as part of the Kaydoria life.