
Saiyan in Warhammer

In the era of the Imperium Nihilus, a golden light has been rekindled amidst the darkness, though different from before, this wasn't a solitaire light but many that shone brightly and ruly. The broken remains of the empire were to be reunited once again, but now under the mighty fist of the Saiyan empire. Long may he last, the golden Warrior Bann. And this is his story. _________Alternative sipnosis_______ A reincarnated Saiyan in the Warhammer universe alongside a handful of other survivors, what else need to be said to catch your attention? Well there are waifus too! *Do not bother entering if you're gonna cry about harem* *If you're expecting wish fulfillment go look after those stories elsewhere, I'm going to try and write something serious out of smut.* [Warhammer loremaster are extremely welcomed, please bathe us on your wisdom and point out mistakes that I made] *This novel will be posted in various sites such as RoyalRoad

SrDevoxero · Anime & Comics
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75 Chs


I've borne witness to something truly extraordinary.

Although familiarity with the enigmatic and the wondrous was not foreign to me, the sight of our vessel forging a path through the webway, guided by Urocain's psychic prowess, was unlike anything I had ever seen.

It was a moment that seized my senses with wonder and anticipation.

The labyrinthine expanse of the webway unfolded before us, its haunting beauty and eerie aura captivating my gaze. The towering walls, cloaked in a haze of ethereal fog and ancient materials, cast a spellbinding spell upon me. Yet beneath the surface allure, there lay a palpable sense of grandeur and decay, remnants of the once-mighty Aeldari Empire lingering in the shadows.

Now reduced to ruins with only a handful of survivors clinging to existence.

As I gazed upon Irelene, Anáeth, and Urocain, I discerned a sense of normalcy in their eyes. An intricate veil of ignorance shrouded their perception, shielding them from the profound majesty their race once commanded, and the unparalleled power and dominion they once wielded over the galaxy.

'It is a fate I would not wish upon us, but it seems inevitable for empires of this nature,' I mused silently, haunted by the echoes of the Imperium of Mankind in the 41st Millennium.

A mere shadow of its former glory, a mere shell clinging to survival amidst millennia of decay. Like the Aeldari, they had sown the seeds of their own demise.

And by their own hands, the Aeldari have wrought ruin upon the webway, once a vast network of pathways now reduced to a twisted labyrinth, its routes severed and its gates sealed long ago. Within its shifting corridors, beasts of both the Immaterium and reality lurk, awaiting unsuspecting prey.

Yet as I peered through the windows of our vessel, I began to grasp how the Aeldari had managed to endure through the ages.

With Urocain charting our course and Irelene reciting instructions from memory, we were set on our path. With a nod of acknowledgment, Urocain retreated to a small chamber to meditate, leaving us to navigate the treacherous depths of the webway alone.

As the silence settled around us, enveloping us in contemplation, I found myself unable to resist the urge to break it. With two Aeldari companions at my side and a long journey ahead, my mind refused to remain idle, despite the weight of our impending tasks—or lack thereof, in my case.

'At least in my case,' I thought, casting a fleeting glance towards Irelene.

"Hey, I've been curious..." I began, my tone deliberate, drawing the attention of the two Aeldari towards me.

"There are rumours circulating about your nature, whispers that I've been hoping you could clarify for me," I continued, prompting both Anáeth and Irelene to turn their attention towards me, their pointed ears twitching with interest.

Anáeth's mesmerising gem-like eyes bore into mine as she eagerly inquired, "What is it?"

Struggling to suppress the grin threatening to spread across my face, I posed the question directly to them.

"Is it true that your race experiences emotions and sensations tenfold compared to humans?"

As I awaited their response, I couldn't help but feel a surge of amusement at their reactions. Anáeth and Irelene both seemed taken aback, their bodies jolting slightly. Anáeth's expression was one of confusion, while Irelene, the stoic warrior piloting our vessel, appeared determined to maintain her focus.

"What do you mean by that?" Anáeth queried tentatively, her voice tinged with genuine curiosity.

"Well, tell me, is it true that, for instance, you experience grief more intensely than humans? Or any other emotion, for that matter?" I asked pointedly, directing my gaze downwards towards Anáeth's ample and visible cleavage, ensuring she caught my suggestive gesture.

A flush spread across Anáeth's cheeks as she registered my innuendo, her mind connecting the dots. Before she could respond, however, Irelene interjected firmly.

"We Aeldari are indeed blessed with heightened empathy," she stated, her tone resolute. "Navigating the vast array of emotions is essential for an Asuryani to excel."

Despite the coldness in Irelene's tone, I refused to be swayed and pressed on. "That's cool, but you haven't answered my question. Do you truly feel emotions more intensely? Describe it to me."

"What it is cool?"

Anáeth's puzzled interjection broke the tension momentarily, her confusion evident. But my focus remained fixed on Irelene, who paused before responding.

"We do," she admitted after a moment, her voice carrying the weight of experience. "In battle, I must rely on my training and the path to prevent myself from being consumed by the bloodlust that threatens to overwhelm my mind."

As she turned her head to meet my gaze, I felt her stare bore into me, piercing through the layers of my being.

As I listened to Irelene's chilling admission, a sense of unease settled over me. Her words painted a picture of a warrior teetering on the edge of darkness, grappling with impulses most would find abhorrent.

"And for those who insult us, for example, I must exert great restraint to prevent myself from inflicting upon them the most agonizing death imaginable," she declared before swiftly returning her gaze to the front of the ship.

Despite her attempt to appear composed, I could sense the tension radiating from her, her body language betraying her true state of mind. Raising my eyes to meet the back of her head, I couldn't help but voice my genuine feelings on the matter.

"Wow," I exclaimed, my tone laced with consternation. "I had intended to broach the subject of sex and relationships, but you've taken the conversation in a rather... psychopathic direction. I never pegged you for a murder hobo."

I couldn't help but smirk as Irelene visibly flinched at my words, a small sense of satisfaction washing over me. "But it's reassuring to know that others also grapple with their emotions," I continued, my grin widening. "We Saiyans too often find ourselves at the mercy of our feelings. I've made great efforts to instil discipline in my companions to prevent them from succumbing to battle frenzy, much like you."

My gaze shifted between Irelene and Anáeth as I spoke, catching a fleeting side glance from the warrior and a look of genuine intrigue from the healer.

"I'm not a murder hobo," Irelene muttered under her breath, her voice barely audible.

Meanwhile, Anáeth seized my arm with evident excitement, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. "What other feelings do you often struggle against?" she inquired eagerly, her enthusiasm for the topic both strange and infectious.

"Rage, excitement, and lust," I replied, my tone somber. "Those are the emotions I've found myself struggling with if left unchecked. That's why I sought Urocain's guidance—to prevent such occurrences from becoming more frequent."

Anáeth nodded understandingly at my explanation, while I caught Irelene murmuring under her breath, "...We'll be damned if some of your friends fall into chaos." Her words struck a chord with me, prompting a nod of agreement.

"Exactly," I agreed wearily. "I don't need to contend with a Saiyan influenced by chaos. Dealing with normal Saiyans is challenging enough as it is." I let out a heavy sigh, the weight of my responsibilities pressing down on me.

Anáeth's sensitive gaze met mine, her gemstones that could pry into one's soul brimming with concern. "Is there something wrong with them?" she asked softly, her attention focused solely on my words as if searching for answers within them.

"Aside from being literal monkeys?"

I disregarded Irelene's response. Taking a deep breath, I placed my hand over Anáeth's on my arm and continued to explain. "Saiyans are driven by a primal instinct for battle. It's ingrained in our very essence. We seek out challenges, constantly striving to test our limits and overcome opponents stronger than us."

I could sense a myriad of emotions stirring within the Aeldari as I spoke, but I pressed on. "Although my comrades respect me for essentially raising them, it's my strength alone that has earned me their loyalty and command."

I deliberately omitted mentioning Seleri, knowing full well that she was the true powerhouse among us. Despite her unparalleled strength, she always deferred to my leadership, showing genuine care and respect for me since we were children.

Anáeth's grip on my arm tightened, her eyes ablaze with intensity as she delved deeper into the matter. "But I can sense it, you care deeply about them, don't you?" she probed gently.

Her soothing voice and genuine scrutiny encouraged me to open up further. "Yes, I do," I affirmed, my voice carrying a mixture of pride and affection. "I've spent my entire life alongside them, watching them grow from mere children into the formidable warriors and individuals they are today. They bring honour to our race, and I hope they can bring some semblance of order to the chaos of this galaxy."

As I spoke, my gaze wandered towards the path of the webway, my thoughts drifting unintentionally. The gravity of my words hung heavy in the air, leaving behind a whirlwind of emotions and reflections that I knew I would need to delve deeper into and organize during my meditations.

"Let us hope that you're right, and trust in what you've done," Anáeth responded, her voice gentle and reassuring. "What is nurtured with care will always bear good fruit. The kindness we show to others is never in vain."

Her tender touch and radiant smile washed over me, calming my spirit. I found myself drawn once more to Anáeth's presence, her warmth a balm to my weary soul.

As I returned her smile gratefully, I couldn't help but reflect on how my initial intention to tease them had led to this heartfelt exchange. 'I just wanted to tease them, and it ended up like this, heh,' I mused silently to myself.

"If all Eldar are like you," I remarked to Anáeth, "then there's something I need to address regarding your reputation. It simply wouldn't do you justice."

An audible groan escaped Irelene at my words, while Anáeth tilted her head in confusion, prompting her to ask, "What fame are you talking about?"

My grin widened as I sensed Anáeth's tension, but I proceeded to reveal the truth to her nonetheless. "They say you're insufferable cunts, too deeply entrenched in your own vanity. To put it nicely, that's it," I stated bluntly.

Anáeth's pout betrayed her dismay as she protested, "Mouuh~ come on, be serious."

"Is that truly our reputation?" Irelene interjected, her voice cold yet tinged with subtle curiosity and other emotions.

Raising my hands in a gesture of surrender, I replied to both of them, "Hey, don't shoot the messenger! Take it up with those who've interacted with other beings in the galaxy before. I'm just relaying what I've heard."

My words seemed to weigh heavily on Anáeth, who looked troubled by the reputation of her race.

Deciding to lighten the mood, I continued teasing them. "That's actually one of the reasons I wanted to ask you both this. Now tell me, have either of you ever been in a relationship before?" My eyes darted between the two Aeldari, barely containing the inner gossip within me.

"Do not answer him, Anáeth," Irelene interjected hastily, her tone firm. Anáeth, meanwhile, shifted uncomfortably, her eyes darting away from me as she asked coyly, "Why are you asking that?"

Observing Anáeth's gaze fixed on the floor and sensing Irelene's reluctance to engage, I persisted, "I was simply curious, you see. Because I also heard something that really, reaaaally~ piqued my interest."

At my words, Anáeth reluctantly met my gaze, her mouth moving as if struggling to form a question. Meanwhile, Irelene's shoulders tensed visibly, her neck muscles twitching as she seemed to exert considerable effort to refrain from turning around.

Seeing that my choice of words and delivery had indeed piqued the interest of the two Aeldari, I pressed on. "A certain rumour has not only heightened my curiosity about your race, but also about how female Eldar perceive their relationships and express their emotions..."

"Just spit it out, Saiyan," Irelene interjected sharply, unable to contain her impatience any longer.

Grinning mischievously, I leaned in closer to the duo. "Well, they say that female Eldar are rather clingy and... *craaazy* when it comes to showing their 'affection'. I wonder if there's any truth to that~?"

As I glanced between the two, I couldn't help but notice Anáeth's flushed face, a clear indication that my words had struck a nerve. Casually, I reached out to caress Anáeth's hand with my own, adding to the tension that hung in the air.

Darting my eyes between the two of them.

"Ehm, well, I... I guess we might be?" Anáeth replied uncertainly, her eyes unable to meet mine.

'There's no way....' I thought to myself as realization dawned upon me, looking at Anáeth with surprise.

"You've never been in a relationship before?" I asked her with sincere astonishment.

'She probably is older than me and she hasn't been with someone before!? With how debauched these guys used to be!?' My mind was scandalised by the notion, while the red-faced healer seemed to answer my question without even saying so.

Not being able to free her hand from my grasp, Anáeth gave up trying and simply joined both her hands together. "Well... I've been too occupied with my Path that I've never explored and experienced what others did..." Her tone was filled with genuine innocence and shyness, eliciting a twinge of guilt within me for teasing her so relentlessly. At least for a moment.

Though my eyes briefly darted towards Irelene's back, pondering if the warrior too lacked experience, I refocused on Anáeth. Leaning closer to her, I whispered reassuringly, "Hey, it's not that bad, really. Some guys even appreciate that."

Anáeth's cheeks flushed at my words, a faint smile playing on her lips as she seemed to take comfort in my reassurance.

Her head lifted, and she peered into my face with a spark of hope ignited in her eyes, seemingly unfazed by our proximity. "Really!? What you said is true?" she asked eagerly.

I nodded enthusiastically, a grin spreading across my face as I assured her, "If my words are laced with deception, may god damn my soul never be reborn again."

"It's not necessary to make an oath, you know!" Anáeth interjected hastily, a grin of her own appearing on her face as she teased me gently.

Gently caressing her hand, I leaned closer to Anáeth, my mouth mere inches away from her ear as I whispered softly, "You know, I am one of those guys who really appreciate that. If you want, I can show you a lot of things and experience together everything you've missed so far..."

As my words registered in Anáeth's mind, I felt a wave of emotion sweep over her, causing her to freeze in place. Even the creamy skin of her ear blushed furiously in reaction as I added, "...while also seeing if what they say about you all is true."

Pulling back slightly, I gave her a playful wink, leaving her staring at me wide-eyed. Her entire face was flushed with embarrassment, her full lips slightly parted in astonishment.

A deep, audible gulp emanated from her throat as she silently rose from her seat and made her way out of the cockpit.

'Well, I've guess I took it too far,' I chided myself inwardly, a wry smile playing on my lips as I watched the retreating figure of the healer.

Meanwhile, Irelene remained silent, her gaze fixed ahead as the silence enveloped the cockpit. Several minutes passed by, during which I found a more comfortable seat and joined her in staring out at the scene.

Eventually, I heard Irelene speak up, her voice breaking the silence. "I used to have a partner once," she began, her tone tinged with a hint of nostalgia. "We met during our training in the Path, raised as warriors together. We faced countless foes, and experienced more than I could have ever dreamed of."

Without turning her head from the path ahead, Irelene extended her arm to the side, revealing a red gemstone nestled in the palm of her armoured hand.

"Now, this is all that is left of her. Always accompanying me," Irelene stated, her voice retaining its characteristic coldness but also carrying a subtle tremor beneath the surface.

The quiver in her tone spoke volumes of the emotions she must be feeling, amplified by the stoic nature of her being and the memories she had been forced to bury deep within her to continue her duty as a warrior.

With a tender gesture, she closed her palm around the gemstone, holding it tightly for a moment before returning her focus to piloting the ship. It was a silent tribute to her lost partner, a testament to the bond they once shared amidst the chaos of this galaxy.

I found myself unable to muster any words in response, choosing instead to remain silent as I continued to accompany Irelene for the remainder of the journey. Her words and actions lingered in my mind, prompting a deep swirl of thoughts and emotions that invited reflection and contemplation.

As I pondered her story and the weight of her solitary tribute, I realized that there was still much for me to experience and understand. In the face of such solemnity and quiet strength, even my bold arrogance seemed to shrink in respect.

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