
Saint Sparks Company

A random story of this teenage boy name Mitch who became a gizillionaire land developer and open a small shop for fun. He wanted to help others build a better life but for him to realise others dreams he would have to find the right ingredients to build the right solutions. You can find Dragons, beastfolks, aliens, ogre, succubus, ghosts, mummy, human in this novel.

Calendertime · Fantasy
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37 Chs

Dungeon boss

Lutini fell into the dark hole, brushing past numerous dubious hairy creatures. The deeper it fell, the darker the passageway and the denser the air gets.

At this point, Lutini had confirmed its suspicions. "I am indeed in a dungeon. But how can i escape?" It questioned itself after detecting highly concentrated magical particles in the air.

As it fell deeper into the tunnel with no end in sight, Lutini finally settled onto a warm furry patch of grass with a soft thud.

"!? Is this fur or grass?" The slime happily rolled around the furry grass patch, enjoying the warm cozy feeling after braving through the cold dense air. Alas, its happiness was short lived.

"Clang!" A loud metallic noise reverberated in the empty space.

"What was that!" Lutini thought to itself while enclosed in darkness.

"Click!" A cold solid object buckled onto Lutini. The slime was caught off guard in momentary bliss and now was facing the consequences of its carelessness. The metallic choker snugly bound around Lutini, refusing to budge regardless how it struggled and transformed. The perpetrator was swift, yet it left a lingering touch of furry paws on Lutini.

A pair of green luminous almond eyes stared at the poor slime, stretching his 6 metallic legs towards the slime in mid air.

Although, Lutini was trained as a spy, it was not born with an innate bright eye skill. Therefore, the dark surroundings were to its disadvantage. However, thanks to the glowing green eyes, Lutini was able to see the monster approaching it rather vividly. The monster had a furry head and orange and black striped abdomen, the legs were all metallic and carried an ominous aura.

A pair of furry paws hugged Lutini against the furry grass and rolled him and Lutini out of harm's way.

Whoever saved Lutini from the monster, Lutini was grateful and confused- because the same person who saved Lutini is the same person that enslaved it with the metal collar. Since Lutini did not have a waist, the collar looked like a metal band stuck on its head instead. And no matter how hard it tried to shake it off and transformed, the metal collar just would not come off and would adapt the circumference according to each transformation instead.

"Stop struggling! We need to get out of here before the dungeon boss catch us!" The voice said. Lutini stopped struggling... it lamented that it had spent its whole life running away ever since it had step foot in this portal. "Woe is me!" Lutini cried silently in its heart.

The kidnapper ran deeper and deeper underground, whilst dodging the flying projectiles in the dark.

"Bam!" The monster collided into a thick invisible.

"Finally! Phew, that was tough!"

"What happened?" Lutini asked as the monster roared in agony.

"Let's run to the mansion before the monster start wide area magical attacks!" The kidnapper, hushed Lutini with his paws.

With the dungeon boss trapped behind the barrier, the slime-napper and Lutini finally covered a safe distance away from danger.

"Phew! That was intense!" The slime-napper slowed to a walk, with Lutini in his arm.

Right before them was a little red door with a golden knob. But it was too dark for Lutini to see. The only pair of light Lutini could see was the slime-napper's glowing blue eyes.

"Click," the door unlocked with a twist of the knob.

"There we go!" The smug slime-napper said.

As the door creaked open, a sea of yellow glowing moss and blue crystal floor entered their vision. Finally, there was light!

Lutini looked up and saw the face of a kitten. The handsome gray kitten man smiled at Lutini and said in its deep manly voice, "Your owner was worried, so she contacted me to check on you. This metal collar that you are wearing is a tracker and will protect you from harm. So don't damage it."

With that, he placed Lutini down, the gray kitten man was merely twice the height of the slime.

Lutini, "... thank you. Are we going to complete the mission together?"

"I'm afraid so, since my boss is your owner. Let's go, we still need to change to blend in. You will need to transform into a Jelly desert since this doorway leads to the kitchen. And I the waiter. And ya, please address me as Luke. And okay, I am done."

Lutini stared blankly at Luke with curled whiskers dressed in white shirt, black pants with a blue apron and a pair of shiny black shoes. It took Luke only 5 seconds to change, that was beyond the capabilities of normal spies it knew.

Lutini quickly transformed into a purple jelly on a white dish.

"Let's find you a tray." Luke said as he picked 'the dish' up, brisk walking past waitresses in kimonos and other waiters dressed like him. Unsurprisingly, the rest of the waiters were the same as him - An adult kitten race called "kittenkins" with the height of an average toddlers.

"Xiaowu!" Luke called out to a maneko bobtail kitten in kimono, "the guest ordered this dessert, please find a tray and serve it to her with silver spoon please." Xiaowu blushed with a slight grin, "Okay.. "

"Luke, where am I going? The jelly with the side facing Luke mouthed silently. "The room beside the master's study." Luke mouthed the answer while exchanging conversation with Xiaowu using ventriloquism, complimenting and flirting with her.

"Okay, chop chop. See you for dinner!"

"Okay." Giggled Xiaowu as she put the dish on a round wooden tray.

After bidding farewell, both of them went on with their work. "MeiMei, do you think Luke will want to go out with me?"

"Hmmm... I don't know Xiaowu. He seemed to flirt with everyone, even guys. I think he's bi. Would you mind if he is bi?" MeiMei answered.

"I am sure he is straight." Xiaowu replied with a blush.

"Oh my god, did both of you? No you didn't!" MeiMei was delighted and shocked.

Xiaowu nodded with a smile as she knocked on the door of their guest.

"Oh my god! You're so lucky! He's so handsome and I heard he's well to do too..." MeiMei whispered excitedly.

"Shhhh..." Xiaowu signalled to remain professional at work.

Knock knock.

"Ma'am Christina, your dessert is here."

Knock knock knock.

"I think she is not here." Let's leave it inside." MeiMei suggested.

The jelly wobbled and glistened under the light, with a faint honey scent. Settling on the marble table in the presidential suite for guests.

MeiMei, "Another work of perfection by Master Chef Zhou... sigh..."

"Sometimes, i don't know if you are in love with Master Zhou or his food." Xiaowu sighed as both of them left the room chattering.

"Time for work." Lutini transformed back into itself.