

I may add few things from baki , kengan , lookism , katana zero and other works book cover : @Zebralineku

20thCenturyPharaoh · Anime & Comics
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chapter 1

### Leon Von Alvensleben

**Age:** 31

**Height:** 5'9"

**Eyes:** Black

**Hair:** Black

He was last seen on December 10, 19XX, near an orphanage.


"Leon is largely responsible for the recent influx of weapons and drugs into the country, in clear violation of the joint signatory framework. His reputation as a dangerous arms and drugs dealer is well deserved."



"Leon, huh."

"Just what kind of drugs did you make this time?" said an old-looking man, clearly in his 50s, holding a file in his left hand and a katana in his right.

"He's not even trying to hide himself... seriously, a pillow factory?"

**Swoosh swoosh.**

"Now, where are you, Leon?" the old man muttered while cutting through the roller shutter. "Hmm, this place is enormous! Just what kind of pillows did they make back then?" He stopped abruptly, rubbing his forehead in embarrassment. "Why am I talking like a teenager? *Sigh.* This is going to take a while."

After two hours of searching, he found no clues.

"Tsk. Just what is he doing in a place like this?" His eyes caught something. "Oh, what's that?"

He found an oddly clean doll. As he reached to touch it, a voice echoed.

"It's been a while since I've had a visitor. And it's you, Mr. Takamura. I am quite thrilled."


"Ah, little Leon, long time no see. How's life treating you?" asked Takamura, seemingly pleased.

"Good, thank you for asking. It's been getting better since I created the drug you're looking for."

"I'm not here for the drug, Leon. I'm here to kill you," Takamura said, his hand on his sword hilt. "So, what kind of drug did you make for the whole country to come after you? A mix between meth and cocaine?"

"No, not those kinds of drugs. I call it Nekro. It can make any user ten times stronger than a normal human, perhaps even more, though it has severe side effects and isn't consumable," Leon said, glancing at his missing left arm. "But you know what they say... beggars can't be choosers."

"Not consumable then wh-... so that's what you were doing near the orphanage," Takamura said, disgusted. "Let's get this over with."


"Hmm, you managed to dodge it!" Leon said, impressed.

"Sigh... Leon, you of all people should know that guns don't work on me," Takamura replied. 'There's no recoil between his shots. Is this the result of that drug he was talking about?'

"Tsk... dodge this then," Leon said, pressing a red button.


Seeing this, Takamura leaped 20 feet into the air. Before descending, he spotted a white cellar door in the wreckage below. "So that's where you're hiding."


"Hmm," he mused. 'Did he kill himself?'

**Swoosh swoosh.**

"This place is oddly quiet," he said, sheathing his sword. "Oh, there you are," he continued, looking at Leon's body with a hole in his head. 'Now, where are those infants... Oh, I guess I was too late,' he thought, seeing the small corpses in one of the ripped trash bags. 'Hmm, this one is breathing.'

**Ring ring ring.**


"How did the mission go, Mr. Takamura?"

"All the kids are dead except for one toddler."

"...And? What about Leon?"


"I see, that's good news. Now go back home and rest."




'They didn't even care about the kids in the first place,' Takamura thought, cutting the phone in half. "I guess you're going to the JAA... I hope you become a good assassin in the future."


*For those who are confused about Takamura's personality, this chapter takes place 25 years before the canon. I know nothing about Takamura in his prime, so I combined his personality from the locker room one-shot and Sakamoto Days.*

I'm very bad at describing the surroundings. I'll come back to this fanfic when I get better at it

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