

Ella started experiencing pain at a little age, she thought it would stop with her father by her side but he betrayed her trust. She was handed over to the man that broke her, and her father made her promise that when she's eighteen she will have to get married to him. But Ella escapes on her wedding day and runs into a stranger. Daring to ask for help

Kabejja_Daphine · Urban
Not enough ratings
14 Chs


The water splashed above us and another bullet was shot my way, I dodged to the side with Alessandro. I lowered my gaze to the boy in my hold and before he could part his lips completely to cry I placed mine on his.

I tried to transfer oxygen from my lungs to this baby who had his eyes now closed, its now I realized how bad of an idea this was. If it's not because of his warm breath that hit my face every now and then I would be panicking.

I waited for few minutes for the bullets to stop while dodging, indeed I have to thank my swimming coach back in the day when I still attended school but this had to stop because I couldn't keep up with this oxygen transfer.

I found a rock that had it's half under water and the other was out of it, I hoped that it was big enough to hide me from these attacks just for a few minutes.

Swimming towards, I didn't it faster not taking my lips away from Alessandro's while using my only free hand. My breathing accelerated and my heart beat became rapid, I felt all the air in my lungs being dragged out and my vision started to blur but I couldn't stop.

Finally I reached the rock and held on it tightly, I felt a sharp pain on my hand but didn't let go and focused on pulling my self out of the water and after much effort my head with Alessandro's came out.

I immediately pulled away my lips from his and started to take in deep breath of oxygen, I looked at the baby in my arms and smiled softly while my chest moved up and down.

I couldn't believe that I have managed to survive all this with a baby in my arms, turning to the so called rock I realized it was like a small island that hid the forest part from my view.

I sighed in relief, the attackers can't see us that meant we were safe for now. I looked for a safe yet calm place on the rock and placed Alessandro on it, he shivered from the cold and I was now alert.

Now that both my hands were free it wasn't hard to pull myself out of the water to the rock and after getting a comfortable place to sit I carried Alessandra to my chest.

But my baby was still shivering so hard that I didn't know what to do next, I realized that my wet dress was making it worse so I pulled him away then removed his also wet clothes hoping that to help.

I thought about the bag that Vincenzo had packed for him and sighed, well it also wouldn't be so easy to swim with a bag.

I looked around and noticed that no one was near by, water was the only thing I could see right now but that at least was good sign for me.

I placed Alessandro on my lap and started to button the top of my dress and slid it off first, I carried my little baby and held him directly to my skin hoping that my heat would be of much help. My arms wrapped tightly around him trying so hard to cover every part of his little body to stop the cold from affecting him more.

When I realized what I was doing, I froze for a moment before a small smile bloomed on my face. It was the first time that I was over taken completely by someone to the extent of saving them.

But then it was just a child and a beautiful one if am to say, I hoped that Vincenzo was fine and fighting for his child.

With a sigh I let go if all those thoughts and decided to focus on what do next, slowly Alessandro had fallen asleep and with that came a list of my problems.

I knew that my warmth won't help for long and we couldn't stay here further but the question is how are we going to get away from here with the water surrounding us.

I sighed softly then leaned back against the rock, it was like safe haven against the side of the forest where I had jumped from but what if those men are to find ways to swim to this place.

I can't even think about what would happen next, my only prayer right now is for Vincenzo to find us sooner. I leaned my head back and my eyes fell shut, with the weight off my shoulder I decided to relax for a few minutes not expecting it to take longer.

With my hands tightly around Alessandro, sleep invaded my world. I didn't realize how time moved fast until I heard a cry, my eyes flew open and with a haze mind I turned to the direction of the voice and noticed the baby in my arms.

So it was never a dream but reality after all, his cry woke me up from my thoughts and I turned to the child in my arms.

I sighed softly and lifted him up trying to coax him, it was already night and apart from the moon light that reflected in the water there was nothing to offer more light.

I wondered if that's what was making Alessandro cry or he was angry, what am I to do if he is angry.

As many thoughts reigned in my mind, I noticed the boat riding our way. It looked like a fisherman's boat while they flashed their torches around.

Though it looked like we would finally get help but it also scared me a lot, it's not like I could make out whoever is on that boat due to the distance but what if it's one of those men trying to kill me then what am I to do.

I couldn't jump in to the water once again, what if my baby dies due to coldness but I also can't allow him to fall in to those bad hands.

I placed Alessandro on my lap and buttoned my dress up, it was already cold and the breeze kept blowing harder. I carried Alessandro and dressed him up before standing up. I was surprised that his clothes were completely dry.

Drifting away from my thoughts, my gaze pinned on boat in a distance as I waited for it to get any closer, am ready to put up a fight if these people need one.

Funny things really do happen, at first I thought that after leaving my home I would have a comfortable safe life but now here I am trying to be so strong for someone.

But am I really a fighter, can I do this.

Alessandro was still crying, not too loud like before but softly. His doe eyes on me expecting me to offer him the only thing that he wants rights now and if am right then he wants food.

Soon the boat had got closer to where we were and with their torches the three people on it had already noticed me, as they reached the rock were I was they halted their boat and looked at me.

Its only now that I noticed they are two men and one woman riding on it, slowly I calmed down and relief washed over me.

"Miss.. Are you okay ?" One of the men asked, he had ginger hair and his out fit didn't look any thing out of the ordinary.

" yes " I replied softly, my gaze pinned on them hoping they would take pity on us and give us a ride. I wasn't willing to stay here anymore.

" please can you give me a ride, I have no other way to get out of here " I added softly practically begging, I need to find a safe place for Alessandro soon.

These two men turned to look at each other before looking back at me and the woman just sent me a Small smile. "Its okay, come seat here " said the man with dark hair.

I immediately moved to the boat, the one with ginger hair held my free hand and slowly led me on the rocking boat. He didn't let go until I was comfortably seated, though it was a small boat it was enough for us.

As they started the engine, the woman turned to me from the front seat and handed me a jacket. I looked at it for a while then my eyes lifted to her smiling face as I debated on whether to take it or not.

Not wanting to be rude I took it " thank you " I whispered politely then wrapped Alessandro in it. I was afraid he would get cold again as for me it's nothing that I can't handle.

I had lived in the attic for many years so this was nothing to me, I looked down at Alessandro and playfully started to distract him with my tickling.

He giggled when I touched his feet, that sound was enough to bring a smile to my face.