
Safe Secret

Safe Secret novel story is written about a young lady who had to work hard to prove her worth. Going through hardship from her boss, and love from another. People around her always encouraged her to never give up until her true love finally meets her, in a way she thought she wouldn't have to revisit again.

Ada_Ohemu · Urban
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4 Chs


A powerful wind swept past as a woman hurriedly exited her house. A young girl from the house, in her early twenties, stopped her. She had emerald green eyes and light skin, and no one could take their gaze away from her at first glimpse. Her body was heavenly; even if she wasn't blessed with much up there, she possessed a body that could drive any man insane. But, of course, she didn't want that, so she dresses in baggy clothes all over. This evening, she raced after her mother, pleading with her to return home because the weather was not cooperating. She feared that once she stepped into it, there would be no turning back. She had already lost her father and couldn't endure the agony; she wasn't prepared for further pain. She slammed the front door in frustration after being ignored by her mother. Which (unknown to her) kept her trapped in. When the lights went out, she ran to get all the candles she could find, as well as the touche light. A automobile was parked outside when she was ready to start the candles. The man who then emerged from the automobile was unidentified. He wore a heavy black mask and was 6'9 with no other clothing on. He forced open the door, thinking the girl within had already been alerted of his arrival, but she had already fled to hide. I attempted to dial 911. They threatened to hurt her mother if she didn't get down in the next 10 seconds, but just then, another man much shorter came out of the car holding her mother's hair, brought her into the house, and slit her throat without hesitation after the 10th second, causing a lot of blood to gushed out and pour onto the floor.

"Come on, Lisa, you need to stop telling her such stories." Mrs. Racheal Walters, who was in her mid-forties when she walked by, stated she was still admired by many men. But she resolved not to date any man since it would be disrespectful to her late spouse.

"I'm not afraid, Mom." Emily, the little one, ran up to hug her.

"But what if you are one night and we aren't here with you?" she questioned as she lifted her off the floor. She returned to the room, laid her on the bed, and kissed her goodnight. "You should stop listening to the stories she tells you. It's not proper since you're too young." She said she was leaving the room while holding the older one.

"I'm very sorry, Mum. I swear this is the last time I tell her that." She said this while raising her hands to demonstrate her sincerity.

"You've said it a hundred times now." Walking to her room, the mother remarked.

"This time I really mean it." She stated.

"I'm hoping so. I have no idea where you get your ideas or how you come up with them. Just get some sleep since you have a job interview tomorrow and I hope you haven't forgotten."

"It's talent, and I haven't forgotten..." The slam of the door interrupted her short. "How rude." Lisa said as she walked to her room. Her phone rang, and it was a group video call, so she dashed into her room to answer it.

"Hello, guys." She remarked this as she tidied her bed and prepared to sleep on it.

Rebecca: Come on Lisa.

Lisa: What is it? She asked looking all confused.

Jonathan: It's your room. you never get it in order.

Lisa: you know it's not all me, I play dress up with Emily every day. Plus, she was helping me pick out and outfit for the interview tomorrow. You won't believe what she picked out for me.

Rebecca: Was it something really colourful?

Jonathan: Was it a mismatched colour?

Lisa: Absolutely not. The outfit actually goes. But not the shoe. (she said as they all laughed). Rebecca, what are the odds we got an interview the same day to the same company?

Rebecca: I know right. Im actually a hundred percent sure we will get this one. It feels promising. Girl have you seen the pay?

Lisa: I did. Jonathan, you know we love you, please get our coffee ready, so we don't have to stand on that long queue.

Jonathan: don't worry love. I got you guys. We should all go to bed, long day tomorrow. Good night.

Lisa/Rebecca: Goodnight.


"How on earth did I sleep pass the time?" Lisa said as she quickly jumped out bed. "Mom" she screamed out. "Please get Emily ready or else I'm gonna be late for my interview". She quickly went to take her bath. there was no time to make her bed or tidy up things in her room.

"Woman, you need to calm down. The Interview is for 10 am and it's just 7:11 am." Mrs Rachel said showing her the watch.

"Seriously? I know there was no way I'd be late. So what happened to my alarm". Lisa asked

"Don't ask me; you deal with it every day," She said. Mrs. Rachel remarked before dressing Emily. Even so, you continue to drive Emily to school because I have to leave early for work. She yelled. Lisa then took her time getting ready since she truly wanted the job—not just for the money, but also because this company was one of the greatest, if not the best, and it was a place where she could establish her reputation in public.

Emily, hurry up, you're going to be late. With a file in one hand and a gorgeous sky blue handbag on the other, she exclaimed as she sprinted down the stairs.

Emily shouted "I'm here" as she jumped into the car. Later, they both entered.

"Lisa?" Emily called out. "Why did you take mum's car with you? How would she come pick me? You know she doesn't know where you keep your keys".

"Shit" she cursed and she stopped the car. Then started it and kept moving "Don't worry, I'll think of something before your school closes today okay?" She said having no idea of what to do.

After a fifteen minutes drive, they arrived at school.

"Alright Love, mum will come pick you up and if she delays a little please just be patient" Lisa said as she rearranged her uniform.

"Okay I will I'm very patient" she said then turned around and walked in with two of her friends.

Lisa finally got to Jomathan' s place where it was very packed. It's a Monday and week day of course it would be packed. His place was one of the best and successful cafe in the city. It is at the center of many big companies and there coffee is just the best.

"Hey girl" Rebecca said waving in order for Lisa to see her. "You're almost late" she said struggling to leave the coffee shop with their coffees.

"I know, I know. I had to take Emily to school this morning. I also thought I was late for the interview already." She said sipping the coffee.

"Well we would be if we don't get going now." Becca said checking her watch. "I mean we could just rest a little, we still have an hour to spare." She smiled with her attention on something else.

" But you just said we would be late. Remember if you're on time it means you're late, so we gotta get there before time." Lisa said and then discovered Rebecca wasn't listening. Come on, she said turning around to see who she kept staring at. Just then someone bumped into her. "No no no no no.... This can't be happening" she said feeling all angry but kept it back.

" Hey, could you not see where you were going? "You ruined her dress!" exclaimed Becca.

"I'll just come up with something." I won't be able to return home to acquire a new one."

" I'm really sorry; I was in a rush." Allow me to go find you something different to wear. I'm sure you're on your way to work, and your boss would be annoyed if you weren't dressed properly."

Lisa responded with a sidelong glance. "I don't yet have a boss; I'm going to an interview." Thank you for your offer, but I'll sort it out on my own. Becca, hurry up, we're going to be late." She remarked this as she drew Rebecca out of the cafe. Until they arrived at the car. "Where did you park, Becca?" Lisa inquired.

"Well, you see, my car has a problem, so I thought about taking a taxi today."

"That's fine, I brought my mother's car so it would be faster for both of us," she answered, wiping the coffee stain from her top.

"Pretty girl, I've got an idea." Remember how I used to want to be a stylist?"

"We both want to be stylists, Madam... "Whatever, I remember, so..."

"Today, I'll be your stylist." Becca grinned and went to work.