
Saiyan Primal Ascension

Emi is a fierce and spirited young woman, standing at 5'10" with a unique blend of Japanese and Hispanic features. She leads a life as a member of a female Sukeban gang in Japan, where her unyielding passion for combat has earned her the respect and fear of her fellow gang members. Despite her tough exterior, Emi secretly harbors a deep love for anime, particularly Dragon Ball Z. Her life takes a drastic turn when she meets Aya, the Divine Guardian of Battle, who offers her three wishes to be made within a universe centered around fighting. Emi chooses the Dragon Ball universe, her favorite anime world. ((please be aware this is a series that will head to different universes. Not just the dragon ball one))

Iros · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

Tough Choices

I step through the portal, a shimmering gateway of blues and purples, and feel the familiar pull of Planet Vegeta's gravity. The air is less dense here, like inhaling pure oxygen. Standing in my room, I take a moment to savor the sensation of being home.

"Ah, that's better," I murmur as I stretch my limbs. My strength surges through me, revitalizing my muscles and bones. It's a stark contrast to the weakening I experienced in the Toriko universe. Every cell in my body feels charged with energy. 

Looking around my room, I wasn't one to stay still so I decided to go for a walk. Leaving my aunt's empty house. As I walk outside, the golden sun of Planet Vegeta bathes the landscape in a warm, amber glow. The blue-tinted sky and towering mountains in the distance create a picturesque scene. The sounds of native creatures echo in the air, completing the symphony of a world teeming with life. It was odd how I had never noticed.

The Saiyan capital city buzzes with activity. Fellow Saiyan's pass by, engaged in training and combat, the air filled with the echoes of energy blasts from far away. While some were traded with other alien races.

"Welcome back, Celera!" a voice calls out from behind me. I turn to see my team, grinning broadly at my return. Their eyes flicker with curiosity, no doubt wondering where I've been for so long.

"Where have you been?" asks Toma, his frame than mine and Hanasia. He's always been the most inquisitive of the group, never one to shy away from asking questions.

"Training," I reply simply, not wanting to divulge too much about my recent experiences. There's no need to burden them with the knowledge of the Toriko universe just yet. "You know how it is – always pushing to get stronger." Which wasn't a lie, as I felt my own energy. It had increased a little. 

" Oh," Tato seemed surprised as he had his finger on his scouter. " 3, 500 not a bad increase at all" His smile was a bit goofy but it had come to grow on me. These two had gotten stronger themselves, after all that invading we did they had plenty of close calls. Hanasia was around a little less than half of my strength while Tato was at half.

"We've been doing some training of our own while you were gone. But we missed having our fearless leader around!" Hanasia commented. 

"Good to know." I grin, feeling a warmth bloom in my chest. These people mean more to me than they'll ever know. "So, what did I miss?"

"Nothing much," says Tato, scratching his head. "Just the usual grunt work. We could've used your help on a few missions, though."

"Sorry about that," I say, genuinely apologetic. "But I promise I'll make it up to you all."

"Sounds good to us!" Hanasia exclaims, clapping me on the back. "Now, let's get down to business. What's our next move?"

"First things first," I reply, mind racing with plans for integrating the Saiyan settlements into the Toriko universe. "We will stop taking missions for the time being and focus on our training."

"huh, are you sure," Hanasia remarks confused. "Wouldn't that get us in trouble, Celera?"

"Just trust me," I say, determination sparking within me.

"Have you learned anything useful during your... training?" Tato asks, raising an eyebrow.

"More than you can imagine," I reply with a sly smile. My mind wanders back to the various tools and devices I encountered in the Toriko universe, each one more intriguing than the last. But it's the knocking tool that was really interesting for me. And so I spent the rest of the day Fighting with them. 

It had been a week since that day and the time had arrived for the first stage of my plan, and there was no room for error. I had to make sure that everyone at the medical facility was temporarily incapacitated using the knocking tool. I had tested it on Tato while we had been fighting and it seemed easy enough to use. I had brought it close to his neck and two prongs had shot out striking into his skin before he collapsed.

Thankfully because of our differences in power, I could move fast enough for him to not be able to notice. So Hanasia just thought I had knocked him out with a punch. I had waited until it had become night And lowered my power level to not appear on any scouter. My aunt's snores rang out as I left my room and made my way outside. I covered myself with a black cloak making sure my face was covered. And began my mission, flying towards the medical building.

  Thankfully every medic was oddly weak and so swiftly, I had successfully used the knocking tool on everyone at the medical facility. With a deep breath, I punch the symbol of the four-star dragon ball, opening a portal to the Toriko universe. The sight of the swirling vortex never ceases to amaze me, but now is not the time to be lost in wonder. There was one Female Saiyan with dark blue hair in the room knocked out in front of one of the pods. She was the half-breed that was bullied by the other staff and my perfect scapegoat.

I quickly transported the babies and medical pods towards the portal. As I work, I can't help but feel a pang of pity for the families who will be left behind, unaware of their children's fates. But this is necessary; their survival depends on it.

Just as I finish transporting the last of the pods, staff members from the Gourmet Corp walk in through the portal, taking the babies and medical pods away with impressive speed and efficiency along with the female Saiyan half-breed. I watch them work, feeling a sense of relief that at least this part of my plan has gone smoothly.

Before they leave, one of the staff members sets down a small device, which whirs to life and begins emitting a high-pitched sound. Within moments, the security cameras are destroyed. " It will make sure no video data remains," They said as their body was covered from head to toe in black armor. So any data recorded is corrupted beyond repair. It's a clean operation, ensuring that no evidence of our actions remains. They handed me a refill for the knocking tool for future use.

Two weeks have passed since the babies' disappearance, and the Saiyan's are seething with anger. Well fuck em, I had managed to save around 30 babies at least, and one-Half breed adult. The medical building's staff that I had knocked out had been ruthlessly executed, their screams echoing in my mind. I knew this would happen, while a bounty had been placed on the lady that I had saved/kidnapped I had come to learn her name was Spinela.

"Hey Gine," I say, approaching her as she works. "Can I talk to you for a moment?"

"Sure, Celera," she replies, wiping her brow. "What's on your mind?"

I pause, considering how to broach the subject. "Gine, let's say hypothetically if you could save people from your workplace who would you choose?"

Gine's eyes widen, and she studies me for a moment. "Why do you ask?"

"I'm just worried I guess with everything going on, so?"

She nods slowly, understanding dawning in her eyes. "Yes, but you shouldn't worry so much, but if I had to choose, I guess I would go with...." And she began to list around 13 people. Guess not everyone at her workplace was worth saving.

A few months later, tensions among the Saiyan's continued to escalate. The disappearance of the group of cooks only fuels their paranoia and unrest. I learned that my aunt Fasha, along with Bardock, was leaving soon, and I knew I had to act quickly.

And so my search for her began, breathing in deeply as I searched for her energy signal. Feeling her presence in the training ground I couldn't help but smile as I flew towards her. Landing in the training arena. 

"Hey Aunt Fasha," I call out, catching her attention. "How about we have a friendly challenge? One-on-one, right here, right now."

She smirks, amused by my proposal. "You're on, kid."

Smiling I would start by lowering my power level to around hers. This was no point in going all out from the start, id start small and then power up slowly though the fight. I dashed forward my body a blur of pink energy towards Fasha. The wind whips up around her, carrying the scent of sweat on the training ground.

Her fist struck out fast, each punch aimed at my Fasha. catching her off guard, stumbling back under the relentless onslaught. As she tried to regain her footing, I didn't give her time, swinging low with a roundhouse kick aimed at her knee. Fasha managed to block it barely in time, grunting under the impact. The taste of metal fills my mouth as her fist connects with my face.

A crowd formed around us as their eyes followed every twist and turn of the battle, their hearts racing as we exchanged blows. Fasha manages to catch my wrist mid-punch, and takes advantage of the opening, bringing her leg around in an arc that sent me flying backward with a loud whoosh. She slammed me into the ground with a thud, As she tried to follow up with an axe kick to my head, I had to roll away.

The taste of dirt fills my mouth as I spit out a mouthful of blood while grinning. She rushes forward me, as I dodge a swing from Fasha's fist. Dodging under her strike I threw a punch to the side of her jaw rocking her head to the side, followed by a spinning back-kick that sent her stumbling. But I gave Fasha time to regain her composure, as she jumped into the air and brought her leg down towards my head. 

Taking a few steps back as her leg crashed into the floor cracking it. We circle each other warily now, as I waited for her to make a mistake. Her breaths were ragged, and she was sweating while I wasn't feeling tired at all. The hum of the crowd fills our ears, urging us on. Suddenly, Fasha lunged first, releasing a shockwave of ki energy that sent me flying backward. I tumble through the air feeling the burn on my skin, As I barely avoid another assault from Fasha's follow-up attack.

Countering with a flurry of punches and kicks until I forced Fasha onto the defensive as I started powering up. Our movements become a beautiful dance. As if sensing the shift in energy levels, the sun begins to set behind us casting an orange-red hue over the arena, bathing us both in an ethereal glow. Sweat beads form on her brows as my energy levels grow higher and higher. Suddenly, Fasha lunged forward with one last attempt, but I dodged it. My foot connected with her chest sending her flying out of the ring. The crowd erupts into cheers. As she stumbles back, her breath ragged and eyes fiery. She's on the defensive, and it seemed she finally noticed that this was more than just training. Every of my strike lands I could feel bones breaking. I could feel Fasha's energy depleting while mine grew with each passing second. 

"Gaah!" Fasha grunts, trying to push herself away, but my grip is like iron as I didn't let her leave as strike after strike hit her body. She spat out a mouthful of blood. And as I looked into her swollen eyes I could see the agony she was in. She tries to summon some last reserve of strength to fight back, but it's too little too late. The hurt only increased as I landed yet another punch, sending her stumbling to the ground.

As she slowly got up my face wasn't showing emotion, As I rushed her. "No!" Fasha cries out, trying to block the brutal knee that collides with her midsection. She doubles over in pain, gasping for air. She struggles to keep standing.

The air becomes thick with the smell of sweat and blood. My fist connects solidly with Fasha's jaw, snapping her head back painfully. She falls hard onto her back, stunned momentarily by the force of the impact.

 Fasha opens her eyes just in time to see my fist flying towards her face once more. As I knocked her out, I had beaten her to an inch of her life. The onlookers gasp, some cheering me on while others watch in horror. I could feel their eyes on me, she would hate me, but I wasn't going to let her die when I only had so much time left.

After Bardock and his team leave the planet, I make the difficult decision to hand Fasha over to the Toriko authorities. "Take care of her," I say quietly as they take Fasha away. "She needs time to heal and beware she will be stronger once she wakes up and is healed."

"Rest assured, we'll treat her well," one of the Toriko agents replies before disappearing with my aunt. I sighed as I closed the portal behind them.