
Sakumo Haruno, The Badass Ninja ReLife

One day his dark and depressing life ended, he did not expect to live for real after dying but that is life, or ReLife?

HiroHeartlands · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Chapter 2: Changes

(1 Week Later)

A week passed since I aired out my past to my parents and in that week there were some changes.

Firstly, my parents were much more into showing affection now that I wasn't bothered by it.

Secondly, I learned that my knowledge isn't 100% correct, Naruto is a girl, named Naruko. Which is… A revelation that opens a whole another can of worms.

Thirdly, I told everything to them. Not one information was left hidden, from my past life as a 45 year old depressed virgin to the state of the world to how guns work to anything else I could think of. I could see that they were getting burdened by the information I was laying on them but I couldn't hold back. I just couldn't. The pandora's box has been opened and it is refusing to close up.

The fact that they took everything calmly and accepted me even though this isn't my first life makes it even harder for me to shut up. Even when I want to, my mouth would keep on yapping on.

Fourth thing that changed was their decision to keep me from training, they are now eager to train me to get a head start on all the terrible things that I think are coming.

They aren't 100% convinced due to the nature of my knowledge and the fact that it was wrong about one major thing like Naruko's gender, but I didn't mind. The important thing for me was keeping this feeling of serenity.

"Sakumo! Come outside, the course is done!" I heard father yelling and rushed down there, even jumping down the stairs two at a time to get to the backyard faster.

When I got there I couldn't help but stare at the 'obstacle course' he made and…

"Where are the obstacles?"

Befuddlement covered his face before he laughed loudly: "It is the little sticks and colored ground, real obstacles will be later on when you aren't likely to trip over your own feet. For now we need to get you to a basic athletic build and keep on building you up mentally." He tapped his temple.

Scowling I pointed to the colors: "How do I use them then? Do I just focus on which colors to move through?"

He shook his head: "Since the area we have isn't too big you will run the circle twenty times as warmup then when you can do it for forty we will start giving you directions for the colors you need to step on or avoid… Heck, it will even help us train too if we give each other different parts of the course in code…" He muttered the end.

"Then should I start running now?" I interrupted his planning, a small smile was on my face at the idea, not because I was eager for getting exhausted but because it might help me balance my chakra. Yin and Yang in equal measure to allow me to live a full life.

"Sure you can, after you change into your exercise clothes."

I blinked: "Which ones are those? I don't have any specific clothes for exercise."

He blinked: "Oh… I knew we were forgetting something. Okay, then do you want to buy something or do you want to train?"

"Training for sure." I didn't hesitate on the decision.

"Then remove your top, and start running."

"Hai sensei!" I yelled and began running promptly.

By the third lap I was panting.

By the fourth I was pulling from reserves I didn't know I had.

By the fifth lap I collapsed.

"You alright down there?"

"Huff-no-huff" I replied.

"Want some water?"


Then sputtered and turned when father spew a water jutsu at me.

"What the hell, dad?!"

"Just cooling you off, son!" He cackled and threw another water jutsu at me.

I would've gotten up to chase him around but couldn't, so I decided to settle on glaring blankly at him.

"Sheesh, you really got that stare down pat, don't you?" He said after a while of our stare down.

I got up, stretched: "It has its uses." I said inching closer to the hose.

"It sure does." He replied, inching to the middle of the backyard.

I twisted the faucet to full and grabbed the hose, and got another faceful of water jutsu, but that didn't deter me from counter attacking.

"Whoah, Sakumo! This is quality clothing! It wouldn't do to wet this!"

I frowned: "And what am I suppose-" I got cut off, by another water jutsu.

As the spray ended I simply stared at him.

"H-hey, you know, talking in the middle of a fight and all. What was it you said? Talking isn't a free action? This is training you know."


And so we fought.

And so I lost.

Then I told mom, and he slept on the couch.

So I won.

Victory tasted sweet. The sound of his back crunching as he grumbled about the couch being bad for him during the breakfast made the food taste better somehow.

(A Few Days Later)


The Head Ninja of Kumo Delegation smirked as he made his way through the cloudy night.

It was the new moon, which only helped his stealth.

He rushed into the compound, his sensing showing there were no ninja around actively using their praised eyes. A seal he plastered on his chest disallowed him from using any active jutsu but it also made him invisible to any would be passive sensor too.

No one but the guards were awake, so he jumped through the window and grabbed the girl, a hand plastering a tape over her mouth and another tying her up before he jumped out again before the girl could realize what happened.

He rushed over the wall with a quiet jump and kept running, he looked behind him and then blinked.

'What?' He thought as the surroundings was different he turned to his front and the illusion dissipated, revealing twenty Hyuuga, four Uchiha, two ANBU ninja, one man he knew from the briefing to be from the Kurama clan standing behind the Uchiha, and a red haired man with star shaped hairdo standing in front of him. All were clearly prepared to combat him.

He looked down at his hand and grimaced. The girl wasn't real either. He knew who was to blame for the illusion now.

"How did you know?" He asked as he prepared to die here.

The star haired man stepped forwards: "It is simple really, you just suck at stealth."

Head Ninja smirked to hide his irritation and made a show of looking at the ninjas surrounding him: "This is a bit much for a few foolish mistakes I might've made." And bit on the false teeth, it was a shame to die here, but he saw no other way to salvage this mission.

The star man nodded: "That would be the case wouldn't it? But you know, my son recently said something that gave me a pause, and the more I thought about it the more I agreed, it fits this situation so well too, want to hear it? It is some solid advice."

Unease crept into the Head Ninja felt cold as he realized the poison wasn't working: "Let's hear it." he said while sizing the ninjas in front of him to find one that would grant him a quick death, so that his death would seem like assassination.

Star man smirked: "Talking isn't a free action."

Head Ninja blinked and didn't open his eyes again as he fell down like a stack of bricks, courtesy of Hiashi Hyuuga who knocked him out from behind with gentle fist.

"Head Ninja of Kumo delegation tried to kidnap Hinata Hyuuga, check. The Head Ninja tried to kill himself when he realized his mission was a failure, also check. Sheesh, quite the eventful night we are having tonight, right boys?" The star haired man asked the gathered ninjas all staring at him in awe.

"The Hyuuga clan is indebted to you, and I as a father and brother owe you as well, Hoshito Haruno-san." Hiashi Hyuuga said with a bow.

"Come on now, we are fellow Konohan. Will of Fire, Konohan Way and all that. No need to mention any debts Hiashi-sama."

An ANBU in feminine armor nearby fake coughed and elbowed Hoshito: "What Haruno-san means is that, he is eternally grateful for your offer and will be grateful for your future aid should the need arise." She said and then took a step back.

The two men looked at each other before Hoshito laughed: "Heh, I guess that is what I meant. Thanks Hiashi!"

"Hrm." Hiashi grunted, too grateful to objected to the dropping of the formalities.