
Sage unit

Saddened by the death of his father, Arthur makes a vow to never be weak again so that he can save those close to him, follow his journey to become a mage with his friends and the exciting adventures that follow before he becomes a true sage. #fantasy.......#sage...#awesome.....#family

Mac_Donald_Ebem · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 12- S For Sage

Chapter 12- S For Sage

While still fighting his demons on the inside, Arthur's outside wasn't doing much better. His Icarte - dragon tattoo on his back, gave off a deep red glow as well as heat carried forth by the sound of siering flesh.

Luckily Akila had left the room shortly after he had fallen asleep, otherwis3 there would have been a new cause for concern.

Unconsciously, he moved his body to the side chalking his discomfort as but a side effect of a bad lying posture. But he soon jolted up when the pain threatened to carve out his back.

"What the?!" He thought, his bed now held a burnt imprint of his icarte with smoke still oozing out of it.

He panicked afraid that maybe the Emperor wasn't too pleased with his whole

- I don't want anything to do with you' talk

But even then he was the only one who could answer his question. So he ignored the pain while trying to re-enter his mindspace. He was so frantic than instead of the soft pull which would usually leads him there, he instead envisioned himself there and was surprised to find out that it worked.

Once again he was back in the familiar void but this time instead of the domineering aura of the Emperor surrounding the space, he felt a lingering energy which felt both familiar and foreign at the same time.

He didn't have to think to much to answer his fears as with but a glance he could see the Emperor sprawled on the floor panting heavily with a greenish glow escaping his chest.

Panicked, he rushed towards the floor grabbing unto the Emperor's body before placing it on his lap

"Emperor!?, What's wrong?" Three stings pierced his eyes rustling in three translucent drops on the Emperor's ask robe.

"Ar..Arthur, is that you?" His voice was husky and without life while his face was as pale as a table cloth.

"Yes it is, what's wr-"

"-What the hell is that?" He jerked back almost dropping the Emperor on his head. He stood mouth wide staring at the huge gaping hole which was on the Emperor's chest. His innards were partially visible, obscured by the greenish glow.

"It's from a Runic Roblox, a nasty little thing" he finally replied after a coughing episode from which he spewed lumps of a black substance Arthur chalked up to being his blood.

Arthur became even more suspicious becayse he knew there were only two ways of activating it, and what on earth could make someone who was worshipped as a god falter in such a way.

"How- I don't understand?" His brows were now furrowed as he awaited the Emperor's response, but instead he got a question.

"What are the ways of causing Runic Roblox?" The Emperor asked, his grin expression showing alongside the urgency in his voice kept all the questions Arthur wanted to ask at bay.

"There are only two ways of causing it; The first being when a Ring has not fully mastered one of his rings and attempts it with shallow understanding, the second is when a Ring lacks the Runic requirements to complete a ring but still trys it" he passed before continuing "Id rather drol dead than say that a god who has lived for about a thousand years doesn't know how to cast a ring"

"I second that, then I guess it's the latter"

"What?, You not having enough energy for the ring. Your kidding right, your a freaking god. Aren't you?" His tone sounded more worried than concerned over his status but the edge from his usual stern tone still found its way there.

"I am, and as for the not having enough energy, that part is true. Right now I'm just as weak as you- no offense intended. The only reason I could best Dregbane was thanks to Sage power and sadly I depleted every onunce you had accumulated since birth" his voice dropped in pitch, a sign which made Arthur know that he had to resolve the situation at hand before any further questioning.

"How can I help?" He asked looking at the faint particles streaming out of his chest

"I need Sage power to survive" he stated

"I don't understand, I thought you just said I normally produce Sage energy which was how you defeated Dregbane in the first place. Ok, do you need my permission to take it?, Very well then I allow you take my energy, now heal, heal dammit" he was choking on his tears, hicuuping while the salty sting tourtured his eyes

The Emperor smiled, his face already so pale one would liked it to a blank whit sheet. His lips held no colour and his eyes were as bright as a foggy sky. He could feel his life force being sucked dry by the Roblox but he couldn't bring himself to tell Arthur.

"Nothi- you must accept who you are" thx words clawed out of his mind, each syllable felt like a teeth wrenching episode, but there was nothing he could do, he couldn't lie to a Sage Of Truth.

"What do you mean?" Arthur asked

"You have to accept your powers as well as your title if I am to survive" he said

Arthur looked into the eyes of the Emperor, searching for that selfish glint he had once seen in them, but they were not there. His mind plagued him, althought he didn't want the power because he had resolved that if anyone was going to destroy Dregbane then it would be him- as Arthur Elaine Pendragon and not as the Sage of truth. But then again was someone really going to loose his life just because of his volition. Life truly wasn't fair so he chose to make it.

"What am I to do?" The question shocked the Emperor who had gotten himself mentally prepared for another bout of quarrelling and convincing. He was flabbergasted and at the same time, relieved.

"Well you have to say your name and title" he said

"That's it, well my name is Arthur Elaine Pendragon and I am the Sage of Truth" his voice was plain as it was flat, but he didn't expect it to be some high and mighty speech made by the Knights of old, and it wasn't, but still nothing happened. The Emperors5body had began disintegrating form the feet up and by the time he was done, part of his lower abdomen was gone.

"I did what you said, why isn't it working?" He was panting haveily watching the life drain out of the Emperor's eyes

"Arthur, being the Sage of truth means you have to accept the truth. Your father is gone and you must accept that you will never see him again" the Emperor said


"-No, no buts. You have to accept this loss and move forwards else the pain will consume you" his eyes became watery, but it wasn't his death that made him somber, rather the words he was forced to say due to the Sage power influencing him. He had wanted to tell Arthur to not worry and to live his life, but he knew inside of him that there was every reason to worry and that he would never again lead a normal life.

That was the con of Arthur's status. Although at face value, the idea that no one could lie to you was a dream come true, but the after taste of not being able to hear lies which could reduce his pain and comfort him was a misery he was doomed to experience.

Arthur was trapped in his own mind; on one hand he didn't want to have to let his father go, and on the other he could see the Emperor quite literally slipping away. His turmoil ended with the realisation of the last things his father had said to him. It was just after he had gotten up for the Rites of Passage. On his way to the mountain top, his father had stopped him.


Location- Keshnia, Ring Village

Time- 4:00am

Three days earlier.

Asake was staring at his ceiling, his mind in a haze as a result of his continuous overlapping thoughts. The Order was about to take a decision which would forever shift the balance of things, and although they could exploit the rules to gain asylum, what then?. They would become slaves of the academy, governed by a new power and authority, he was just pondering how the other Rings would feel. Being deprived of their free will, becoming no more than a dog in every sense of the word.

But he knew it was a necessary evil, their little slice of life had become too toxic to host life and what was left of the forests they called home were a sight for sore eyes. With their numbers plummeting and resources becoming scare, it was just a matter of time before even the Beta Hexi evoked into Gammas. Then their already overwhelming force would include an aost endless swarm. By then it would no longer be of choice but of a necessity to retreat to the academy.

"Better now with honour than later with shame" he said finally resolving the matter.

He suddenly remembered that it was his son's Rite of Passage ceremony so he hastened to freshen up and catch up with him before he left.

After a few minutes, he was done. His jet black hair now looked shiny and polished under the faint early morning light and his creamy skin also glistened alongside the hilt of his blade.

Rings were accustomed to holding unto their weapons wereever they went,even if one was tj go on a stroll, there would always have their scabbard accompanying them. One would think it a sign that they were always on guard and that it was one of the traits of a good soldiers, but only they themselves knew the state of paranoia which led them to such practice. During their years as exiled people, they faced many threats and assassination attempts, not just from the Hexi but also from their fellow humans. As though being shunned by society wasn't enough, the whole of Sanctum wanted them dead. In the whole of Zynthra, everyone wanted them dead.

He brushed down his robes before walking out the door. The dusty air filled his nostrils , but he didn't find it unsettling, quite the contrary he had always loved the country air Keshnia had to offer. The green and lush scene made it a safe heaven as well as a landscape wonder.

But now wasn't a time to praise the air for its feel, so in a hurry he made a beeline for his son's hut which was just a few steps down from his.whike walking he thought of what he was going to say to Arthur, he had always been the father who did nothing to aid his son, even the training which had been his only defense as to why he thought Arthur was ready wasn't exactly true.

Yes he sparred with him before drawing out the conclusions he gave to the Order, but that was it. He had never trained him even for a single day, it broke his heart to think that Arthur became that strong on his own, relying on spectators to improve his skills rather than a mentors steady hand. In the same way it made him feel relieved that even upon his neglect, Arthur hadn't been lazy or self absorbed in being abandoned, rather he worked very hard -twice as hard even. All to make sure he could make him proud.

So seeing as he was taking his first steps into adulthood, he couldn't sit back without trying to lead his son in the right path. Although he wasn't good with words, being a hardened warrior, he set it upon his self as a mission to wish his son luck in the Rites.

While strolling down the path way, he caught a glimpse of his Clan's crest jumping in the wind, pegged on a dark silhouette. The figure ran through the living areas performing various vaults and flips with as much sound one would get from dropping a pin in a noisy place.

He was thoroughly impressed but not so shocked at his son's physique and flips that he didn't join in. He immediately gave chase but instead of his son's power through, he opted for a more graceful approach.

Standing on his left foot, he jumped into the air with such grace that he actually used the howling leaves as stepping stoves for a longer bound. With just a few jumps, he covered the same distance as Arthur had done and even bigger as he was now currently waiting at the base of the cliff for his son.

"I thought I heard someone following me, what are you doing hear dad?" Arthur asked from high above a tree just shy of the cliff's base.

"Is it wrong for a father to want to see his son?" Asake was taken back, Arthur had appeared in a different part of the forest and furthermore, instead of him waiting for Arthur as he had predicted, Arthur was the one waiting for him.

Were his senses becoming dull from age?. No, he knew it was just his son being one of the most skilled users of Runic energy; being able to disperse it in a wide area to cover his tracks as well as deceive his targets. Although if Asake had been really set on finding him, he would, smoke screen or not.

"No it isn't. I'm sorry dad" he jumped off from the tree landing just within his father's reach.

Asake's heart was overjoyed. "The Pendragon Clan will leave on" he thought

"No worries, how ready are you for the Rites?" Asake asked

"Very, I've practiced my Rings to their fullest and I also have a surprisingly brilliant new addition, just wait till you see it, I'm calling it pur-"

-thats not what I meant. Forgive me son but I already know you are talented. You have proven yourself so much now that I doubt there is anything I can teach you. What I mean is are you ready to be a Ring?" He asked taking a seat on a carved stone before gesturing Arthur to take the one beside his.

"What do you mean?" Arthur asked after sitting.

"I've been a Ring my whole life what difference is there before or after the Rites?" He went on to say

"My boy I am truly sorry , I have failed you. If you do not even know what lies ahead of you, then I really am a bad father" Asake's eyes became teary. Then he lowered his gaze, averting his eyes from that of his son. Too ashamed to mutter another word.

"Don't say that father, I know you have been busy with the needs of the Order as well as the needs of the other Rings here, that's why I work hard because I hope to someday be like you, a person people can trust and rely on. You have not failed me, rather you have given me a reason to live" he took his father's hand

"I'd like to believe that but even I am not that indifferent to the truth. Well I guess this isn't the time to sulk about my shortcomings, so I won't. I just hope you are ready to tread on this path" he said retrieving his hands to stop Arthur from once again trying to cheer him up. He knew himself that after Elaine's death, the world has looked completely black and white to him. Devoid of color as well as emotion; like his heart. So instead of mulling over his past choices and broken nature, he opted to at least mend his son's view of the world.

"What do you mean?, Aren't I already a ring?" He asked

"No you are not, not a full fledge one though. For that you have to pass the Rites of passage" he said

"What difference does it make, now or later. I am already able to cast rings as well as fight quite well with a number of weapons" his face showed an innocence which almost broke Asake

"If that is all you think a ring is good for, then I am sorry to say that your very far from the truth. He cleared his throat to continue "Rings are not just warriors of magic and blade, but also herbibgers of death. We were made entirely to vanquish evil and for that, people despise us" he stopped

"How father?, Aren't they supposed to be grateful for us saving them?" He asked

"Well that should be the case in normal circumstances, but humans are anything but normal. They behave, look and fill like us, but they do not think like us. While they see as as Hexi hybrids because of our use of Rune magic and the apparent nature of our blood which has special characteristics; for instance, you are aware that Rings have the ability to regenerate as well as heal wounds, but do you know that humans don't. Our bodies from birth have been conditioned for battle, granting us increased physical attributes to the point where even the most physically strong human can only be compared with the weakest from our ranks. All these and many others make them view us as monsters" he explained hoping to not scare his son with thos revelations, but he knew that he deserved to now the truth before they reached the academy to further prepare himself for life outside of Keshnia.

"But father seeing as I also possess the traits you mentioned, how am I any different from the rest of you?" He asked hoping to get insight on the matter.

Asake heaved a sigh of relief but he continued on knowing that he was responsible for his ignorance. "Being a Ring isn't solely related to all those things I mentioned rather it is it's full sum and then some. A Ring Cates not for his own life rather he cares for the fate of others; a noble gesture but in some ways this makes us twisted. We would happily sacrifice anything and anyone if the greater good was preserved, regardless of affiliation and relation. Our nature makes us akin to mindless beast, the only difference being whilst beast are in control of their instincts, we are rules by them and so people all through the ages have tagged us as demons for our lack of empathy" hmthe subject weighed heavily on his soul, but there wasn't much time left so he raised his hands to stop Arthur from asking anymore questions.

"I'll leave you with this, although what I've told you now depicts us as lunatics ravaged by choice or rather a lack of choice, I want you to never stray from it. Always think more of the needs of others before your own. Regardless of time, place and situation, for if you do, then you have made our existence no better than the Hexi. Always preserve the greater good". And without warning he was gone mixed in with the wind, leaving Arthur staring.

D The same stare was on his face as he looked into the eyes of the Emperor's fading body. Only party of his face remained and even then it was still dissipating at a visible rate.

Arthur held his breath as he struggled to keep his calm. He had initially planned on moving past his father's death as Arthur Pendragon and not as The Sage Of Truth. The difference being that while the former could carry the grief and fury accompanied with his father's death, the latter could not.

Then after remembering his father's words, he realised his selfishness and was on the verge of plunging into despair, but once more Akila's voice sounded in his ear, reminding of the resolve he had recently built. Using that he stood on his feet, staringvdorn at the last strand of the Emperor's hair slowly disintegrating. He said his next words more to himself that the world he was meant to be talking to-



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