
Birth Of A Saiyan!

My name is Devin Salyars, and I am 29 years old this year. I work as a fast food worker, and to be honest the job sucks. I mean I only worked there for three weeks before they laid me off due to the global pandemic that is going on. However, everything for me is about to change. Why you ask? Let's go back a few hours in time...

I had just woken up from a power nap when I got a phone call from my boss telling me that he wanted me to come back to work in the morning. Frustrated that it took them almost a month to get back to me, I sighed before getting out of my bed. That is when I noticed the tail. "What the hell?! Why do I have a monkey's tail?! What in the hell is going on here?!" Then I noticed that I was able to feel a strange power pulsating in my body, and that I could also feel a powerful source of it in the very air. Dumbfounded, I came to a quick conclusion. Tail, some type of energy in my body and in the air. This is ki! And since it is in my body and I have a tail... That means that I am a Saiyan! Dumbfounded and in complete awe of the impossible, I decided to test out my theory. Heading outside of my parents house where I am currently living, I headed to the back yard and sat down to meditate. Within seconds, I was able to absorb the ki in the air and began to focus on trying to levitate off of the ground. I opened my eyes in joy, because I succeeded on the first try! Such monstrous control, and easy manipulation of ki energy fields! This is unprecedented! To think that I, Devin Salyars, would become a Saiyan warrior! And this is the real world which kind of makes this a problem for me. Are there any martial cultivators in the real world? I really hope so, because if there are then I will have people with whom I can spar with and keep growing stronger. Okay, let's calm down first. Wrapping my tail around my waist underneath my shirt, I then hurried back inside and realized that I was absolutely famished. As a Saiyan, I have a massive and monstrous appetite that needs to be sated. The problem is where can I find loads of food to eat with no money? At that moment my phone went off.

[Due to excess food in storage at fast food restaurants, the restaurants are asking for people to take the food off of their hands free of charge. This is unprecedented as normally food providers would rather throw away their food than lose a chance at gaining money from giving it away. This goes to show just how serious this pandemic is. This is a notice to all needy parties. Find your local fast food restaurants and stock up on food. We are in this for the long haul.]

After receiving that message, a wicked grin crossed my face as I hurried outside to my truck and rapidly drove to the Burger King that was just down the street from my parents house. Hurrying up and pulling up by the back door, I saw that employees were hanging out back their with face masks on and unloading many boxes of burger patties and bags of bread, cheese slices, bacon, etc. Everything that you could possibly want to build any burgers that your heart desires. When the people saw me pull up, they didn't even hesitate. Knowing that I came there for the free food, they began to load the boxes into the back of my truck and by god were there a ton. However, with my monster of an appetite, this food will barely last me a few weeks, especially since I will be engaged in an intensive training program. I intend to go to China here in the next year or so and search for clues of martial cultivators. With that goal in mind, first let's go home and eat!

Five minutes later I pulled back into my parents driveway and got out and began to rapidly bring the food in and put all of the frozen food in my parents deep freezer and took the toppings up to put inside of the fridge upstairs and put some in the downstairs fridge. After everything was put away except enough for me to make 10 burgers, I headed over to the stove and began to cook. This is going to take forever. Deciding that using the stove top will take too long, I went outside and turned on the grill and threw all of the patties on the grill. Thank god my parents got a huge grill or this wouldn't be possible. Checking that the tongs and burger seasoning were outside by the grill, I went back inside and got out my phone to wait. Time went by, and after flipping the burgers a million times, they were all finally done. Grabbing the huge platter from the kitchen cupboard, I began to load up the patties onto burger buns and threw on my toppings. Satisfied with my mountain of burgers, I sat down at the kitchen table and began to feast. 5 minutes later, all of the burgers were gone and nothing remained but an empty greasy platter. Belching and smiling in satisfaction, I decided it was time to do a once over of myself and see just how much of an improvement Devin 2.0 was.

Stepping into the bathroom shirtless, I stood in front of the wide mirror and stared at myself in total disbelief. Pure super ikemen face, cobalt blue eyes, heroic sharp eyebrows, shoulder length spiky black hair, tan skin, aesthetic muscles and standing at over 6 and a half feet tall, I have become a male god. I am a true alpha now! Ha ha ha! Nodding in satisfaction and doing some muscle poses, I stopped goofing off and headed back into the kitchen to clean up my mess. After finishing doing that, I headed back into my room for some good thinking time.

Okay, I am in my room now. Now what am I going to do this next year or so? How about I work on building up strength and speed and try my hand at being a vigilante? A Saiyan super hero like Gohan? I like it! Yeah let's go with that as a plan. For now, let the training montage commence!

Since my other Saiyan novel is dead, I decided to try my hand at a new one. Wish me luck. I am trying hard to write again for everyone so that I am able to continue writing Why Am I A Girl?.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Lord_Vancheltzcreators' thoughts