

Ella started experiencing pain at a little age, she thought it would stop with her father by her side but he betrayed her trust. She was handed over to the man that broke her, and her father made her promise that when she's eighteen she will have to get married to him. But Ella escapes on her wedding day and runs into a stranger. Daring to ask for help

Kabejja_Daphine · Urban
Not enough ratings
14 Chs


We stood in front of a wooden bedroom door in the silent hallway, my gaze pinned on the door while I felt more afraid to look up at the man next to me.

Good enough he also didn't say anything and reached forwards turning the knob and pushing the door open to a bright blue room. I stared at the well painted and decorated room and felt only awe.

It was so large just like his house, the ceiling having a sky of its own with enchanting stars and then the carpet on the floor. My lips parted as I took in everything while taking a step inside forgetting the person that was standing next to me a while ago as I ventured inside to take in every thing.

My eyes landed on a small baby bed and I immediately moved over anxiously and more curious, I have been here for a whole day and haven't met the guy behind my being here so when the opportunity came across I didn't hold back.

And now I am looking down on the most handsome yet harmless boy that I have ever met in my life, he looked so peaceful while sleeping with his thumb in mouth.

I didn't notice when Vincenzo had moved closer and standing next to me until he spoke up " his name is Alessandro " he whispered faintly.

I got startled at first before looking up at him, he didn't seem to notice my gaze as his eyes were pinned on the beautiful baby that was sound a sleep.

Today I noticed a change in his so cold expression and the warmth in his eyes caught me off guard that I almost gaped with a jaw drop but I stopped my self in time because I didn't want him to know that I was staring.

"Miss Ella in all you do please protect my son with all your life " he added and I again turned to him, my emerald orbs locked with his gun metal ones that held a world that captured my soul immediately making me unable to resist whatever he was saying.

I nodded automatically not because of the effect of his eyes but because I wanted to, I wanted to protect such an innocent soul from all the troubles that this world had.

I looked back at the little man and smiled softly " I will do it Sir " I confirmed once again. This world isn't the best and I learnt that the hard way and now that I want to heal why not do it with this little one.

" You have to get out of this house as soon as possible " he whispered and I looked up at him not sure what he was saying.

His serious expression made me look at him as panic rushed through my veins, something wasn't right some where and my hunches were never wrong.

Vincenzo fully turned to me and now he was looking down at me with his hands buried in his slacks " Can I trust you Ella " This time round he didn't add the terms to my name and this showed that something serious was going on.

"Yes " I replied while looking down at Alessandro, though it was hard to trust each other since we have just met but I Ella know my self well. If you do me good then I will pay you with good and loyalty " You saved my life " I added hoping he can get what I mean.

He seemed to understand and nodded " Am going to rent an apartment for the both of you and leave a certain ammout of cash for you to use but don't ever tell any one that he isn't your son. "

Now this was getting more confusing, I thought I was just going to take care of the little guy as his nanny but right now it seems a lot more is happening than I had expected.

" I still don't understand what's going on Vincenzo " I replied cautiously because I didn't want to pry in to his business but that didn't stop the burning curiosity in my veins.

" When you leave this place Ella cut all ties with me because if you don't you may lose your life " his eyes were pinned on me as he said this and my heart beat accelerated.

I frowned in dissatisfaction " Why do I feel like my life is hanging on a thin thread right now, what's the need to cut all times when you're still his father. I can feel that you're doing this to protect him but won't you ever visit? " I tried sounded calm though nothing seemed calm with me yet.

" No " he replied sternly and if my eyes could open any wider then they just did. Vincenzo looked uncomfortable as he shifted around while looking away from me.

" At this moment am trusting you Ella because it's the only way to preserve my son's life, if I go near him then you two may not survive " he added, his voice getting more and more softer with each and every word.

Vincenzo didn't look like the man that had saved my life any more, he seemed to have aged more every time he looked down at his son and this sparked admiration in me. Though he didn't tell me much about the situation but it showed me he was a true dad.

One that is willing to sacrifice everything to protect his son and some how this made me envious of Alessandro. It made me wish all dads were like this and not like my father who would give away his daughter for his benefit.

My respect for Vincenzo grew more and I felt the urge to apologize for having judged him wrongly earlier but before I could say more he reached into the crib and carefully carried out the little guy.

I looked at his actions and they seemed more professional than what I would do. Vincenzo smiled at his son then leaned forward and kissed his forehead before walking over to me and handing the boy to me.

I reached out and took the child from him, the little guy was still sleeping unaware of all that is happening.

" Every thing has already been prepared, you will be driving out later " After saying that he started to walk out of the room.

" Vincenzo " I whispered softly and he halted in his steps but he didn't bother to turn back and look at us " will we ever see you again ?"

I don't know the main reason as to why I had asked but I did and anxiously I was waiting for his answer. I heard him sigh out of loud.

" It will depend on on what might happen and one more thing Ella" he replied and I held my breath waiting for his next words " I will protect you no matter what " with that he continued to walk out of the room leaving me to my confused thoughts.

I held Alessandro tight and looked down at his innocent face, I guess now its only me and him to start a new life.

Truly my life can never be peaceful for me but at least I have a little angel to walk this journey with.