

Ella started experiencing pain at a little age, she thought it would stop with her father by her side but he betrayed her trust. She was handed over to the man that broke her, and her father made her promise that when she's eighteen she will have to get married to him. But Ella escapes on her wedding day and runs into a stranger. Daring to ask for help

Kabejja_Daphine · Urban
Not enough ratings
14 Chs


I was finding it hard to breathe and my legs were starting to hurt, while fear surged through my veins.

The presence behind me made anxiety swirl through my veins, the multiple footsteps made me almost cry harder due to panic.

My fingers tightened around the part of my wedding dress that I was holding with my free hand, it was becoming so hard for me to continue but every time Arthur's face appeared in my mind, my fear became the force that kept pushing me.

I knew that if I was to go back there I would die. Am not giving myself a chance to ever be close to him once again, my breathing heavy and rugged while sweat trickled down my spine.

I dodged through the trees for a while and soon I was sighing out loud when I saw the road Lana was talking about earlier in front of me.

Thinking of Lana, I bit hard on my bottom lip. Her pale face crossed my mind but I pushed it at the back of my head, I have to continue.

It wasn't time yet for me to start grieving and I knew it.

The road in front of me was empty with no car passing by and I was scared to stop and wait.

It was getting hard to continue running but maybe here I can stop for while to wait for any car to help or something but that didn't mean that Arthur's men will also stop.

I turned my head to look back with wide eyes then at my front, but they were still a distance away for me to stop or else I was about to faint any minute from now.

A wave of nausea hit me hard and my vision blurred as a splitting headache attacked but I didn't stop and kept stumbling forward, my feet hurt so much.

My muscles were so week making this very hard as I rushed in to the road not noticing the black car that was rushing towards me at a high speed. I didn't realise that I had stopped, my eyes wide and my lips apart, my breath stuck in my throat as everything around me froze.

Soon I was alert again and tried to move out of the way but it was late, a scream escaped my dry throat while my eyes fell shut as I waited for the worst.

the car halted right in front of me, its tires screeching loudly against the road, my heart drummed so hard against my rib cage while my whole body was shaking so badly as fear suppressed any other feeling in me.

Sweat covered my forehead while I slowly opened my eyes after a few seconds of waiting for the pain that wasn't coming yet, My eyes lowered as I checked myself to see if I was hurt in any way and I seemed to be standing where I was a minute ago not hurt.

I sighed in relief though I didn't know how to react, this was a good thing right but why was my mind not settled, maybe it was because of the men that were coming for me.

I was sure any time soon they would be standing next to me, mostly dragging me back to that demon and that made another wave of fear surge through my veins but my shaking feet couldn't run anymore.

Realising that I had to move and the car in front of me seemed like the perfect transport, in that moment everything that had just happened in the last few minutes escaped my mind and I moved to it's left side then knocked on the driver's window.

I looked around in alert as I waited for a response, am sure that every minute spent here meant that Arthur's men would soon find me. I looked back at the car and with every passing minute I felt like it was getting clear this man inside isn't willing to help, I decided to move on and continue running.

My heart sunk, as I lifted my dress and turned around to start running in the opposite direction but at that same moment the glass of the car window was winded down.

My heart stopped beating for a minute and my eyes lifted to the car window am sure that ray of hope that surfaced could be seen in them.

Finally my emerald eyes met with silver cold ones, my heart skipped and my lips parted in both shock and surprise.

He sat in the driver's seat while leaning back in his seat, his black hair unruly while his metallic eyes not daring to leave mine. His pink lush lips in a thin line, he had a button nose and high cheek bones.

The butterflies in the pit of my stomach warmed up and I blinked like I was under a certain spell, every word that I had prepared to say got stuck in my throat instantly and a shiver rushed down her spine.

I felt the air around me change and slowly I lowered my emerald eyes while my long lashes trembled. Not even once in my whole life had I ever had such a reaction towards someone.

Time was running and soon I started to hear the footsteps from the forest get so closer, my heart froze and I shivered intensely. I looked up again at this man that was still staring at me

"please.. I need a ride " I gathered all the courage in me and whispered softly, my voice trembling like my insides.

The man's metallic eyes turned in to slits and he looked at me, though I kept looking around I did notice and it made me feel helpless, I was starting to sweat furiously.

I lowered my eyes trying to conceal my emotions before lifting them up only to see the car window being winded up once again, confusion laced on my face and my doe eyes pinned at the car in despair.

When the car started, I was forced to take a step back before it drove off while I stood there watching it go further and further away from here. A lump grew in my throat as despair drugged me down, a silent tear fell down my face as reality hit I was now on my own.

I looked at my left then at my right, grabbing my wedding dress once again and lifted it higher easing the hold on my legs. I decided to follow the direction the car had taken, maybe it would lead me somewhere.

I felt like hitting myself so hard for having asked that person for help, no one wanted to help me and l knew it but then I just had to ask. My legs really hurt but I knew that this was my only way to survive.

I felt rush movement behind me and turned my head to look, anxiety rushed through my veins and I increased her speed, no am not going back to Arthur.

Tears rushed down my flushed cheeks making my vision blur but I wasn't willing to stop, I stumbled forward almost landing on my knees but managed to hold myself back in time.

My feet were bleeding by now but for all these years I never had any self pity then why now.

My movements came to halt when a car reversed to my side, halting where I was. I looked up in tears and gasped when I realized it was that black car again, I turned to it.

I sniffed softly while watching as the car door of the passenger seat opened.

My lips curled in to a small smile and I almost burst into tears of happiness at that moment, without holding back I ran towards the car and got right in.

Before I could close the door, he drove off. I didn't mind and reached out closing the door and leaning back in the seat.

My eyes fell shut though the tears didn't stop, the tension in my body was slowly starting disappear as relief watched over me