
Saiyan Impact The Journey Continues

I had a fanfic named Saiyan Impact to make a short story shorter it kept getting banned. SITJC is the continuation of Ezra's story about the day he died and met the goddess and everything after their meeting. I apologize for the inconvenience, but if you want to know Ezra's origins, you'll have to read it at FanFiction.net or Scribble Hub at Saiyan Impact. Again. I apologize for the inconvenience the whole reason I'm trying to write on Web novel is because I feel like their fanbase is more active If I get banned again, I won't be reposting here. Before I give the synopsis, I have some disclaimers. ***** 1. All the characters I write smut about will be 18+ I'll make it make sense. 2. There is no NTR, but there might be netori. 3. I do not own the rights to Genshin Impact, or its characters and I do not own the rights to all the other works in the Fanfic all I own is my fanfic. 5.. All characters and situations are pure products of my imagination. Any resemblance to actual people or events is completely coincidental it's all fiction. **** Synopsis: [ WARNING: EXTREMELY MATURE CONTENT!] Everything always came easily to me probably because of my Photographic Reflexes. It enables me to watch another person's physical movements and duplicate them without practice, no matter how unique or complex these movements might be. Even with this ability, I can't seem to understand love. Well, that was until a certain Love Goddess came and saved me from complete and utter soul annihilation her word not mind's. World Ezra going to visit. (Not in order.) >Genshin Impact >Honkai Impact 3rd >Honkai Star Rail >Fate >Negima That is all the world for now.

TheRedHood · Anime & Comics
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Death and meeting a stalker Goddess

POV First person

(Ezra's perspective)

After Olivia dropped me off at my apartment complex. I said hello to the landlord who was an old man in his 60s and went up to my apartment.

As soon as I got into the apartment I used 'KillShotv5' to hack into Michaels's phone. With how good I made KSV5 it took seconds to get into the phone.

Ignoring all the photos of Olivia that were probably taken without her consent I looked at Michaels's money transactions. Seeing where he placed the money, I had the urge to facepalm.

All the money Michael had been embezzling from Olivia had been invested in crypto and not even the real one. Clicking the app, I immediately knew it was fake I mean what loading screen says, 'If you invest in us in 10 years will double your money.' Only an idiot would believe that.

Calling Olivia, I told her about what I had found out and of course, she had the same reaction as me. When I told Olivia that I was going to get her money back she declined saying she had a better plan.

And when I heard that plan, I grinned from ear to ear I had to give it to Olivia she ate. Even I wouldn't think of a plan that cruel. Mother was right never mess with an angry woman.

The following week the business that made the app had gotten hacked into losing all their investors' money.

They sent an email out saying that because of the contract the investors signed they were not liable for any money loss.

Being the good person that I was I told Michael and the look on his face was priceless.

After 4 months, I let Michael go home I told him that I had forgiven him and let him go. Just kidding the next day his house caught on fire with him inside.

With that part of my life over with it felt like time moved faster before I knew it I was already 20. Wanting to explore the world I left my hometown. In these two years, I have been through a lot. In the city of Roanapur, I fought a terminator maid looking for her young master.

For some time, I ran with a group of mercenaries that called themselves Edgerunner in Night City.

Night City is also where I met my now-deceased best friend Jackie Welles.

As I was about to continue reminiscing over the last two years of my life, I was interrupted by a college emo girl named Amethyst.

"Ezra Valentine! Are you even listening to me?" Amethyst had an accusatory look on her face when she said that.

Amethyst has wavy black hair with green strips and beautiful bright green eyes. She was currently wearing a black crop top with jean shorts fishnet stockings and boots.

"You didn't have to say my full name and yes I was listening. You were talking about how Genshin Impact is the best game ever made." I said.

Currently me and Amethyst were in a food joint not too far from her college. After finishing the food, she ordered Amethyst pulled out her phone, and started to play a game.

Curious I asked what game she was playing, and she excitedly responded saying that she was playing Genshin Impact which led to our current conversation.

With a beautiful smile, Amethyst said.

"So, you were listening to continue what I was saying the game is on version 3.6. And I was wondering If you could start playing it with me. I know you're busy with a lot of things, but video games could help you loosen up."

Seeing no problem with her request I accepted. I'm supposed to be on vacation from mercenary work anyway so why not play video games.

"Sure, once I get home, I'll download the game so we can play together."

"Yes!" Amethyst did an air pump and she celebrated.

Seeing that it was getting dark I asked her.

"Do you want me to walk you back to your dorm room?"

With a seductive smile, Amethyst said.

"Yes, please, and once we get there, I can show you my maid cosplay."

When I heard those words, I immediately paid the bill and left heading towards the dormitory. Ever since I slept with that anime cosplayer, I have been in love with cosplay seg, especially maid cosplay.


I was walking down the street after leaving Amethyst dorm when I suddenly felt a pain in my chest. Clinching my chest, I examined my body to see what the problem was. But my body was still at 100%. I was confused about what was causing all this pain.

As the pain continued, I suddenly remembered the words of an old woman whom I met during my travels.

"Now remember young man although your body and mind are healthy that does not mean that your soul is If you don't take care of your soul, It will be the death of you." The old woman said.

I remember just walking away from her that day I couldn't believe something as vague as a soul existed.

But still seeing no problem with my body the pain must be coming from my soul. I wanted to laugh instead of walking away that day I should have asked that old woman how to train my soul.

As the pain just kept getting worse, I took out my phone and activated KillShotv10. A hologram of a woman with white hair and red eyes pops up.

"Good morning Master how may I serve you." Although the woman on the hologram looked human her voice was not by it alone you could tell she was an AI.

"KillShot take half my money and split it evenly among all the women I had slept with more than 20 times, not in one sitting."

"The other half divide it among good orphanages and make a news announcement saying that Ezra Valentine donated all the money."

I was already a well-known billionaire playboy so me donating money to women and orphans was nothing new to the world.

"Affirmative would that be all the orders?" Asked the AI.

"No apologies KillShot but after you do all that.

I need you to do what you were made to do. I'm sorry I couldn't make you a real body." As I finished that sentence, I fell to the ground face-first.

it's okay master KillShot was made to destroy. Just know that even in death KillShot still loves you."

It might have been because I was dying but, in the end, I could swear that KillShot sounded human.


Opening my eyes? The first thing that I noticed was I didn't have a body. I was just a ball, but I guess the correct term would be a soul. Looking at my surroundings it was like I was in a kaleidoscope.

While I was looking at the colorful void a woman on a throne appeared some distance away from me. When I saw the woman, I froze I've been around a lot of beautiful women, but this one quickly went to the top of my list.

She has smooth snow-white skin and long light pink hair with purple highlights that flowed down her back almost touching the ground. Sparkling pink eyes that shine brighter than the surroundings with this holier than thou on her face.

She was wearing a tight long black silk dress that hugged her hourglass figure. Big breasts and a shapely ass she had it all.

"Ara~ are you done staring at me?"

And her voice was as beautiful as her body. Looking at her again I quickly made up my mind and spoke.

"No, I'm not but there are more important things to be done. I have some questions for you if you don't mind."

"Fufu ~ Sure I'll answer them to the best of my ability."

Seeing her agree I quickly asked my questions.

"Where are we? who are you? but most importantly how did I die?"

"Welcome to my domain Ezr- Achoo!"

In the middle of saying my name which opened another question she sneezed and in an instant her face which had a holier-than-thou look changed she was now bawling her eyes out.

"waaah..I...waa.missed..up..my..introduction waah."

When 15 minutes passed, and she was still crying I had to say something to make her stop.

"Excuse me can you repeat that I didn't catch what you said I think you're too far away from me."

Looking at me she said. "Really sob sob."

Although I clearly heard her, I faint ignorance.

"What did you say?"

Seeing that I "really" didn't hear what she said her face cleared up in an instant and she moved her throne closer setting it down right in front of me. Leaning forward with an amused smile she asked.

"Can you hear me now?"


"Okay since you can hear now, I'll repeat myself." Fixing her posture, she continued.

"Welcome to my domain Ezra Valentine I'm the Goddess of Love Venus."

"Like the Aphrodite Venus?"

The cheery atmosphere changed instantly when I said those words.

"Do not compare me to that fake." The Goddess said seriously.

Seeing how serious she was I just nodded my soul I really didn't care if she was or wasn't. As the mood began to soften the goddess started back talking.

"Aphrodite is just the human depiction of me. She is not the real love Goddess but a fake depiction of myself. Hmph so please don't compare her to me again."

"Okie dookie so how did I die? And how do you know my name?"

Although the Goddess got serious again it didn't change the atmosphere this time with an apologetic look, she said.

"I apologize but you have died from a soul attack from the God of order and fate Coleptos."

"What did I do to him?"

"Nothing it was not your fault that the will of the world messed up and merged other realities with Earth."

"Uhm, can you give me some more information?" I was confused.

"Sure, I'll tell you everything that I can tell you." After taking a deep breath the Goddess continued.

" Basically, you were never supposed to exist. 20 years ago, the will of the world malfunction and merged other realities with Earth#261. During the merging, you were created but unlike those other realities you never existed."

"Coleptos ignored the realities merging because it was not the first time it had happened but when you an anomaly was born, he took action. Being a God of order, he couldn't let an anomaly walk around especially one that changed the fate of other people."

"So, he did everything in his power to kill you but in the end, he couldn't no matter what he tried. It got to the point where he sacrificed his life to attack your soul directly."

"Though normally your soul would be sent to oblivion, but I saved it from complete and utter soul annihilation."

Hearing that the only thought I had was.

" Huh, So I had no chance from the get-go."

Nodding her head sadly the Goddess said.

"I'm afraid so but look on the bright side I did give you insane luck with women."

"So that was you thx but why did you help me? Don't get me wrong I'm glad that you did but you could have just ignored it. If I was a God, I would have just ignored it."

"You're right normally I would just ignore these types of things but since Carol, my apostle asked me to look over her children I did."

"Mom was your apostle I'm not even surprised" Remembering how Carol always talked about love and romance I'm not surprised about that fact.

"Thank you for looking after me Venus."

"Don't worry stal -looking after you was fun!"

Raising my eyebrows? I looked at Venus I didn't need the full word to understand what she was about to say so with an evil grin I teased the pink-haired Goddess.

"Venus how long have you been stalking- I mean looking at me."

With red cheeks, the Goddess screamed.


"Yeah, sure whatever you say so what's next you're sending me to Hades."

Taking another deep breath, the goddess said.

"No none of that I will grant you 4 wishes and since you've accumulated positive karma after you are done here, you're heading to [The Wheel of Reincarnation]."

When I heard wishes I automatically knew what I wanted.

"Can you reunite me with my family not my two biological parents but my real mother and my sisters?"

Hearing my wish, the Goddess had a kind smile on her lips.

"You don't have to worry about that your sister's souls are within my domain. I was keeping them safe since I have no Dominion over life, I cannot revive them so I'll keep them here into you can."

"As for Carol, she asked me to let her soul go so she could be as free as the wind, and I accepted."

"And before you asked no, I cannot give you the power to resurrect the dead. All you can do is hope that you get lucky at [The Wheel of Reincarnation]."

As if she read my mind Venus stopped me from making another attempt at my first wish. but knowing that there was still a chance I smiled. Can a soul even smile?

Venus said nothing about limitations, but I know there are some. Guess I just have to test the limits of the wishes.

Thinking for a little bit I eventually said.

"Ok, my first wish is that I want to keep all of my abilities and memories that I have accumulated over the 20 years of my life."

"Granted! *snap*. Next wish."

Hmm, I actually thought that wish was going to be denied since It technically was more than one wish but seeing it be granted.

I got even more curious about the limits of the wishes.

After a few seconds, I came up with another wish. This one was not about testing the limits I just wanted to see the look on the goddess's face when she heard my second wish.

"For my second wish, I want the goddess of love Venus to accompany me to my next world," I said teasingly.

Hearing my second wish the Goddess blushed and stuttered out."R r really you really mean it!"

Even though I was confused I quickly responded. "Wha- I mean yes that was my second wish after all." Some of my inner thoughts were about to be leaked but I corrected myself.

"Yes! Now I don't have to look at you from afar like a stalker I can just watch you up close!"

I didn't know how to break it to the excited Goddess but watching me up close sounded worse than watching me from a distance.

While waiting for her to grant the wish like she did the first one I was thinking about my third wish. However, my thoughts were interrupted when Venus began to speak.

"Wait there are too many loopholes in that wish you said world not worlds so if you leave the world, we go to you'll leave me behind!"

"Think Venus you have to think."

After a few minutes of rubbing her temples, Venus said.

"I got it, Ezra, I need you to reword your second wish repeat after me."

"For my second wish I would like The Goddess of Love Venus to be my system for eternity in nothing whatsoever so can break the connection between me in her." Me and Venus said in tandem.

"Granted! *Snap*."

When Venus granted this wish, I felt something invade my soul but instead of filling the pain that I felt earlier, it was calming like I was being loved.

"What was that?" I asked.

"That was me granting you my system but don't worry about that now we'll talk more about it after we visit [The Wheel of Reincarnation]."

"As for your last two wishes, I have some suggestions if you don't mind."

" I don't mind go ahead."

"Great! For your last two wishes, I suggest that you use them to spin for a [Teacher Coupon.]"

Before I asked what they were Venus explained

"Using a [Teacher Coupon] allows you to train with a teacher. But it's all about luck when spinning the wheel, you could land on someone who has mastered the art of window washing or someone who can cut a mountain in half with a single sword slash."

"My luck is trash though are you sure that this is a good idea." I don't think I would get a good teacher.

"Don't worry with your first wish you still have my blessings so your luck with women is still there. With that, you definitely going to pull a top tear waifu who's also a good teacher!"

Hearing good teacher, I was convinced I also remembered that anime cosplayer saying that waifu were extremely beautiful. I don't mind having a good and beautiful teacher.

"Okay for my last two wishes, I would like to spend for a [Teacher Coupon]."

"Granted! *Snap*."

When Venus granted my last two wishes a wheel popped up in the middle of the room. It had a bunch of names on it.

I thought that this was [The Wheel of Reincarnation] but Venus corrected me saying "That's the wheel you spin to get your two [Teacher Coupon] after that it's [The Wheel of Reincarnation] all you have to do is think about pressing the spin button in the middle.

As I thought about pressing the spin button the wheel began to obviously spin after a few minutes it came to a stop on [Teacher Coupon Scáthach SSS] when the ticket flew out of the wheel the Goddess caught it saying.

"I'll hold on to it right now since you have no hands, and do you want to read the description of the coupon? Though I can tell you Scáthach is a wonderful teacher."

"Yes, I would like to read the description more information is better than none." as soon as I said that a purple screen popped up in front of me.


[Teacher Coupon Scáthach SSS]

World: Nasuverse

Rank: SSS

Description: With this coupon, the user will be able to travel to the land of shadow and be trained by the Witch of Dún Scáirth. Scáthach is a teacher of warriors coming from Celtic Mythology. She is also the queen and gatekeeper of the haunted grounds called the Land of Shadows. She is a prodigy in Spearman ship and Rune magecraft.

*Warning! *: As this is a SSS ranked coupon the teacher can refuse kicking the user out of the world but once the teacher accepts the user as a student, he or she cannot be kicked out into the training requirements are complete.

Training Requirements: Learn [Spearmanship] and [Primordial Rune] from Scáthach anything else the user wishes to learn is optional.


Reading that I was glad that I got this coupon although I didn't know what Primordial Rune, they were sound powerful.

Spinning the [Teacher Coupon] wheel for the last time it landed on [AT Teacher Coupon Evangeline A.K. McDowell SSS]

Seeing what the wheel landed on this time I had a question "Venus what does AT mean?"

"AT means alternate timeline. Though I have seen [Teacher Coupon] that said AV which means alternate version this is my first time seeing one with AT I'm even curious about the description." Saying that the purple screen popped up.


[AT Teacher Coupon Evangeline A.K. McDowell SSS]

Rank: SSS

World: Alternate timeline of Negimal

Description: In this alternate timeline Evangeline woke up on her eighteenth birthday discovering that she had been turned into a Shinso vampire through sorcery. She also discovered the bodies of the unfortunate castle residents that she had unknowingly fed on all around the castle grounds. Realizing what would happen to her if the villagers noticed that everyone in the castle was dead except her she immediately began to develop her magic power. When some of the villagers got worried about their Lord whom they haven't seen in months they marched up to the castle. Right before any of the villagers got to the castle Evangeline erected a barrier stopping them from getting into the castle and isolating herself from the rest of the world. During the first 10 years in the barrier Evangeline created her forbidden technique [Magia Erebea] and it took her 20 years to master it. Currently, Evangeline has been in the barrier for 200 years with this coupon the user will be able to travel within the barrier and learn from Evangeline.

*Warning! *: As this is a SSS ranked coupon the teacher can refuse kicking the user out of the world but once the teacher accepts the user as a student, he or she cannot be kicked out into the training requirements are complete.

Training Requirement: Learn [Magia Erebea] from Evangeline anything else the user wishes to learn is optional.


I kind of felt sad for Evangeline, I couldn't imagine myself staying alone for 200 years. I was also surprised that both of my teachers were ranked, SSS Venus told me the rankings were [E, D, C, B, A, AA, AAA, S, SS, SSS, EX] Venus also said that some skills and objects might have a plus after the ranking. That means that the skills or objects are stronger than their rank but not strong enough to move up a rank.

"Are you ready to go to [The Wheel of Reincarnation] Ezra?" Venus asked.

" Yes, let's go." As soon as I said that Venus Snapped her finger.

*Snap! *


In an instant are scenery changed Instead of the kaleidoscope we were in an all-white room with a big wheel in the middle 10 times bigger than the previous wheel.

Currently, I am sitting in Venus Lap. Luckily, I was still a soul if this had been my real body this would have been past embarrassing.

"As you probably already guessed that is [The Wheel of Reincarnation] here goes its details?" As Venus said that the purple screen appeared.


[The Wheel of Reincarnation]

Rank: A

Description: The rank depends on how much positive karma the user has accumulated in life. The user 'Ezra Valentine' has only accumulated enough positive Karma for [The Wheel of Reincarnation] to be [A Rank].

As it is only [A Rank] some of its features are locked. The features that are not locked are.

[A Bloodline Ticket]

[Two Abilities Tickets]

[An Item Ticket]

[A World Ticket]

The user must use these tickets before leaving the space.

Description: [The Wheel of Reincarnation] has been around since the creation of the Omniverse its purpose is to allow mortals that have collected positive karma to reincarnate.

*Warning! *: As this is [A Rank Wheel of Reincarnation] the user is not allowed to have memories from a past life.


"Don't worry about the warning your first wish bypasses it," Venus said reassuring me.

Although I thought my first wish would help me with the warning it's good to have confirmation.

After a moment of silence, Venus continued talking.

"To spin this wheel is a little different Instead of thinking about it you say the name of the ticket out loud try with the [Bloodline Ticket].

"[Bloodline Ticket]." I said and the wheel spun after a few minutes it landed on [Legendary Saiyan EX].

With my little anime knowledge, I knew what a Saiyan was. Though I didn't know what a Legendary Saiyan was it's [EX Rank] so it must be good with that thought I immediately accepted the bloodline.

*Ding! *

[LS bloodline accepted]

As I read the screen in front of me, I felt something wet hit me. Looking up I saw Venus sweating profusely. Seeing that I asked. " What's wrong?"

Herring my question Venus replied. "That bloodline! it's what's wrong read the description." Looking at the purple screen I began to sweat too.


[Legendary Saiyan EX]

Rank: EX

World: DBZ

Description: The Legendary Saiyan is a Saiyan that awakens once every thousand years. Upon their awakening, their power increases dramatically as they rampage until they self-destruct and die.


What did I just accept reading that I took back all my previous words this is not good.

"So, no take back sees?" I really shouldn't have accepted the LS bloodline.

"No, you can't take it back. If you hadn't accepted it, I could have used my power to modify the ticket but now I can't do anything."

Looking at the panicking Goddess I try to calm down If we both start panicking, we'll get us nowhere.

As I was about to say something to calm her down Venus shouted. "I know what to do I'll be back in a minute."

Saying that the goddess disappeared leaving me floating in the white room. In exactly one minute Venus was back she had a talisman in her hand thinking about reading its description the purple screen popped up in front of me.


[Bloodline Sealing Talisman] [modified]

Rank: E through EX

Description: This talisman can seal bloodlines up to the [EX Rank].

Modifications: Though originally made to completely seal one's bloodline the modifications made by The Goddess of Love made it so that it only suppressed the bloodline lowering its rank. The person under the seal can remove it at any time making the bloodline return to its original rank.

*Warning! *: If the seal is broken too many times the user can gain immunity to its effect so break the seal with caution.


After I was done reading Venus said.

"So, you already readied the description good. This seal was made for demigods so they wouldn't run ramp it but with some modification, it works for this situation too."

"Do you wish to activate it?" The Goddess asked.

"Yes, you can activate it now." As I said that I heard a ding and another screen popped up.

*Ding! *


[Legendary Saiyan EX is now being suppressed lowering the bloodline and its rank to [Saiyan S+].

[Note The user can break the suppression any time he wants].


Remembering that the Saiyan was an alien race of warriors I felt no need to read the description although. I did not watch all of Dragon Ball I got to the Cell Saga with the kids at the orphanage, so I knew what I was accepting this time.

With that out of the way, it was time to spin the wheel again.

"[Ability Ticket]" I said as the words on the wheel changed probably listing abilities. When all the words changed it began to spin. When the arrow came to a stop it was pointing at [AT Kurama SSS+].

Not needing to be told I readied the description.


[AT Kurama seal SS+]

Rank: SS+

World: An alternate timeline of Naruto

Description: In this alternate timeline

Kurama is the Ten-Tails Demon Fox originally; she was one of the nine-tale beasts. But one day as she was minding her own business she was ambushed by her siblings. After Kurama defeated all eight of her siblings their creator Hagoromo Otsitsuki asked the eight-tailed beasts why they attacked their sister. When the tailed beasts said that they attacked Kurama out of jealousy Hagoromo was furious. he took the chakra he used to create them out of their bodies and put it in Kurama making her the Ten-Tails leading her siblings as regular beasts. After accepting the ability ticket, the user will become Kurama Jinchūriki.

*Warning! * Kurama is alive so it can deny the user access to its power

Power: In order to know the power that this tail beast possesses the user must first talk to Kurama.


After I finished reading the description, I accepted the ability. Hearing the ding I was ready to use my second ability ticket.

As I was about to say the ticket name of the wheel began to glow brightly. When the wheel stopped glowing, I asked another question to the goddess who had a surprised look on her face.

"I know you're probably getting tired of hearing my questions but what was that?"

Snapping out of her dazed Venus shook her head and spoke.

"No, you can ask me anything you want but to answer your question what just happened now was a double reward. The next ticket you use it will give you double. It does have a drawback being that the rewards must come from the same world."

A double reward sounds nice so instead of starting with two abilities I get three with that thought I said "[Ability Ticket]" and the wheel began to spin, and it stopped on [Boosted Gear–] before I got to ask why it didn't have a rank the wheel continue to spin landing on [Divine Dividing–] which also didn't have a rank.

Before I even asked my question the Goddess answered

"They are growth types, so they do not have a rank they grow with their user."

"Okay got it." Might as well read both of their descriptions.


[Boosted Gear–]

Rank: Growth type

World: DXD

Description: The Boosted Gear is one of the original thirteen Longinus it has the spirit of the Welsh Dragon Ddraig residing within it.

Ddraig: Is one of the Two Heavenly Dragons and the archrival to Albion. She is known as The Red Empress of Domination.

Power: In order to know the power that this sacred gear possesses the user must first talk to Ddraig.

[Divine Dividing–]

Rank: Growth type

World: DXD

Description: Divine Dividing is one of the original thirteen Longinus it has the spirit of the Vanishing Dragon Aibion residing within it.

Aibion: Is one of the Two Heavenly Dragons and the archrival to Ddraig. She is known as

the White Dragon of Supremacy.

Power: In order to know the power that this sacred gear possesses the user must first talk to Aibion.


Looking at their descriptions that were the same just some words changed around I noticed that they both are archrivals. I wonder how they will react when they find out they have the same host. Thinking about the scene I accepted the two abilities.

*Ding! *

After I looked at the screen that said abilities were accepted, I was ready for the second to last spin. "[Item Ticket]." I said as the words on the wheel changed again when it was done it began to spin. When the spinning came to a stop it landed on [The New Ring AAA++].

Looking at the screen in front of me I read the item description.


[The New Ring AAA++] [Soul bound]

Rank: AAA++

World: Lord of the Rings

Created by: Celebrimbor and Talion

Description: The New Ring was crafted by Celebrimbor's hand through his host Talion's body. The New Ring functions the same as the One Ring just without the taint caused by Sauron pouring most of his power into the ring. Celebrimbor states that The New Ring is pure meaning it uses its own strength.

Power: The Ring bestows upon its wearers the ability of Domination over many sentient lifeforms to its immense magical power. This

allows one to enslave others and assemble an army with sufficient effort. The New Ring Domination ability is not absolute there are cases where sapient beings broke free from its power and grew resistant against it. Willpower is essential in fighting off the Rings Domination weak and broken beings are more prone to its influence whilst those with strong will deny it altogether.

The New Ring like the other Rings of Power also grants augmentative effects to beings who wear it enhancing their existing abilities to new heights.

With Celebrimbor hand the user can interrogate and get information from whoever he or she Dominates. The rest of the abilities are locked at this time.

*Warning! *: Although the New Ring can be used on any sentient lifeforms it is recommended that the wearer use Domination on Orc, Uruk, Troll, Olog‐hai, monsters, and animals.


"Soul bound means it's bonded to my soul right Venus?" I asked.

"Yes, that is what soul bound means the rest of your abilities are soul bound too. The descriptions just didn't say it because they were like that in their original worlds."

After answering my question and more Venus continued to talk.

"I will also install a feature in the system that will allow you to go hunt Orc, Uruk, Troll, and Olog‐hai. You can either kill them for loot or add them to your army."

"Thanks, Venus." Seeing her answering my question without me having to ask brought a smile to my soul.

"No problem you're my host after all," Venus said happily.

"Also, before you accept the item read the description again, I changed something."

Wondering what Venus changed I read the description again. Looking through it the only thing that changed was. [With Venus's hand the user can interrogate and get information from whoever he Dominates].

"I took out Celebrimbor because he betrayed his original host. I didn't want him nowhere near your soul." Venus said seriously.


With that done it was time to spin the wheel for the last time let's hope I don't get a bad world.

"[World Ticket]." I said when the words finished changing the wheel began spinning for the last time. It almost came to a stop on a World named [Boku no Pico E] but it continued to move to the left stopping on a world I knew.

[Genshin impact SS].

"Nice world before you read the description let me modify the world ticket," said Venus with a smirk.


[Genshin impact SS has been modified to AU Genshin impact EX]

Wondering what she had changed this time I opened the purple screen and read the description.


[AU Genshin impact EX] [modified]

Rank: EX

World type: Video Game

Description: This is an alternate universe of Teyvat. In Teyvat humanity and the divine are still closely linked. A world where those who are chosen by the heavens are granted a Vision, an object that allows them to harness the power of one of the seven elements. The game begins with a pair of travelers once descended upon this land, having traversed through many other worlds beforehand. But upon trying to leave, the two sisters encountered and fought against an unknown Goddess. This conflict led to the siblings being separated; one was captured by the unknown Goddess while the other was weakened and forced into a deep slumber. Using this ticket, the user will be dropped off at the beginning of the game.

Modifications: The user of this ticket will become the new protagonist of this world. The rest of the modifiers are being hidden by the Goddess Venus.

*Warning! *: Once the ticket is used Teyvat becomes a real world. Remember your actions have consequences.


"So, you're not going to tell me the rest of the modifiers? "I asked the smirking Goddess.

"Nope~ but I can tell you that I made some enemies stronger to give you a challenge. With the Saiyan bloodline alone you could have bulldozed half the game. And once you take off your seal it becomes a slaughter."

"Anyway, the more you explore Teyvat the more I tell you about the changes I made to the world."

"But just know whatever you face we face it together," Venus said that last part with a smile.

"With that out the way let's talk about the system. It will take me about eight years to fully integrate with you so before you head off to Teyvat I suggest using the [Teacher Coupons]. You can train under both teachers for four years each."

"While you were spinning the Wheel, I was making your body. You don't have to start as a baby again, but you will be 10 years old."

Nodding my head, I said

"Okay, the plan is I'll use [Teacher Coupon Scáthach SSS] and train with Scáthach until I'm 14 then I'll use [AT Teacher Coupon Evangeline A.K. McDowell SSS] to train with Evangeline until I'm 18."

"After that, I integrate with the system, and we head off to Teyvat."

After going over the plan a couple more times it was finally time to say goodbye to Venus.

"You know I'm going to miss you, Venus. Next time we meet let's get to know each other better preferably on a bed."

"Ara~ I'll be waiting and know that I'll be watching over you, Ezra." I think you mean stalking Venus but I'm not going to correct you.

"[Teacher Coupon Scáthach SSS]." When I said that my surroundings changed for the third time that day.



Sorry for the late chapter my teachers give me lots of work but don't take it up it's very stressful.

Alternate Titles: 'Venus best girl', 'Ezra is only cultured when it comes to Maids.

Question of The Chapter: Which L2d is better Azur Lane or Nikke goddess of Victory.

of course, as a man of culture, my answer is both.