
Sailing with Whitebeard: Starting with a Question

Author: May Summer Solstice he crossed over to the world of pirates and unexpectedly ended up on the moon, where he was sealed away. Luckily, he awakened a live streaming quiz system. In order to break the seal, he started by having Whitebeard answer questions, broadcasting the event worldwide. Under the attention of the entire world: [Question: Why did Admiral Sengoku publicly execute Portgas D. Ace, the Second Division Commander of the Whitebeard Pirates, at Marine Headquarters?] [Question: Who adopted and raised Ace when he was just born?] [Question: Who punched Kizaru and successfully saved Ace during the Summit War?] ... People watching the live stream were shocked. It turns out that Kizaru was a traitor to the Marines. As more and more questions were revealed in the live stream, many hidden secrets became known, causing chaos in the entire world of One Piece. ***************** (Note: This is not my story and is written by a Chinese author. This is a Machine translation. I have cleaned all the chapters I publish to the maximum of my capabilities. It's not perfect, but it's still an enjoyable read.)

young_sunlight · Anime & Comics
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176 Chs

Chapter 119

The World Government was able to maintain its position of power because it held three key weapons: the Marines, the CP, and their national treasure. However, the national treasure couldn't be used easily, so the main reliance was on the Marines and the CP.

But now, Spandam had managed to shake the morale of both the lower-ranking Marines and the CP.

This guy seemed to be undermining their foundation.

Even the Five Elder Stars suspected that he was either incredibly foolish or an undercover agent sent by the Revolutionary Army.

Someone specifically sent to destabilize the morale of the Marines and the CP.

The Five Elder Stars were extremely frustrated. How did they end up with these kinds of people on their side?

Spandam's subordinates among the Seven Warlords of the Sea were considering rebellion, his subordinates in the Marines were challenging their superiors, and the head of CP9 was an idiot.

It seemed like they didn't have a reliable person among their ranks.

"We can't entrust CP9 to that idiot Spandam. Otherwise, who knows how much trouble he'll cause."

"I've heard that Lucci from CP9 is capable. Let him take charge for now. As for what to do with Spandam when he returns from Alabasta, we'll decide then."

"That's the best we can do for now. The most critical thing is to find the Pluton in Alabasta. The monsters in the New World might be taking action already. We have to get our hands on the Pluton before them."

"And we need to control Nico Robin. Keeping her around will only bring trouble. We must have her under our control."

"But there's one more thing. According to what Spandam said in the broadcast, the design plans were burned by that idiot. This means that Spandam found the plans, but they were destroyed. It seems that the Pluton's design plans are indeed in Water 7."

"If that's the case, then CP9's operation in Water 7 must continue. Even if we obtain the Pluton in Alabasta, we cannot let those design plans fall into the wrong hands."

"But we can't trust Spandam anymore. He has clearly failed. Let Lucci take the lead."


Although Spandam's unexpected activation of the Buster Call and his disregard for the lives of the soldiers on Enies Lobby had drawn attention from around the world, his mention of the Pluton design plans had also caught the attention of those with ulterior motives.

This meant that there wasn't just one completed Pluton in Alabasta, but also design plans located elsewhere.

CP9 was currently searching for those design plans, but if they had been burned, only Nico Robin remained as a clue.

However, CP9 had likely not found her yet, which meant that the Pluton's design plans were still out there somewhere. Whoever found them first would gain the blueprints to create their own Pluton.

This news intrigued many people, but then they furrowed their brows. Where could the Pluton design plans be?

Meanwhile, at Water 7, two individuals became tense upon hearing about the Pluton design plans. They were Kokoro's grandson, Iceburg, and Franky, who operated a ship dismantling yard.

They were both former apprentices of the legendary shipwright Tom. When Spandam had tried to take the Pluton design plans from Tom, he failed, and Tom entrusted the plans to Iceburg for safekeeping. Sensing danger, Iceburg passed the plans on to his own apprentice, Franky.

Now, upon hearing Spandam's words about the plans being burned by that idiot, Iceburg and Franky immediately realized that the idiot in question was none other than Franky himself.

This meant that CP9 had their eyes on them. Franky would be discovered soon, and ultimately, he would burn the Pluton to prevent it from falling into the hands of the World Government.

This piece of information made them anxious. If that was the case, they had to come up with a plan to deal with it, or else they would be in big trouble.


Meanwhile, the footage on the screen in the sky continued.

"And this also affects my future."

The soldiers on Enies Lobby were shocked and incredulous upon hearing Spandam's words. "No way, what nonsense is he spouting? Sacrificing us? Don't joke around."

Robin said angrily, "What do you take human lives for?"

Spandam smirked, "Don't forget, CP9 is a government intelligence agency. If saving the lives of a thousand people requires sacrificing a hundred, we won't hesitate to kill those hundred. True justice must be accompanied by ruthlessness."

Those incompetent soldiers who couldn't even stop the pirates from infiltrating.

They deserve to die! Idiots!"

Upon hearing Spandam's words, Robin was shocked and speechless. She could only watch Spandam and casually say, "The Den Den Mushi is still connected."

Spandam's face turned pale as he realized the implications. "Oh... uh... this is bad... Did everything I just said get transmitted?!"

Spandam panicked and quickly came up with a desperate plan. "So, um, I am Monkey D. Luffy."

Seeing Spandam's foolish behavior, everyone was both angry and amused. They couldn't believe that such a stupid person held such a position of power.

His words chilled the hearts of many people. Sacrificing a hundred lives without hesitation to save a thousand, labeling the soldiers who couldn't stop the pirates as deserving death—this was the true face of justice, devoid of mercy...

Upon hearing this, many people trembled with anger. But more importantly, they finally saw the true face of the World Government, thanks to the foolish Spandam. He revealed the hidden truths and the real intentions of the government.

The soldiers at Marine Headquarters had faces ashen with rage. This guy was tarnishing their sense of justice, attributing his own selfish desires to justice.

The justice of the Marines was being smeared by these people!

They couldn't fathom how people around the world would perceive the Marines after today. It wasn't just people from all over the world, but even the Marines themselves. How would they handle this revelation?

A formidable opponent is nothing compared to a foolish teammate.

Even in the face of the elusive Cipher Pol agents like Rob Lucci, they didn't feel as helpless and furious as they did now, with just a few words from Spandam.

The atmosphere in the Marine Headquarters plaza grew solemn.

At the same time, aboard the World Government's ship en route to Water 7, the atmosphere was equally somber. Spandam, looking like he had been struck by lightning, was pulling his hair in frustration.

He knew his future was completely ruined.

By saying such things and doing such acts, and having them broadcasted worldwide, there was no turning back. How could he have done something so foolish? Spandam angrily pulled at his hair.

Meanwhile, the soldiers aboard the ship, who belonged to the World Government, looked at Spandam with unfriendly expressions. This guy saw them as expendable tools. His words had chilled their hearts.

They were furious and wanted to rush up and beat him up. However, reason told them they couldn't do that. He was still their superior in CP9. If they did something, it would only result in their own demise.

At that moment, the Den Den Mushi in Spandam's pocket began to ring.

Spandam quickly answered the call, hearing the voice of a government official on the other end.

"Is this Spandam?"

"Yes, it's me," Spandam nodded repeatedly.

"The government's high-ranking officials have just made a decision regarding you. You are being relieved of your position as CP9's chief. Rob Lucci will temporarily assume the role of CP9 chief, and you will be temporarily assigned to CP9. Your further treatment will be determined after you return from the mission in Alabasta."

"Wait... I don't agree. I can explain to the Five Elder Stars. This hasn't happened yet. How can they dismiss me from my position? I haven't made any mistakes!" Spandam immediately became anxious when he realized that his future was in jeopardy. Even his current position as CP9 chief had been taken away.

"This is the government's decision, and you have no right to refuse."

After the call ended, Spandam stood dumbfounded on the deck, taking a long time to react.

After a while, he began to bite his finger in distress, thinking of countermeasures.

He remembered what the Den Den Mushi said earlier—Lucci was just temporarily filling in, and he himself was temporarily assigned to CP9. After the Alabasta incident, further decisions would be made.

At that moment, Spandam's eyes suddenly lit up... Alabasta!

This meant he still had a chance to turn things around. If he could find the Pluton in Alabasta or capture Nico Robin, he could redeem himself and achieve a meritorious act.

Moreover, he had his father, Spandine, who held a high position in the World Government. If he pleaded with the Five Elder Stars, he might not only be able to clear his name regarding the incident on Enies Lobby but also advance further.

Spandam's eyes gleamed with excitement. He still had one last chance!

Spandam looked at Nico Robin on the screen. This was his chance to turn the tables.


At this moment, the footage of the ten questions ended in Spandam's comical panic. The screen switched back to Luo ke's live stream.

"Welcome back, everyone. I wonder if you're satisfied with this footage. Now that the footage is over, it's time for the final step—reward distribution."

Upon hearing Luo ke's words, the people in front of the screen widened their eyes and focused on him. After the generous rewards they received earlier, they were curious about what reward Nico Robin would receive for answering all ten questions correctly.

Luo ke asked the system to begin counting.

[The quiz has ended.]

[Ten questions, all answered correctly, 100% accuracy.]

[There are four rewards to choose from. You can select two of them.]

Reward One: One bottle of Physical Enhancement Potion.

Reward Two: One bottle of Mental Enhancement Potion.

Reward Three: One bottle of Healing Potion.

Reward Four: One-time authorization to use the ancient weapon Pluton (valid for one hour).

[These are the rewards for the quiz participants. Now, let's move on to the host's rewards.]

[Obtained: Ancient weapon Pluton.]

[Obtained: Unsealing Progress +5%.]


Ancient weapon Pluton?!

Luo ke's eyes widened slightly, surprised by obtaining such an item.

"Is this Pluton the same one preserved in Alabasta?" Luo ke asked the system in his mind.

"Yes, Master. This is the only Pluton in this world. Unless someone uses the Pluton blueprints to recreate another one, there won't be a second Pluton," the system replied.

Luo ke couldn't help but laugh. The Pluton that the World Government and Crocodile had been searching for had now ended up in his hands. This was interesting.

If the Five Elder Stars knew about this, would they be able to sleep well? They would be afraid that Mary Geoise would be bombed one day.

Looking at the +5% unsealing progress, it was decent. This event didn't have as much influence as the war did.

Having reached this point, Luo ke exited the system and looked at Nico Robin.

"Regarding the rewards for your quiz, there are four options available. You can choose two of them."

Two options?!

Nico Robin was slightly stunned, and the people who heard this sentence immediately became excited. So these were the rewards for answering all ten questions correctly?

"Reward One: One bottle of Physical Enhancement Potion, with effects similar to the one the Straw Hat Pirates drank before."

Nico Robin nodded upon hearing this and eagerly anticipated the second option.

"Reward Two: One bottle of Mental Enhancement Potion, with effects that enhance mental strength and increase dominance."

Everyone swallowed their saliva. They wanted both of these options, and Nico Robin could choose two. They envied her with purple eyes.

"Reward Three: One bottle of Healing Potion, capable of curing any illness or injury."

Another life-saving potion. It could be a lifesaver in critical moments!

Being able to choose two out of these three options was already extremely valuable. Although the previous rewards included eight bottles, they were all the same in effect and couldn't be used repeatedly unless there were teammates to share them with. But this time, being able to receive two different rewards meant that both could take effect simultaneously.

Everyone eagerly awaited the announcement of the fourth reward.

"Reward Four: One-time authorization to use the ancient weapon Pluton, valid for one hour."

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Check out my Other Projects Too (Advanced chapters on P@treon) :-

=> The day of studying in Hogwarts.

=> Marvel: All the famous scenes were exposed by me.


(End of this chapter)