
Saint of Gods

Sacred Darkness was a VR RPG game that was still in the development stage and had just completed its alpha testing. The game was introduced as "let's look at the story from the perspective of the villains." This single sentence was enough to pique people's interest. More than 2 million people worldwide flooded the application page to be selected for the beta test. In order to receive good feedback, the game developers selected 49 countries, and one person from each of these selected countries was chosen to participate in the test. Countries such as the USA, UK, France, Spain, Germany, Italy, China, Japan, Russia, India, Mexico, Egypt, and Brazil were just a few of them. Although Türkiye was not on this list, the reason I was able to participate in the beta test was because I knew the person who wrote the story of the game. In fact, I had even helped him in some parts of it. Although I didn't have an obligation to participate, I did not want to miss the chance to see my favorite character in the story of the game earlier, which I had read over and over again countless times from start to finish. And I accepted to participate in the beta test. I wish I hadn't accepted... ∆ Main Task: The Descent of Darkness Task Description: You are reborn as a citizen of this world! Dark forces roam the world! They all have a common goal! Destroy the Sacred Kingdom Lumaine and spread darkness to this world! Prevent the descent of darkness and save the world! Task Rank: SSS Time Limit: 25 years Task Reward: Return Ticket Failure: Death ACCEPT or REJECT Warning! You cannot reject this task! Ding! If you die while the task is ongoing, you will die in reality as well and will not be able to return to your world again! The return ticket is the only way to return to your world! Ding! Your time has started! You only have one life! Please stay alive! May luck be with you! ***** I am not translating the text myself. I am having it translated by artificial intelligence. I apologize in advance for any mistakes in writing.

suphara · Fantasy
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1 Chs

About ranks and worldview...


Almost everyone living in the Holy Kingdom of 'Lumaine' possesses some divine power to a small extent. There is no noble status in the Kingdom. Instead, their statuses are named with religious terms. What determines people's statuses is the amount of divine power they possess and how effectively they can use it.

Undoubtedly, the highest-status person is the Pope. The Pope, although not being the person with the most divine power, is the person who can control it the easiest. The Pope does not have the authority to marry or have children. He adopts a few children with high divine power and educates them to potentially become the Pope of the future. These children he raises gain the status of prince or princess. The most authoritative people after the Pope are these princes and princesses.

The next most powerful individuals after the prince/princess status are the Cardinals. In a generation, only 4 individuals can hold the title of Cardinal. Cardinals serve as advisors to the Pope. They are the people the Pope trusts the most and they are high-ranking in terms of power. Additionally, they have sometimes served as bodyguards for princes and princesses when needed.

Below the Cardinals are the Archbishops, limited to a number of 16. There are 4 Archbishops under each Cardinal. These Archbishops take orders only from the Pope and the Cardinal they serve under.

The next highest rank after Archbishop is Bishop, and there are 64 individuals in the rank of Bishop. Each Archbishop has 4 Bishops under their command, taking orders only from the Archbishop they serve under. They are occasionally sent on missions to other kingdoms.

The rank following Bishops is that of priests, numbering 256. They are the individuals who go on the most official duties along with the Deacons. Deacons, on the other hand, are the lowest-ranked individuals and their numbers vary from year to year. Beneath them are only ordinary knights.

Aside from these ranks, there is the title of Saint. This title is generally used to describe the individual with the most divine power. Occasionally, some Saints can hear the voices of the gods. Saints are often considered equal in rank to the Pope. Although they do not have the authority to give orders, unlike the Pope, they have no restrictions on marrying and having children.


The Dark Paladin Order holds a power equal to that of the Holy Kingdom. The primary goal of the Order is to establish their 'chaos - war - death empire'. Their greatest obstacle in doing so is the Holy Kingdom.

The most powerful individuals in the Order are the Emperor and Empress. The Emperor leads the Order, while the Empress serves as the second leader of the Order and is considered equal in power to the Emperor.

The next highest rank is Prince and Princess. Prince is used to define the person who will lead after the Emperor, while Princess defines the person who will take the place after the Empress. Although trained for this throughout their lives, princes and princesses are unaware of their status until they come of age.

Following Prince and Princess, the ranks go as follows: king/queen, grand duke/grand duchess, archduke/archduchess, duke/duchess, marquis/marchioness, count/countess, viscount/viscountess, and baron/baroness. Individuals holding these ranks only take orders from the Emperor and Empress. In exceptional circumstances, they are seen following the orders given by Prince and Princess. Apart from these, all rank hierarchies are similar to that of the Holy Kingdom.


The Magic Tower is managed by a Chief Wizard and governed by a council of elders consisting of 12 individuals responsible for overseeing the Chief Wizard. The highest level that wizards can achieve is the 10th circle. Wizards between 1-3 circles are considered apprentices, 4-5 circle wizards are journeymen, 6-7 circle wizards are masters, 8 circle wizards are legendary, and wizards at the 9th circle and above are considered 'transcendent'. The Magic Tower is the most powerful group after the Holy Kingdom and Dark Paladin Order. It is the most powerful group that maintains neutrality among all groups.

Apart from these three powerful groups, there are relatively smaller groups such as the 'Knowledge Guild, Assassin's Guild, Golden Dragon House'. Despite having less power, they cannot be ignored. The Knowledge Guild supports the Holy Kingdom, while the Assassin's Guild supports the Dark Paladin Order. The Golden Dragon House, on the other hand, maintains neutrality regarding all groups including the Holy Kingdom, Dark Paladin Order and Magic Tower.

The chapters will be released starting from 1st of July. Until then, I will stockpile chapter.

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