
Saiyan God | Book Two

this book continues Saiyan God | Book One. you can read it if you want. either way it starts off the adventure of the Saiyan know as Kara in the world of Attack on titan.

Godkii · Anime & Comics
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Book Two

Volume 3

Ch. 33 Paradi



"Finally" I sigh

"You never told me you had lost your memory" Historia says

"Oh… I didn't think it mattered" I yawn

"Well it kinda does" she says

"Is that right, Krista?"

"Oh shut up" she pouts

She had changed her name for some reason

When they asked for her name she said it was Krista instead of Historia

"It looks like they have no idea life exists outside the walls" she whispers

"What do you mean?"

"I overheard a priest talking about how life has gone extinct outside of the walls and the only humans that remain are those inside"

"I don't blame them" I say

"What do you mean?" she asks

"They've been caged up in these walls for hundreds of years cause of those monsters" I say


"How weird, huh Odin?" I pat Odin's belly

We walk around for a bit when we run into a man that was some kind of doctor

"Wow what a pup huh" he looks up at Odin

"Heh yeah" I chuckle as Odin wags his tail excitedly

"What's his name? Marley? No couldn't be" he says

"Marley?" Out of every..

"N-no" I look at Krista

He has to know

But how?

I thought nobody knew about Marley

When I asked their relationship with Marley they assumed it's what me and my 'family' called this kingdom

"I'm doctor Yeager" he offers to shake my hand

"Yeager?" Krista asks

"Yeager" the doctor nods

"It's a pleasure" I shake his hand "I'm Kara"

"The pleasure is all mine Kara" he smiles "come I'm sure you need a place to stay"

"Oh… yeah thanks" he knows something… but what?

"You sure we should?" Krista whispers

"Yeah, c'mon" I whisper

He leads us to his house of course Odin was way too big to go inside so he had to stay right out by the door

"Thanks again" I sigh taking my place at the couch where Krista sat beside me

"No problem" he brings a chair sitting down right infront of us "so tell me where exactly do you come from" he asks

"I'm sure you already know… Dr. Yeager" Krista says

"Marley?" He asks

"We were brought here… on a Galley" I sigh remembering how tough that was

"Is that so?" He asks

"Yeah I was sentenced for three years of labor before my execution"

"I see… I assume it is cause of your appearance" he says

"Y-yeah" I sigh

I can't believe how messed up this world is

To send me to my death cause the way I looked

"You resemble the Son of Satan too much to have been kept around" he says

"Yeah.." I sigh

"So what exactly brought you here?"

"Well, I'm here on a mission" he grunts as he gets on his feet

"What do you mean?" I ask

"I came here to retrieve the founding titan that has been lost in these walls for generations" he says


"Yeah" he smiles "I was a bit worried that I might fail if I don't have a direct descendant of Ymir but I found out that-" he stops

"Wait" Krista interrupts "I can do it Dr. Yeager I can take the Founding Titan" she says

"Are you of royal blood?" Yeagar asks

Historia nods

"Y-your what?" I ask

"Forgive me Krista but for that very reason you can not be the one to inherit the Founding Titan for the will of King Karl Fritz possesses that of royal blood and is condemned to live peacefully" he says "though peace is good it is not what Eldia needs at the moment"

"Eldia?" What are they talking about ?


Krista doesn't know what to say

"But it's alright we may have found something even better" he smiles

"Like?" Historia asks

"Like the son of The First, offspring of The Messiah of evil himself" he looks at me

"Y-you really think I'm related to this guy?" I raise an eyebrow

"It makes sense" he says "your appearance is far too similar to be deemed as a coincidence. Now if that is true and you are a direct descendant of The First, then the will of Karl Fritz may not apply to you"

I guess that might makes sense

The son of the Messiah of Evil, Huh… don't know if I want to believe that

"Okay, so what do you want me to do?"

"For now… rest" he turns around "we'll speak more tomorrow" he says as we hear someone fumbling the keys at the door

"Yay finally home!" a kid jumps in

"Eren, careful dear" a lady says as the boy runs to his room "H-honey why is there a giant dog outside?" The woman asks

"Oh yeah it is Kara's dire wolf" Dr. Yeagar says

"Kara?" She turns to me

"Oh? Hello, pleased to meet you" she smiles

"The pleasure is mine." I shake her hand

"They don't have a place to stay so they will be here for quite a while" Dr. Yeagar says

"Oh… okay would you like some tea, or something else to drink?" She asks

"Sure, yea would be fine" Krista smiles

"Okay" she smiles

"Mikasa, Armin c'mon" Eren shouts

"Coming" a girl in dark black hair shouts who I'm assuming is Mikasa

"Is that your dog?" The younger boy with blonde hair, Armin asks

"Yeah his names Odin" I say as Odin sticks his snout through the window

"Is it true you found him outside the walls?!" Armin asks

"Sure did" I pat Odin's nose "you know I fought him for a turkey he actually ripped off my-" I stop

Saying he ripped my arm off and it grew back would probably sound weird

"D-did he do that to your chest?" He points at the nasty scars across my chest

"Oh… yeah" I lie

"Don't you three think it's time to get some rest?" Mrs. Yeagar asks

"R-right c'mon Armin" Mikasa grabs Armins wrist

"O-okay" he says

She gives me a little smile

Ahem * she clears her throat "well guess I should go get some sleep" she says after handing Krista her coffee

"Right" I smile before she joined her husband

"Man" I sigh

"You okay?" Krista lays on my chest

"Y-yeah" I sigh

I lay there on the couch trying to remember… anything till I fell asleep

-1 year later-


| Kara's past | Ch. 2 |

"Wh-why were you so rough?" Ursa sniffs as she pulls her little sundress back down trying to cover her legs drenched in blood

"I-I don't know what's wrong with me" I cover my face with my bloody hands

There was so much blood

So… much…

What did I do?

What's wrong with me?

Nothing… I'm perfect, what's wrong with everyone else?

"Stop" I felt out of breath


"Sh-shut up" I huff

It's true…

"Shut up !!" I growl

"K-Kara?" Ursa rubs my back

"I-I'm sorry Ursa" I sniff

"It's okay Kara" she grabs my wrists "s-stop hurting yourself… please" she says

I had just noticed how hard I was digging my claws into my head

"Oh…" I stop "where's Lucifer ?" I ask

"Wh-who?" she sniffs

"Ursa…" I pull her into my arms

I can't believe I'd hurt her like that

What is wrong with me?

"C'mon lets get you cleaned up" I help her up

"O-okay" she smiles before we go to the waterfall


"Mm-mmm." Carla moans in my mouth

We kiss as she grinds on me for another moment before she pulled her head back

"What?" I dig my face into her chest

"M-maybe we should slow down." She huffs

"For what?"

"Carla, you've been leading me on for the past-."

"I-I know a-and I shouldn't have.

"Y-you wouldn't understand. You're just a boy, you-"

"No-no." I peck her cheek "don't even think like that." I dig my head into her shoulder

"You're just exhausted. Here," I grab her dress "let's loosen you up." I pull her dress halfway down her shoulders


"Okay…" I nod "y-your right, guess I got carried away" I shrug

"It-it isn't you, okay?" She sits up as I step into my boots

"Then what is it? Seriously, the way you look at me, Carla…"

"It isn't. I-I swear, okay?"

"Tch*" I scoff

"You're handsome." She hugs me before I'd leave "more so than any other man I've met…" she sighs shamefully

"So? What is it?"

"Y-you're seeing Erens teacher umm.. M-Mrs. Val."

"Carla I-."

"And Jackie.. my best friend…" she frowns

"Ah-." I scoff "I told you already. I was just trying to get your attention."

"What? By sleeping with all my friends?"

"Look, it's bad enough I laid my hands on you…"

"Whatever, I don't need to hear this." I storm off

Seriously, she's crazy for Grisha

Granted they're married, but still. He's been gone now for a little over a month

He still hasn't told me what exactly it is he's planning so I've been trying to get it with his wife just to spite him

That and she was absolutely drop dead gorgeous

Seriously, a face and body like hers was going to waste with her husband running off like this

"You okay?" Krista asks

"Yeah" I sigh

"W-well I'm almost done" Krista says as she shaves my abdomen

She had been helping me shave so I wouldn't stand out as much

"Oh… yeah"

Yeagar explained everything to me

We are in the Kingdom of Paradi on Paradise Island

He told me the 'Messiah of Evil' was a founding Titan one that is greatly responsible for the creation of the universe

After he shared his power with his daughter she gained the power to turn and control these giants which are now referred to as titans

And that's all he told me

He said I'd get the exact details and his mission on how we'd take back Marley and free Eldia once I inherit the founding Titan

"Okay… done" Krista finally says

"Alright" I get up

"The bath is ready" Krista smiles up at me

"Okay, I'll be out in a bit" I said as her eyes trail off to my wondrous physique

"Hey" I raise her chin with my tail

"R-right, I'll give Carla a hand with breakfast" she finally stands up "bye" she gives me a little smile

"Hmh" I smil before laying inside the bathtub

I lay in there for quite a bit trying to collect my thoughts

It was the first time I dreamt of Ursa in a while

But I haven't had a clue where my memories went in 5 years or is it 4?

Fuck, I wish I knew how to count

I look down at my chest where my name was once branded along with that serial number

I peeled off the patch of skin a couple months back

I did the same to Krista so she wouldn't feel like an animal

Cause I know I did…

That reminds me..

I wonder how Cyrus is doing..

It's been a while since I been in the walls

They wanted me to join the survey corps

And I was going to but Yeagar said he'd need me in the walls

So now I work as a blacksmith and a mechanic

Apparently I'm really good at putting things together so I guess I somewhat help them in that department

After a few more minutes I finally decide to get out

I changed into a comfortable blue Gi and then I joined Krista and everyone else at the table

"Okay," Carla smiles as she sets the food on the table

"Finally" Eren takes his seat at the table "man what a day" he sighs

"It's barely seven in the morning" Krista says

"Yeah and he already got beat up" Misaka says

"Hey what are you running your mouth for?!" Eren shouts

"Eren, c'mon man it's too early for this" I yawn

"Shut up, you're not my dad!" He shouts

Man I'm missing Dr. Yeagar

A month ago all he said was he had to go out on a 'business trip'

He asked me to stay here and take care of his brat Mikasa and his woman while he's gone

"We all know you miss your daddy so stop crying about it" I sigh

"Nghk you little" he clenches his fist

The kid had a nasty temper he'd be wanting to fight for the smallest things, it was ridiculous

We talked… well I argued with Eren for a bit and soon we all finished with our breakfast

"Yeah-yeah, bye mom" Eren grumbles before leaving with Misaka

"I have to head out too" I stand up

"I need to deliver the horse shoes to the scouts" I head over to the door

"Will you be back for dinner?" Carla asks

"Yeah-yeah, of course."

"Bye Kara" Krista waves before helping Carla with the dishes

-to be continued