
Chapter 53 The Astonishing Breakthrough: Mass-Producing Devil Fruits in Dragon Kingdom

"This time, there are a lot more fruits than before. I can study them freely."

Boss Bai was like a fruit farmer who was overjoyed by the harvest.

She walked briskly around the Devil Fruits, looking at them one by one.

"There are a lot more Devil Fruits here. One of them seems to be a Logia type, but it's just the Mist-Mist Fruit, which isn't very powerful. This one turned out to be a Mythical Zoan type, the Phantom Beast Fruit, which is very rare."

Based on what she said, this isn't the first time she done this.

This time, there are about a hundred Devil Fruits.

If you add the previous ones, there might be hundreds of them!

Even if there aren't, there are at least two hundred!

Although the number doesn't seem as many as the current Hundred Beasts Pirate,

they have more than just Zoan types.

They have Logia and Mythical Zoan types too!

[Loan usury king: Oh my god! Stop talking, my heart can't take it anymore!]

[Doflamingo: This might not be a good thing. Devil Fruits are synonymous with power. If someone finds out, there will be a bloodbath!]

Even if Doflamingo made a mistake once, he believes that he won't make the same mistake again.

He has seen too many similar things happen before, including with his own brother Rosinante.

He won't let the Op-Op Fruit, which should belong to him, be taken away by someone else.

Gao Yang smiled at the people on the chatroom who didn't understand what was going on.

He knew that this was a rare top prize in his system.

When the kingdom was upgraded from level 8 to level 9, it would receive a bonus of new kingdom resources.

This was a very precious reward.

"Paramecia Devil Fruit 64 pieces!"

"56 Zoan!"

"Logia 5 pieces!"

"Two Phantom Beasts!"

"A total of 127!"

Boss Bai was not happy that the two Devil Fruits only accounted for less than 10% of the total number of Devil Fruits.

[Big Mom: She's not satisfied yet? These Devil Fruits are worth a lot of money! Some of them can even sell for over a billion dollars!]

[Buggy: I wonder how much this is worth? It must be worth tens or even hundreds of billions of berries! Oh, I think I see my Chop-Chop Fruit!]

[Crocodile: My Sand-Sand Fruit?!]

[Sengoku: Compared to these, the Lava-Lava Fruit I got earlier seems so ordinary! It's like a consolation prize. Am I unlucky?]

[Garp: Don't worry, Sengoku. I checked, and the Lava-Lava Fruit isn't even there! It's still worth 850,000 berries!]

Sengoku felt a little better after hearing this. He was relieved that he didn't get a worthless Devil Fruit.

But then Garp said something that broke his heart again

[Garp: But there seems to be Kizaru's Glint-Glint Fruit in there too!]

[Sengoku: Garp, you're a real piece of work! You had to ruin my day, didn't you? Why couldn't you just say that in one sentence?]

[Kizaru: I see. So that's why Dragon Technology is so advanced.]

The Logia Glint-Glint Fruit and a brilliant scientist are a match made in heaven.

It's no wonder that Dragon Kingdom has made so many advances in technology.

[Akainu: The Dragon Kingdom has a lot of Devil Fruits. They might have an army of powerful people like Kaido's. Even though it's not easy to develop Devil Fruit abilities, we might have to reconsider the Dragon Kingdom's military power.]

As soon as Akainu said that, many forces started to think.

Kaido has an army of about 500 Zoan ability users.

And according to the two women, the Dragon Kingdom has a lot of Devil Fruits, including all types.

If they have an army of capable people, they will be a much bigger threat than an army of Zoan ability users.

The only good news is that there is no monster-level combat power in the Dragon Kingdom yet.

[Zephyr: The white boss didn't give the Devil Fruit to anyone right away after bringing it back. Wait, what is she doing now?!]

Boss Bai held up a Devil Fruit, "Do you want this? It's a phoenix fruit of the phantom beast species. It can enhance your ability to fight in the air and also recover from injuries at a super speed. It's very good."

Arturia shook her head, "Don't eat it. The weakness of this Devil Fruit is too obvious. You won't be able to swim after you eat it."

"You can't swim, but you can walk on water because of the blessing of the lake spirit!"

"I'm learning to swim with Gao Yang-sama"

Boss Bai: !!!!!

"Forget it, I'll take them back and slice them!"

"Do you need to take them all?"

"No, no matter how well you take them off and preserve them, some activity will be lost. Please wait a while, I will take a few back to study first!"


Boss Bai picked several Devil Fruits and took them back to the lab.

She peeled off the outer skin of a Logia Devil Fruit and cut it into small pieces with a scalpel.

She did it so cleanly that even the Four Emperors and Admirals would be impressed.

[Aokiji: Hey, you can't just cut a Logia Devil Fruit like that!]

[Crocodile: I know, right? I had to go through a lot to get my Sand-Sand Fruit.]

[Buggy: What are you doing? You can't just cut up a Devil Fruit! They're worth a lot of money!]

[Garp: Relax, Buggy. Devil Fruits are still edible even after they're cut.]

[Buggy: Oh, right. I forgot about that.]

Boss Bai cut up the Devil Fruit and researched it, but she wasn't satisfied.

She put the cut Devil Fruit into a juicer and made a juice.

She observed the juice with precision instruments for a long time and let it stand for a long time.

She called a guard and made her drink the juice.

The juice was not dangerous, but it was undrinkable.

Boss Bai thought for a moment.

Then she took out another Paramecia Devil Fruit.

She cut it up and studied it again

[Garp: Buggy, you just ignored what I said.]

[Buggy: The Logia Devil Fruit is gone! It's gone!]

[Sentomaru: That's arrogant! A Logia Devil Fruit is gone!]

[Vegapunk: I'm envious! If I had so many resources to waste, I would have already solved most of the mysteries of Devil Fruits]

Vegapunk was invited to the Revolutionary Army, but he declined because they were too poor to support his research.

The World Government was able to afford his research, so he joined them.

They gave him Devil Fruits to study, but he was not allowed to study them to the point where they lost value.

The scientists in Dragon Kingdom were much worse than the scientists in the World Government.

They were arrogant and even started to attack the second Logia Devil Fruit.

The video then fast forwarded through the subsequent research, which was repetitive.

[Queen: What is she researching? Does she want to mass-produce Devil Fruits? There are already so many, isn't that enough? She's so greedy!

[Vegapunk: That's impossible. No one in the world can mass-produce Devil Fruits except me, and even I can only produce Zoan Fruits.]

Vegapunk started the research on artificial Devil Fruits, but he's the only one who's carrying it on.

It's not something that can be researched casually.

[5 Elders: Your Dragon Kingdom is researching Devil Fruit weapons. I advise you to stop. Dangerous weapons are not good.]

The Five Elders were worried about the scientific research capabilities of Dragon Kingdom because Boss Bai had researched the Angel Potion before.

Boss Bai wasn't the only one doing research in the lab.

There were many professionals and precision instruments that the Five Elders had never seen before.

Although it's almost impossible to create monster-level combat power artificially, the Five Elders didn't want to see Dragon Kingdom with a large number of capable people or unique weapons with certain abilities.

Gao Yang didn't even bother to talk to the Five Elders because he knew that they would never believe him.

There's a saying that goes, "If powerful kingdoms suspect that you possess certain weapons, you better really have it."

[Gao Yang: Our Dragon Kingdom is a peaceful country. We don't want to use Devil Fruits for war.]

He replied politely, but his words were confusing.

The video continued, explaining that Devil Fruits are a major resource for Dragon Kingdom.

It was a normal day.

Boss Bai had run out of Devil Fruits, so she went to the Devil Fruit forest.

She saw some guards talking to an old woman.

"My chicken ran away and disappeared. It must have come here."

"Grandma, there's no chicken here! This is a restricted area now, let me escort you out."

"Oh no, my two-year-old hen! What a pity..."

"By the way, grandma, how did you get in here? We're guarding this road!"

"There's a small path behind here that only I know about. But there were these weird fruits here before. I think I've heard of them somewhere. Are they valuable?"

"I'll see you out..."

[Loan usury king: Haha, what an unlucky old woman. She wandered into a restricted military area. She's probably going to be killed!]

[Queen: If she's going to die, it's her own fault for wandering around.]

The guards didn't kill the old lady. They sent her and her chickens back home.

[Moria: Those guards are stupid! They just let the old lady go. If this news gets out, it will cause a bloodbath!]

[Hawkeye: Those guards are not wise. They should have at least controlled the old lady.]

[Doflamingo: The soldiers from the Dragon Kingdom are naive. They have never been in a war. They are just putting on airs.]

[Steley: I agree. Our Kingdom of Goa is not far from the Dragon Kingdom, but no one has heard of it. They must have never been in a conflict.]

[Capone Bege: The next time the old lady comes, she won't be alone.]

[Perospero: This is going to be a good show!]

[Ochoku: I didn't believe what the clown always said, so I ignored it. But I'm afraid he's right this time.]

It seems that things happened just as they expected.

After about half a day, the old lady came back with a few middle-aged people.

One of them was carrying a heavy box.

[Kid: I bet there are weapons in the box!]

[Law: Be careful! These guards are not alert at all. They let people approach like this.]

"I heard from my neighbors that it was the soldiers who found my mom. She has been having memory problems lately and often gets lost. We were so worried when we couldn't find her. Thank you so much!"

"Here is some homemade herbal tea for you. It's hot outside, so please drink more and accept our gratitude."

[Doflamingo: It was tricky to put the poison in the tea without anyone noticing.]

[Queen: They acted really well. No one could tell they were up to something.]

[Stussy: But the soldiers should have been more careful.]

[Capone Bege: They just drank the tea without even checking it? Are they stupid?]

[Kid: Not only that, but even the powerful Boss Bai drank it without checking it.]

[Loan usury king: I'm afraid these soldiers are fools. They'll be wiped out in one fell swoop.]

[Megumi: You're the fools. How can soldiers of their own country guard against their own people? Our army is the soldiers of the people! Do you understand?]

[Big Mom: I don't understand why they're so kind. Maybe they fell for someone's trick.]

Time is passing by quickly. The soldiers and Boss Bai are both fine.

[Doflamingo: Maybe it's a slow-acting poison?]

They talked about housework for so long that everyone else went home.

[Bonney: Could it be that there's no conspiracy at all? There was no bloodshed, everything was simple as it seemed?]

[Loan usury king: How is that possible? How can the military and civilians get along so well?]

[Doflamingo: They saw Devil Fruits at that location, but they didn't show any greed at all... Why?]

Doflamingo didn't understand.

[Sengoku: What kind of military-civilian relationship is this?!]

Sengoku was shocked.

The way the soldiers and civilians interacted showed that they had a deep trust in each other.

He wondered how Dragon Kingdom had created such a relationship.

Even though the Marines were seen as better than pirates by many people, they would never be able to achieve the same level of trust.

After all, Marines were often attacked and assassinated by civilians.

[Garp: Doflamingo, you're such a clown! This was supposed to be a beautiful event, but you made it sound so dark that I almost believed you!]

[Whitebeard: Some people see the world through dark eyes, and everything they see is black.]

[Colonel T-Bone: Soldiers are patient with the people, and the people are grateful to the soldiers.]

If I wasn't a Marine, I would love to be a guard captain in Dragon Kingdom!

The atmosphere there is so great!

Unlike the Marines, there are no hidden agendas or backstabbing.


The video was fast-forwarded to the part where the boss Bai succeeded in her Devil Fruit research.

Gao Yang was called over.

"The experiment was a big success! We can now mass-produce artificial Zoan Devil Fruits as long as we have the corresponding animal gene."

"Are there any side effects?"

"No, there are no side effects. Artificial Devil Fruit users are not afraid of sea water or seastone."

"I mean, is it harmful to the human body?"

"Of course not! If there were any harmful side effects, then the experiment would not have been a success."

Hearing Boss Bai's words, everyone was shocked!

[Vegapunk: This is impossible! How could they do this in such a short time? No, it's impossible even if they had more time. I should be the only one who knows this secret!]

He was so excited when he saw an ordinary person eat a Devil Fruit and become a Zoan user.

But then, he collapsed.

He had been working on this research for years, and it seemed like Boss Bai in the video had done it in less than a month.

He couldn't believe it.

[Garp: The Dragon Kingdom is ready to make their move again!]

[Red Hair: It's fine if they can create Zoan Devil Fruits, and there are no drawbacks. If I remember correctly, Kaido's artificial fruits have a high failure rate, and those who ate it will always smile or laugh . The Dragon Kingdom has done a lot better in the study of Devil Fruits. They didn't use human bodies for experiments, and their results are more perfect.]

[Kaido: Clown, you're useless! Find someone more reliable next time!]

Kaido was angry, so he took it out on Doflamingo.

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