

In the boundless ocean of knowledge and experience amassed by the hive mind over the eons in this galaxy, an unprecedented ripple hinted at a potential misstep. Amidst the initial clash and ensuing waves, the hive mind had assumed that sheer numerical superiority could submerge the defenders of this system. After all, such overwhelming force had proven effective in the cold vacuum of space. Why entertain doubts about its efficacy planetside, where the Tyranids held undeniable advantages, especially with bioforms adapted to endure, if not triumph, against the indigenous beings?

However, the Saiyans, formidable in space, found themselves bereft of the fortuitous conditions offered by the atmospheric battleground. An oversight shared by both the Saiyans and the hive mind. The unforeseen surge of power accompanying the Oozaru transformation became the proverbial nail in the coffin for the tendril assaulting the Faradras System. The losses escalated to an unbearable extent, and the biomass found on the planet failed to justify the hive mind's relentless efforts.

In the face of this grim reality, a reluctant decision unfolded—the hive mind chose to retreat. In the aftermath of this strategic withdrawal, a disconcerting silence echoed across the cosmic expanse as the hive mind recalibrated its relentless pursuit, nursing the wounds inflicted by unforeseen adversaries. A retreat order echoed the commanding telepathic resonance of the hive mind, a concession to the unforeseen resilience of the defenders. The hive mind, begrudgingly acknowledging this setback, veiled itself in a temporary retreat, leaving a lingering shadow of uncertainty in its wake.

The Saiyan genetic material was something that tempted the hive mind. But the price to obtain it seemed to be too heavy with the present preparations. Thus, in a coordinated effort, the tendril tried to move away from the system, while the fleet in space started to prepare.

The Tyranids may have lost this battle, but the experience they gathered when facing the Saiyans proved to be worthwhile. For if it's ever decided to prepare their assault to obtain such precious genetic material, the hive mind knew what to expect now.

An enemy that not only could overcome the sheer disparity in numbers but also evolve in the middle of the fight.

With the hive ships slowly turning away from the planet, millions of ships were preparing to depart while the Hive Mind prepared to divert the attention of the Saiyans.

Seleri, who was having a better time after getting into her Ōzaru transformation, was cold and calculative as she eyed the ever-decreasing waves that attacked the space station. Had she not remained cool-headed, she wouldn't have noticed it.

Minute after minute, her ki senses picked up the distance they were moving apart from her and the planet. For once, she was happy that the battle was finishing. She wasn't tired; she was devoid of energy and stressed to no end. Her mind, which worked overdrive during all these hours since the battle started, had no respite. Each movement, each ki blast, had to be perfectly calculated to conserve her stamina and avoid being overrun.

It was a taxing task that she had at hand, yet she proved effective as her figure prevented darkness from overrunning the defenses of the space station, which looked battered. Even though a few biomass were able to reach the place, it proved enough to damage the structure after the void shields were taken down. Luckily, those shields could recharge and be used once again.

Nonetheless, during the time they were down, the space station took its hits, something that couldn't be helped as Seleri did more than enough to contain millions and billions of other ships and drones with their attack.

*BOOM* A silent silver explosion engulfed the space around the station as the vacuum, after many hours, wasn't overrun by the relentless wave of Tyranids. A window of opportunity has appeared. 'They are trying to cover their retreat... humph, as if I let them!' Seleri scoffed in her mind.

Opening her colossal mouth, she gathered a ki blast, using her ki senses like a scanner to calculate the distance of the fleeing ships. In a moment, she determined everything and launched her attack, leaving behind a trail of pink as it cut through the cosmos at multiple times the speed of light.

With a power level, for brief moments, of 290,000, her attack brought extreme devastation within the hive fleet. Trillions of bioforms were lost forever for the hive mind. Yet instead of feeling joy, Seleri clenched her fangs as she used her telepathic abilities and found her target. 'BANN! THESE FUCKERS ARE RETREATING! COME WITH THE GROUP AND KILL THEM ALL.'

Her voice, a mix between the bratty tone she used to have and the monstrous cacophony of the Ōzaru form, made a blend that could bring shivers down the spine of anyone who heard her.

The answer took its time to reach her back, yet each second marked the annihilation of thousands of Tyranids as Seleri acted like an artillery piece from the surrounding area of the station and gave chase to the retreating hive fleet.

She couldn't leave the space station, as there were still millions of drones and smaller bio-vessels lurking around, trying to cover the retreat with their actions.

It was during the orbital massacre that Seleri received her answer, a simple 'We're on our way.' was all it took to make her bestial form grin in a heinous way.

Moments later, four figures cut through space like magnetars, a forcefield built around them, but it was made from death as they swept through the Tyranids like bugs.

'SPREAD OUT AND START CLEANING EVERYTHING AS WE ADVANCE, OUR ENEMY WANTS TO FLY AWAY, FUCKING COWARDS!' Seleri's voice boomed into the heads of her companions, as bestial shouts emerged in response.

'These bugs dare to attack our planet and now wish to leave like that!? NONE SHALL REMAIN!' Rucule's voice held such venom when he said those words, and his figure trembled with such fury that his body bolted away and began, just like before Bann stopped him, to deliver death to the cosmic menace.

'NUMBERS IS ALL THEY HAVE, THESE WEAK BASTARDS ARE ONLY GOOD IN NUMBERS!' Aprit, too agitated by the devastation he saw back on land, gathered ki blasts on both hands and his mouth while he started barraging deadly attacks.

Targeting large retreating swarms at great distances.

In the tumultuous chaos of battle, Ramela unleashed her fury, scoffing at the futile attempts to stall the Saiyans. 'AS IF!' Her voice echoed like her ki, intensified by the Ozaru surge that multiplied her strength twofold. Unlike a momentary boost, she sustained the power like a death star, disintegrating everything in her path.

The trio strategically separated, expanding a zone of devastation that relentlessly increased. The hive mind faced incalculable losses each second, a testament to the Saiyans' unstoppable onslaught.

Meanwhile, the narvhals within the Tyranid tendril hastily activated their abilities under the hive mind's command. The five Saiyans posed a grave threat, risking the annihilation of everything in their path.

Bann and Seleri advanced with hateful expressions, unleashing ki blasts of colossal proportions, depleting their energy at staggering rates. Despite the diminishing Tyranid numbers, the Saiyans pressed on.

Of the initial 893 trillion Tyranids that invaded the system, only five trillion remained, a number steadily diminishing.

'I won't rest until I see every single one of these pieces of shit being destroyed from reality!' This oath wasn't mere rhetoric; it echoed the vengeance born out of pure rage. The Tyranids had dealt a tremendous blow to the Saiyan dream, one that would be challenging to recover from.

As attacks spanned thousands of kilometers, obliterating everything down to quarks, the Tyranids' enhanced speed and resilient armor proved insufficient against the overwhelming power of the Saiyan onslaught. The hive mind found itself powerless in the face of such a vast difference in strength, unable to overcome the sheer might of the Saiyans without extensive preparations.

Observing the five figures steadily advancing toward the heart of the hive fleet, the hive mind abandoned its carefully crafted plans and decided to unleash its remaining cards directly onto the planet. The desperate move signified a shift in strategy, as the Tyranids sought to capitalize on their last resort to confront the Saiyan threat.




Within the lands of Faradras, the Imperial Guard, alongside Planetary Defences and noble troops, moved through the wasteland left in the aftermath of the battle. A convoy of vehicles, including hundreds of Chimeras, Basilisks, Centaurs, and various transport variants, followed the Hellhounds that spewed fire, incinerating the remnants of the Tyranids in their wake.

As the forces spread out to eliminate any remaining Tyranid threats—now reduced to mere beasts after the destruction of the hive fleet's synapse node—Myrella found herself within one of the Centaurs. She looked out over the vast wasteland that had once been a thriving ecosystem, now tragically devoid of life.

"They did all of this overnight... what a beast they are..." remarked one of her companions in a loud tone.

Myrella turned toward him and responded, "The Tyranids? They couldn't do this. This was the work of the Saiyan. His attacks not only killed the xenos but also ravaged this planet." Her words sparked intrigue among those around her, as rumors about her connection to the Saiyan circulated. She was, after all, one of the individuals taken by the Saiyan himself.

A sturdy man with a beard and cigarettes responded, "Whatever he did, he was good at it. We only encountered those pieces of shit lurking in the ground. The rest were the ashes that our vehicles are raising." His standard helmet rested on his lap, and he held his lasgun on his shoulder.

His words resonated, prompting many to recall the image of his figure cleansing the waves of Tyranids that almost led Redentia to fall.

"Can you imagine it? Having the strength to create winds powerful enough to use the landscape as your weapon... how could such beings exist?" remarked the golden-haired boy with a husky tone, devoid of the joy he used to carry. The innocence of his smile was nowhere to be found, replaced by a forlorn expression and various chains adorning his neck.

Silence enveloped the vehicle as Myrella stared ahead, clenching her fist. 'Why would that beast try to pick me?' This question had been gnawing at her mind for days, and unfortunately, it remained unanswered after their encounter.

Shaking her head, she thought, 'It doesn't matter now. I'll be leaving this planet and continue serving the Imperium. All thanks to the Emperor.' Her faith had only grown since that day.

Peering through the scope of her lasgun, Myrella strained to discern any anomalies in the distant landscape. Abruptly, the vehicle came to an unexpected stop, prompting a collective jolt among its passengers.

As the motor continued its low rumble, causing the vehicle to vibrate, questions erupted. "What happened?" Myrella inquired, rising to her feet in tandem with the mounting uncertainty.

"I don't know, they probably ran into more of those bugs beneath the land," her companion speculated, his nonchalance underscored by the puff of smoke from his cigarette.

Frowns deepened on the faces of some, a palpable weight settling upon their chests. "They wouldn't bring the entire advance to a halt for just that reason," Myrella mused under her breath. Her gaze shifted toward the eastern horizon of the moving convoy, where unfamiliar banners and heraldic flags waved.

'These weren't part of our defending forces,' she pointed out swiftly, intensifying the growing sense of unease.

Across the landscape, a formidable cavalry unit, armored warriors at its forefront, swiftly approached. Behind them, a vast assembly of footmen clad in various armors marched in disciplined unison, their numbers seemingly endless.

"Heh, those bastards really survived, huh?" The squad leader remarked with a scoff, a disdainful expulsion of saliva accompanying his words.

In response to his comment, a wave of questions rippled through the squad. "Are they from those kingdoms that didn't heed the call to regroup?" inquired one member, receiving a confirming nod from their leader. "There were quite a few of them, but their numbers would have undoubtedly helped us achieve more," the leader explained, his disgust for the approaching army palpable.

The vehicle echoed with scornful remarks as someone added, "Look at them now, coming after the Xeno saved their asses. Heh." Laughter and sarcastic comments followed, the soldiers expressing their disdain for those who seemed to have survived, only to appear when the immediate threat was vanquished.

Myrella continued to scrutinize the approaching army, the unease growing within her like a persistent knot in her stomach.

'What in the four hells is that!?' Her mind went into chaos as she saw a figure, towering amidst the footmen, wore a full plate armor that seemed barely capable of containing his ample frame. Devoid of visible weaponry, he exuded an air of formidable strength and peculiar mystery.

However, it wasn't solely the imposing silhouette of the solitary mountain that heightened her apprehension. It was the recurrent appearance of that particular figure within the infantry, each repetition sending shivers down Myrella's spine.

As she prepared her lasgun, her fingers felt the cold metal, and her trained eyes scanned the horizon for any sign of hostility. The atmosphere in the vehicle became tense, with the disquietude not confined to Myrella alone. Whispers of uncertainty circulated among the soldiers, a silent acknowledgment that something was amiss.

Her squad leader's disapproving voice cut through the palpable tension, "Corporal Teviat, what in the throne do you think you're doing? Stand down your weapon." His stern gaze and the movement of his hands toward his handgun conveyed a strict adherence to protocol, yet his furrowed brows betrayed a flicker of shared concern.

Myrella's steady gaze didn't waver as she addressed the squad leader, "I'm making sure we don't commit a mistake, Sargent. Don't mind me; I'm not stupid enough to fire the weapon if it's not required."

The tension within the vehicle escalated as soldiers exchanged wary glances, grappling with the unusual circumstances. The squad leader, displeased with Myrella's defiance, unfolded his weapon, the metallic click resonating in the confined space. "I said lower your weapon, Corporal. I'm not going to repeat myself," he asserted with an icy resolve.

As the verbal standoff unfolded, the distant thuds of approaching boots reverberated, creating a disconcerting rhythm that underscored the uncertainty. The soldiers, now divided in their allegiances, stood on the precipice of a brewing conflict within the confines of their armored transport. The mysterious army drew nearer, and Myrella's instincts remained steadfast, refusing to yield to the mounting pressure.

Within the looming uncertainty, the squad leader's handgun hung in the air, a symbol of authority and the potential for discord. The impending confrontation mirrored the wider shadows of doubt cast by the enigmatic force marching towards them. The air buzzed with the unspoken anticipation of a clash, both within and beyond the confines of the armored vehicle.

As the tense moment unfolded, a sudden surge of movement closed the distance in the blink of an eye, catching the Imperial Guard and Planetary Defences completely off guard. In a swift and coordinated action, the traitorous troops, now revealed as hosts to hidden biomorphs, unleashed a torrent of fire upon their former allies.

"WE'RE UNDER ATTACK!" The urgent cry echoed through the air, accompanied by the panicked realization of an imminent ambush. "IT'S AN AMBUSH!" The frantic calls highlighted the sudden descent into chaos as the traitors, manipulated by the genestealer cults, initiated a relentless assault.

As if a Pandora's box had been opened, pandemonium engulfed the once-scarred wastelands of Faradras. The hive mind's strategic order to the genestealer cults within the planet had been executed with precision—an all-out attack aimed at the land troops and cities.

The same nightmarish scenario played out not only in the wasteland but also in the unsuspecting cities. Unaware of the lurking enemy within their midst, urban centers were plunged into turmoil as genestealer cults revealed their true allegiance, launching a vicious assault on the unprepared defenders.

In the wake of the sudden betrayal, chaos unfolded across Faradras as cultists, mutants, and broodlords clashed mercilessly against defenders desperately trying to resist the malevolent uprising. The once-battleground transformed into a theater of brutal warfare, casting the world into an unanticipated chapter of strife.

Amidst the turmoil, the valiant battle sisters fought with unwavering determination, successfully repelling the advancing forces and protecting the vital command centers where desperate orders were relayed. Their bravery served as a beacon of hope amid the encroaching darkness.

Argonas, a city under the watchful eye of Rucule, faced the brink of devastation with minimal defenders. Yet, fortune favored the city, as not only did it receive reinforcement from the Aeldari trio, but another squad of Sisters of Battle arrived in the nick of time. Together, they waged a bitter struggle against the hive mind's minions, ensuring the city and its remaining inhabitants were spared from imminent annihilation.

As the dawn approached, the battleground bore witness to a harrowing conflict, with the blood of innocents staining the soil. The hive mind's ruthless order aimed to force the Saiyans into retreat and prioritize the protection of the cities, adding a layer of bitterness to an already dire situation.

Urocain's telepathic cries echoed through Bann's consciousness, a desperate plea for help that reverberated with the psychic energies of the beleaguered defenders across Faradras. The sheer intensity of the distress call was enough to overwhelm some psykers, leaving them unconscious in its wake.

As the urgent message reached Bann, who stood on the brink of obliterating the remnants of the Tyranid hive fleet, a surge of frustration and anger coursed through him. The hive mind, ever sly, sought to exploit the vulnerability of the cities in the wake of the chaos.

'Fucking hell!' Bann's curse echoed in his thoughts as he quickly assessed the situation. There was no need for words; the Saiyans, attuned to each other, understood the urgency. With a shared determination, they veered away from the dwindling hive fleet, hurtling towards Faradras at a speed that defied the very fabric of reality.

They had learned from the past, and this time, they wouldn't let the cities suffer more lossses.

Covering the vast distance that the hive fleet had hastily traversed, the Saiyans descended through the atmosphere of Faradras like celestial beings on a swift descent. Their descent, marked by their blazing figures streaking across the sky, mirrored falling stars reclaiming their place in the heavens.

Seleri, determined not to allow any escape for the hive mind, fixed her intense gaze on the remnants of the hive fleet with a murderous intent that radiated from her very being. 'You won't escape from here. This will be your final place, bastard bugs!' Her colossal figure exuded a fierce aura as her ki surged once more, flowing towards her left hand.

Despite the considerable depletion of her ki, Seleri's power level escalated with the force of the Ozaru surge, multiplying her strength fourfold. In this moment, she briefly surpassed the initial form of the Emperor of the universe, Frieza. Holding her immense finger aloft, she directed her depleted yet potent ki towards the remains of the tendril.

A luminous rose-colored ball materialized, crackling with arcs of lightnings of the same hue. With a thunderous intensity, she unleashed a devastating attack, determined to bring a definitive end to the hive mind's presence on Faradras.

In a low, resolute whisper, Seleri uttered a single word to herself, 'Die.' As the ball of destruction hurtled through the void, its speed defying comprehension, it sent ripples of disturbance through the fabric of space, growing in size with each passing moment.

A collective breath held by onlookers across the galaxy as the impending cataclysm unfolded. Silence gripped the cosmos as the Hive Fleet Kraken tendril found itself enveloped in an explosion of unprecedented magnitude.

The very gravity within the Faradras System quivered momentarily, threatened by an explosion rivaling the brilliance of a sun. The fabric of reality itself seemed on the brink of dissolution as the hive mind suffered the irrevocable loss of every bioform within the system.

True to their word, the Saiyans fulfilled their promise. By the morning after the first clash began, Faradras was free from the Tyranid menace. The terror that had gripped the system was extinguished by the relentless force of Seleri's attack.

Seleri, her oozaru form on the brink of collapse, staggered towards the space station. Her immense power, unleashed in the obliteration of the Tyranid threat, had taken a toll on her colossal form. The exhaustion threatened to push her into unconsciousness.

However, Seleri was not alone in facing the physical and mental strain.

Meanwhile, amidst the desolate wastelands, hundreds of kilometers from Redentia, Myrella found herself engaged in a bitter struggle against the relentless genestealers. Her lasgun was nowhere in sight as she utilized her right arm to fire upon the grotesque creatures born from the unholy fusion of humans and Tyranids. The satisfying recoil of the gun, coupled with the impact of each shot, brought momentary relief as she took down her foes.

But before she could revel in her victories, an abrupt and sharp pain sliced through her arm. A blunt force struck her back, stealing the air from her lungs and hurling her to the ground. As she attempted to rise, a disoriented Myrella gazed at her left arm in bewilderment, discovering a gruesome cut extending to her elbow. The realization dawned upon her as she turned to face the looming threat—a massive broodlord, responsible for the devastating injury. A guttural cry of despair escaped her lips.

Fear clung to her soul, a fleeting thought passing through her mind, 'Is this how it will end?' Filled with regret, she closed her eyes, awaiting the fatal strike from the broodlord's claws. Time seemed to freeze, the ominous wind pressure intensifying as the impending doom loomed. Yet, instead of the anticipated demise, a warmth enveloped her.

Opening her eyes, she found herself bathed in the golden rays of the sun, not facing the grotesque broodlord. Hastily turning around, she beheld Bann, carrying her in his arms, now in his human form. A weariness marked his gaze, yet a fierce determination etched his features.

"Sorry for not making it on time..." His voice, a stark contrast to the one that had urged her to escape earlier, now resonated with sincere regret and softness.

Myrella felt tears welling up, threatening to cascade down her cheeks, while a tight knot gripped her throat. The overwhelming mix of emotions surged within her, grateful for the unexpected rescue.

"Let's get you down. Make sure your injury is treated, and let me take care of the rest." Bann's words held a compelling force, prompting Myrella to nod in understanding. With utmost care, she felt the cold metal of a vehicle beneath her as Bann placed her down.

Offering a soft smile, he blurred away from his position, disappearing into the chaos of screams and explosions that echoed through the wasteland, putting an end to the Tyranid threat.

In the year 991 of the 41st Millennium, within the Acteron Sector of the Segmentum Ultima, the hive fleet Kraken suffered a devastating blow. The biomass it sought to consume was mercilessly denied, resulting in irreparable losses for the tendril.

Throughout the relentless battle that spanned a single day, the hive mind bore witness to the emergence of a formidable foe: the Saiyans. The Saiyans vowed not to let the atrocities unleashed by the hive fleet go unpunished, setting the stage for a horrifying display of Saiyan vengeance that would send shockwaves through the galaxy.


15 chapters in advance on my Patreon.


The Tyranids really pissed off the Saiyans. Poor things...

SrDevoxerocreators' thoughts
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