
Saiyan Primal Ascension

Emi is a fierce and spirited young woman, standing at 5'10" with a unique blend of Japanese and Hispanic features. She leads a life as a member of a female Sukeban gang in Japan, where her unyielding passion for combat has earned her the respect and fear of her fellow gang members. Despite her tough exterior, Emi secretly harbors a deep love for anime, particularly Dragon Ball Z. Her life takes a drastic turn when she meets Aya, the Divine Guardian of Battle, who offers her three wishes to be made within a universe centered around fighting. Emi chooses the Dragon Ball universe, her favorite anime world. ((please be aware this is a series that will head to different universes. Not just the dragon ball one))

Iros · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

The Hunt Begins

As my eyelids fluttered open, the sterile scent of the room invaded my senses, accompanied by the gentle hum of machinery and the rhythmic beeping of monitors. My head throbbed with each heartbeat. Slowly, I took stock of my surroundings, the stark whiteness of the room blurring together with the memories of the quick ass beating that had brought me here.

The training in the wilderness flashed vividly in my mind, the overwhelming power of Jiro pushing me to my limits. And then, darkness engulfed me, swallowing me whole as unconsciousness claimed me. I must have been knocked out during the fight, I realized with a grimace, the heaviness in my limbs serving as a painful reminder of the toll it had taken on my body.

Struggling to sit up, I winced as a wave of dizziness washed over me. Despite expecting to find bruises or injuries marring my skin, my hands appeared unscathed, adding to my confusion. Standing beside the bed was the President, his expression a curious mix of concern and intrigue as he observed me.

"You're awake," he stated simply, his voice a calm yet commanding presence in the room.

Nodding slowly, I tried to shake off the fog that clouded my thoughts. "What happened?" I croaked, my voice hoarse from disuse.

The President's lips curved into a faint smile, though his eyes betrayed a hint of solemnity. "You pushed yourself too hard," he replied, his tone gentle but firm. "Jiro's decidedto end the test by using knocking on you. But you'll be alright. You just need some rest."

Rest? The very idea grated against my instincts, a reminder that every moment spent idle was a moment wasted. Yet, even the fiercest warriors needed time to recuperate, and I begrudgingly acquiesced, sinking back onto the bed with a heavy sigh.

As I lay there, staring up at the sterile ceiling, a whirlwind of emotions churned within me. Frustration at my own shortcomings warred with a steely determination to overcome them, to emerge from this setback stronger and more resilient than ever before. Knocking, something I never really wanted to use in a proper fight. Sighing as it would be useful in the future and I would have to learn it.

Closing my eyes, I drew in a slow, steadying breath. "Damn I didn't even get a zenki." The disappointment lingered in my voice, as my power didn't seem to increase at all.

**Time skip**

Seven years had passed since i got my ass so easily beat that day in the wilderness. Today was my birthday and i would be turning fourteen. Looking myself in the mirror as I pulled my hair back and tide it into a ponytail. As I looked myself over and nodded in approval as I made my way out.

As I made my way through the bustling streets of the city, my mind buzzed with anticipation. Today was the day of the medical tests, a necessary requirement of the agreement we had made with the Gourmet Corp. I had agreed to cooperate fully, though the thought of submitting to their scrutiny left a bitter taste in my mouth even to this day.

Entering the medical facility, I was greeted by the sterile scent of antiseptic and the clinical atmosphere of the examination rooms. I endured the battery of tests with a grim determination, each poke and prod a reminder that soon this would be over.

Hours later, I emerged from the facility with a sense of relief, the tests confirming what I already knew I was healthy. Many of the staff were still amazed by my body. Unlike most saiyans i had smart atoms which they couldn't even understand. It was interesting hearing them talking to each other. Finally leave as i stretched and stepped back out into the sunlight, my thoughts turned to the future. Without a martial arts teacher to guide me, I knew it was time to seek out someone who could help me unlock my full potential. But who?

But first, there was business to attend to. The authorities had informed me of a dangerous beast wreaking havoc on the outskirts of the city, a creature that had eluded capture for far too long. Well, I was hungry and Gine had become a hell of a cook under Setsuno's teaching. Turns out she had plenty of food honor while I didn't. Hanasia even had more than me which kind of bothered me a bit, but we all had our strengths.

As I ventured deeper into the dense foliage of the human world in Toriko, the presence of the formidable Rampage Raptor loomed ominously. Rumors stated that it was something that hunted Devil Snakes for fun. resembling a hybrid between a velociraptor and a grizzly bear. It had a sleek, muscular body covered in mottled gray-and-black feathers, providing camouflage in its forest habitat. During mating season, its normally amber eyes turn a fiery red, signaling its heightened aggression and territoriality. so maybe that was the reason it was acting up. plus, it wasn't normally this close to a city. Right, what was its capture level again? 

I had to think for a bit before it came to me, its Capture Level was 130. Still within my strength range. My power level had grown to 4,800, it wasn't as much as I had wanted but I was forbidden from training for a year after the test so I hadn't improved much. 

 Just as I was walking, I heard a sound and turned to see a Rampage Raptor emerge from the shadows, its sleek, feathered form exuding a primal aura, I could feel the adrenaline coursing through my veins. With a defiant roar, it lunged towards me, its claws slicing through the air with lethal precision.

Reacting swiftly, I took to the air, dodging its initial assault with a burst of speed. But the Rampage Raptor was relentless, its predatory instincts driving it forward. As it closed in on me, I unleashed a barrage of ki blasts, each one aimed at its body creating an opening.

The creature responded with a fierce counterattack, its claws raking through the air with blinding speed. Despite my best efforts to evade its blows, I could feel the sharp sting of its venomous saliva as it grazed my skin, sending a jolt of pain coursing through my body.

With a grunt of determination, I focused my energy, channeling the power of knocking into my next attack and infusing it with ki. As the Rampage Raptor lunged towards me once more, I stabbed my arm into its chest imbued with the force of knocking. I made sure not to break its skin leaving it momentarily disoriented and vulnerable.

Seizing the opportunity, I descended upon the Rampage Raptor with renewed vigor, slamming my fist into its head.

Despite its formidable strength and agility, the Rampage Raptor faltered under the relentless assault of my attacks. With a final, decisive blow, I incapacitated the creature, bringing it to its knees before me.

With a sense of anticipation, I approached the defeated Rampage Raptor, knowing that its capture level made it a valuable prize. As I prepared to claim my reward, I couldn't help but wonder if it would taste good. Lifting it over my head with both hands. I crouched and then jumped into the air, flying towards the city.

As I made my way through the bustling streets of the city, the imposing form of the Rampage Raptor I was carrying drew stares and whispers from the onlookers. Many recognized me from my previous exploits, murmuring about my remarkable strength and tenacity in capturing such a formidable beast. Some even went as far as to call me a member of the legendary Heavenly Powers, attributing my feats to otherworldly abilities.

"Look, it's Celera the Savage Seraph," one bystander whispered in awe, their voice tinged with reverence.

I couldn't help but smile at the nickname, I know it was silly but it was like I gained one of the title's ever-good gang leaders back in Japan had.

Arriving at Setsuno's store, I was greeted by the familiar sights and sounds of the bustling kitchen. Gine was hard at work, her skilled hands moving with practiced precision as she prepared a feast fit for royalty while the other Saiyan's who worked with her in the pasted followed their Queen. Many of the serving or cooking other meals. Some of them had even joined me in becoming gourmet hunters. Setsuno watched from the sidelines, her wise eyes taking in every detail with a knowing smile.

"Welcome back, Celera," Setsuno greeted me, her voice warm and inviting. "I trust your hunt was successful?"

I nodded, hoisting the Rampage Raptor onto the kitchen counter with a grunt of effort. "It put up quite a fight, but I managed to bring it down in the end," I replied, a sense of accomplishment swelling within me.

Gine's eyes widened in amazement as she inspected the massive beast before her. "oh it's a bit smaller than what it should be," she exclaimed, her voice filled with excitement. As she lifted its leg, and checked its sex " Ah a young male, must be its first mating season, well it's last now we'll need to prepare something truly special for this."

With Setsuno's grabbing the body and laying it on a weighting scale clocking in at 4,400 pounds {2,000 kilograms}, They set to work preparing the Rampage Raptor, carefully selecting the freshest ingredients and infusing each dish with a touch of gourmet flair. As the tantalizing aromas filled the kitchen, I couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation building within me as I sat outside the kitchen, remembering the event that had me banned from ever entering Setuson's kitchen. I had what felt like negative food Honor.

Hours later, as the sun began to set on the horizon, we gathered around the table to enjoy the fruits of their labor. Each dish was a masterpiece in its own right, a testament to Gine and Setsuno's skill and creativity as cooks. Hell the stew they cooked, my body felt so full of energy and I felt my very cells agree with the meal. I would be adding to my full-course meal list in the soup spot.

4,800 = 5,200

As I took the first bite of the Rampage Raptor, a burst of flavor exploded on my tongue, sending waves of pleasure coursing through my body. It was unlike anything I had ever tasted before, a perfect harmony of textures and flavors that danced across my palate with each mouthful. yeah, the first food item I had ever added hehehe. 

As we savored the meal together, laughter and conversation flowed freely, " So Celera is it true you are leaving?" Gine asked with a hopeful tone in her voice. Yeah I had promised to look for Kakarot and I'd do it, I'd need to make my way to Earth somehow. 

I paused, setting down my utensils as I met Gine's gaze. It was true; I had promised to look for Kakarot, and I intended to keep that promise. "Yeah," I replied, a hint of determination in my voice. "I need to find my way to that planet you sent Kakarot to and I don't know how long that will take, so it might be a few years before any of you see me again, but I made you a promise, and ill keep it."

As Gine's expression softened with understanding, Setsuna interjected with a gentle smile. "You have grown immensely, Celera. Your journey has only just begun, and I have no doubt that young boy."

I nodded in agreement, I knew I'd find him but I did not know if I'd find planet Earth that easily. "Thank you, Setsuna," I replied, my voice filled with gratitude. "And thank you, Gine, for everything you've done for me. I'll never forget it. oh and tell the others Id be back and they better be ready"

With a final farewell, I bid my friends goodbye. As I stepped out into the cool evening air, a sense of excitement coursed through my veins. The road ahead would be long and arduous. Hell, I would probably have to make side stops.

With a determined stride, I set off into the night, the stars twinkling overhead like guiding beacons as i flew into the sky, gathering my ki into my fist as I was close to the atmosphere, as the six-star dragon ball appeared in front of me, I punched it and opened a portal. 

" Sorry Son Guko but you're going to have to wait a little bit," I said as I slowed down my breathing and held my breath.