

Ella started experiencing pain at a little age, she thought it would stop with her father by her side but he betrayed her trust. She was handed over to the man that broke her, and her father made her promise that when she's eighteen she will have to get married to him. But Ella escapes on her wedding day and runs into a stranger. Daring to ask for help

Kabejja_Daphine · Urban
Not enough ratings
14 Chs


When Lena fell back and hit her head on the rock, the image of her blood flowing was deeply stuck in her mind. Every time I remembered that I would make a vow to my self and I would never be taken advantage of by any man ever again.

I guess I was fulfilling that vow right at this moment, my tight grip on the collar of his shirt while the tip of the pen inches away from the neck of his skin. I could care less about the fact that this pen may not be so sharp but at least I was making a point right now.

He started at me like his eyes are daggers attacking my heart that it wavered for a minute but I could never let go

" You're playing with fire " he stated deeply, his words and voice concealed with a threat. My grip almost loosened instantly but when I remembered that he had just tricked me and I will be stuck here then my temper rose once again.

"Let it burn me, come on start burning " I replied crazily and his lips curled in to a smirk which threw me off guard. Before I could comprehend what is going on he grabbed my wrist and turned me around almost making me dizzy before pushing me on the table.

His touch on my wrist tightened and I hissed in pain, I don't if I like the position of bending like on the table like this. It made me feel so insecure and afraid, what was he going to do to me right now.

I didn't know how to react right now, it felt like fighting back will make it more worse than what it already was. I opened my lips to apologize after figuring out that's the only way for me to get out of here but before I could open my lips to say something he pulled up to my feet.

I gasped in shock and the pain he caused in my arm before I felt a warmth radiating off him to my back make me freeze for a moment, my mind blacked out and my heart beat raced off.

For the first time since I became free I was speechless, it was a silence between us and well it was really weird to me. He pushed me forward and I almost flew to the floor but he was so quick to hold me back.

"What are you doing?" I roared in shock, it's not like there's any need to act righteous since he has already marked me as crazy.

This time round he did not push me from behind, grabbing my wrist so tightly he pushed me to the front and led us out of his study. I struggled to free my self from his tight grip.

"You're crazy " he whispered bitterly while gritting his teeth and that was enough to make me stop from making a sound any more. I lifted my eyes to him as he kept dragging me down the hallway towards a set of stairs.

Am I really crazy, is that how he sees me. Maybe that's how every one sees me and that's why my family didn't want me any more. It hurts so much to know that people see me like that.

I kept quiet as he rushed me down the stairs, my lips parted to ask where he was taking us but I stopped my self. Having been able to portray myself as a mad woman I didn't know if any more word I could say would bring more problems.

But I wanted to explain that I was doing all this to protect myself but when he asks what am I protecting myself from then what am I to say. And it's not my fault at all, he lied to me first and made me sign that contract.

"Did you really fool me ?" I asked softly, my voice coming out as a whisper but I know he heard it. He halted just as we had just got off the long carved beautiful stairs.

"No " he replied this time round his grip loosening up and finally he let my arm go.

I looked up at him in confusion, was he trying to joke with me earlier but he had looked so serious. I didn't know how to act now so I lowered my eyes to the floor.

" Not everyone is fighting to take advantage of you " He added and then turned to me as my eyes also lifted and locked with his. My lips parted and I felt a shiver rush down my spine.

Those gun metal eyes looked like the most beautiful world that pulled strings at my soul that made me not to want to look away.

" Who's the beauty? " a husky voice came from a distance pulling me back to reality that I immediately looked away from him, my heart beat accelerated at a high speed.

I felt a change in my body for the first time in years but before I could continue to check it out the other person had arrived and was now standing in front of us.

"So this is why you forgot about the meeting Vincenzo?"

I turned to look at the man in front of me only to catch him checking me out too, he had dirty blonde hair that was well combed back. His ocean like eyes had a glint in them while his lips were curled in to a smirk.

He looked so handsome and more easy going than Vincenzo but not to me, I hated smiling faces because they made me feel like I owe the owner something.

" I didn't forget the meeting, I just cancelled it Martino " Vincenzo replied back in the same usual cold time and I just stood between two tall men in front of me not knowing if I should just stay here or walk away.

I never interacted much with people but it seemed in this new life I have to do it a lot and that's not really bad right but why didn't I seem so ready yet.

Trust issues and social issues, I don't know how this came about but it happened. I grew up in a small village which I don't think I will ever step foot into, those people didn't pity me or try to have mercy on me when I was going through a tough time but they made fun of my misfortunes.

They pointed fingers at me and laughed at my sufferings but now that am in the city, I started to realised that am treating the people here like those ones in my village.

I was quick to judge yet they don't even know me at all, I looked at Vincenzo and smiled. Maybe I should handle things more differently now and try to focus on heeling my wounds.