
Sage unit

Saddened by the death of his father, Arthur makes a vow to never be weak again so that he can save those close to him, follow his journey to become a mage with his friends and the exciting adventures that follow before he becomes a true sage. #fantasy.......#sage...#awesome.....#family

Mac_Donald_Ebem · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 4 - 1st tournament

They continues one by on, until no more rings we're left. On Agamemnon's scroll read;

Ring style. Ring. Score

Lightning Arthur +

Tornado Ujiro. -

Spell. Merlin. +

Larva. Karen. -

Symphony Zane +

Blood Annie. -

Beast. Rick. +

Dragon. Dante. +

Dome. Eric. +

" now that that's put of the way, we will now go to the individual tournaments " Asake said

" for the entire course of the rites, a tournament will be held each day to see what you've learnt from the test, each victor, at the end of every tournament will be awarded a special prize at the end of the rites" he finished, using an ' informe ' seigul to communicate the setting of the tournament.

The seigul glowed in the air before revealing the matches.

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Arthur Ana Karen Rick

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| | ~ | |

Eric Zane. Merlin Demi

With there being nine slots, Dante was pushed to the final round.

"I'll referee the tournament; and I expect you all to give your all and may the best ring win" Ember said as she walked out from the order "Everyone take your places, the first match will be Arthur vs Ana"

"Rungs are you ready" she asked as they took their stances facing each other.

" Yes" they chorused.

" Begin! "

Instantly Ana dashed forward and with that the first tour names had begun

💍 💍 💍

On reaching Arthur, she unleashed a deadly barrage of strikes and slashes which Arthur seemingly dodged with minimal effort.

Seeing this, she bit back her lip in frustration, ready to tear him limb from limb if given the chance.

Unknown to her, Arthur's incredible reflexes where thanks to the outburst of the lightning rings - sonic dash,.

Sonic dash is a ring which enables the user to merge their cells with lightning particles, turning them into an incomplete lightning bolt. When mastered, the speed of this ring alone could rival the innate speed of the light ring, which was how he survived against Akila earlier.

After a few more unsuccessful attempts at Arthur's head, Ana's eyes became bloodshot, with veins popping out of her forehead.

She was about to activate a passive ring which was forbidden during normal fights because of its clear destructive power.

The innate nature of every blood ring came with a set back, in the form of the 10th ring - Blood bane, as if any blood ring gets angry /frustrated all their physical attributes as well as their blood lust doubles, making them an almost indestructible killing machine.

Which was why during the first sci-mage war, blood rings we're deliberately targeted and their kind expunged leaving Sinbad and his daughter as the only surviving members of their clan.

These thoughts and more ran through Arthur's mind as he saw the transformation take place, first her eyes turned blood red, her veins bulged out becoming even more visible and her runic energy glowed out like a broken dam.

The other rings backed away, even ten other stepped back a little.

" don't you think we should stop the match, your son might get hurt " Agamemnon scoffed at Asake

" No, its his decision to make " Asake replied with a look of confidence on his face, affirming his son's capabilities as adequate.

Arthur just stood there with a clam demeanor, with his sword held tightly by both his hands and his legs a few metres apart as he waited for get next volley.

More irritated, Ana lunged forward with great speed sprouting dust waves and leaf rustles.

" ahh " she roared mid air as she approached him with killing intent present in her eyes.

She flung her sword down with pure fury in her eyes, in return, he lifted his sword to block but the intensity was too much, so much so that it drove him to a knee, still the force kept driving him deeper into the ground creating a crater underneath him.

Her smile widened as she saw this " lowly scum, kneel before your queen " she said in mockery of his posture.

" Arthur Pendragon, do you concede " Agamemnon asked

" I do not " he said with with clear confidence, as though he wasn't someone who was currently being driven to the ground... literally.

He gnashed his teeth trying to rally himself, using his left leg he bounced backwards, but in the process, GE suffered a cut to the cheek from her blade.

" your strength is indeed monstrous, bug you do not have the skill to back it up " Arthur stated while wiping the blood form his face.

" your one to talk, your so scared yo can't even chant a single ring " she mocked.

" I'm not scared of you "

" then why can't you.. "

"..because I don't need a ring to end you "

That single statement from Arthur silenced her laughter.

" I'll admit I didn't plan on getting hurt, so let's see end this "

In a blink Arthur vanished from where he stood

" wh.. where did he go " Ana thought looking around the battle area. Then out of nowhere she saw different streaks of lightning moving at incredible speeds, their target of course...was her.

She tried deflecting them with her sword, but after about two bolts the streaks of lightning collided with her body, ravaging her with waves of pain as each bolt pierced her skin drawing blood ever so slowly.

She tried screaming, but no sound could be heard. She finally fell backwards still twitching from the shocks, too hurt to continue, as her eyes came upon the blue sky, a single thought broke her mind

" how did he win "

Seeing this, Ember promptly announced " winner! Arthur Pendragon "..


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