

Ella started experiencing pain at a little age, she thought it would stop with her father by her side but he betrayed her trust. She was handed over to the man that broke her, and her father made her promise that when she's eighteen she will have to get married to him. But Ella escapes on her wedding day and runs into a stranger. Daring to ask for help

Kabejja_Daphine · Urban
Not enough ratings
14 Chs


I just couldn't keep up with the staring competition and slowly lowered my eyes to the floor though I was still curious as to why he was here standing in front of me, it didn't make sense at all.

My heart beat covered every sound around us and I only hoped that he doesn't hear it at the moment, the wheels in my head turned but I didn't ask or bother to look up. I remembered the way he asked me to get out of his car and slowly turned back to my sit.

I wasn't hurt by what he did earlier, at least he showed me my place so I don't think there's a reason for him to come back here.

I sat down and hiccupped softly, my eyes pinned on the hotel across the street. I didn't want to act like this nor ignore him but what can I do, thank him again but I was sure of one thing that he wouldn't reply.

So we're like this for minutes, the tension getting more sharper between us and the cold gaze he had on me was like knives trying to pierce through me. The many times I tried to open my lips to say something but then closed them was uncountable.

"You owe me a life " And then there it was again, the deep magnetic voice.

When his words fell though I was wet I felt like a whole bucket of water had just been dumped on my head, I had an idea of what he was trying to mean but am not sure it was exactly what was crossing my mind.

" What do you mean ?" I asked while looking down at the frame in my hand and praying so hard that he doesn't mean what am thinking.

"I saved your ass so I own your life " he replied almost immediately, his voice full of pride and arrogance.

I closed my eyes for a minute and breathed out a big sigh then opened them again and looked up at this man.

Even in this rain he looked like a ruler watching a slave with hands buried deep in his slacks.

Maybe I can deny everything but he did save me and I wanted to thank him earlier but right now I felt like if I agree to any ridiculous thing he was about to ask me to do then I would be taken advantage of once again.

I don't want to be that weak girl anymore now that am here, am yearning for a version of me that I had once lost.

"How do you want me to repay you back ?" I voiced out my thoughts and his lips curled into a smirk catching me off guard.

Huh, I really thought he was a stone hard statue. Getting rid of my silly thoughts I tried to focus on what we were talking about.

"You're not stupid as I had thought " he added and I twitched my head to the side with a silly smile.

"Thank you for that compliment "

After I said that his face took a 180 degree change, that cold ruthless expression was back making me realize who I was talking to. I slowly stood up and now we were face to face.

" I want you to be my Son's Nanny " he said in seriousness, I looked at this man then at my self in a wedding gown that was stuck on my body like another skin.

" What are your offers ?" I replied, though my voice sounded calm I wasn't so calm on the inside. I remembered those days when I had become a maid in my own home.

Every time father had a business meeting at home he would ask me to serve his clients and in that process I always listened in on their conversations. What I heard then was now coming hand in hand right now.

"A roof over your head , a monthly Salary and... New clothes " he whispered the last part looking me up and down and that didn't sound so good to me.

"A month " I replied calmly and confusion graced his expression " I will do this for only a month then you have to let me go " I added.

He stared at me and I stared back, my emerald eyes locked with grey ones. It is now that I noticed how beautiful his eyes are, they had blacks specks in them if you looked closely.

Silence roamed around us but I wasn't going to back down right now, we hadn't discussed the salary yet and I didn't mind because no matter how small the amount was it would be helpful in some way.

After minutes of staring he nodded then turned to look away from me " Deal " he whispered in a dull voice and I almost jumped up and down in celebration.

With a goofy smile I waited for his next words but in all this I still couldn't believe that he came back, did he feel any pity for me ?

I looked down at the pavement where I had been sitting earlier, that's where I was going to spend my night under this rain but then his here to give me a roof over my head.

I had many grateful words at the tip of my tongue all for him but I couldn't say it because he will just over look everything.

"We should get going " he stated firmly and before I could reply he turned his back to me and walked over to his car. I realized he had parked so close to where I was sitting but I didn't notice until now.

I immediately followed, though I was happy it didn't stop the nervousness from sipping in to my veins.

I was just going to follow a person I don't really know to his home, what if he was about to kill me or do something like Arthur did to me.

I halted in my steps and my whole body started to shake so badly, I started to feel like every part of body inched. My face blanched and I took a step back from the car shaking my head, that's how I got in to Arthur's car and he destroyed my life.

No I can't repeat the same mistake, it will happen again. This is also a man and men hurt me so badly. I took another step back all of a sudden, that that I was running from started to appear in my mind, they will hurt me.

Every single thing that happened between me and Arthur was playing like a movie in my mind and my head started to ache so badly like it was about bust off.

The photo frame in my hand went to the floor, it's glass crashing into pieces while I screamed as I brought both my hands to the sides of my head as if that would take it all away.

The urge to ran far away from all this grew stronger but my legs were like glued to this place as my nightmares hunted me, I felt a hold on both my arms from the sides and started to thrash.

He was here and his going to hurt me again " Please... let me go " I whispered in between my breath but it didn't change anything, the pressure was all there holding on to me.

Finally I couldn't take it any more and blacked out.