
Saiyan God | Book Two

this book continues Saiyan God | Book One. you can read it if you want. either way it starts off the adventure of the Saiyan know as Kara in the world of Attack on titan.

Godkii · Anime & Comics
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51 Chs

Wall Rose

Book Two

Volume 3

Ch. 39 Wall Rose



I rampage around the city at full throttle taking out dozens of Titans as I made my way to the armored one

According to reports from 5 years ago not even cannon fire could penetrate its armor

"Hmph" I slice the last Titans head clean off its shoulders

I quickly switch my tanks in mid air before switching my blades for a sharper pair

The armored Titan swings his right arm

I maneuver around its fist and I pull myself back out of its range as his arm slams into the buildings

"What to do…" I land on a rooftop not far from the thing

"GRUAHHH!" it roars as a building crumbles behind him

My eyes dart around his body, trying to figure out his weakness

His joints…

Yeah… I can immobilize it

I slowly begin sharpening my blades with each other making sure I'd get a clean cut

"Hey, meat head!" I get his attention

Steam seeps out its mouth before he charges at me

I jump from rooftop to rooftop before I hop over the edge going full throttle on my odm

"Kehe" I giggle excitedly as I came closer and closer to the beast

He leads with his right fist as before. I shoot my anchor to the building to my left

I almost waited a little too long before I yanked myself aside

I shoot my right anchor at its joint and it sticks

"Hmh, you're mine." I smile, reeling myself in and slicing right through

I pull myself back to see if I did some damage but I made sure not to lose my momentum for even a moment

I watch as he trips over his feet before slamming into a building

He quickly manages to get up on his feet

"How persistent" I smile as he hopped on one leg

It goes for the same right as it did before and I slice the nerve in its forearm

As his arm dropped to his side I quickly do the same to his other arm before going for his leg

The Titan drops on his knee before his weight pulls him down on his back

"Looks like I win" I lick my lips

"GRUA…" before it could roar I slit his throat

"Hhhhhhh" it hisses

"You're real smart aren't you?" I smile widely

"Gnnn, hnnn" it groans as I crouch down by its eye

"Beg, for your life" I raise my blade to its eye "do it…"

"Do it" I huff

"Guhsss" it hisses

"Louder!" I dig my blade deep into its eye "More!"

I was trembling with excitement

But just then, there was an explosion behind me

"Now what?" I huff

The ground began shaking

I slowly turn around just realizing I was running out of gas

There was smoke… Titan smoke everywhere

The rumbling was getting heavier and heavier knocking houses over with the shaking

"Nghk*" I grit my teeth

"What the hell is that?"

A female Titan

Is itt another one of these intelligent abnormals?

I watch as the thing jumps into the air, cocking its arm back

She's not covered in armor though I shoot my left anchor at her knee pulling myself out of the way before she could squash me

I manage to land on a rooftop

What now?

I got 5 minutes at least till the armored one regenerates

I look over my shoulder



He was snatching up kids left and right

It thought they were going to…

I smile

Saving the little ones, huh Erwin?

I quickly land on Odin

I snatch up two full tanks

"How are you doing boy?" I ask as he pushes through the crowds of people

"Armff!" he barks and for the split second he opened his mouth I could hear the children he had in his mouth shouting for help

"Hmh," I smile "keep at it"

I head back after changing my tanks

The female Titan pulls her fist out from the house before she came charging at me again

"Yeah, c'mere bitch!" I laugh before I cut my way around her left arm leaving it immobile

I was about to take her nape out but I watch it somehow harden so my left anchor just bounced off

It crystallized somehow

Now that I think about it

5 years ago is what happened when I made it up the wall

My arm hardened somehow

She jumps back, holding her hand up to her nape, making sure I couldn't get to it

"Don't be shy" I smile

I wait for her to make a move


"Then here I come!" I lunge at her

I begin swinging from building to building so fast my anchors could barely keep up

Bit by bit I rip her body apart

"Right here, babe" I land on her forehead

I jump back before she could swatt me aside and I throw my blades at her eyes

I switch to my last set of blades as I felt her grab my right hook

"God, fuck." I grunt

Before she could yank me in I slice the cord off

"GRUA…" I do as I did to her little boyfriend and I slit her throat

It was hard with a single anchor but since she was blinded I barely managed to immobilize her legs

"Agh?!" she gasps as she's drops on her knees

I push off her head landing on a building as she fell face down ass up onto the floor

"Hehe, you filthy slut" I giggle as I land on her back

"Really thought you can play with the big boys, huh girl?" I step on the crystal protecting her nape

It began cracking

"What, out of juice?"

"Kehehe" I giggle "I'm going to devour you, you hear me?"

I pull my arm back

"And I'm going to enjoy every second"

"GRUAHHHH!" I hear behind me

"Nghk* sh-shit"

The Armored Titan

It's barely been over a minute, so why is he up?

I jump up before pulling myself aside

But there wasn't much I can do with a single anchor

Before I could get to saftey his fist slams into my side before smashing me into a building

"Fuck, that shit hurt" I cough

Every bone in my body was crushed with that single hitblow

"Kghk*" I choke on my own blood

"Th-there's n-no way"


| Kara's Past | Ch. 6 |

"Who said you can stop counting" Lucifer slams his foot in my face

"S-six six th-three" I whisper painfully as he pealed the skin off my chest


"D-do it to me, m-mister Lucifer. Leave Kara alone" Ursa says

"N-no!" I shout "Shut up Ursa!"

"No!" She shouts

Lucifer stops after seeing the look on my face

"Haha yes of course" he turns around

"No you-you idiot! Come back!"

"I-it's okay you can rest now b-big brother" Asura smiles

"No, please stop!" I beg

"Make sure you catch every second of this, boy" he laughs

"I'll kill you" I huff

"Touch her a-and you're dead! You hear me?!"



"I'll kill you" I whisper "I'll kill you, I'll kill you, I'll kill you"

"Y-you're dead" I smile widely

Titan steam engulfed my body

It was so hot it melted my gear, my clothes and the stone around me

"You're as good as dead" I open My arms

"I said I'd eat you alive, bitch" I felt my sanity draining away as I got back to My feet

A weird purple aura engulfed my flesh as a massive bolt of lightning strikes My chest

I felt a power like no other surge through my veins before I opened my eyes

My head was above the buildings

I was standing just over sixteen meters tall

One meter taller than the Armored Oaf and two above his girlfriend

I felt the ground shaking behind Me

I turn My head

It's the meat head and his fiancé

I smile widely

"GRUAHHHH!" they charge foolishly to their deaths

I wrap My tail around the Armor titans wrist using his own momentum to send him crashing into the building behind me as I simultaneously pivot on My left foot and I slam My heel onto the females jaw

Her head jerks aside and slams into a building

I stomp her head in


I stop for a moment

I turn around, seeing her mans charging at Me

Idiot had his right arm cocked back for the thousandth time

I side step his fist

As his arm flew right by my face I uppercut his chin

His teeth shatter and his body tensed up before falling face flat on the ground

"Learn to fight, you fool."

I feel the female Titan wrap her arms around My waist before slamming Me into the ground

"Gahhaha, fuck!" I laugh after biting off the tip of My tongue

I roll aside before she could stomp on My head and I jump back to My feet

I grab the head of an unsuspecting 10 meter titan and I rip it in two then I toss the head

After she slaps it aside I toss the body before charging right behind it

The armored guy was pulling himself up before I kick off his back, knocking him right back on his face

I throw a heavy right at the female but she dodges to her bottom left before digging her fist into My side

"Nghk" I grit My teeth

I could feel the ground shake as the armored Titan charged

I step back as I grab a hold of her wrist with My tail

I yank her straight into My fist

Her eyes roll back as I pulled her in again

This time I grab the back of her head and I toss her into the armored

His body folds after her head slams into his abdomen

I pivot on My left foot before slamming My heel onto his chin

His head does a 180 before he falls back

I grab the females ankle and I drag her down the street

She jerks her body around and I sit down on her abdomen

Before she could fight back I slam My fist into her face a couple times before shoving My fingers into her mouth

I tear her jaw off her face before I dug smash My fists into her chest, turning everything inside to mush

-to be continued