
Saharan Successor

The game of the century, [Satisfy], something thought impossible to achieve in the past era, has now blessed the enthusiastic public desiring to escape reality or explore a new world, and so a new Era was born. A World of Magic and Monsters, a World where people have to compete for every single gain they would want to achieve in this new journey. Guilds and individuals alike, regardless of inclinations have this in mind, to be free and explore the world at their own pace. And, while some are hurrying to stare at the rest from the Pinnacle, others simply have their own unique game styles that rarely would make sense with the rest. Mathias was such a person who invested everything in his own unique gameplay, and even though many had questioned his choices as a waste of time, he still plans his ascent toward the Pinnacle, finding support in an old fragment of the past that granted him with everything one would wish. Power, Prestige, Looks, Intelligence, one could say he had too much, but only his followers would know how much he invested for everything he had to this day. There was a saying in that family, a Saharan needs the power to rule over the Empire. . . . Discord: https://discord.gg/CMsHqJVDVD My patreon if you want to support me: patreon.com/Morpheus146 ................................................................................................. Disclaimers: #This novel is a fanfic based on the game of the Korean Novel "Overgeared" by Park Saenal + the comics with the same name. NO NEED TO READ THEM IF YOU DON'T KNOW ABOUT THEM, MOST OF THE STORY IS ORIGINAL TAKE OF THE GAME # Elements of major VRMMO's novels, RPGs, will make their presence known, especially the ones from WoW and D&D. # All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s).

Vostarian · Book&Literature
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186 Chs

Chapter 145 - Vol. 3 - Chapter 10

A/N: If you want to read 20+ chapters ahead or support me, visit here:



Chapter 145 - Vol. 3 - Chapter 10


"Sorry! I am trying." called out Maryden while looking at Fayrene, before noticing a monster charging from behind the Black-Haired woman, which made her scream while pointing at her, taking her in her arms in an attempt to run.


The minstrel could only do this much to save Fayrene, but then Fayrene stopped her, once again covering herself in her Purple Veil, taking the minstrel along with her.

She turned her head to see the charging monster, and with a deep breath, her eyes started shining with Arcane Energy, and after channeling for some seconds, a torrent of magic spells was casted in the direction of the monster trying to harm her.

[Ding! You have defeated Soldier Endrigo gaining the following rewards: 31.200 EXP, 3 gold, Endrega Blood Vial 1x]

"Thanks for trying to save me. But I am not weak."

Spilling the blood of other insect monsters it worked as a magnet for the rest of monsters that were fighting against the players, and immediately they began showing up charging in her directions ignoring other players that tried to get aggro on themselves.

"There's more of them! Please be careful!"

"Calm down, those monsters are rather weak to magic." commented Fayrene, trying to sound as composed as she could be when facing the 3 charging insectoids.

This shift in the battle attracted the attention of the players who noticed Fayrene's magic, and how powerful she was in dealing against those monsters.

"Ohh shit, that babe is done for." called out a member of the Watch Dogs, who fought alongside Fang.

Hearing that Fang turned his head, and noticed his guy referred to the mysterious girl, that remained quiet in the chat, and even outside barely remarking something noteworthy. He tried to see what her level, her guild, or class was, but they were all in (???), a sign that she turned the anonymity setting before joining.

"Stupid! Focus on the fight, don't steal peeks at girls who fight for the party."

Fang swiftly moved to block one of the Endrigo's attacks on his teammate, and in the process suffered a large hit that took out 35% of his HP, acting as a flesh shield knowing that his mate would have a higher chance of getting killed.

"Continue fighting. Forget about this incident."


Every single player had an enemy in front of them, some had multiple depending on their skill level and abilities, in such a situation was the quiet, raven-haired beauty that joined in this Raid group, who began unleashing her own powers, making it know what her class was, with the ones watching her fight, saying to themselves on single word.

"She is a High-Ranked Mage for certain."

"Search her name. Fayrene! What rank is she?"

"No rank. She must be a hidden ranker." said another player who heard about Fayrene not being in the Ranking Ledger.

"Should we help her? I would feel bad seeing such a beauty getting hurt."

"FOCUS ON YOUR FIGHT!" shouted Fang, who was rather close to that group of players.

"Ahh, shit. Let's not piss off Fang."


What those players didn't know was that while Fayrene was a mage, she was one of a kind. Her magic was potent as brimming with intensity, but her personality also gave her the chance of showing off since she was gusty.

Bringing out a white-purple sword that released an intense aura, later on moving in melee range to the shock of the players who never saw a mage fighting close range. She approached the sides of the insect monsters, and began cleaving their legs, dropping them on the ground as if their plates couldn't hold a candle to the Arcane Magic wielded by Fayrene.

Following the [Aether Blade] spell, she began channeling her magic for the [Arcane Missiles] sending a magic missile like she was firing from a machine gun, dealing a substantial damage to the insectoid monsters in her view-range.

"HAVE YOU SEEN THIS BABE? SHE IS SICK! EVEN FIGHTING MELEE ALONG WITH THE BOYS" called out a guy quite far from Fayrene but who finished dealing with his enemy, and saw the unique fighting style of the magician girl.

"I SAW IT! THERE'S FOR SURE SOME GUYS STREAMING THIS FIGHT! WE'LL TAKE A LOOK AT HER LATER ON!" shouted another guy who noticed Fayrene's showcase of power.

All those comments were like the wind to Fayrene, they passed past her, while she continued to fight against those monsters as if her life was at stake. Adrenaline started taking over her, and she was doing a spectacular job at keeping her mind in control of her body.


[You have dealt 5025 damage to the target.]

Blasting an insectoid with [Arcane Blast], she turned toward another enemy, offering her assistance to some people who struggled against the monsters, and with her clutch save, they breathed out relieved, giving her a look of appreciation for the support.

Yet, she ignored them completely, being in her own world in that moment.

Her fighting style if people would have watched her was nothing alike an authentic magician who stood in place and casted its spells, instead Fayrene was dynamic, moving around, and grabbing Maryden when dodging the monsters she couldn't take down from the first spells she casted.

"A goddess." remarked one of the guys that got saved by Fayrene.

"Yea, a goddess. She really looks like one right now."


Fayrene returned back to Maryden after leaving her for a bit in that explosion of adrenaline, and watched how some of the monsters followed her in rage.

[Endriago - Lv. 70] (12.350/25.400)

"Run, Fayrene! This is scary, I want to go back to the tavern."

"Too late, little girl. My lover told me something that I hold with me to this day. When you enter into something, in this case this fight, you have to see it complete, rarely choosing the easy way out."

"I don't know, Fayrene, it sounds suicidal and reckless. Ahh! Dodge!"


"Yyaaaa, I am flying again!"

"Can you at least keep quiet. It is hard concentrating with you around. Also, don't you have a bow with you? You only got that useless flute with you."

"Why should I carry with me a bow?"

"To defend yourself stupid. Can that flute of yours protect you."


"See, at least can you do something in this situation?"

"Yea, play the flute."

"Hah, fine, do whatever, but don't scream into my ears."

Ending saying that, Fayrene flying with Maryden past the insect monsters that shrieked attacking the flying magician, almost catching her. Still, for almost being hit, Fayrene retaliated by starting showering the Endrigo's on the ground with her 'Arcane Barrage.'

Landing on the ground, she placed the minstrel on the ground, beginning casting her 'Aether Blade' again since she released the sword, being required to dodge the monsters.

'It will be dangerous if I approach them close since most of them are low health and seem to have been enraged. Attacking from a long distance is the key to this fight.'

Keeping that thought in mind, she channeled her power for an 'Arcane Barrage' spell, and once she casted the spell two times spending 1300 MP only three hits managed to find their target as the monsters began charging at her and Maryden, whose hands on the flute trembled.

"Hmph, you want to get close to me? Think again before entertaining such thought, if you have any intelligence."

"[Impactful Wave]"

A strong white-purple energy wave blasted toward the four monsters that targeted Fayrene, meters away from her, prepared to cut her apart with their razor sharp claws. They couldn't dodge this spell at all having an AoE radius that pushed all of them inside the forest around the tavern, scarring the normal merchants and peasants.


"No they will not. Quiet down."

She took a deep breath as she felt her resources declining, even thought she had plenty to keep her going for more minutes, the thought that she had to fight more of those persistent bugs started working on her mind.

With her own worries about how she should manage her mana, a sweat voice resounded behind her accompanied by mandolin tunes, which give her a unique feeling once Maryden began playing her song.

" Enchanters! /The time has come to be alive / In the Circle of Magi, /Where we will thrive with our brothers.

Enchanters remind / That time will not unwind. /The dragon's crooked spine, /Will never straighten into line. "


She was singing this song that made all her worries a thing of the past, and at the same time the taste of mana was a unique thing that followed her, and with Maryden singing voice, her mana began recovering.

[You have entered the radius of Maryden's unique ability 'Song of Mana Breeze' your mana will start recovering naturally inside the radius with an increased Mana Recovery Rate of 95%. Range of the ability is 25 meters]

She watched her mana gauge begin recovering with 80 MP per second without her even activating her Envocation spell, who had the ability of recovering mana with an unimaginable Mana Recovery Rate at the sacrifice of some of her life energy, or how Mathias called it Pesky Stamina.

Instead, right now with a lesser rate of recovery, she was like a fish that returned back to water.

'What is this ability? Didn't she say she has no fighting ability and only knows how to sing? Yet how could she muster the mana in this zone to assist me?'

'Wait, it isn't just me.'

Just as Fayrene thought when reading the notification, with her radius decent enough, the players who could listen to her beautiful singing began recovering their mana at a fast rate, something that they could only enjoy using their mana potions which were costly.

It was extremely rare for such a skill to appear on the forums, spells that allowed the user to actively recover its own mana at a high recovery rate without spending their potions, time that could be invested better.

Such that thanks to someone who people would never believe was the one to assist them immensely, they began attacking without worrying about their mana. A slaughter fest ensued, with more people gathering around Fayrene and Maryden range to take on such advantage.

In the end, thanks to the minstrel's attempt at helping Fayrene in her fight against the Endriago's by extent she helped everyone who survived this monster wave, giving a rare change for about 18 players from 26 to level up multiple times, which for a fight of 25 minutes was something one could achieve only by fighting a boss monster, a thing that was riskier by default then even this Monster Wave.

"Hah, hah, we got fucking lucky. If it wasn't for that bard and the magician girl with her spell, I doubt we would be so many at this point." remarked one player of the Watch Dogs.

"You better give her all your money, for the amount of mana she restored for us, saving our potions. I'll be first." mentioned Sera, whose leather armor suffered some slashing tear, a sign that her items weren't in the best conditions, a state that most players currently were suffering.

"She is an NPC, I doubt she even needs it."

"Obviously she has uses for the money."

Sera walked toward Fayrene, Maryden and Vek that were currently having a discussion about what just happened, with the minstrel remarking that she didn't know what she just did.

"You have to listen to me, I really have no idea that I had such an ability. I saw your expression turning worried, and without thinking much, I played the Enchantress maybe it would have calmed you. Lucky me, it did more than I could have expected."

"Ahem, miss bard, thank you for your help. If it wasn't for you, there would have been more losses, and who knows, I'll beat on wood, if not for you the tavern would have been destroyed with most of us being devoured.

Here, I would like to give you this. Is not much, but this is all I could manage to collect from killing the monsters I fought against." said Sera, who took out in a magical way a bag that Maryden saw looking heavy, and barely figuring out what was happening to her, the minstrel had the bag in her hand.

"It was my pleasure helping you." said Maryden, trying to sound calm, but her confusion of what her contribution was, still lurked.

Some other players followed Sera's example, and handed her some money for the assist where among them even Fang was there, thanking her in a humble way, and before he left with his party members to count their profits, he asked Fayrene respectfully.

"Miss Fayrene, would you like to join Watch Dogs? I'll be shameless to mention that my guild is among the top of the guilds, and we might even give a run to Leviathan's money if we start gearing up. If we have a magician of your abilities, I am sure we will be able to grow together and defeat anyone."

Fayrene who opened Maryden's gold poaches out of curiosity was left shocked, and with a cough, while listening to Fang, she remarked in a serene tone, trying to not sound offensive at all.

"My apologies, but I will take a step back. Thank you for the kind words, and it was a pleasure working with you, but this was a temporary cooperation against the monsters."

"I understand. It's a bummer, but my offer still stands open for you. If you think about joining a guild, please consider my team. Compared to others, I am willing to invest my time, and help you acquire the best mage items in the world."

She nodded her head in a cordial way, to not seem uninterested, and watched Fang and his teammates walk away, leaving her with her own party, while she too left the party, returning back to the initial party made from Vek, Maryden, and herself.

The three retreated to a secluded spot, where they began discussing, counting the kills, and the items they acquired, with Vek too returning with loot, gold and materials from the insect monsters that could be used for armor making. From a total of 200 or so monsters,

Vek managed to have a head list of 29 beasts, while Fayrene and Maryden managed to kill 35 monsters, resulting in her reaching level 60 in a one fell swoop, jumping 12 levels after this hunt, while Vek leveled only once.

Maryden, too, has leveled 5 times for a reason unknown to Fayrene, making her note down this thought of her, to ask Mathias when she would reunite with him. What else, the minstrel was so lucky that she even earned 1000 gold in donations, making her richer than when she left home.

"Well, well, haven't you become their darling to give you so much gold, but where is my share? If it wasn't for me, you would be a duck ready for the chopping block."


"Yea, let's do half-half."



The Watch Dogs also managed to earn big rewards from this monster wave, each member gaining 2 levels, while Fang managed to gain 4 levels for his kills, launching him to the contender's list, returning to his former warm seat called the Top 10.

[ 7. Fang - Lv. 66

8. Vivian - Lv. 66

"Boys, booze on me. I got back in the top 10.

"We also got into the top 20, thanks to this lucky event. Also, don't buy us cheap shit, at least something that can give us a buff."

"Fuck, do you even know how expensive that beer is, especially the one that can increase Stamina? But I'll try, let's go to the town, since I have to repair my sword."

"Return back to Titan?"

"Yea, better not risk it with other places and have my items get destroyed in the process."


"Ahem, also it kind of sucks that I didn't manage to recruit that woman, Fayrene. My god, have you guys seen her control over her spells and how daring she was to jump in the fight close range?

This is why I even extended my invitation to her in front of everyone. Having such a person in our guild would boost us so highly that beating Leviathan would be a piece of cake."

"Well, let's hope those journalists write it down. Maybe it will help that babe to join us." commented another player of the Watch Dogs when hearing their leader Fang appraisal of Fayrene's skills.

"Still, that chick is just playing hard to get, boss. You are more handsome than us and she still rejected you. *Cough* If I was a girl I wouldn't mind dating you, boss. *Cough* no homo."

"Tsk, why am I stuck with you idiots? You better not talk about these SUS things ... ever again."

"Give me a break, you were the first one to ask. Go find yourself a girlfriend already and leave us alone."

"I am trying, but it is hard dating once you get used to playing 16 hours a day."

"Trully, we are a bunch of degenerates wasting our life and we didn't even get to top 3 or rank 1. Imagine bro, how big of a degenerate is that Red guy or Kraugel guy, for being in the top 3 for 3 months since the game release?"

"I'll not judge. Each person has their own unique circumstances."


(A/N: Not original, and too lazy to come up with "songs" so no complaints there.)

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