
Saga of The Mages

A band of adventurers set out on an adventure to bring forth peace among the nations. But little did they know, amongst them dangers lie ahead. And one of them, is not who they say that they are

Amora_Sharam · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Prologue (Part 2)

This showed Aines and Agana that Tharo was meant to be the God of Death. Tharo watches over the nearly dead human beings of Usltren when it comes their time; He will float down from the sky above to take their soul away to the underworld or heavens above. He has a calm, yet vindictive personality. Tharo also has a crush on Jephion, the Elven Goddess of Music. When he's not watching over the nearly dead, he will be seen watching Jephion with a careful eye.

Iyar is the second born of Aines and Agana. Iyar is a short medium height goddess with long brown hair, which is covered with flowers from Evermore, her eyes dazzle like emeralds. Iyar takes after her mother in the looks area, gods from all over the universe swoon over her as she sings songs of love and marriage. During weddings, if the human beings decide to have a night time wedding Iyar will sprinkle gently meteor showers above to congratulate the married couple. Legend has it that when she was born, the universe began to sing a simple tune to greet the comer.

Iva is the third born of Aines and Agana. Iva is a tall, curved body goddess. With eyes of gold and hair of silk. Iva does not do much for a Goddess, and she mainly stands next to Aines and Agana when it comes to judgment. She has a smart, yet stern personality. As being the third child, she will watch over Tharo with a careful eye, for she fears that he may cause trouble.

Elo is the last god to be born to Aines and Agana. Elo is a medium height god with white hair that touches the blades of his shoulders. And blue eyes that sparkle like sapphires. Elo helps bring fertility to the humans of Usltren, who can not make a child. His personality is quite different from others. He lacks hatred as well as compassion. He enjoys bringing the chance to get a couple pregnant. Elo had one day slept with a mortal woman from the province of Fallbourne, he disguised himself as a lowly miner who felt lonely. Before sleeping with a mortal being, Elo watched her from above, admiring her beauty. Nine months later she gave birth to his first child. A half-god baby, with eyes that matches his and hair that matched the mortal. Happy with his first child, he watches over his first born, visiting him in his dreams. Aines and Agana were not too satisfied with Elo. When Elo was busy with giving people the chance to have a baby. Aines and Agana snuck out of the heavens and stole Elo's child from their crib. From there, they took the child to a river, as Aines began to chant a curse. The river turned purple for a short while; time had stopped. They carefully dipped the child into the river making the child mortal. They brought back the child to his home, and then they cursed the mother. Making her forget Elo's son; thus, the child was killed from neglect. Outrage Elo, sought out to kill the woman he loved for killing their child. Little did he know that his parents killed his child.

Elohir and Wijya, God of the Sun and Goddess of the Moon. Elohir and Wijya were Evermore's Fourth and Fifth divine creation. Evermore made them to be Elven. The second mystical being in the universe. Elohir had white hair down to his shoulder blades, dark eyebrows that stood against his pale skin. Glowing eyes of blue. Elohir had a stone that represented the sun resting softly against his ear. Elohir had a personality much like Dikash, vigorous and robust. Elohir and Wijya created the High Elves and as well had five children of their own. Saeldur, Y'sus, Idis, Jephion and Kal'duil.

Red, dreadlock hair tight in a ponytail reveals a lean, lively face. Glinting golden eyes, set seductively within their sockets, watches over the Elves with pride. Fallen debris left a mark reaching from just under the left eyebrow, running towards the tip of the nose and ending on his left cheekbone leaves a beautiful memory of his luck. This is the face of Saeldur, God of Shapeshifting, a mysterious elf who keeps to himself but has a voice where if something isn't right he will say something. Saeldur is prideful, yet well knowledge God. He is also the first born child to Elohir and Wijya. Out of sheer happiness, Wijya arranged the stars to form a wolf in honor of their first son. Shapeshifting Elven Mages pray to him for a chance to transform into the desired creature, while this isn't necessary he acknowledges their prayers. Saeldur is known to have constant fights with his youngest brother, Kal'duil. Saeldur looks up to his father and Evermore as guides to taking care of the elves.

Golden, shoulder-length hair neatly coiffured to reveal a chiseled, radiant face. Hollow hazel eyes, set buried within their sockets, watch lovingly over the Elves of Usltren that he has protected for so long. This is the face of Y'sus, the God of Light, a faithful guardian among the gods. He stands graciously among others, despite his slim frame. Y'sus was the second born of Elohir and Wijya when he was born Elohir gave him a blue dove. A dove that symbolizes his love for others. Y'sus is known to be shy around his brothers and sister, as well as other gods. He tends to avoid Kal'duil, for he was always mocked by Kal'duil and his Elven warriors. Y'sus provides light for the lost Elves in the depths of darkness. Elves pray to him for comfort as well, for his light is known to bring comfort.

Silver, short hair slightly reveals a long, warm face. Piercing green eyes, set lightly within their sockets, watch heartily over the married Elven couples who ask him for the perfect marriage. Idis is the third child to Elohir and Wijya. His personality among others is known to be wistful and happy, he enjoys bringing peace among the elves getting married. Idis loves to stand near his older brother Saeldur, and he loves to help out Jephion with making music for the Elven couples. He listens carefully to the heart songs of the Elves; this is music to his pointed ears.

Blue, straight hair neatly coiffured to reveal a full, worried face. Bright sapphire eyes, set tightly within their sockets, watch impatiently over the haven they've have been separated from for so long. A scar reaching from just under the left eyebrow, running towards her right nostril and ending on her upper lip leaves a compelling memory of her luck in battles. The is the face of Jephion, the Goddes of Music, a goddess musician among her brothers and the Pantheons. She stands average among others, despite her sturdy frame. Jephion is the fourth child to Elohir and Wijya; she sings songs to the Elves below. Songs of nature, and songs of love. She gracefully watches from the edge of the clouds with her pan-pipe. When she was born, Evermore played a gentle tune as she first opened her eyes.

Dark, long frazzled hair tied up into a ponytail, some strands of hair cover his menacing face. His eyes represented a dragon, set carefully in the sockets. His body is well toned. Kal'duil is the last child to Elohir and Wijya. War started between the Nagas and the High Elves when he was born, thus making him the God of War. He was also the first to create dragons out of sheer hate. His dragons linger over towns and villages, burning them with the passion for war. His dragons are also one of the most powerful dragons in Usltren. It is rare for one to tame his dragon.

Stodana, God of Stone. Stodana was the sixth divine creation of Evermore. He represented a small human; he has a muscular build. Upon his old face, he bears a stone gray beard. One eye is blind from the fight he had with Dikash after their creation. His personality varies from angry to calm. He is one of the gods that has multiple personalities.

Stodana is tough when it comes to fighting. He will usually throw bets around, seeing which creature will become extinct first. Stodana created the Titans and the Dwarves. He has two sons, Tanis, and Zephire.

Brown, curly hair is pulled back to reveal a skinny, sad face. Lidded black eyes, set graciously within their sockets, watch delicately over the people they've loved for so long. Dark stubble elegantly compliments his nose and leaves a pleasant memory of his reckless luck. The is the face of Tanis, a real leader of the dwarves. He stands easily among others, despite his fragile frame. There's something enticing about him; perhaps it's his perseverance or perhaps it's simply his sensitivity.

Chestnut, short hair slightly reveals a strong, charming face. Dead green eyes, set appealingly within their sockets, watch fondly over the dwarves who drink to his name. A mustache and goatee gracefully compliment his nose and mouth and leaves a compelling memory of his fortunate looks. The is the face of Zephire, the God of Brew. He stands high among his brother Tanis and his father Stodana, despite his muscular frame. There's something bizarre about him, perhaps it's his tenderness or perhaps it's simply a feeling of regret. Evermore took out his paintbrush one last time and began to rearrange the stars to suit the Divine Beings. Never again did he ever feel alone, he finally had divines to talk. Each Divine he created, made their creations and as well had children.

Each child of every Divine being warmed the heart of Evermore. The universe continued to blossom with the sons of Divine beings. Forty thousand years later, Pantheons were added to each religion. After the Pantheons had come, the gods moved throughout the universe without a quiet home. Evermore decided to create a realm where the Divine beings can watch over their creations without having to fly through the universe. He eventually created the Divine Realm. A realm, so pure that very little darkness seeped through. Evermore smiled to his creations telling them of their new home. The divine beings cheered with excitement for they finally had a place to rule.

In the Divine Realm, a castle was made for each being. Each castle represented the Divine Beings it belongs. Dikash moved into a sandstone castle; she named it Quena. Aines and Agana moved into their castle; they named it Forrowson. Elohir and Wijya named their castle

Agaral. And Stodana moved into his palace; he named his Stoneden.

Each Divine being found happiness when moved into their castles. But that happiness wasn't going to last for long.